Illustrator :: Linked Images Are Not Visible?

Jul 25, 2012

I created a document with linked images. (png and psd files). Although all pathes and filenames are the same and even when i klick on edit original files i se them in photoshop i do not see them in illustrator. even if they are on top level.

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Illustrator :: Images Linked On MAC Not Linked On Windows In CC

Jan 25, 2014

My designer has created an Illustrator file on his Mac that has linked images.  When he sends me the all the files and I open the ai file in Illustrator CC on my Windows PC, I need to re-link the images. One image can't be found at all.
However, if I open the file in CS4 it finds the linked files no problem.
Is this some bug in Illustrator CC for Windows?

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Illustrator :: Snap To Guide Intersection When Linked File Visible?

May 20, 2013

I cant seem to snap to guide intersections when a linked jpeg file is visible. It works fine when I turn off the visibility of the layer the file is on but I am trying to "trace" over the image with line segments. I know that I have been able to do this in the past but for some reason it is not working now. Im sure that I have accidentally changed something but don't know what.

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Illustrator :: Linked Images Not Showing?

Nov 29, 2012

We're running Illustrator CS4 across a suite of 12 Macs on OS X 10.6.8.  Over the last couple of weeks, several accounts have been hit with the same problem, that linking an image in an Illustrator document will not show the images, but just a bounding box.  The link information is correct, but I've found no way of getting the image to show, aside from embedding it.  Furthermore, saving a document in this state will cause Illustrator to crash when trying to reopen the document.
We use network accounts for the Macs, so all installs are local on each machine, but users access their profile directly from our server.  Therefore, all links reference a location on our network and not the local drive.  However, there does not seem to be anything wrong with the installs as the issue is with accounts and not the individual client.  Once the issue occurs for a user, it occurs on any Mac they log into, while unaffected users can use any Mac without issue.
Our network has run in this state for a year now and the problem has only surfaced recently.  I've tried clearing user's preference files relating to Illustrator, but this has had no effect.  It's also random when creating a new user on the network, as some will have the issue and others not, despite all being created with the same set of default preferences.

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Illustrator :: Automatically Embedding Linked Images?

Jul 20, 2012

Is there some sort of "Auto Embed" feature that will embed your linked images?
I have a document that is embedding most of the linked images. It's not happening in all my documents, just one

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Illustrator :: How Embedded And Linked Images Printed

Jul 28, 2013

I have an illustrtor documcnet which is one quater of the size it will be printed at (50 * 12.5 cm up to 2 * 0.5 m).

It is at one quater on request of the company printing the banner. It has a high res texture image (embedded) on the babk layer and the rest is all vectors.
When the image is printed (and scaled up 400% in the process) will the high res image be printed at the highest resolution available? If not is there an easy way to scale my artboard guides, all objects and effects up by 400%.

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Illustrator :: Relink UNC Path For Linked Images

Jan 31, 2013

We have thousands of files that contain linked images. These files exist in multiple locations and are kept in sync by dfs replication. Since illustrator uses unc path for links, the links that were created are slow to open for users at other locations and we would like to batch relink these files to a dfs namespace or unc path that better serves more users. I have already tested replacing the path in the files via find and replace using notepad but the link does not change when actually opened.

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Illustrator Scripting :: Embed Multiple Linked Images?

Sep 27, 2012

I have been tying to figure out how I could easily embed multiple linked images easily. I have some 1000 .svg  images which have about 1-7 .tif images linked in to them. I now need to get those links embedded and becouse of the amount of images I'm hoping to make an action out of it. I have a script to embed single image in .svg but haven't have luck with multiple embeddings.

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Illustrator :: Ignore Linked Images Error Not Working?

Aug 12, 2013

one of my users is trying to open a .ai file but a "cannot find linked image" error comes up. When he clicks "ignore" the image still doesn't open.

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Illustrator :: When Saving A Document With Linked Images - Files Are Still Huge

Aug 28, 2013

I create a document with multiple artboards whereby every image I place in the document is linked, however the size of the document is still enormous (around 350mb). It's a big document with a lot of clipping masks on images but surely it shouldn't be so big.

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Illustrator :: Reduce Output File Size With 16 Linked Images?

Nov 10, 2012

I am making a holiday greeting card.  I have 16 very larged photo images "linked" (not embedded) into the card. The original images are very large (e.g. 4500 x 3000 px, 10mb) but I've placed them fairly small in the final card (only about 2" x 2" printed).  Therefore, I likely don't need the full resolution of the original photos.  I need to generate a final file that I can send to an online print shop, something that is ideally 10-25Mb in size, probably pdf. How to prepare the final file for export to pdf to generate as such?  Right now, the final file is 275Mb because it is embedding the full size of each of the 16 images.
I'm on Illustrator CS6 on Mac.

