Photoshop :: Reducing Overall Length While Maintaining Certain Pixel Sizes
Feb 26, 2013
I have an image that is 912px long and 1px high..There is 1px of green at each end and the the rest is white.I need it to be 150px long 1px high in total.
2px of green (one at each end) and 148px of white in the middle.
I have a whole directory of images which I took with my digital camera. I want to post them on my site, however I would like to reduce their size to fit the html pages. I know how to perform this task for individual photos, but since my directory consists of many images, this task will be very time consuming.
I was wondering if there is any way to have photoshop make the same image size reduction on all images, by running some sort of script or any other way. If there is such a way, does photoshop also save the new smaller images?
I am making very detailed artwork in Illustrator that ultimately has to be uploaded to a website as a pdf file. This artwork takes ages to save and when converted to pdf format, even at the lowest quality pdf, the files are huge. What is the best way to get the file size down? Turning the files into low res jpegs somewhat defeats the purpose of making detailed vector art in the first place.
The artwork has a lot of repeated elements that could be turned into symbols but I'm told this doesn't fix the problem of huge pdfs.
[URL]... My problem is that my images in photoshop look good on their own. But then when I put them into one image they all become blurry. I save them in high quality, I've tried changing the ppi on the "new" document but it only worked a little bit. My Ai text that I place also comes in blurry.
Sometimes I can get them to look fine (aside from the Ai Text, which I do save high quality, or for web, neither of which matter) but when I reduce the image size or flatten the layers, it gets blurry and when I zoom in it's ridiculous how blurry they are. I just tried making it from a large canvas and just reducing the images when I place them, which looks good, but then, like I said, flattening and/or reducing the image both provide the same effect: blurry!
I've never had a problem with this until yesterday. I haven't changed any settings, but for some reason it's just not turning out right. It is decent for when it's at 100% but the end graphic is only 600px so it's small. I'm worried that if my client zooms in to see it better she will see how blurry it is and that will make me look bad.
I have created a file in illustrator 23in x 67in which is 137mb how can I reduce this as small as possible to be able to print it, as when I save it as a pdf it reduces to 27mb which is still to large.
For example, I have a 10cmx10cm grid with lines every 1cm. I want to turn this square into a triangle by reducing the length of the top edge to a single point. The final image should show the vertical lines reaching up towards the top centre, while still leaving the horizontal lines 1cm apart.
Using DISTORT will push the vertical lines up towards the top, producing uneven spaces between the lines. How do I avoid this? know it would be easy to recreate the desired triangular grid from scratch, but this is just an example of my problem. I need to apply the solution to graphics which cannot be reproduced again - i.e. bitmaps.
E.g. I select a red area in a photo with the magic wand tool. Then I want to reduce it exactly by 2 pixel around and fill the selected area then with lets say blue. After that the formally complete red area is now blue with a 2 pixel red border around it.
Another thing is I open a new plain picture, do a circle selection with the tool Ellipse Select, fill it red. Then I want to reduce the selection by e.g. 10 Pixel around and fill the rest with another color.
I it possible to do do such a reducing or expanding of a selection by pixel?
When placing photos in the web for sale and to avoid having these "stolen" what is the best pixel size AND for showing images of varying size (some heavily cropped) on a large classroom screen without looking like a pratt what would be the optimal pixel size
Next I'll have to find out where in Photoshop ELements I can do this as Ive only just downloaded the trial.
I have two art objects on two layers. I want to match to the pixel the two objects that otherwise could be exactly the same but one layered object was imported slightly smaller.
The scale tool has good scale handling, I just want to measure the tool spots to the pixel to gain an exact scale size factor and match sizes.
It blows my mind that somthing this simple isnt all that simple. I used the eyedropper tool to slect a color from another photo, then used the brush while fully magnified to change the color of each pixel.
It was coming out a weird greyish color, and I noticed that if I clicked more than once, it got darker, but so did the pixels directly around the one i was editing. So, i copied both pictures, loaded them into paint, and went to town.
It worked, but then when i copied it back into photoshop, it had a black background (there was no background in the original pictures) around the sprite I was editing. I tried to use the magic wand tool to get rid of it, but it took parts of the sprite with it, so...
