when I opened up a picture I had drawn to start colouring it, it was being displayed in wrong colours.
It seems to be lighter and has more yellow and red in it.
I dont recall changing anything.
This is only how the image is displayed though when you look at it on photoshop. Because after you save it, you can open in in paint or whatever and its back to its original colours.
If i start a brand new picture from scratch, and then save it and open it up in another programme the picture is significantly darker and bluer.
So I think it has something to do with the way that photoshop is viewing the picture.
Heres an example using a random magazine picture:
I have recently moved a catalog from a PC to a mac (after 5+ years using PSE on a PC). I transferred (using PSE11 restore catalog process) 25,000+ photos across using the instructions from adobe and had it all working perfectly for a couple of weeks.
Recently all the photos in my catalog have become 'missing files'. The catalog is located in a custom location on the internal drive being '/users/marcus/pictures/adobe/organizer/media/media/'
pse11 now thinks location is '/volumes/public/users/marcus/pictures/adobe/organizer/media/media/'
The /volumes/ directory contains references to files on network drives (and show up under 'Shared' in finder). I have no idea how PSE11 decided to think all the files in ther catalog were on a network drive.
When I reconnect the file manually, then the program returns the error "The file exists in the catalog."
This error appears to be the one referenced here: [URL] ... being kb404560 but these are mostly windows based solutions. I have tried the suggested solutions without success on the mac
I suspect the problem occurred due to OSX's stadard process of mounting virtual drives to install new programs but this is a guess as I am new to macs. I have unmounted all recent drives
I am running OS X 10.8.4 on a late 2012 27 inch iMac 3.4GHz i7 mac with 8 GB of memory.
I'm creating a advertising video using a iPad tablet in the video. This iPad tablet rotates throughout the video with messages that popup on the ipad screen in different sections. As of right now I have 5 compositions within this iPad video. I created a 6th composition and when I overlay it on top of my 5th composition it would show up in the wrong spot. It either A: Only showed my 6th composition and not my 5th or B. Never shows my 6th composition.
Set up the settings tab in Toolspace to always skip to display the drawing that I'm not working in? I just spent half an hour creating expressions in the wrong drawing,
Elevations existing ground gives in the band not the correct value, I putted everything in meters but it still doesn t match with the label that gives the correct elevation, same problem with the offset distance in the band.
When you convert a document into cmyk the colour picker still shows rgb. How do you pick colours using cmyk? Has it converted the pixel values into cmyk or has it kept it as rgb and somehow is converting these rgb values into cmyk for the screen?
Whenever i open up a CR2 file in photshop the screen that pops up is meant to be grey but instead it shows up black with most of the txt showing, i can still use the sliders to fix the picture but it doesnt feel right
I have just started using paintnet and when i tried to print it will only print in blackand white even when the photo is colour. The print preview shows the image in B&W. How do i get to print in colour?
I am editing a drawing i have inherited from the previous drafter who is no longer working here. this drawing references 2 other drawings. one is the title block, the other is the engineering drawing. both of these drawings have white objects in them, namely, some text and some solid hatching.
Instead ot those white objects appearing as white in this drawing, they are appearing as a grey colour. i have double and triple checked that these objects are coloured by layer and the layer is white in both of the xrefs. they appear white in the xrefs but not in the final drawing.
since we are using colour dependent line weights in our printing, i would like to get this colour problem sorted.
In Photoshops CS6 when applying an Iris blur the picture turns black. When I move the pins around I see the picture but this goes away as soon as no pin is moved.
This behaviour has been reported on other webpages before but there has been no solution and people think it is caused by a graphics driver bug. I have updated the latest Photoshop and system updates.
Here is some information about my system: Mac OS X 10.8.3 MacBook Pro Retina, Mid 2012 NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M Photoshop CS6
Here is the system information from the Phtoshop Info Panel:
I've just started using Photoshop CS6 via Creative cloud. (Before i used a DVD version of CS5)I'm having a weird problem with the liquify filter:When I want to open a picture in the filter it shows only a blue screen... Why? What happened?
At first I thought maybe it couldn't'nt work with the dng format and then I tried opening a jpeg in the liquify filter, same problem.I've had no problems in CS5 and I'm working on the same computer.
It is relatively easy to extract a swatch-table from a picture, but is there a way in Photoshop or Illustrator to display the relative percentages of the colors in a picture (for example: 70% black, 24% white, 2% yellow, 4% blue, etc.)? So I don't mean the RGB-percentages but the amount of a certain colortone in the picture. The swatch only shows the colortones, not their quantitative percentage in the picture.
I have a problem where no arrow shows next to the picture tube. I went to the PSP folder and they are there in folder 10. How do I get them into the program so the arrow shows up and I can add the picture tube I want to my picture. I am running Windows 7 home premium. x64
I have two pictures and I try to copy a small part of one picture to the other.I did a rectangular selection of 2 cm square of the first picture and copied it but when I pasted it in the other picture the selection was now 4.68 cm square.