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Illustrator :: SVG Images Not Visible

Dec 11, 2012

I have windows XP professional installed with IE8 browser. I am trying to access a site which has some SVG images but I am not able to see them at all. The prompt for downloading Adobe SVG viewer also does not work.I cannot install IE9 because XP does not support it. Installing Chrome also does not work. Any proper plugin to view the files on Chrome.

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Revit :: How To Make Visible Linked Topography

Jul 2, 2012

Revit 2012 .I have a topo file linked to the main building file.I am trying to render a 3d exterior view of the building (new construction ).I see the linked topography in black lines in my elevations.but not in the 3d view.
The question/ problem unsolved is how to get the site/ ground to be visible as per the linked topography in the 3d view of the main file . All I see is the building in the air , with a very light greyed site in a block form. I would like to see the site in earth: soil material  for me to render the exterior view.

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Photoshop :: Modifying Linked Images

Jan 14, 2013

I'm making a booklet (in InDesign) that will have a few pages filled with collage-type visuals that I'm planning on making in PS. I'll be using a few low-res images that a photographer has given me but hasn't yet retouched, converted to high-res nor color profiled - but he will need to see my collages before being able to retouch them. I was wondering if there was a way to relink placed images in PS the way you can in Illustrator, but after rasterizing the images (since I'll be needing to lasso-cut into them to make the collage happen)?
Basically, what I'm doing right now is creating a canvas, placing two JPG images saved as TIF for testing, selecting "Edit Content" and cutting into them with the lasso, saving and switching back to my canvas. The modification is applied and correct, but when I select "Replace Content" and choose the same test file from its original source place (as I would do when the photog hands me over the retouched image), the relink removes the data I've just created and just inserts the full-sized image, thus destroying my "collage".
What am I missing here?

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AutoCAD LT :: Images Getting Linked Into Drawing

Jun 11, 2012

Ive made a drawing on autocad and have imported in .png images into my drawing. Though the images show up on my computer once I email it they dont show which obvioulsey means that there not linked to the memory in autocad just from the to link the images in?

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Is There Reload Or Refresh On Linked Images?

Jun 6, 2013

I use external/linked images because the file is multipaged and as I am working continuously on it every "Save" command takes less time.

Every image is there on HDD in the same folder as CDR-file. Today I opened this file and the images look very bad - one couldn't see what is pictured there. The question is how to refresh them? I don't see such an option. 

CorelDRAW X6

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Binding Externally Linked Images?

Apr 9, 2012

Is there any way the images that we externally get permanently bound in the document. I know “collect for output”method but the asked option seems to be more compact.

Windows 7 [64-bit], Core i3 - 3.02 GHz, 4GB DDR 3 RAM

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: No Update - New Folder External Linked Images

Oct 13, 2012

The management of the importation of externally linked images still has the problem in previous versions.

1) You can't import more than one picture at a time, externally connected simultaneously in the document.

2) If you move the picture within it, in a new folder, there is the possibility of assigning the new path to more 'photos at the same time but only one at a time.

So if I have 100 photos to be updated with the new path I have to do with each photo. While it would be much more logical to assign the same path to more 'selected photos.

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Lightroom :: Images Not Visible In Library Using 5.2?

Dec 3, 2013

I am using Lightroom 5.2 and only gray squares appear in the Library mode.  How can I get my images to appear ? A couple of additional details are:
I have my images stored on external portable HD drives.
I have been successful using this set-up on a previous installlation of Lightroom 5.0.

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Photoshop Elements :: Images Not Visible In LR5 Catalog?

Jan 13, 2014

Why can't I see my images when I move them from my PSE 12 catalog to Lightroom 5's catalog?

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Illustrator :: Linked Files In AI CS4?

Sep 25, 2012

When I try 'placing' an image into a AI document, it appears to be embedding the file [be it a psd, tiff, jpeg etc]. Why would it of stopped linking the file?
I spotted this because in my Layers palette it says 'image' or the file name next to the thumbnail, as appose to 'Linked File' like it always has done. And in my Links palette, I've got the odd looking icon [I'm not sure what it is] on the RHS. Why would AI be embedding the placed files all of a sudden, have I clicked something?

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Photoshop :: Images Aren't Completely Visible After Loading In CS6

Nov 26, 2012

I've been using CS3.  Without un-installing CS3, I installed CS6 actually both 64bit & 32bit.  I had several problems when running.  For example, images often were not completely visible after loading part of the image shown as transparent. I could duplicate the layer & all was ok, with both the new & original layers.  This hasn't been a major problem, but is a nuisance & indicates that something is not right.  Several features even cause "Photoshop CS6 has stopped working". I could always fall back to CS3 when a problem cropped up, altho' it was a pain having to save so often.
I deactivated CS6 and uninstalled (via Control Panel). I then re-installed, installed updates & re-activated . same problem when images load.  I just re-installed, so I haven't had a chance to test other things. 

