Photoshop :: Swatch Only Shows Colortones - Not Their Quantitative Percentage In Picture

Oct 14, 2012

It is relatively easy to extract a swatch-table from a picture, but is there a way in Photoshop or Illustrator to display the relative percentages of the colors in a picture (for example: 70% black, 24% white, 2% yellow, 4% blue, etc.)? So I don't mean the RGB-percentages but the amount of a certain colortone in the picture. The swatch only shows the colortones, not their quantitative percentage in the picture.

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Photoshop :: Picture Shows Up In Wrong Colour?

Jan 15, 2009

when I opened up a picture I had drawn to start colouring it, it was being displayed in wrong colours.

It seems to be lighter and has more yellow and red in it.
I dont recall changing anything.

This is only how the image is displayed though when you look at it on photoshop. Because after you save it, you can open in in paint or whatever and its back to its original colours.

If i start a brand new picture from scratch, and then save it and open it up in another programme the picture is significantly darker and bluer.

So I think it has something to do with the way that photoshop is viewing the picture.
Heres an example using a random magazine picture:

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Photoshop :: Iris Blur Shows Black Picture

May 18, 2013

In Photoshops CS6 when applying an Iris blur the picture turns black. When I move the pins around I see the picture but this goes away as soon as no pin is moved.
This behaviour has been reported on other webpages before but there has been no solution and people think it is caused by a graphics driver bug. I have updated the latest Photoshop and system updates.
Here is some information about my system:
Mac OS X 10.8.3
MacBook Pro Retina, Mid 2012
NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M
Photoshop CS6
Here is the system information from the Phtoshop Info Panel:
Adobe Photoshop Version: 13.1.2 (13.1.2 20130105.r.224 2013/01/05:23:00:00) x64
Betriebssystem: Mac OS 10.8.3
Systemarchitektur: Intel CPU-Familie:6, Modell:58, Stepping:9mit MMX, SSE (ganze Zahl), SSE FP, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, Hyper-Threading
Physischer Prozessor: 4

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Photoshop :: Open A Picture In Filter It Shows Only A Blue Screen

Jul 12, 2012

I've just started using Photoshop CS6 via Creative cloud. (Before i used a DVD version of CS5)I'm having a weird problem with the liquify filter:When I want to open a picture in the filter it shows only a blue screen... Why? What happened?
At first I thought maybe it couldn't'nt work with the dng format and then I tried opening a jpeg in the liquify filter, same problem.I've had no problems in CS5 and I'm working on the same computer.

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Paint Shop Pro :: No Arrow Shows Next To Picture Tube

Dec 25, 2013

I have a problem where no arrow shows next to the picture tube. I went to the PSP folder and they are there in folder 10. How do I get them into the program so the arrow shows up and I can add the picture tube I want to my picture. I am running Windows 7 home premium. x64

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Lightroom :: Zoom A Photo - Icon Shows Only In Some Areas Of The Picture?

Jan 5, 2013

I'm trying to zoom a photo by right clicking but the zoom icon shows only in some areas of the picture (mostly on the left side). Everywhere else, right click takes me to the next photo?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Browser Shows Everything But No Model Shows Up On Workspace Screen

Jul 20, 2012

It was working fine.  Then I just did a simple command (pattern a part) and the entire workspace blinked out.  The first time it happened I hit UNDO and it was back.  So I got out of the drawing and got back in and tried the pattern again. Same issue but this time when I hit UNDO it would not come back.  I closed the file without saving and when I went back in the file the workspace is still nothing but white screen.  In the browser everything is still visible except for those that I had already changed to invisible.  I tried making an invisible to visible and nothing happened.  I got out and tried opening the "old version" which should've been before any of this happened and it is also blank.  I can go to an ipt or iam in the browser and hit open and it will open in another screen just fine.  I just can't see my main assembly.  I have Inventor 2012.  It shows no errors or messages.  I have even rebooted.  

I looked thru the forum and found a past issue back in 2005 identical.  I tried doing Find in Window on an item in the browser but for some reason that option is not even in the list when I right click.

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Photoshop :: CS5 - Get Percentage Value In Curves?

Jul 30, 2013

How do I get a percentage value in Curves-in CS5 it used to be command-click would make a dot on a point on the curve, to allow for accurate adjustment...

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Photoshop :: Opacity Percentage

Jan 18, 2007

This is something that i never really gave much thought - but what value do the opacity parentages really have?