I suspect that's because the two pictures have not the same resolution. How can I keep the size of the selection from two pictures of different resolution?
I have CS3 on a PC and need to recolour a portion of a picture so that part of the picture is coloured in a Pantone colour and not the red as it is now. I have tried using Hue and Saturation and colour balance, but unable to make just my selection a Pantone colour.
I'm trying to zoom a photo by right clicking but the zoom icon shows only in some areas of the picture (mostly on the left side). Everywhere else, right click takes me to the next photo?
I have a picture that I would like to make black and white but with some colour. From what I can gather, I've to make the picture black and white and then add the colour to the bits I need after, however, the bit I want to remain in colour is a flower and the way the light hits it, the red is in different shades, making it impossible for me to colour it back exactly how it is.
Is there a simpler way...like select the parts I want to go black and white?
would like to use it to start making my pics stand out more. My first experiment is to make a colour pic into black and white, THEN bring back the original colours in certain parts of the pic. ie i have a pic of an old steam train, and i want to leave the surroundings in colour, but turn the steam train in the picture to black and white. I have been advised on less photoshop specific forums, to turn the whole pic to B&W, then use the history brush to bring back the colour to the parts of the pic i want to be in colour.
I am trying to use a picture to colour some text. The problem is that the text comes in the form of an image. So basically take the outline of the text and fill it with the picture. I am so confused with layers.
I want to change the colour of a picture frame (black) around the outside of an image and I am trying to use a (blue) from a 2nd image to do so. The 2nd image is an edited version of the !st image saved under a different name. PSPRo X .This is my work flow :-
1 Open 2nd image 2 Click the dropper tool on the 2nd image-the foreground colour in the met palette changes to that colour(blue) 3 Click on foreground colour box 4 Click on background colour box-wanted colour shows-OK. 5 Select flood fill tool
Then the foreground colour changes to white. Not doing step 4 ends up with white too.
It was working fine. Then I just did a simple command (pattern a part) and the entire workspace blinked out. The first time it happened I hit UNDO and it was back. So I got out of the drawing and got back in and tried the pattern again. Same issue but this time when I hit UNDO it would not come back. I closed the file without saving and when I went back in the file the workspace is still nothing but white screen. In the browser everything is still visible except for those that I had already changed to invisible. I tried making an invisible to visible and nothing happened. I got out and tried opening the "old version" which should've been before any of this happened and it is also blank. I can go to an ipt or iam in the browser and hit open and it will open in another screen just fine. I just can't see my main assembly. I have Inventor 2012. It shows no errors or messages. I have even rebooted.
I looked thru the forum and found a past issue back in 2005 identical. I tried doing Find in Window on an item in the browser but for some reason that option is not even in the list when I right click.
Whenever I create a new colour in the colour swatches it only stays there for a couple of actions while working on a project. I understand from others that once they create a colour it stays there. Why can't I get that to happen?
I am using CS6 and the Replace Colour Tool no longer allows me to replace multiple colours when I select the + . So when I have the panel open and I highlight the +, I used to then be able to click on several spots in my image and all of the colours that are in those spots are added to the selected colours that will be changed by using the sliders.
But now, when I use the + it has exactly the same effect as not using it - I can only choose one colour or an other, I can't add.....I want to reset this to the original way that this works.
Currently I have to open the panel, change one variation of a colour, save it, then re-open the panel and do it again (and again and again) until all the colour variations I am trying to remove are are changed. I know I also have the 'fuzziness' slider, but it does not give enough control.
I am designing a T Shirt for my ski club.I have taken an image from a banner (made in illustrator, full colour image attached) and I want to devide into a 3 colour image for the t shirt (I am only allowed 3 colours for printing).The colours I want to use are black, white and purple. The colour of the t shirt is a light blue.I want to then put the purple logo on top of the white and black too.So I'm after a black and white grunge background with a punchy purple logo on the top.All of this should be on a tranparent or, for design purposes, light bue (same as T Shirt colour) background.
how to split a full colour image into using only 3 (4 including transparent/light blue background) exact colours.
If I were going to black and white I might convert to grey scale and then paint areas to fully white or fully black using an overlay brush I don't think this works for me for more than just black and white though.
I have attached two of my attempts where I used the colour range selection and level adjustments. Niether was really successful though (one does not use the right colours or number of colours but looks quite cool).
I will like to find out the colour code for the background colour on a particular web address. Unfortunately I am new here so not allowed to post links so will say this as creatively as possible. the address is theregentlagos (with the usual prefix beginning with w and suffix beginning with c for all websites). I am referring to the colour where the menu items like logo, home, brands etc are on.
I've been asked to convert an image to 2 colour for printing. I have the image as a full colour CMYK layout (with layers), but the whole thing needs to be converted to 2 colour. I have the pantone reference numbers for the 2 colours it is to be converted to. I am familiar with the hue/saturation tool, but this just seems to convert it to one colour, and you have no fine control over the exact colour you want.