Photoshop :: How To Edit Batches Of Similar Photos Of One Shoot In CS4

Feb 23, 2011

How to edit a whole group of shots in CS4. Like 300 surfing shots at basically the same aperture, lens magnification...time of day. Of course, toss a bunch that have no punch...leaves several hundred files to be edited. At 3 frames per second, I am overwhelmed (but secretly loving my new Canon sports camera)

Most of my shots the surfer is "dead center" and in focus..but too far removed at 400mm even! So I painstakingly crop it up a bunch...surfers like to see their that me? or is that Kelly Slater! Then a "ton" of adjustments to each file....but....mostly the exact same edits?

Here is an edited surf photo...done, one by one.

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Photoshop :: Resizing Photos In Large Batches

Jul 3, 2006

I have a batch of about 75 photos that i want to resize to about 8" x 6", Right now they are all at 36" x 27". is there a way I can set it up, so that they are all resized in one single batch, or do I have to manually do them one at a time?

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Photoshop Elements :: Delete Duplicate Photos In Batches Rather Than Individually?

Dec 1, 2012

is there any way to delete duplicate photos in batches rather than individually?
Also, I have not been able to register my product (I purchased it about a week ago.  There is no serial number on the box or on the envelope the disc came in nor is it on the disc itself.  I've tried contacting support but when I click on the link that tells me there is an agent available, nothing happens.

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Photoshop :: Batch Of Similar Photos

Feb 23, 2011

how to process a batch of similar photos with just a few mouse clicks? mainly, "crop", exposure, sharpening....mostly telephoto shots of surfers, where I have the surfer in center, but too far away (crop)....low contrast shots during fog or evening hours (contrast) and other functions on similarly exposed shots....sometimes up to several hundred (3fps motor drive) * my m.o., is to fill up the memory card approx 300 shots...then come home and process each file (the good ones) the files come into my mac mini into "iphotos".can I make them come into "bridge" PS cs4??

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Photoshop :: Equalizing Photos With Similar Content...

May 8, 2009

I asked this in the Elements forum with no resoultion.  If it can be done I may have to go out and buy the full photoshop. Background:I have a group of photos that are very similar.  They are posed graduation photos where the camera and background do not move.  Only the subject , who wear very similar robes, changes.  The exposure of my D-70 with a bounced flash wound up being eratic with some good subject expressions being captured under existing light conditions and dramatically underexposed because the flash didn't fire (took the pixs too fast and the flash didn't recharge fast enough). The question: Is there a way in photoshop to take a group of very similar photos that vary in exposure, color tone, etc.,then select one master photo from the group that has the exposure, color tone, etc. that I want,and then batch process all the photographs so that all of the photos are changed to match the exposure, color tone, etc. of the master photo I picked??? Another way of saying it, How do I make the common background of each photos above identical in one step (or as few as I can)?

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Photoshop :: Color Matching Similar Photos

Apr 27, 2005

I used the FAQ section but nothing seemed to come up.

Basically I have 3 digital photos that are part of a panorama. After I load them into PS, there is a slight color imbalance between each of them, eg the sky in one is a bit more yellow looking than one of the others. So the question is, is there an easy way to select a photo and "color balance" it to match another, similar, image?

I'm using PS v7. I've heard that CS has Image-Adjustments-Match Color.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Compare Two Similar Solid Model Or Two Similar Drawing

Feb 6, 2013

How to compare two similar solid model and found where its differetiate is, and how to compare two similar drawing let say rev.1 to rev.2 and found where its differentiate is?

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Photoshop :: Thumbnail Batches?

Aug 8, 2005

how to create batches of thumbnails in photoshop (or a good plugin)?

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Photoshop :: Batches In One Action

Jul 6, 2004

I'm a photographer and would like to do 3 batches for 3 folders
(I do photokit creative sharpening so I have 3 folders for the different sharpenings each)

I'm also a bit lazy and would like Photoshop CS to do these batches automatically without me having to go through the menu each time to select the "new" folders that should be batched.

For this purpose I wanted to define the 3 batches into one action.
Problem: It didn't work

When I click on stop recording the action after the batch is done the action is not recorded

I also tried with an action in a new set, is there some special magic to be done to get this working ?

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Photoshop :: Batches, Droplets And Automations

Jun 13, 2004

I have several hundred JPEG images in a folder that I want to change to PDF's. There is something about the particular JPEGS that I have obtained that won't let me import them into Final Cut Pro. However, I can open them in Adobe Photoshop 7 (for MAC), and then resave them as JPEG's or PDF's, and once I've done that, they import fine for me into Final Cut Pro. Since I'm working with several hundred images at a time, (and do this process alot) and have to convert them all, I've tried automating the process by creating a BATCH or DROPLET Instruction. I tell the dialog boxes what folder I want the images to be taken from, I tell it I want to turn them into PDF's with the same names, and I tell it what folder I want those new files saved to.

