Illustrator :: Reduce Output File Size With 16 Linked Images?
Nov 10, 2012
I am making a holiday greeting card. I have 16 very larged photo images "linked" (not embedded) into the card. The original images are very large (e.g. 4500 x 3000 px, 10mb) but I've placed them fairly small in the final card (only about 2" x 2" printed). Therefore, I likely don't need the full resolution of the original photos. I need to generate a final file that I can send to an online print shop, something that is ideally 10-25Mb in size, probably pdf. How to prepare the final file for export to pdf to generate as such? Right now, the final file is 275Mb because it is embedding the full size of each of the 16 images.
I'm on Illustrator CS6 on Mac.
I have an ai file. It is exported from PRo-E, so there are lot of nodes in that ai file which makes the file size larger. Is there any way to simplify the ai file without disturbing the profile of the entities in ai file. I tried Simplify options. It worked a little bit. But i want any other option to simplify the ai file in order to reduce the file size in a larger extent.
Many of our AI-files have a tendency to 'bloat' to sizes above 60 or 100 MB, even though they relatively simple, all things considered. Â The obvious answer would be to save with PDF-compability, but since we need to link the AI-files in InDesign-documents, that's not an option. We have cleaned the brushes, the symbols etc. and all pictures are linked, not embedded. Â Are there any other ways to reduce the file-size?
After inserting quite a lot of linked images (without embedding), the file size becomes much larger, up too nearly 400MB.
I saved without pfd compatible function already, but the file size is sill very large. I did not face the same problem working with CS5 before, is that a bug for CS6?
I have a illustration in .iso(isodraw) format. I'm exporting it to ai and opening in adobe illustrator for removing unwanted lines(becasuse the .iso is exported from Pro-E). Then Im reopening it in Isodraw to apply some line thickness. Because i want the file to be completed in isodrwa and export it to .cgm.
My target is to reduce the file size to very minimal. The entities in the drawing has lot of nodes. Im using simplify option in AI to reduce the nodes in turn the file size reduces.
What are all the other ways to reduce the file size without distrubing the profile of the illustration. Otherwise redrawing of the entire illustration will reduce the file size??
In a nutshell Input is .iso.......Output is .cgm. By using isodraw and adobe illustrator software which will be the best possible way to reduce the file size.
My designer has created an Illustrator file on his Mac that has linked images. When he sends me the all the files and I open the ai file in Illustrator CC on my Windows PC, I need to re-link the images. One image can't be found at all.  However, if I open the file in CS4 it finds the linked files no problem.  Is this some bug in Illustrator CC for Windows?
I have Created few GIf images for website site but it not support big file size my all gif file size maximum 80 kb. i used few online tool for reduce size but after my images showing blur, I reduced file size and image still remain same. big file size take load time when upload in website, check example URL....and gif banner.
When you create a background from a layer the file size becomes significantly smaller. How photoshop reduces the file size? is it compressing the file in some way?
I have a PNG-24 file with transparent background and its current size is 1.5 MB. How to reduce file size or use PNG-8 file format and keep same quality ?
i wanted to reduce size of cdr file. I wanted to know whether we can change resolution ,colour ... its it possible to compress images with and without use of any software.
I am using X4 editing in 16:9. The original files are MTS. The finished is rendered to MPEG2 (usually 1.65G-1.8G) which can be uploaded to YouTube. I want to also upload to, which requires files smaller than 1.5G. What can i use to reduce the file size, yet keep the 16:9.
how I'm able to reduce the file size of a .mp4 when exporting from adobe premiere? Â When I export in on the defualt settings it's file size is 120MB, and I'm aiming for 100MB or lower.
I have load of files that I need to clean up to reduce file size (mb) without reducing image size. I have manually been doing this in tree steps; merging active layers and deleting hidden layers, deleting unused channel/masks and deleting all paths. For the layers part I have managed to create an action and run it on multiple files through the file>automate>batch menu, I would like to the same for the channel and paths or possibly all three in one.
I have some jpeg photos that need to go into PowerPoint presentation. The file size is 2 meg. How to get that down?Would the technique also applyto a pdf? It is 8 meg.
I just got back from a trip where I took about 1,400 pics (Nikon D300) each of which is about 2.4mb. How can I save them in bulk to a smaller file size? I need to send them unedited to my Daughter so she can look them over and tell me which ones she wants.
I have a relatively simple drawing that I made in Autocad 2000. It has been scaled a number of times and I suppose this is the reason that the file size has reached 13MGB. This is too large for my email carrier and they will not allow it. Is there a way to reduce the size of this file to something more manageable?