See my assumption was that 50% + 50% = 100%. So if you had a solid black layer set to 50% opacity and you duplicated that layer one would think that it would be solid black again... but no is only 75% black. WHAT?

The other thing is that solid black with and opacity level of 50% over solid white is a true 50% gray which is half black and half white - do to half's not make a whole?

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Photoshop :: Selection Percentage

Apr 9, 2003

Who has experience with the "select"-tool?

In a picture I'd like to get the ratio of the selected and the unselected areas. That means: I select several parts of my picture (for example by using the magic wand tool) and would now like to know the portion of the selected areas (area of the selected parts, percentage, ....whatever) compared to the unselected ones.

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Photoshop :: Set Navigator Zoom Percentage

Apr 24, 2013

Any way to set a default zoom percentage value in the Photoshop CS6 Navigator panel?I normally zoom in and out using the CMD and + - keys, which give 12.5%, 16.67%, 25%, 33.33%, etc.I would like to set the value at the bottom left of the Navigator panel to 31.5%, then click and somewhere and save this as one of the default settings, so that it would replace,33.33% or come between that and 25%
A bit of a strange value I know, but I've found that this value gives me an image on the screen that is the same size as what I get out of the printer.bind having to type in 31.5 over and over again in the Navigator.

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Photoshop :: Removing Percentage Of Pixels

Apr 20, 2013

I am trying to create "degraded" stimuli for an experiment - specifically, I'd like to remove a consistent percentage (70%) of pixels from an image and replace them with solid black. It is important that the pixels are removed in a random fashion - that is, if I modify a series of images in this way, I don't want the black areas to always appear in the same portions of the images.

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Photoshop :: Relative Move By Percentage

Aug 25, 2011

I'm trying to define my own watermark (just a piece of text) and define it as an action so that I can apply it as batch.

I'm creating a text layer as the signature, and I would like to move this text layer to the lower right corner of every image. For this, I'm trying to find a move by percentage command that will work for any image size. i.e. the signature must appear at 90% of the width and %92 of the height, regardless if the image is 2592x1728 or 1728x2592 pixels.

How to do a 'move by percentage' or alternative ways to achieve this?

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Photoshop :: Set Default Zoom Percentage Value In CS6?

Mar 19, 2013

Any way to set a default zoom percentage value in Photoshop CS6?
I would like to set this to 31.5%.
A bit of a strange value I know, but I've found that this value gives me an image on the screen that is the same size as what I get out of the printer.
It would be great if I could do this, as it's a bit of a bind having to type in 31.5 over and over again in the Navigator.

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Photoshop :: Lost Percentage Indicator

Oct 8, 2013

Just got CS6 and I cannot find the little percentage figure that used to sit at the bottom left corner to give an indication of the image size you are viewing and allow you to alter it. I'm sure it must be in there somewhere but I can't find it - and believe me I've looked.

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Photoshop :: Wrong Zoom Percentage

Jul 18, 2013

I have a windows 7 based machine with 24gb of ram and a 560to geforce video card and 980x CPU. have just reinstalled Photoshop cs5 and newest update, Photoshop now opens images at a viewing percent that is a  lot smaller than the previous installation,  currently a vertical image is 16.7% and a horizontal 25%, these should be 25% and 33.3% to almost fill the screen. what can I do to get images to open at a bigger zoom percentage?

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Photoshop :: Batch Resizing By Percentage

Dec 16, 2003

I'm looking for a way to resize a large number of images, but not to a specific size. Because of the vertical and horizontal orientation of my various photos, I want to be able to decrease the size of photos I won't be printing by a given percentage.

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Photoshop :: Recording Percentage Values In Actions In CC?

Oct 20, 2013

I just upgraded to CC from CS4.  In CS4, when recording an action I could set the rulers to percent and a percentage-based value would be recorded rather than a pixel value.  For example, if I recorded the creation of a vector shape that filled the entire canvas, the step in the action would create a 100% by 100% shape, starting at point 0%, 0%.  This allowed me to run a batch on varying canvas sizes, and get a shape that filled the canvas no matter the size.  In CC, it always records pixel-based values no matter what the rulers are set to.

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Photoshop :: Changing Percentage Of Document Opacity Or Zoom?