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Lightroom :: Slides Of Images Not Visible For Creating Slideshow

Apr 30, 2013

I have created a couple of collections but when I go into slide show the images are not visible for creating a slide show. Works ok with some collections but not all. Presumably there is a linkage problem. Using v4.4 on a Mac.

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Illustrator :: Could Not Find Linked File

Mar 2, 2013

I have been using adobe for 4 years and I have never had this issue. Anytime I create a new design and save and then try to re-open it ( after I have moved logo or background pic I used to a new folder) it gives me this error. It also does it if I try to open up something on my computer at home.

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Illustrator :: CS6 - Could Not Find The Linked File

Dec 5, 2013

Why do I get "could not find the linked file" when opening a file in CS6 that has no such problem when opened in CS4?

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Illustrator :: How To Remove A Linked Image

Jan 23, 2009

I have an illy file that has several "linked" images.

Some of these I wanted to keep and have embedded.

However, I would like to delete two in particular...which the images are no longer available or desired. But I see no way to do this.

I have tried to go to outline mode/wireframe view... and there are no boxes indicating where these images should I can't delete those.

The two images that Illy keeps asking for when I open the file have a red ? to the right of the image names.

How can I permanently get rid of these?

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Photoshop Elements :: Why Imported Images Not Visible Anymore In Catalogue

Sep 29, 2013

I am trying to find out if there are limitations in PSE's Organizer that make it pointless for people with large numbers of photos to bother buying PSE 12.

I imported 1050 JPEGs into My Catalog without problem using PSE 8 but all subsequent imported JPEGs show up as Thumbnails that are Opague with an Hourglass design on them. This makes organizing these images impossibly slow.  When I created a new catalog, imported thumbnails were visible again.

But what to do about the 1050 images in the original catalog? I've got two thick "how-to" books and they say nothing about copying images from one catalog to another.

More important, to have confidence to buy PSE 12, I need to know what caused the 'invisible' thumbnails in the original catalog and is it something that could happen again after another two years of scanning, importing and trying to organize?

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Illustrator :: Couldn't Find Linked Files

Sep 17, 2012

I wonder why image that imported to illustrator be linked, not included to Ai files like coreldraw does.In my office, other computers, their illustrator could read the linked image even the image file has moved to other folder..Why my illustrator CS5 couldn't recognized it? is there any setting I should change?

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Illustrator :: Linked AI Files Have Ridiculous Strokes Around Them

Mar 20, 2014

I have a AI file and it is a map. On this map I have Interstate and Highway road sign icons that were created in AI. When I place a new AI file icon, resize it, and then embed the AI file a stroke outline appears around the road icon and thus making the icons very ugly. If I place it and leave the icon alone and then embed it the file is fine. its only after I re-size it.
I am using AI CC 17.1 . When I embed the image I can’t find the option to un-embed the file. I used to be able to do that with Ai 6. is this a bug in CC?

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Illustrator :: Couldn't Find Linked File

Jul 31, 2013

We have purchased new iMac's to replace our current 5 year old Mac pros. So we decided that instead of reinstalling CS5.5, which was what was installed on the Mac Pros , we would got straight to Creative Cloud
Now, If an ai file that was previously created on the Mac Pro in CS5.5 with linked images(stored on a shared folder on a Windows 2008 server) , when that ai file is opened on the iMac in Illustrator CC, we get the error "Could not find the linked file. Choose Replace to select another file or ignore to leave the link unchanged". If you click ignore, when you check the link path for the missing images , the path is blank.

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Illustrator :: Can Snap To Points On Linked AI / PDF / EPS Files

Dec 3, 2012

I have a workflow where I will link a few PSD's and the other designers can modify the PSD files in Photoshop while I'm working on different content in the AI file. This allows us to work simultaneously and be more efficient with time, since my AI edits aren't dependant on them fixing up the images - it works great.
What I really need is to link an AI file and be able to snap to points on it while I'm creating a separate AI file - The linked AI isn't changing much but I need to see any updates made to it so I can adjust my AI accordingly - but it requires precision and I have to be able to snap to points/edges.
I've wanted this since Illustrator 10 and I can't believe there's no possible way to link to an AI or PDF and be able to just snap to the points, obviously AI knows about the points and lines, the linked content scales and is vector based. By default I can see the AI file but it has the "X" over it and all I can snap to are the edges/corners of the box it's placed in. This doesn't work for me and I have a hard time believing I'm the first person in the world to want to do a simultaneous workflow. I don't want to be able to edit the linked AI at all, just snap to its points.

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