Photoshop :: How To Manipulate Something Similar To This Image

Apr 6, 2006

Two of mine close friends are going to be wedded at the end of this month and I want to do them a a gift. In some of the images, I want to desaturate certain areas to give more attention to the primary subject of interest.

How do I do that in photoshop?

I achieve that effect the cheesy way: MS Office Picture Manager > Crop> resize to desire result> Print Screen (on the keyboard)> Open Paint> Edit > Paste> Save> use MS Office Picture Manager to crop to desire result.

There are two major problems with that: one, I cant get rid of the "crop frame" from within the image; two, the image quality is decidedly bad.

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Photoshop :: How To Manipulate A Vector Image

Jun 10, 2012

I have a vector image of a jersey and I'm trying to photoshop it onto a fictional character. The problem is that the jersey's arm is vertical. The man's arm that I'm trying to photoshop it onto is bent. I was wondering since the jersey is a vector image, is there any possible way I can manipulate the sleeves of the jersey to a bent shape so it can have a more realistic look when I photoshop it onto the man.

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Photoshop :: CS 5.1 - Move Tool / Cannot Manipulate Image

Sep 2, 2012

Downloaded photoshopCS 5.1 for windows an when I open up a project an uses the move tool it will not let me manipulate the image

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Photoshop :: How To Manipulate Color After Changing Image With Bitmap

Apr 25, 2013

I'm just starting to play with turning into images into halftone image. So far I've learned how to do it 2 ways: 1) using the Pixelate>Halftone filter and 2)Converting the image to grayscale then bitmap>halftone.

How to best changel color - not as whole but to convert different section to different colors - I've tried the history brush. I've dragged it into illustrator (which I tried live trace). But I'm not quite getting the flexibility of just painting different areas different colors. Also, what angles work best to avoid strange grid effects?

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Photoshop :: Plug-in To Manipulate Image With Digital Sound Recording

Feb 22, 2008

know of a PS plugin or a freestanding app with which I can tweak images based on digital sound patterns? I use PS CS3.

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Xara :: How To Add / Manipulate GIF Image

Sep 2, 2011

I want to add/manipulate a .gif image which is a 'loading' symbol to my website. I added it without any problem and it works fine. The thing I want and perhaps everyone wants that the 'loading' image should stop and then prompted to the website. Although it seems lame but it gives the website a cool effect and everyone thinks that its 'semi-flash'. So now I want it to stop after 2-3 seconds and then prompted to the rest of the website. Can I do it in Xara Web Designer 7 Premium ?

See the attachment.

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GIMP :: Take Flattened Image And Reverse That Can Manipulate The Layers?

Aug 12, 2012

Is there a way to take a flattened image and reverse that so you can manipulate the layers? Photoshop allows it.

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Photoshop :: Replace With Similar Image

Feb 22, 2012

Want to keep picture of house - but replace lawn with image of another nicer looking lawn(bottom pic).

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Compare Two Similar Solid Model Or Two Similar Drawing

Feb 6, 2013

How to compare two similar solid model and found where its differetiate is, and how to compare two similar drawing let say rev.1 to rev.2 and found where its differentiate is?

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Photoshop :: Remove Background When Image Is Similar Color

Oct 19, 2012

I have an image of a dog on a white background. I've tried several methods to remove the white background, but the dog is a beagle and has some white fur. There are places where it is almost indistinguishable where the fir ends and the background begins (on his neck). What is the best method to remove the background?

While I've used Photoshop a lot, I am not formally trained, so need input on what tolerance levels, etc. should probably be. I've inserted the image. Haven't purchased it yet because I'm not confident I'm going to be able to remove the background.

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Illustrator SDK :: Image Frame similar To Text Frame?

Jan 31, 2014

I am developing a plugin which is supposed to fill contents (text/image) from external source into a ai file that has placeholders. So far I am able to get the text part working using text frames. I am however not able to figure out a way to provide placeholder for image. Is there an equivalent of textframe for image? what are the alternatives?

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GIMP :: Select Specific Color From Image And Change Similar Color Within That Image To Different One

Apr 5, 2012

I want to select a specific color from within the image, and change all similar colors within that image to a different color. In other words, after using the Color Picker Tool to select a color from the image, I want to take the selected color (and everything in the image that is equal to or similar in color), and change them all to a different color.

