Photoshop :: Crop And Resize Portrait Photos In A Batch?
Sep 16, 2013
I have several hundred small portrait photos of different size that I need to resize to a 120 x 120 pixels size. Currently they are not 1:1. I've previously used Picasa to resize images manually, and this gives me the opportunity of easily crop and resize so that the face is not cut or looks too small. But I need to do this in a batch since I have a huge amount of pictures. So far I haven't been able to figure out if Photoshop can detect the face automatically and crop/resize around it. The batch processes I have tried to create end up with the face/head being cut on several pictures.
I have 5,000 photos that I took with my Go Pro camera in hopes to make a timelapse movie in Premiere. These photos come out of the camera roughly 1900x1200, and I'm interested in resizing all of them. I know that there are ways to do batch resizing. Clearly resizing each photo would take WAY too much time, especially when discussing 5,000 photos.
I want to create a flat image of the tattoo around my wrist. It seems as soon as i place a photo in Photoshop I cant do anything like that with it. I tried using different layers to place the different photos in, but when I crop one, it crops the entire image.
I have switched my "mouse" over to the number keypad like it says to do for the touchpad computer. I go to tranform image size and the outline surrounding the photo only moves up/down or side-to-side. How do I get the outline to move at the corners so I can easily manipulate the size? Either way - FN, CTRL, Win or other buttons do nothing to enlarge photo to where I want to set it. How can I accomplish this - any experts on touchpad conversion to number keypads out there? This is Win8 with PSE11. I just want this computer to get up to par to do some photo editing.
My photos are OK in the Organizer, but the portrait photos are cut off at the top or bottom when used in a slide show. I have checked the "Crop to Fit" portrait selection but it makes no difference. I have Version 9 of Elements.
1) resize a Portrait orientation image to a height of 800 pixels (constraining proportions) and then “Save for Web” to a jpg with a quality of 24% 2) resize a Landscape orientation image to a width of 800 pixels (constraining proportions) and then “Save for Web” to a jpg with a quality of 24%
How can I create one Action that will work for both Landscape and Portrait images (setting the longest dimension to 800 pixels keeping the other dimension in proportion)?
I am using Photoshop CS5 v12.0.4x32 and Windows XP Pro SP3.
I am trying to figure out a way to automatically crop a photo to say 4x6 INDEPENDENT of whether it is landscape or portrait while running a batch script. This is after I have done all my editing on the file (the first thing being that I turn the portraits the correct way).
I can sort (using windows) the file size and that tells me which are portraits and which are landscapes. I then create two directories, move the files to the appropriate directory and then run the crop script (making sure the horizontal and vertical crop dimensions are set correctly). This is a pain and wanted to see if there is some way to automate it without having to parse the files into two directories to start.
I have a 5" x 7" (landscape style) image that I want to crop in Elements 9. I'm using the Guided mode on the Edit tab of the program. When I use the pulldown menu and I see the 5 x 7 crop box size that I want to use, I click it. But the crop window that appears, is 7 x 5 (portrait mode) rather than 5 x 7 landscape mode. I can work around this by changing my crop box size selection on the pulldown menu to No Restriction, but I'm then just guessing that I'll get precisely the 5 x 7 ratio that I want. How can I change the crop box from portrait style to landscape style so that I can crop my image 5 x 7 rather than 7 x 5?
I have a weird behavior of Lightroom today on one particular image.I have this image of a train (portait) that I want to crop to landscape so I press R, do my crop, validate with Enter.I continue to the next image.When I come back to my train image, Lightroom automatically crop it in portrait.
When cropping a portrait format to landscape format (same aspect ratio) AND rotate the crop slightly, the crop resets after clicking away from the image and back. It does not happen if the crop is not rotated.
I want to use the crop tool to edit my image - I want the crop tool to maintain the image dimensions (i.e. 4x6), BUT I don't want the image to be resampled. All I see with the crop tool is that if I want the size to be constrained, it makes me pick a specific size, not an aspect ratio.
For example, if I say 4 inches by 6 inches and crop a very small section of my image, it will crop it, but then resample it and blow it up to a 4 inch by 6 inch photo. I really just want the ratio to be maintained. 4x6.
I had an action, at least i believe thats what it was, which would allow me to batch resize a folder full of jpgs with a click or 2. But long ago i had to reformat and lost it and can't remember where i got it or if i made it. I've forgotten anything i knew about it by now and was hoping someone could point me to an action like this i could download.
I'm using Photoshop CS and have recently scanned around 1000 images. I'm familiar with actions, but I can't seem to figure out how to automatically crop a group of images, as these images are many different sizes. I know I can set up a action that will stop and let me manually crop each image. I'm too lazy for that... I'm trying to figure out a way to remove a very small amount off each side of the photos, (All 4 sides are fine) I have this annoying white bar around most sides, of most images, from poor cropping on my part when I scanned the images.