The problem is that when using either a BATCH or DROPLET, Photoshop opens all the images, but it won't go any further. It prompts ME to SAVE the photo's and pick the size compression and tell it what folder to save them to even though I've already made those selections in the automation process.

While it saves me a little time to have it open all the files for me, I thought
the idea of a BATCH or DROPLET was that you didn't have to actually TOUCH or Manually save anything,....that photoshop does the whole process for you.

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Photoshop :: Saving Files In JPEG In Batches

Jan 16, 2004

I try to save a few files in JPEG format in batches:

1. First, under Action, I open a file and include what functions to perform

2. then I save it in JPEG format which prompted a dialog box that asked for quality.

3. after I'm done creating the Action, I run the Action in batch mode.

But for each file, Photoshop generates that JPEG save dialog box for quality. this means that I have to click or press enter for every single file even while Photoshop is processing in batches!

So how do I supress that dialog box when running in batch mode and let photoshop save everything in JPEG format without pausing and at the quality I have determined when I created the Action?

I'm using Photoshop 7.01 on windows

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Photoshop :: Shrinking File Size In Batches

Dec 12, 2008

I've got a number of images that are 300dpi which I need to save for the web. I've been able to take one image and change the dpi to 72 and then go into Image Ready and shrink the size some more. I've tried to automate the process but after I run a batch I actually get the files back double their original size. What might I be doing wrong here? I'm using PS 7 and, while in no way a professional, I can get by... except for this bit obviously! So, what's the best way to automate the process of turning my files into nice, lean web-ready images?

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Photoshop :: First Model Shoot ?

Aug 24, 2007

I've had the initial idea of using my camera to take a reasonably good composition, with moderately good lighting etc, but I'd like to use Photoshop to adjust and tweak the image.

As up until now, I've done just transport (in particular, aviation and aircraft) action shots of transport and still objects... However, not much in the way of human photography.

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Photoshop :: Trying To Edit Photos

Aug 5, 2009

Just downloaded photoshop to edit my holiday photos and i can not make any sence of this program.  I am trying to get rid of red eye, blemishes, enhance col and change col.... 

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Photoshop :: Won't Let To Edit Photos Anymore?

Aug 3, 2012

Why won't photoshop let me edit my photos I am a photographer and my photos need more editing but photoshop will open the tools but nothing happens with any of the tools!

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Photoshop Elements :: Edit RAW Photos In 11?

Sep 15, 2013

When I open a RAW file it does not bring up the adjustment tab?  I'm not sure if I could have deleted this somehow from my workspace?  If so, how do I get it back or install it again?

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Photoshop Elements :: 10 - How To Edit Still Photos

May 16, 2013

I just bought PE 10 and it appears to be only a video editing program. I am interested in using it for changing the coloring, deleting segments of the photo, using blur tools, etc. I cannot find any "tool bar" or options for this.

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Photoshop Elements :: How To Upload Several Batches Of Pictures To Existing Album

Dec 7, 2012

I have many photo albums on Facebook.  Using Organizer 10/Share I was able to upload several  "batches" of pics to an existing album even though the dropdown list of existing albums only showed 2, one of them was the one I wanted so all was good.  Then on about the fifth load the target FB album disappeared from the list leaving only the FB Wall album.  Seems like a bug to me.

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Photoshop :: Edit My Photos :: Clean The Face

Aug 4, 2009

how to edit/fix a photo of a person ? for example to make a clean face etc .

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Photoshop Elements :: Using Layers To Edit Photos On 12?

Feb 1, 2014

I am still having a difficult time understanding how to use layers to edit photos in photoshop elements 12. All of the tutorials I have viewed about this have one common theme: the best way to edit photos in photoshop is to create multiple "layers" of the original background image so that different types of edits can be made to each layer, and not the original. This way the edits made to each layer can be compared to the original to make sure everything looks the way it should. Once all the edits have been made, then each layer is merged into one final touched up image, correct? Here is what is driving me mad. I have been lead to believe that when I edit a layer of an image, that any edits I make are only supposed to show up in the active layer and not in the original or any of the other layers I create. Is this true? If so, how can I set up my editor so that the edits I am making are only showing up in the layer I am actually working on? It seems to me that if the edits I make are going to show up in every layer, along with the original, then there is no need to use layers at all for editing photos.

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Photoshop Elements :: Edit Camera Raw Photos

Dec 5, 2012

Can I edit my camera raw photos in both Photoshop elements 9 and light-room 4?

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Photoshop Elements :: Unable To Edit Photos?