I found a way to save a sub 1mb XCF file with a select saved as a channel and a layer of the image as a threshold. I can open the original jpg in gimp, select all, copy into new transparent layer in the tiny XCF file, do channel to selection, delete the threshold layer and I'm good to go. I went from a 27 mb xcf to a 0.5 mb xcf with the channel and layer for a 2 mb jpg.
At my low skill level the selects are usually the only XCF elements worth keeping. Everytime I've returned to a saved XCF weeks later because I knew more, I tossed it out and started over from the original jpg unless a select was involved. I could buy a larger HD, but I'm literally living out of 2 suitcases and expect to continue so indefinably. Keeping my pile of stuff small is a prime priority. Store them online? The only internet ISPs available here are rather slow.
I am preparing images for the web and I really have 2 questions: one about gifs, and one about jpgs.My standard procedure is to reduce the image to the desired pixel dimensions at 600 dpiThat gives me a crisp small image. then I either use it as is if the file size is low enough (I try for under 600 kb) or convert it to a gif with the save for web and devices tool.  So here are my 2 questions (I will count this solved with either answer)  1) When I convert to a gif I have the 4 boxes: one with original size, the other 3 with options but often the options are too low res for me How do I change my 3 options to start at a higher gif res?  2) If I try to reduce the file size of the jpg in the image size box I set the resolution lower ( 400, 300), which lowers the pixel dimensions and the filesize, but I don't want to cahnge the pixel dimensions. And If I reset the pixel dimensions back to the size I want them, even though it is a lower resolution the file size doesn't change.
How to reduce jpg file size using only the resolution, not pixel dimensions? PS I have tried messing with checking and unchecking the 3 little boxes( scale styles, constrain proportions, and resample) but nothing has worked.
So I am familiar with how to use Photoshop actions and how to batch process, but right now I am on a project where I need to batch process a large number of employee photo headshot images to be 100x75 pixels AND must be between 12 kb and 20 kb.
So the 100x75 pixels is easy, but my questions are this.
1. How can i have an action save the image image in that range for the file size ? 2. is there a way that I can have the action pause so I can center the person's head in the photo when cropping?
when i bind the xref's the file size is increasing up to 50mb. the size of the file before binding is 4.5mb. i tried all the options whic ppl given in the discussion here. purged(all regeapps,zero txts etc.),wblock even some lisps. but all in vain. even i tried to audit but it took 2hrs and nothing happened. this dwg containing only lines poly lines, blocks, txts etc. no images and not even dence hatches also. 1500 drawings like this. i have to submit the softcopy soon.
I have a DWG with 334 layers, Many have been Pasted in. I would like to reduce the file size of 30Mb and reduce the layer count. Can you produce 3 or 4 different DAG. by combining layers and save as a different DWG?
When I have a graphic selected and would like to "nudge" it just a little, if I use one of the arrow keys, it moves it alot. I don't know where to go in preferences (?) to make any changes, and then I'm not sure what to look for to do so.
I am a fairly novice user of Illustrator. I have my company logo in an .AI and .PNG format. I need to "shrink" the image while perserving the image quality. I am trying to design an ad for my business and the file is too big for the dimensions of the ad in photoshop. When i attempt to reduce the file size (Edit--> Free Transform) I am able to "shrink" the logo down to fit (about 70% reduction), but it turns out very blurry and not sharp. The sharpen filter does not seem to work. Â I have been told I need to take the .AI file, and shink the logo there, then converting to a PNG to be placed into the ad. I **think** I did this, but the image still turns out blurry.
We're running Illustrator CS4 across a suite of 12 Macs on OS X 10.6.8. Over the last couple of weeks, several accounts have been hit with the same problem, that linking an image in an Illustrator document will not show the images, but just a bounding box. The link information is correct, but I've found no way of getting the image to show, aside from embedding it. Furthermore, saving a document in this state will cause Illustrator to crash when trying to reopen the document.  We use network accounts for the Macs, so all installs are local on each machine, but users access their profile directly from our server. Therefore, all links reference a location on our network and not the local drive. However, there does not seem to be anything wrong with the installs as the issue is with accounts and not the individual client. Once the issue occurs for a user, it occurs on any Mac they log into, while unaffected users can use any Mac without issue.  Our network has run in this state for a year now and the problem has only surfaced recently. I've tried clearing user's preference files relating to Illustrator, but this has had no effect. It's also random when creating a new user on the network, as some will have the issue and others not, despite all being created with the same set of default preferences.
I created a document with linked images. (png and psd files). Although all pathes and filenames are the same and even when i klick on edit original files i se them in photoshop i do not see them in illustrator. even if they are on top level.