Lightroom :: Maintaining Preferences On Second Computer?

Jun 10, 2013

I am using LR5 on one computer but have all my photos and the Lightroom catalog folder & files on an external hard disk. When I run LR5 on a second computer using the same files on the EHD most things seem to be working fine, the 1:1 previews, user presets, etc. But there are a number of items in Preferences and View options that don't have the settings I made when using the other computer. I was under the impression all the LR5 settings and preferences were stored in the Lightroom folder and would therefore "transfer" to a second computer assuming I use the same LR catalog and Lightroom folder.

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Lightroom :: Starting LR5 On An New Computer And Porting LR4 Pics From A Previous Computer

Mar 15, 2014

I started a new computer with LR5, and it runs fine. But, when I imported my pics from a previous computer running LR4, all the pics loaded into the new LR without any tags or processing. How can I get that info without having ot reprocess thousands of pictures?

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Lightroom :: Maintaining Keywords In PC To Mac Conversion

Feb 13, 2013

I recently converted from PC to Mac; downloaded and installed LR4, and it quickly recognized my photos and photo folder structure.  Also, apparently each individual keyword has been imported.  However, 3 problems:
1. no photos have keywords assigned to them
2. the keyword nested structure (keywords within other keywords) did not transfer, so they are all listed alphabetically
3. I don't see any history on the edited photos, so am not sure if I have originals (unedited) or edited.  If I have edited photos, can I go back and re-edit (non-destructive editing in LR)?

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Lightroom :: Moving Location Of RAW Files - Maintaining Edits?

May 8, 2013

I have quite a large amount of original raw files that I need to move off the internal hard drive. I now have 2 external drives that mirror each other for storing the files more securely, and have already copied all the raw files (quite a long process) over. I tried to setup a new catalog for the new workflow, not thinking that Lightroom doesn't mess with the original files, and have lost all my edits. I still have the original catalog and all the raw files still on my internal HD, but what I need to know is how to move it over and keep the edits? Do I really have to redo everything in lighroom directly?

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Lightroom :: How To Set Open Preferences For LR

Jan 26, 2012

I thought there was a way to have LR open in a certain specific place every time you open it?

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Lightroom :: CS5 Edit Preferences

Oct 15, 2012

I have both Photoshop CS5 and CS6 installed on my pc. I run on Windows 7 64 bits.
My problem is that in Lightroom 4.2 in Edit Preferences, the top panel "Edit in Photoshop" is "Edit in Photoshop CS5" and I cannot find a way to change this to CS6.True, I can choose CS6 as my Additional External Editor, but what I need is to have Photoshop CS6 as my MAIN editor. (At the top of the Edit - Preferences list.
Same thing happens when in Lightroom I choose" Photo, Edit in."The top choice (and the Ctrl+E)  is CS5 again. I can list CS6 as an alternative, but it's not what I want..I get Photoshop CS5 opening automatically and I just can't stop it!
I need to keep Photoshop CS5 on my computer for printing purposes with a Canon Print Plugin I have for a large format printer. And so  I reinstalled Photoshop CS5 recently. I wonder if it's because I re-installed it after installing my CS6 that's caused the problem.
Where in Lightroom 4.2 can I change from Photoshop CS5 to CS6 as the main top preference.

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Lightroom :: Setting Preferences In Camera RAW?

Jan 29, 2013

Where to set this preference in Camera RAW?  This note is from the Lightroom 4 ReadMe.  I can't seem to fine prefs for "Camera RAW."
Viewing Lightroom settings in Camera Raw

Before working in conjunction with Lightroom and Camera Raw please set the Camera Raw preference to: Save image settings in: Sidecar ".xmp" files. By default Camera Raw will display the image adjustments exactly as performed in Lightroom‟s develop module.

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Lightroom :: Preferences Lost All Of Sudden

Mar 12, 2014

Today when i started LR it acted like it was the first time again. it asked me for my country, serial number and registration info again. Once it started I found that all of my preferences, identity plate settings and things like that are gone. All of my photos are still there but something changed.

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Lightroom :: Specify External Editing Preferences?

Mar 26, 2012

Specify external editing preferences?