I tried to build an action to scale a batch of images by 75%, but when I actually run it, it plugs in the inches from the file I built it on. So the image I built the action on ended up 8.25" wide, but it's a portrait. If I run the same action on a picture that was taken in landscape mode, it doesn't scale that image by 75%, it scales it to 8.25" wide.
How do you force a scale by percentage instead of absolute measurement?
Ive been using photoshop for a long time, and am familiar with batch processing. I have over 500 photos that I need to resize. Some are very tall and some are wide. Is there a way to make photoshop resize a image depending on what its aspect ratio is?
If I make an action with image size I can set width to 300px, which works fine for wide images. The tall images though are still to tall. If I do the same thing but instead specify height then alot of my images will be to wide. If I specify both height and width then my proportions will get messed up. Any ideas? I have to do this alot, and with ever increase number of images. Im sure someone else has solved this problem before.
is there a program or option within photoshop that would let me select like 20 pictures and compress them and resize them? i dont want to go through and manually compressing 1000 of my digital camera pics.
I have several hundred images with various sizes, and now I want to batch resize them into a certain height (1600 px). The width must be proportional to that pixel height.
When trying Automate --> Batch, it refuses to let me fill in only the height (since the images are various sizes I can't fill in the pixel width).
I have a folder of images that range in size... but for the most part they are all smaller than the actual size I wish them to be. (For example: some are perfectly at 250 x 250. Some are 65 x 250. Some are 128 x 180. The point being that they all vary. )
What I need to do is have these images created and outputted at a size of 250 x 250. Every single one of them. Unfortunately I have 5000 that need to be resized. What I would normally do is create a new image at the size of 250 x 250 (background white) and import the smaller one (let's say 128 x 180) and center it. Then save the new one. Easy.
However, I would like to know how to do this "en batch". I'm sure it's possible, but I have very little experience with Photoshop.
I recently scanned all my print photographs, three images per scanned TIFF file.
I want to utilize Photoshop's Auto Crop and Center feature found in File > Automate.
However, I can't figure out how automate more than once.
I have opened many .tiff files, and when I use Auto Crop/Center, it creates the three images. I can't seem to save them with Image Processing or Batch and needs to be done manually.
I have a ton of photos so I'm hoping Photoshop has a way to do this.
Ideally, I'd want to open a reasonable amount of Tiff files, execute something that would crop them all, and save them all into JPG's.
I do know how to batch resize photos using adobe bridge and then tools>photoshop>image processor.... and resize but what i want to know is how to batch resize images to a specific size width and height without having to keep proportion.
Because right now i have a bunch of photos that are 2896 x 1944 pixels but i need it to resize to 1920 x 1080 for a stop motion clip. However photoshop wants to keep it in proportion and resizes it to 1608 x 1080 which is not what i want but i dont want to have to do them one at a time.
I'm trying to create an Action that will resize images to a constant and absolute width (600px), and save as a JPEG with a filesize of less than 160kb.I've tried Image>Image size... and Save for web with only partial sucess. Image Size does not allow you to set the filesize as a parameter - you can only set the dimensions and resolution and hope that it comes out under 160kb.Save for Web does have an optimise feature, which does work for an individual image, but not for a batch. The optimisation is done by adjusting the quality of the jpeg, but when you save this as an action, it does not record this as "optimise the image for 160kb". Instead it saves just the quality % used when recording the action. Any other images processed by that action will just be saved at that %, regardless of their filesize.Is there a way to write the action so that Save for Web will dynamically optimise each image? I'm using CS3 Extended.
I am creating a photo gallery for the web. I will store the very large original images, a large version to fit in the browser window and a thumbnail.
I am creating these using Photoshop Actions and a batch process.
The problem is for the large images I want the maximum width of the images to be 575px and the maximum height to be 525px.
This means that if the image is portrait it will be sized based on its height, but if it is landscape it will be resized based on its width. (I want to resize it proportionally obviously).
Can I make it do this in photoshop?
At the moment some images are either coming out too long or too tall.
I am having is that if the original image is smaller than what I want the large images to be then I dont want it to make it bigger.
I have been going through my catalog & find hundreds of old pictures what I should delete as they will almost certainly never be looked at or used again. If they were to be reused I could probably only need a copy that was much smaller in size. Rather than just delete them I was considering making the files size much smaller.
Is there any way yo use the batch processing tool to resize hundreds & have them saved by overwriting the old copy rather than have them as a version set? I didn't want to do this one at a time.
In lr4 when I import photos in portrait form they are displayed in landscape. This didn't happen in lr3. Is there a solutionn to this problem other than manually rotating them?