I tried using the Path's Tool to create an outline in the image, and changing colors that way, but it changes all the other colors in the selection I don't want to change. I just want to change all colors in the image/selection that are equal to or similar to the selected color. How do I do this?

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Photoshop :: What Is Best Way To Manipulate Text

Jul 25, 2013

What is the best way to manipulate text in Photoshop?  Let's say I need to edit an "A" and I want to stretch out the bottom corners of the letter, while not moving the upper portion (wide bottom, skiny top)... what is the best way to do this?  I know the "skew" function somewhat moves corners, but I want to take the binding boxes (while in the skew function) and move them individually so it doesn't affect another corner.

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Photoshop :: Restoring Old Photo - Manipulate RGB Curves?

Aug 17, 2013

I am just learning photoshop and was trying to restore an old photograph. I did a lot of the repair work like removing dust, dirt, cracks and stains but I am having a hard time with the color correction. Spent a bit of time trying to manipulate the RGB curves but cold not get it right.

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Photoshop :: Variations Plugin - Manipulate Art And Prepare For Flexographic Printing

Dec 6, 2012

I use the variations adjustment almost exclusively to manipulate art and prepare for flexographic printing. With flexo printing we can not let separations drop off to 0% within an image. We are still film based output. The smallest percentage for highlights that will hold on plate is 2%. If there are any areas within the image that fall below 2% the plate may or may not hold that dot which in turn may or may not result in mountain ranging or dirty print once on press.
Using the magic wand > tolerance > contigous on or off depending of situation, I can make pinpoint selections to those problem areas then adjust using variations > highlights > fine > with each time I select darker it adds 1%.I'm using CS5 in 32-bit mode. Since upgrading to CS6 with no option of running in 32-bit mode I've been testing the shadows/highlight option for these adjustments. While it does work, it is not as accurate as variations.
Curves seems to be the best alternative solution to variations. With the Pigment/Ink% selected and Output at 2% I've saved a preset that automatically adds 2% to each cmy. Or I can adjust individual channels separately.
Using the variations option was much quicker than curves which overtime slows my production. I edit 15 plus images a day. That extra 2 or 3 minutes it takes me to perform the same task in curves that I could perform with variations adds up to about an hour a day.

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GIMP :: How To Use Checkerboard And Manipulate It

Dec 8, 2013

I am having difficulty understanding the concept and use of the checkerboard transparent area.

If I create a new image, it is only as large as that image. If I move the image off of it the image is no longer visible.

I don't know how to use the checkerboard and how to manipulate it.

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Paint Shop Pro :: How To Manipulate Layers

May 4, 2012

I have Paint Shop Pro X4 which I am using to try and manipulate images of postage stamps. I scan the stamp using a film/slide scanner and using the cmyk splitter can produce a good images of the watermark and postmark cancellation, which I save separately. On a lot of the older stamps the plate number, from which the stamp is printed, is engraved into the design of the stamp and quite often this number is obliterated by the black cancellation mark. Is there any way using layers, or any other X4 feature, I can lift the cancellation mark from the image to see what is underneath?

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GIMP :: How To Reopen And Manipulate The Layers

Apr 15, 2011

After I save a created image in GIMP and exit, and then I want to modify the image, is there a way to reopen it and manipulate the layers that it was orginally create with?

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AutoCad 2D :: How To Manipulate Data Links

Jan 31, 2013

How to manipulate data links? I want excel tables to come over and use their native excel formatting. I have a heck of a time getting them to look right (text size, font, justification, cell size, etc) and then when I update the link after making changes to the XLS, they get all cattywompus again.

I've never been real strong on text management in CAD; I'm always scaling text and doing poor drafting things like that. So I looked into Tablestyles and things a bit and thought I had it, but not so much.

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Edge Animate CC :: Can Manipulate An Audio

Oct 5, 2013

Can i manipulated an audio on Edge Animate? For example, i wanted to start only after 5 seconds?I tried to use trigger, even the play("number") but i don't know if it's possible,Here is the code based on the buzz.js that i am using

var mySound = new buzz.sound( "sound/01", {
    formats: [ "ogg", "mp3", "aac" ]

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AutoCAD LT :: Manipulate JPEG - Copy And Paste?