Is there any way that I can edit the color of a single pixel (or hell, even a group of pixels if they share the same exact color would be nice...preferred, even) accurately? If not, what program could I use that would keep the transparent background?
Is it possible to change the length of a line based on the length of an attribute?
I'd like to make the line a MINIMUM length of X" (I haven't decided how long yet--but know I'll need a minimum). But then after the user fills in the attribute, I'd like the length of the line to change to the length of the attribute plus a small amount (again, I haven't decided yet how much extra).
I was wondering if there is a way with DB's to have a line "follow" or "grow" with the content/value length of an attribute. Maybe some method of linking the attribute width to length of the line? Essentially, it would work just like turning on the underline setting when typing in mtext editor (or any program with an underline option for that matter), expect that the line could be placed anywhere, and would not have to reside directly below the text.
With using superelevation wizard in Civil 3d 2012, changing the lane width is not affecting the resulted values of transion length and run-off length, Is that correct ? ( as civil is using standerd AASHTO tables which assume that lane width typically is 3.6m )
Also, There is only 2 tables for 2-lanes and 4-lanes roadway, Is it for total road width or for one directon only, and what about different no. of lanes ?
I am creating a block with attributes for a standard job. I have (4) total attributes in this block (for example: panel type, qty, length in imperial, length in mertic)
I would like my length in metric attribute to automatically populate based on the input from length in imperial.
I managed to remove the background, of an image,(A whit background) and put the image on top of a transparent layer. made a transparent image. When I place this image over a light color background, it looks fine, but when I place it over a dark color background, the edge of the image looks very rough and dirty, I think it's because some of the anti alias from the original image, how can I make it a clean image without going to delete pixel by pixel?
I have created a few graphics for my web site using transparent background layers. On my PC, when I try to Save For Web the background always goes white. On my Laptop my images are saving with a transparent background. In both cases I am attempting to save as a .GIF. The transparency box is checked when saving.
I have designed a small gif motif for a webpage. I used paths which I then filled so it would be sharp. However, when I reduce it to the size I would like on the web page (about 45 pixels) , the edges look ragged. I can't seem to get rid of the bitmapped look.
My pictures may eventually be part of a book and they must be a minimum 300dpi. I started out with Microsoft Windows Gallery and the crops and editing change the dpi logically proportionally. PSE11 drops the dpi rapidly with even a simple crop.
I will add the usual caveat,I would welcome to hear viewpoints.My task is to recolour the model's top – from cream / beige to dark blue / black, but obviously I need to make sure I keep the texture.
Since I have upgraded to CS6 I've noticed that when transforming an object it does not maintain the aspect ratio even when I am holding shift while transforming. I have to each time check the link button (maintain aspect ratio)
How to achieve this without the picture looking stretched, in terms of it's height. Everything looks constrained when you just do the image or canvas resize.
this is a stroke of a path of a bicycle sprocket with 32 teeth,after removing 4 teeth from 4 different parts(there is a pair of 2 different type of teeth after every 6 standard teeth,i want to remove 1 of these 6 in each of the 4 parts).
I do not know how to join up the open ends of the path to maintain the circular shape to produce a 28 tooth sprocket,the teeth size are not to change just the circle.
I'm trying to batch save a series of PNG animation files using the File => Scripts => Export Layers to Files action in Photoshop CS5. Each layer has a transparency and a shadow that have been converted from layer effects and "baked" into the image. I tried the batch save but it turned all of the transparencies solid with white backgrounds. Also the image size was not cropped to the dimensions of the object on each layer.
Lastly, is there a way to edit the numbering for each file? When the images were exported it created a lengthy set of numbers after each file name when all I need is a 00 padding.
For a website, my avatar must be less than 100px square and less than 30k of page weight. I'm having a terrible time doing this without the photo being a blurry mess once uploaded. The first two photos are relatively heavy because they've been edited, so I thought I'd try a photo that hasn't been messed with. I notice that even that photo, at 72ppi and 100px is still over 100k in weight. It will probably also be a mess