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Lightroom :: 4.2 Presets Under Edit - Preferences?

Nov 19, 2012

I have Lightroom4.2 ~ month & have taking it slow with the DVD-ROM insrtuctions & book.  The presets are fine on the left side of the screen; but when I try to access the presets under edit>preferences, they only show the Adobe logo.  (I thought I was following the directons from the DVD closely enough, but they are confusing when they mention to have your presets in your catalog.)

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Lightroom :: Set Preferences To Open Most Recent Catalog?

May 19, 2012

I'm running LR 4.1 with ACR 7.1 on a Windows 7 64 bit OS.
I set my preferences to open most recent catalog.

I then open another catalog and do some stuff in the catalog but when I start LR next time it keeps going back to a different catalog. How can I change the settings so it either opens the most recent catalog or I get prompted for which catalog I'd like to open (I've tried both settings) and LR still keeps opening the same catalog.

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Lightroom :: Toggle Grid View Preferences?

Jun 21, 2013

I am having trouble finding the location I need to prevent LR 5 from moving around my grid screen after using the paint brush tool or any tool to change it's rating. I would like to focus on tagging/organizing my rated files as my priorty but without my screen shifting to the image that's changed... if it would just dissaper to the proper loaction I would be much happier than having to scroll back down to where I left off.

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Lightroom :: Set Import And File-handling Preferences?

Sep 17, 2012

Set import and file-handling preferences?

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Lightroom :: Edit / Preferences And Selecting PP EXE File

May 26, 2012

Going through edit/preferences and selecting the PP exe file, but getting error messages when trying to edit.

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Lightroom :: Catalogue Preferences - How To Change Where To Backup From Show To Choose

Mar 23, 2014

In Catalog preferences how can I change where to backup from show to choose?

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Lightroom :: How To Get Back To Default Setting For Preferences For External Editing

Feb 12, 2012

I would like to send images from LR3 to Photoshop Elements 10 for editing and would like the copy sent to PSE 10 to be distinguished from the original by having 'Edit' added to the end.  I believe LR3 does this by default (have been reading Scott Kelby's book) but I must have done something to change this and don't know how to get back to this default.
Also at the end of doing some editing, the instructions in Scott kelby's book, are very clear, just press  Command-S to save the image and Command-W to close it. He's very specific about not doing anything else like choose 'Save As'.  But when I pressed Command-S, a box appeared and I had to choose Save As or Cancel.  Is that because his instructions work with full Photoshop but not Elements 10 or am I just not understanding something fundamental here?

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Photoshop :: Add CC And Lightroom To Second Computer?

Mar 14, 2012

I want to move or add Photoshop & Lightroom to a new computer. I read somewhere that the licensing agreement allows installation on two computers if they are not used at the same time, which is my case. Is this true? Tried to access the licensing PDF on the Adobe site, but it seems to be down.

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Lightroom :: Transfer From One Computer To Another?

May 15, 2013

I would like to purchase a new Mac before this good old Mac revolts completely. I store my images on external hard drives and have heard nightmares about others attempting to transfre to a new Computer.  How do I safely transfer Lightroom to a new computer with as little stress as possible? 

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Lightroom :: How To Deactivate V4 On Old Computer

Oct 15, 2012

Tomorrow I am trading in my old computer (MacBook Pro) for a new computer.  How do I deactivate and uninstall Lightroom 4 on my old computer?

In Photoshop CS6 there was a "deactivate" option in the Help menu, but it is not there for Lightroom 4.

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Lightroom :: 4.3 64 Bit Will Not Install On Win 8 Computer?

Mar 28, 2013

I have also tried running as admin and installing to my desktop, to no avail. Here is the screen it gets stuck on [URL]

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Lightroom :: 5.2 64-bit Not Using All Of Computer Resources?

Dec 2, 2013

I have the following custom-built lightroom and photoshop machine:

-Windows 8 64-bit
-8092 Mb 1600Mhz RAM
-Intel i7 2600k Quadcore processor with 8 logical processors running at 4Ghz
-Corsair SSD that stores Lightroom catalog.
When I am creating 1:1 previews from a Nikon D800 (Huge 74Mb RAW files) Lightroom only uses about 25% of my CPU power (sometimes it tops out at around 50% for a second) and about 3.3GBs of RAM which results in relatively slow performance. Why isnt Lightroom using more resources? It barely is using the workhorse components I put in this machine. Ive added a screenshot from the performance monitor during the generation of 500+ 1:1 previews.
Generating 500+ Full 14bit RAW files from the D800 could surely benefit from using the computers' full computing capabilities?

