how to process a batch of similar photos with just a few mouse clicks? mainly, "crop", exposure, sharpening....mostly telephoto shots of surfers, where I have the surfer in center, but too far away (crop)....low contrast shots during fog or evening hours (contrast) and other functions on similarly exposed shots....sometimes up to several hundred (3fps motor drive) * my m.o., is to fill up the memory card approx 300 shots...then come home and process each file (the good ones) the files come into my mac mini into "iphotos".can I make them come into "bridge" PS cs4??
I asked this in the Elements forum with no resoultion. If it can be done I may have to go out and buy the full photoshop. Background:I have a group of photos that are very similar. They are posed graduation photos where the camera and background do not move. Only the subject , who wear very similar robes, changes. The exposure of my D-70 with a bounced flash wound up being eratic with some good subject expressions being captured under existing light conditions and dramatically underexposed because the flash didn't fire (took the pixs too fast and the flash didn't recharge fast enough). The question: Is there a way in photoshop to take a group of very similar photos that vary in exposure, color tone, etc.,then select one master photo from the group that has the exposure, color tone, etc. that I want,and then batch process all the photographs so that all of the photos are changed to match the exposure, color tone, etc. of the master photo I picked??? Another way of saying it, How do I make the common background of each photos above identical in one step (or as few as I can)?
I used the FAQ section but nothing seemed to come up.
Basically I have 3 digital photos that are part of a panorama. After I load them into PS, there is a slight color imbalance between each of them, eg the sky in one is a bit more yellow looking than one of the others. So the question is, is there an easy way to select a photo and "color balance" it to match another, similar, image?
I'm using PS v7. I've heard that CS has Image-Adjustments-Match Color.
How to edit a whole group of shots in CS4. Like 300 surfing shots at basically the same aperture, lens magnification...time of day. Of course, toss a bunch that have no punch...leaves several hundred files to be edited. At 3 frames per second, I am overwhelmed (but secretly loving my new Canon sports camera)
Most of my shots the surfer is "dead center" and in focus..but too far removed at 400mm even! So I painstakingly crop it up a bunch...surfers like to see their that me? or is that Kelly Slater! Then a "ton" of adjustments to each file....but....mostly the exact same edits?
How to compare two similar solid model and found where its differetiate is, and how to compare two similar drawing let say rev.1 to rev.2 and found where its differentiate is?
I am using PS 7 and i would like to resize 40-50 photos from 10x8 to 6x4. I've looked in batch but can't work it out, I know it can be done in one go but how do you do it?
just wondering if there is a way to do some simple edits such as auto colour adjusments etc on a large batch of photos rather than having to do them one by one?? can then add the more specific edits ontop.
can anyone point me to a tutorial that would give me a step by step run through - or give me a few nudges in the right direction!
I took a week worth of vacation photos before realizing the wrong year was set in my digital camera.  When I open the files in Photoshop, and go to "File > File info" the year is wrong on  Description tab: Created field Audio Date tab: Created Date field Origin tab: Date Created field IPTC tab: Date Created field  I did File > File Info > changed the year.
When I do the steps one at a time, the year fields are changed properly. Â I recorded an ACTION that run the same commands.
But when I run the action, the year fields remain unaltered. Â Whats going on?
I have a folder full of images and I'd like them all to be in the 8x6 ratio, with white as the background if any canvas size needs to be changed. I can do a batch and make every picture a canvas size of 800x600, but if the original is 1100x240 that doesn't help me much, I'll loose alot of the image's width.
So I just want to convert the image's canvas size to be in the ratio of 8x6. Is this possible with Photoshop CS or Photoshop CS2?
I have several hundred small portrait photos of different size that I need to resize to a 120 x 120 pixels size. Currently they are not 1:1. I've previously used Picasa to resize images manually, and this gives me the opportunity of easily crop and resize so that the face is not cut or looks too small. But I need to do this in a batch since I have a huge amount of pictures. So far I haven't been able to figure out if Photoshop can detect the face automatically and crop/resize around it. The batch processes I have tried to create end up with the face/head being cut on several pictures. Â I'm using Photoshop CC.