Jul 25, 2013

sometimes when trying to manually input the percent number for either layer opacity or image zoom, when I try to type a number I just get a DING sound and it wont allow me to do anything. It goes away after I click a bunch of random things, minimize photoshop and then open it up again. Why does it do this? All I do is click on the percent number, try to input a new number but it sometimes just doesn't allow me to do so. I check all around the document to see if there is anything going on that may interfere but I notice nothing. What is it trying to tell me when it just dings and refuses to change the numbers?

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Photoshop :: Files Open By Default At Smallest Percentage

Oct 25, 2012

Never had this issue in previous versions of Photoshop. Just upgraded to CS6 and played with a few of the Preferences.
For some reason, all files open at the smallest percentage possible (as small as <1%). How to set a default open size, or if I managed to check a box that made this happen? It's really annoying to zoom in on every document that I open.

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Photoshop :: Scanning 35mm Slides - Dpi V Scale Percentage

Feb 1, 2006

I am batch scanning 35mm slides 15 at a time using an Epson 1680. I have been playing with the various dpi's and scale to find the best settings so I can cut the slides and paste them into Powerpoint for a lecture. What I have been finding is that when I cut the slide from the scanned image (of 15 in the holder) and place it in my powerpoint slide and then enlarge it, it is too blurry.

I have tried enlarging the dpi to 2400 but the computer won't scan it. I seem to get OK images in powerpoint at 90dpi and 800% scale but I really want them sharper.

How can I do this? Is it best to scan the slides individually and not use the holder?

More importantly, although the slides look OK on my laptop how will they look when they are projected onto the big screen. I do't want them to be too blurry.

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Photoshop :: How To Resize Layer In Percentage Relative To Image Size

May 2, 2013

Say I have an image that is 100x100 pixels. And I want to take one of the layers and resize it to 50% of the image size, so that it is 50 pixels. How can I accomplish that?
The reason I ask, is that have multiple images all with different size. But I have a signature (ie. watermark) that is always the same size. I want to be able to place this signature, and then resize it to XX% of the image it was placed on. That way, it should always have the same proportions.

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Photoshop :: Action Records Layer Transform In Percentage NOT Pixels?

Apr 11, 2012

I am trying to create an action that will work with some product images. Every image document I make is the same size (1000 x 1000px). The layer that I paste onto that document will always vary in size. I like my product images to all have the exact same margin. So I always use the transform command to specify that the width of any layer should be exactly 930px. This gives me exactly the same margin on my 1000 x 1000px document every time, regardless of the original layer size. I want to create an action for this to speed up the process but when I press record I hit a stumbling block.

In reality, I choose transform and set width to 930px.

Photoshop records me choosing transform then setting the width to 97% (or whatever).Percentages are useless to me as my original layers vary radically in size. I need to transform by pixels.why photoshop is recording my transform by percentage and not the pixels that I actually use?

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Photoshop :: Show Pixel Instead Of Percentage As Default On Free Transform?

Nov 17, 2006

i have to change it t pixel everytime i start up photoshop.

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Photoshop :: Image Size Can Default The Width/height To Percentage

Oct 25, 2008

I'm always changing this to percentage. any way to default to it?

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Paint.NET :: Resizing By Percentage

Mar 19, 2011

I have some hand drawn patterns that need resizing by percentage and printed. However, when I resize, it shows exactly the same and prints exactly the same.

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Revit :: Calculating Glazing Percentage On Facade

Jun 4, 2007

I would like to know if (and how) Revit can caculate the exterior glazing percentage on a facade.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: How To Have Percentage Format (%) For Calculated Value

Mar 2, 2012

(Again) how to have the percentage format (%) for the calculated value?I calculated the percentage of each area in proportion to the total area. I wanted to show the percentage area in the “%” format. But sounds not to work!

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GIMP :: Show Location On Image As Percentage

Jan 24, 2014

I'm working on a project involving DDS files. I'm working on the UI for the program, and we are re-writing and re-working the calls to DDS files. Part of the change is that we're changing from a pixel reference to a floating point %. However, my ruler options don't include a %. Aside from doing the math manually, is there a way to show a location on an image as a %?

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Illustrator :: How To Create Horizontal Guide At Percentage Value

Aug 6, 2013

For example how can I create a horizontal guide at 33%, 50% and 75% down the artboard?

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Illustrator :: How To Adjust Scale Image Percentage

Dec 10, 2013

How do you adjust the scale image percentage to extend out to the hundreths place instead of rounding to the nearest whole number?

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