Photoshop :: Printing Images From CS6 / Where Is Output Box
Oct 25, 2012
I have been successfully printing images from CS3 on an Epson 3880. Now that I have had to upgrade to CS6, I have a big problem. In CS3 When I went Print-> Photoshop Manages Colors to choose an ICC color profile, there would be a companion Output box, where I could drag the Transfer slider down to brighten the image. I can't find Output in CS6! Since choosing Photoshop Manages Colors turns off the printer's color etc controls,
When trying to output a file for 3D printing I get this come up.'The maximum number of history nodes in a solid would be exceeded.You may want to convert the solid to a brep.'
A customer sent us their label in an AI file. Trying to print this onto a 3 x 1 label (which is small), the output looks pixelated. Looks like the whole thing is a graphic rather than text.
I have attached an image of the label as an example. **Please note that the label is copyrighted. Please do not re-distribute or otherwise print.**
Unwanted objects showing through your printed output (and print preview), but not showing up in the paperspace display, when using 3dclip in Acad 2011 (mechanical) ?
PSE10 in Windows 7 environment. Slideshow original images are stored on external drive
I successfully output a short slideshow to .wmv. When I tried to repeat the output a number of images were missing, these were photos input as graphics direct from files on the external drive. At first it was only two specific images but later attempts others were missing. I even tried changing an image in one of the effected slides and the same problem arose
Over the course of the attempts I received the following error messages:-
I am looking to create a collage made from 100 photos (all taken high res) to be printed large, approx 120cm x 50cm. To be able to print this size I need to keep the high resolution and hence looking for a large file output.
This is not a YUV headroom issue just to be clear and Im not looking at a broadcast output. Using my Eizo monitor with smoke I just did a color correction and exported a prores 422 hq with and with out yuv headroom. What Im noticing is that the color of the image in the smokes viewer is more saturated than the output which is being viewd in qt 7 and whatever the other qt is. Im not talking fine details here, Im talking about whoa whats going on with this isnt remotley close to being in the same ballpark. In short when I tab over to the qt file and shrink it and place it side by side by what is in the smokes viewer they do not match on the same monitor.
I created a jigsaw puzzle from an image. All the pieces exist in different layer.
Is there a way to get the position of the pieces (a script or a menu command)? I realize I could use the ruler, however, I would like something that would be more exact and less tedious.
I am making a holiday greeting card. I have 16 very larged photo images "linked" (not embedded) into the card. The original images are very large (e.g. 4500 x 3000 px, 10mb) but I've placed them fairly small in the final card (only about 2" x 2" printed). Therefore, I likely don't need the full resolution of the original photos. I need to generate a final file that I can send to an online print shop, something that is ideally 10-25Mb in size, probably pdf. How to prepare the final file for export to pdf to generate as such? Right now, the final file is 275Mb because it is embedding the full size of each of the 16 images.
I am a relatively new user of Corel Draw. When using the variable data print feature, the images seen in the print preview look correct, but when the page is printed the same data is output in all 4 images. This does not happen every time. I suspect there is something going wrong with the print merge data buffer. I have not been able to reproduce the error. I have created a detailed script to for others to follow when running this job.
I cannot print photogrpaic images with my desktop MAC (OS X10.8.4) from Photoshop Elements 9.0 to my new Epson XP-800 printer. Printing is not a problem with Word text or images from iPhoto- it is only with PSE that there is a problem. The problem persists even if I try using a cabled connection rather than WiFi. I have ensured latest software from Epson has been downloaded. This problem did not occur when using the same system with the previous printer (Epson Photo Stylus 1290).
Any workaround of moving the edited PSE image back to iPhoto & printing from there (which admittedly does work but shouldn't be necessary).
I'm new to the site. I have been using adobe software for a good few years at this point, and i have been trying to solve a problem with my friends Photoshop and illustrator. every time she prints out work, its all off colour and over exposed like the colour preferences are messed up.
When printing a word doc or regular jpg images there is no problem. It only happens when trying to print in Photoshop or illustrator.
I have a small print shop and have had an issue with the new Photoshop CC not printing images with correct margins on and Epson 9890 and 11880. If I set the image to center on an 8x10 sheet (or any other size). The image comes out skewed to the upper left. between .125 and .25 inches to the left and to the top. I never had this issue with other versions of Photoshop.
I have just started producing photo books, and I am very pleased with the results. But then I realised that I should have changed the resolution of the images I sent to the printing company from 72 dpi to 300 dpi. I have just sent another book with all the images changed to 300dpi which should be good. But ..... I didn't do anything with the "resampling" tick box - I just left it ticked (mainly cos I didn't understand it). Should I have unchecked the "resampling" tick box?
if it was possible to send a single print job from photoshop to a printer so that an image1 is sent to be printed on page 1, and an image2 is sent to be printed on page 2. can 2 seperate image files be printed so that the first is considered page1 and the second is considered page 2?