Feb 24, 2013

I can not edit photos.When I try, a window pops -up "Licensing for this product has stopped working". Error :150:30. What do I do?

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Photoshop Elements :: Edit Lightroom 4 Photos In 11?

Feb 27, 2013

How do you edit Lightroom 4 photos in PSE 11?

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Photoshop Elements :: 10 Converting Files To JPEG (Shoot In RAW)

Oct 13, 2012

I shoot in RAW but for some strange reason Elements 10 has started to convert the files to JPEG.  For example, if I open the file in iPhoto the file extension is shown as RAW. If I then import the file into Elements Organizer and then subsequently try to edit that file it shows the file extension as JPEG!  Previously a RAW file would automatically open for editing in Camera Raw so I have clearly altered something somewhere! 

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Photoshop :: How To Resize And Edit Multiple Photos Then Save All At Once

Nov 11, 2013

Photoshop CS6
MacBook Pro

I have a bunch of product photos that I need to resize to a square (1200x1200). I thought I might be able to import them all into Photoshop, resize them to fit the canvas.... center them all, one by one (not all photos are centered, this is my other issue) and then save them all at once. I have done all the above but cant figure out how to save each layer, as their respective layer name (ie. default photo name) with out flattening the layer and manually saving each one, one by one.
how to save as it wasnt a recorded action since all photos had some individual tweaking to center them on the canvas after I did a group (transform) resize.

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Photoshop Elements :: How To Use Layers To Edit Digital Photos

Feb 1, 2014

I'm still having a difficult time understanding how to use layers to edit digitial photos in photoshop. Based on every tutorial I've tried, I have found a common theme: the best way to edit photos is by creating copies of the original image and making different types of edits to each copy and then merging these edited copies into one final image that reflects all the edits combined. I have been lead to believe that the reason for making copies of the original image is so that edits can be made to each individual "layer" and not to the original photo. This way the edited layers can be compared to the untouched original to make sure everything looks the way its supposed to. Here is what is frustrating me to death. No matter how many "layers" I create of my original image, every edit I make shows up in every other layer I create along with the original. I thought that any edits I make to the active layer are only supposed to show up on that layer and no where else. Is this true? If so, how do I set up my editor so that the edits I make only show up in the layer I am actually working on? It seems to me if the edits I make are going to always show up in every layer I have created, and in the orignal image, then there is no point in using layers at all when I edit my photos.

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Photoshop Elements :: Burn Photos To A CD For Customers So They Can Edit And Use Them?

Mar 4, 2013

How do I burn photos to a cd for customers so they can edit and use them?  They are getting a locked message when they try to edit the photos.  I recently purchased photoshop elements 11.  I never had this problem with photoshop elements 4 which I used for many years.

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Lightroom :: Photos No Longer Stacking After Photoshop Edit

Jul 11, 2012

I have Lightroom 4 and Photoshop CS6 running on a Mac. I have the box checked to stack edited with originals.
I recently moved all of my photos to a an external Raid 1 drive - I did this within Lightroom, so that Lightroom knew where everything was. Everything seemed to be fine.
Today, I realized that after going to Photoshop and coming back into Lightroom, my photos are not stacking. Not only are they not stacking, but according to Lightroom they are not in the same folder, even though they are.
I am not working from a collection, I am working from the actual folder structure on the drive. If I go to photoshop, edit, save and come back, when it returns to Lightroom, where normally the new edited Tiff would pop up - now it returns a black screen, saying "no photo selected". If I go to the library module, the screen is still black. If I go the top of Lightroom and click on "All Photographs" the tiff file is there next to the picture. However, it is not stacked. If I try to stack it, it says that it can't stack photos that are stored in different folders.
I don't know where Lightroom is putting this Tiff file. The folder that I was editing from had 20 photos in it. I went into photoshop, came back with a tiff, and there are still only 20 photos in the folder, yet if I go up to all photos, it is there, so Lightroom put it somewhere.
When I go look at my external hard drive, the tiff file is there. It is right next the raw. In the same folder. So, it seems that Photoshop is putting it back in the right folder, but Lightroom is not.

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Photoshop Elements :: Transfer Images From Camera And Load In Batches To Multiple Folders

Dec 30, 2012

When I transfer images from my camera to Elements 8 they load in batches to multiple folders - how do I do stop this happening?

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Photoshop :: How To Make Interior Shoot (room) Have Straight Lines In CS6

Jun 3, 2013

I shot an interior.   How do I get the lines of a room straight?   I used the straighten tool in the cropping area but one side get straight and the other is off.

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Photoshop Elements :: Share Photos Directly From Edit Page

Oct 22, 2012

I have PE 9 and could Share photos directly from the Edit page.I am correct that I must now go to the Organizer Bin in order to share? So far this is the only change I hate in the program. 

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