Apr 10, 2012

LT 2011- I place a JPEG of a logo on my sheet in model space. Is there any way to manipulate it as in moving it, making it a tad smaller, etc.? Am I able to copy and paste it

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AutoCAD 2010 :: How To Manipulate Object And Still Keep Its Area

Feb 5, 2013

Is there a command where I can stretch an object and keep its Area. Like a baseball when hit turns into an oval however keeps its same mass.

Not like the Stretch command that infinitely stretchs an object.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Manipulate The Intersection Wizard?

Sep 15, 2013

I would like to know how it would be possible to manipulate the Intersection Wizard so that I can obtain the required shape as drawn by the architect. In essence create a "round about" shape. see the attached image for furhter detail.

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Maya Modeling :: Cannot Manipulate In Perspective Mode

Apr 30, 2011

I'm using Maya 2011 x64 on Win 7, with an AMD Phenom and 8 gb RAM,.

The problem is when I try editing the object in perspective mode, I cannot. But I can edit it in other views. I dont know how this happened. It was working fine all this while. which button I pressed that made the Perspective view to lock up!! I tried switching to persp view from one of the other views, and it does let me get to the marking menu, but after that, when I select anything like edges, vertex etc.. it stays there and I'm unable to bring back the marking menu in the perspective view. All other views are fine. A little while before, I was able to work in perspective to a certain degree, and would lock up eventually (usually after I press the Q button to go to select tool). But as of now, even when I quit Maya and relaunch it and then open the same file, the perspective view is locked and I cannot bring up the marking menu to select the faces, edges, etc.. Only the marking menu showing Complete Tool and Select All comes up.

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GIMP :: Unable To Open / Manipulate PDF Files

Sep 22, 2012

I can't open PDF files on GIMP2.6 and manipulate it. Before, it was possible, but now don't. I don't know what changed on my computer.

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GIMP :: Modify Path - Can't Manipulate Curves

Oct 4, 2011

My problem is that when I try to modify path, I can only manipulate one curve, and then it won't recognize any more curves - when I hover the cursor above next curve I want to change, the cursor icon is that with rectangle, not the one with four arrows, and when I click on the curve, it just adds new node in this place. It never happened before. I don't know how else I could describe this problem, but I made a short video that displays it better: [URL] ........

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Paint.NET :: How To Move And Manipulate Text Items

Mar 6, 2012

How to create a piece of text art using I have been trying to create something with a variety of text element in different colors and fonts, and every time I switch to a new element, I seem to lose the ability to move and and/or manipulate the text items that I created prior. Not sure if this is clear…

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Illustrator :: Select And Manipulate Multiple Handles In CS6

May 7, 2013

In Illustrator CS6, any way to select multiple handles of, say, bezier curves, and collectively move, extend, rotate or retract them? I have found a few plugins for Mac - are there any for Windows?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Unable To Manipulate Downloaded STP File

Dec 3, 2013

See image below.

I can't seem to figure out why I cannot manipulate this file. All tool bars are blacked out like it has the "read only" property. Which was first thing I checked to try to diagnose this issue. I've also tried save copy as, checking in & out of the Vault. Deleting local copies and opening from Vault. Even re-downloading the same file. Nothing seems to work. Is there something I'm doing wrong? Or did whoever create this remove the write capability from it somehow. All I am trying to do is go into document settings and change the units from metric to standard.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Not Select Vertex To Manipulate Mesh

Oct 22, 2010

I'm using AutoCAD Architecture 2010. When in 3D modeling workspace I go to Mesh Modeling tab and draw a mesh box (for example), and then in subobjet panel turn vertex , face or edge on but can not select the vertex etc to manipulate the mesh. Am I doing something wrong for freeform modeling!

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AutoCAD VB :: How To Manipulate Existing Splines On A Drawing By Joining Them Together Via VBA

May 16, 2011

I'm new to VBA in AutoCAD I've played with Inventor VBA a bit, but the API appears to be drastically different.

I need to manipulate existing splines on a drawing by joining them together via VBA. To achieve this manually, the user would use the command SPLINEDIT and go from there. What is the equivalent, or how do I access the command in VBA?

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