I have 5,000 photos that I took with my Go Pro camera in hopes to make a timelapse movie in Premiere. These photos come out of the camera roughly 1900x1200, and I'm interested in resizing all of them. I know that there are ways to do batch resizing. Clearly resizing each photo would take WAY too much time, especially when discussing 5,000 photos.
I have Photoshop CS6 and I'd like to know how to create an action to save multiple photos in a batch command. I've been searching the Web, but I haven't been able to locate anything useful on this (except one article for CS5). Seems a bit odd. Anyway, I already know how to create an action, but what I'm stuck on is having the action pause and open a dialogue box so I can do things like name a photo, choose the size I want in the Save for Web dialogue, etc.
I've got a number of images that are 300dpi which I need to save for the web. I've been able to take one image and change the dpi to 72 and then go into Image Ready and shrink the size some more. I've tried to automate the process but after I run a batch I actually get the files back double their original size. What might I be doing wrong here? I'm using PS 7 and, while in no way a professional, I can get by... except for this bit obviously! So, what's the best way to automate the process of turning my files into nice, lean web-ready images?
I have 160+ photos of different sizes (but mostly 1600 x 1200). I'm running them in a loop for my screensaver. I transferred them to my cellphone, to be used as wallpaper, but they're too big to fit the screen. I can only see a portion of the image. So I'd like to reduce the size for them all, without having to do each one individually (and tediously).
I have done LOTS of detailed research into ppi, dpi etc.
I believe I do understand the difference. Whenever I open a picture in gimp it opens at 72ppi. I wish to scale all my photos to 300 ppi so i can use a template I made of the exact same size paper as my printer uses without having to worry about the printer rescaling my photos from 72 ppi to whatever dpi it needs.
I have converted lots manually and am assured that this works for my purposes (not professional just scrapbook and photo album prints)
I have two questions though; 1. Is there a freeware program, or a way through gimp, that I can batch convert multiple files up to 300ppi. 2. Why when I change the ppi of a photo does the filesize become larger? Surely the ppi is just a reference number to know how many pixels to display and to convert for printing?
I have about 10,000 photos that were taken with cell phone camera. I have to sharpen and save. They are photos of pages of books. Is there a way to make batch file of every 100 or so of the photos and edit them?
I would like to take my many photos and videos and be able to batch edit a folder's worth at a time after they have been added to my timeline. I have several that have the same lighting problems and that would save me allot of time.
How long should it take for an album of photos to be uploaded? Is there any faster way to distribute an album or large batch of photos besides uploading an album?
So I have an action that I've been using for the past couple years (?) now that involves opening an image, applying an auto color and auto levels, saving and closing. This has been working for me since probably a couple years ago when I made the action. Yesterday, I was working on a scanning project where I have groups of images in separate folders. I ran the action on the first 2 folders which went fine.
When I got to the 3rd folder all the way up to the last one, PS just loads all the images, does the levels and color then fails to save/close them when done. On one of my folders, it gets through a few of them when it drops the ball and just opens all of them. I'm not sure what's going on as there's no real explanation as to why this is happening.. especially when I've been using this action (and I even made a new action with still no luck). Last week I had about 300 images I had to work with and PS decided to pull this move on me after doing the first 30 of them fine...which is when I first noticed this happening. Â To further add, I set my action to show everything step by step and it seems to happen with select images (in some cases, these select images are entirely what is in the folder). With the select images, it is not doing the actions entirely in order. Typically it does it in this manner:
1-Levels 2-Levels 3-Save 4-Close  What I'm now experiencing is this:
2-Levels 1-Levels
(Skips 3 and 4 since it is starting at 2 and working upward).
Two of mine close friends are going to be wedded at the end of this month and I want to do them a a gift. In some of the images, I want to desaturate certain areas to give more attention to the primary subject of interest.
How do I do that in photoshop?
I achieve that effect the cheesy way: MS Office Picture Manager > Crop> resize to desire result> Print Screen (on the keyboard)> Open Paint> Edit > Paste> Save> use MS Office Picture Manager to crop to desire result.
There are two major problems with that: one, I cant get rid of the "crop frame" from within the image; two, the image quality is decidedly bad.
I have a photograph with a women that has brown/reddish hair against a maroon colored background and I'm having trouble keying her out. I've tried the Refine Edge tool and played with all the settings and it isn't working very well.