I need to print multiple copies of a single image onto an A4 sheet with crop marks around each image. I have tried "contact sheet" and "picture package" but this doesn't provide control over the image size and I can't get crop marks.
I'm working in Cs5 and I need to speed up my working process. So I have about 2000 images that I wanna print. I'm going to print them on A3 and on each A3 page I want to have 21 images. So it's a very simple process of just minimizing the pictures and putting them side by side, but almost 2000 pictures.
I amprinting on an Epson Stylus Pro 4800 using Photoshop CS3. Although the printer will accommodate lengths up to 55 inches, when I try to print something longer than 30 inches, Photoshop crashes. Epson adives the purchase of RIP software. Is there a way in Photoshop to get around the length limitation?
I have just finished putting very many weeks work into Photoshopping a scanned image and now I want to print it with multiple duplicate unaltered images per A4 sheet.
The image is 15cm x 7.3cm, so theoretically I should be able to print 4 of these on an A4 page no problem. However, the solution to how to do this simply and without altering the original image at all complete alludes me. I have tried using google to find a solution and have tried the File -> Automate -> Picture Package option, but besides being overly complicated this also seems to alter the dimensions of your original image. I have also heard about a "long way" of doing things, which involves creating a new A4 sized image and duplicating your image manually 4 times on this page sized image - however I am also quite stumped as to how I should do this without losing any detail of the original image.
I am trying to get several different images to print on one page. I have an Imac and Photoshop Elements 9. No matter what I do I can only get the same image mulitiple times on a page. I have tried picture package and just print, neither works. IPhoto makes this very simple but I'd prefer to use Photoshop where I edit most of my photos. print different images on one page and different sizes if possible.
When I was using an older Photoshop version ...I could select "print with preview" and there I could adjust the size and proportion of the image to the paper size - I would see the paper in a preview box and could adjust the image by sliding the box at the corner points and size the image any way I wanted ... and could see the actual preview of how the image could fit on the paper .... in Elements 11 - even if I do a PDF and print in Preview- there's no way I can see to do that ... I only see options for set sizes- even under the custom sizing menu ... I'm using exactly the same printer that I used with Photoshop - so I'm assuming this is a limitation with Elements ... I don't even see the option in Elements printing to change the image percentage as I've been used to with any other page setup before ....
I have hundreds of photographs to print ranging from 2x3" up to 8x10" and I want to print them all off on a 44" roll and cut them out individually.
All I want to do is point Photoshop to the folder and have it arrange the images in the most efficient configuration for printing automatically, allowing me to set the color management on the document and the dpi of the 44" wide picture before I print it.
Image dimension: 297mm x 210mm Printer settings: Borderless, A4 297mm x 210mm Adobe printer settings: Printer manages color management, No centre, No fit to page Result: lower portion of the image is cropped. Adobe printer settings: Printer manages color management, centre image, No fit to page Result: lower portion of the image is cropped. Adobe printer settings: Printer manages color management, No centre, fit to page Result: lower portion of the image is cropped.
When printing same image from paint 6.1, the entire image is printed to a borderless A4 page.
We are using Illustrator CS4. Until recently, we had been using Freehand. When we place eps files saved from freehand, or open the freehand file in illustrator and drag the image onto our new templates, the image doesn't print. All the layers of our product templates print, and if something is typed or placed from another application, it prints fine. We can sometimes changed the color of the imprint and get it to print, but this doesn't always work.
I have a problem. I am trying to print an image that is 108" x 94" on 36" self adhesive vinyl. This should be easy right? After all it's just three 36" panels 94" long. ... tell that to x 5! I click the print icon, go into layout and from that point onward I am more spectator than print manager.
Everything I do to try to get the image tiled with 3 x tiles and 0 y tiles is futile. The scale of the image keeps changing, why isn't the scale 100%? I preview the print and the number of tiles keeps changing almost with every effort to print three tiles, at times it looks as if x5 wants to print the image in 8 1/2 x 11 tiles!
Do I need a Phd in computer programming to be able to perform this task which seems to on par with creating the universe in 6 days?
One of the clients at my work is experiencing difficulty printing using AutoCAD LT 2012. When he prints, only a blank page comes out of the printer. I have tested the printer and I am sure it works properly. It printed both a Windows test page and a color photo with no problems, which is leading me to believe that he has a setting within the program that should be changed.
I also would like to switch to a 2D work space so that I can print. Right now, all 3D images get completely pixelated when I try to print from paper space. How do I create a work space that is 2D so that I can print easier? My co worker has AutoCAD architectural and she can print 3D drawings just fine using her 2D work space.
I have designed a cd cover that needs to go off to print on Monday. Everything looks fine on screen in Illustrator cs5 and when i print from illustrator it looks fine. When i save it to pdf it still looks fine on screen but when i print it the colours are so dark the images are unrecognisable. The company im printing to want the pdf preset as Press Quality, it looks awful but i have tried all the presets and they all look as bad. Everything is in CYMK. I really cant understand what is going on! I have two deskjet printers and they both look terrible (one slightly worse though).