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Lightroom :: Accessing LR5 From A Second Computer

Dec 22, 2013

How do i access Lightroom 5 from a second computer?

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Photoshop :: Install CS5 On New Computer To Replace Old Computer That Crashed

Oct 28, 2013

I have CS5 installed on a desktop computer that crashed and I can't get it working to deactivate CS5.  I am going to purchase a new desktop and would like to install CS5 on the new computer, but it was already installed on two computers (desktop and laptop) so no activations are left. I have the Disk and serial number.

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Photoshop :: Installed CC And Lightroom 5 CC Onto Computer

Nov 30, 2013

I just installed Photoshop CC and Lightroom 5 CC onto my computer. Lightroom had no problems getting set up and is ready to go. I had an old demo version of Photoshop CS6 on my computer and was told to delete it, which I did. Unfortunately, it also damaged Photoshop 6 CC and I had to unistall it also. Now CC is saying it is up to date and won't reinstall it. I really need to start working on something I promised I would have ready by Monday and can't do it because I don't have Photoshop again.

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Lightroom :: Moving Catalog To A New Computer

Jun 7, 2012

I recently purchased a new computer, and I need to transfer my existing Lightroom (3.6) catalog to the new machine.  I have installed Lightroom on the new machine, and have updated it to the same version as on the old machine.  All my images are on an external drive that I can move to the new computer. 
Can I simply export the existing catalog, move the hard drive, and import the catalog into the new instance of Lightroom on the new computer?  Obviously, I want to retain al the keywords, develop adjustments, etc., that I had in the original catalog.

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Lightroom :: Sharing Photos From One Computer To Another?

Dec 2, 2012

Is it possible to share photos in light Room to another Mac?

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Lightroom :: 4.2 - Can Copy A Book From One Computer To Another?

Dec 3, 2012

I have a Book I'd like to put together.  Problem is, I have some phtos here at work to use, and some at home. Is it possible to copy the book from one compter to another, so I can work on the book at both locations?

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Lightroom :: Transfer Files From Old Computer To New One?

Jan 27, 2013

I bought a new computer and am trying to transfer my files from the old computer to the new one.  I thought I had it done right, brought the photos into the new computer, and then started working away.  I have now discovered, none of my .jpg photos brought over the changes made.  For instance, if I go into the Develop mode, all controls are set to "0".  I revisited the old computer, and they are not all set to "0" there.  What have I done and how do I correct this?  I'll never change computers again with Lightroom.

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Lightroom :: Moving Settings For 5.2 To A New Computer?

Sep 24, 2013

My computer HDD died :-(   Luckily, I have made full HDD backups quite regularly and haven't really lost anything.
However, I'm making a clean install of everything to get a fresh start.  Over the years, I have built up quite a large set of LR Develop and Export presets along with several custom lens profiles and camera colour calibrations.  Having started from LR2 then upgraded 'in place' over the years, I have a feeling the files for all these might be scattered all over the place on my Windows 7 installation/appdata files.
Apart from the obvious catalog file, where else should I be looking to get my fresh LR5.2 installation looking like it used to with a full recovery of all my various profiles and presets?
I think I found a few in my backed up %appdata% files but there is so much in there, I don't know what is essential and what is just 'junk' from older versions.

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Lightroom :: Get History Files From Old Computer To New One

Mar 14, 2012

How do I get my history files from my old computer to my new one?

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Lightroom :: Moving DNG Files To Another Computer?

Jun 24, 2013

I have a lot of photographs in Lightroom 4 on my laptop. All are DNG and tagged with keywords and caption added to each image. When I move these to Lightroom 4 on another computer keywords and captions are lost when I view the images in LR4. I thought keywords and caption were stored in the DNG-file. How do I move the files to another computer without losing keywords and captions?

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