Photoshop :: Recolouring Item But Maintaining Texture
Oct 9, 2012
I will add the usual caveat,I would welcome to hear viewpoints.My task is to recolour the model's top – from cream / beige to dark blue / black, but obviously I need to make sure I keep the texture.
I have some black and white photos from my wedding and I want to add some colour to them. It looks like it will be too much effort to recolour the whole photo so I might settle for just colouring the waistcoats for a splash effect.
I have read lots of tutorials for Paint.NET and for GIMP [URL] Essentially I do the following:
Add a new layer Use lasso to select the waistcoat Use bucket fill with the purple colour Select multiply for the layer.
This gives me the result I am looking for, but only in the region that I have selected.
Not surprising really, but something that I can't get right and that seems to be skipped over in all the tutorials is: how do I select the area correctly?
Unless I go down to a really high zoom and spend ages with the selection, I end up either not selecting everything or I end up with leakage into other parts of the clothes.
This tutorial [URL] for a paid for product seems to let you just roughly choose your selection then it uses some algorithm for edge detection to make the correct selection.
Is there anything in Paint.Net to choose the selection like this? I have tried the magic wand, but the since the picture is greyscale, it chooses random selections all over the image instead of just the waistcoat.
For my 3D scene, I have to use a texture file on the floor. If I use the only file, than it looks really boring and below par. What I want is, I want to generate some (around 6-8) texture files within the original texture file - so the colors of all the texture files remain same but only the texture varies.Likewise there are more than 500 texture files and I just can't do them manually. Is there any way out to do this in Photoshop?
I have a lava texture and a ground texture. I'd like to be able to make some cracks on the ground texture that would show through the lava texture below it. Something like a cracked mud look. I would be using this for a game I'm making form some terrain textures. Are there any plugins that would aid in making these transparent cracks and perhaps even add depth to the cracks?
I guess a spider web where the spider was on crack would be something I'm looking for. Similar to the following image:
I have created a few graphics for my web site using transparent background layers. On my PC, when I try to Save For Web the background always goes white. On my Laptop my images are saving with a transparent background. In both cases I am attempting to save as a .GIF. The transparency box is checked when saving.
I have designed a small gif motif for a webpage. I used paths which I then filled so it would be sharp. However, when I reduce it to the size I would like on the web page (about 45 pixels) , the edges look ragged. I can't seem to get rid of the bitmapped look.
My pictures may eventually be part of a book and they must be a minimum 300dpi. I started out with Microsoft Windows Gallery and the crops and editing change the dpi logically proportionally. PSE11 drops the dpi rapidly with even a simple crop.
Since I have upgraded to CS6 I've noticed that when transforming an object it does not maintain the aspect ratio even when I am holding shift while transforming. I have to each time check the link button (maintain aspect ratio)
I have an image that is 912px long and 1px high..There is 1px of green at each end and the the rest is white.I need it to be 150px long 1px high in total.
2px of green (one at each end) and 148px of white in the middle.
How to achieve this without the picture looking stretched, in terms of it's height. Everything looks constrained when you just do the image or canvas resize.
this is a stroke of a path of a bicycle sprocket with 32 teeth,after removing 4 teeth from 4 different parts(there is a pair of 2 different type of teeth after every 6 standard teeth,i want to remove 1 of these 6 in each of the 4 parts).
I do not know how to join up the open ends of the path to maintain the circular shape to produce a 28 tooth sprocket,the teeth size are not to change just the circle.
I'm trying to batch save a series of PNG animation files using the File => Scripts => Export Layers to Files action in Photoshop CS5. Each layer has a transparency and a shadow that have been converted from layer effects and "baked" into the image. I tried the batch save but it turned all of the transparencies solid with white backgrounds. Also the image size was not cropped to the dimensions of the object on each layer.
Lastly, is there a way to edit the numbering for each file? When the images were exported it created a lengthy set of numbers after each file name when all I need is a 00 padding.
I burned a DVD of some .MOV clips, and the quality of the video on the DVD is noticeably worse than the original files. The size of the original files is 2.9 GB, but they are shrunk down to just 2.01 GB on the DVD. The bitrate is also significantly lower.
When I export a Xara P&GD file as a PDF, none of the photo edits make it through. I cropped & lightened a lot and they show up as the original darker version. I did "save" the file and all its editing prior to exporting it.
I recently converted from PC to Mac; downloaded and installed LR4, and it quickly recognized my photos and photo folder structure. Also, apparently each individual keyword has been imported. However, 3 problems:
1. no photos have keywords assigned to them 2. the keyword nested structure (keywords within other keywords) did not transfer, so they are all listed alphabetically 3. I don't see any history on the edited photos, so am not sure if I have originals (unedited) or edited. If I have edited photos, can I go back and re-edit (non-destructive editing in LR)?
I am using LR5 on one computer but have all my photos and the Lightroom catalog folder & files on an external hard disk. When I run LR5 on a second computer using the same files on the EHD most things seem to be working fine, the 1:1 previews, user presets, etc. But there are a number of items in Preferences and View options that don't have the settings I made when using the other computer. I was under the impression all the LR5 settings and preferences were stored in the Lightroom folder and would therefore "transfer" to a second computer assuming I use the same LR catalog and Lightroom folder.
I am using AutCAD LT 2012 and I cannot figure out how to convert my drawings to EPS while maintaining the scale of the dwg. When my artists import them in Adobe, they show up as an 8.5" x 11" sheet. How to change the properties.
When I import, or drag and drop, photos they are reduced to 400x300 pixels even I chose "Import as original, which was 3445x2584. So, when export the image back as a JPG all I get is the reduced image. how can I keep my original image size?
both playback and GUI use the GPU? I wonder if it would be possible to able to change GUI setup while playback. For example. I would like to play the sequence for my client (on the client monitor) while changeling the UI to the 1up view (alt-1) and zooming out the timeline. Basicly, i would like to maintain UI interactivity while Smoke continues to play. Currently this stops playback.
Another example would be; I would like to hit play as soon as the client asks but then still be able to resize my viewer or turn on the PPM meters without having to stop.
I prepare drawings for a client which include .jpeg images as part of the final product. The problem is: When I work on these drawings from my home office, I need to re-establish the .jpeg's path in order to work on the drawing. Then when I send these drawing files back to my client, they need to re-establish the .jpeg's path on their end in order to display the drawing properly. My client and I would like very much to be able to avoid this "re-establishing paths" step, where we can each open the drawing file on our computers and immediately see the jpeg image as part of the drawing.
I am currently designing a logo with the extrude and bevel effect. It is fine at full size, but when I copy and paste it and scale it down for another file--a.e. a business card--the effect is lost.
Why is this happening? Do you have to apply the effect seperately when the object is rescaled?
I've seen this done often in logo designs, but how do you arc text while keeping the vertical alignment as well as a straight line along the top, so essentially just the bottoms of the letters form an arc? I want the end result to look like the text below (I took the image from a tutorial for another program, but it seemed very complicated, messing with each letter node) is there a simpler way in Illustrator CC to achieve this? I know you can type on a path along an ellipse, but that doesn't keep the letters aligned vertically. I'd like for the top to remain straight across, and just the bottom of the letters form that shape of an arc.
We have not been able to work out why hot-linked URLs saved in a document refuse to come across to the exported or printed and distilled PDFs in any multipage documents with facing pages set to on.
It will work with facing pages off. This looks to be an issue that requires a fix.