Illustrator :: SVG Images Not Visible

Dec 11, 2012

I have windows XP professional installed with IE8 browser. I am trying to access a site which has some SVG images but I am not able to see them at all. The prompt for downloading Adobe SVG viewer also does not work.I cannot install IE9 because XP does not support it. Installing Chrome also does not work. Any proper plugin to view the files on Chrome.

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Illustrator :: Linked Images Are Not Visible?

Jul 25, 2012

I created a document with linked images. (png and psd files). Although all pathes and filenames are the same and even when i klick on edit original files i se them in photoshop i do not see them in illustrator. even if they are on top level.

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Lightroom :: Images Not Visible In Library Using 5.2?

Dec 3, 2013

I am using Lightroom 5.2 and only gray squares appear in the Library mode.  How can I get my images to appear ? A couple of additional details are:
I have my images stored on external portable HD drives.
I have been successful using this set-up on a previous installlation of Lightroom 5.0.

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Photoshop Elements :: Images Not Visible In LR5 Catalog?

Jan 13, 2014

Why can't I see my images when I move them from my PSE 12 catalog to Lightroom 5's catalog?

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Photoshop :: Images Aren't Completely Visible After Loading In CS6

Nov 26, 2012

I've been using CS3.  Without un-installing CS3, I installed CS6 actually both 64bit & 32bit.  I had several problems when running.  For example, images often were not completely visible after loading part of the image shown as transparent. I could duplicate the layer & all was ok, with both the new & original layers.  This hasn't been a major problem, but is a nuisance & indicates that something is not right.  Several features even cause "Photoshop CS6 has stopped working". I could always fall back to CS3 when a problem cropped up, altho' it was a pain having to save so often.
I deactivated CS6 and uninstalled (via Control Panel). I then re-installed, installed updates & re-activated . same problem when images load.  I just re-installed, so I haven't had a chance to test other things. 

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Lightroom :: Slides Of Images Not Visible For Creating Slideshow

Apr 30, 2013

I have created a couple of collections but when I go into slide show the images are not visible for creating a slide show. Works ok with some collections but not all. Presumably there is a linkage problem. Using v4.4 on a Mac.

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Photoshop Elements :: Why Imported Images Not Visible Anymore In Catalogue

Sep 29, 2013

I am trying to find out if there are limitations in PSE's Organizer that make it pointless for people with large numbers of photos to bother buying PSE 12.

I imported 1050 JPEGs into My Catalog without problem using PSE 8 but all subsequent imported JPEGs show up as Thumbnails that are Opague with an Hourglass design on them. This makes organizing these images impossibly slow.  When I created a new catalog, imported thumbnails were visible again.

But what to do about the 1050 images in the original catalog? I've got two thick "how-to" books and they say nothing about copying images from one catalog to another.

More important, to have confidence to buy PSE 12, I need to know what caused the 'invisible' thumbnails in the original catalog and is it something that could happen again after another two years of scanning, importing and trying to organize?

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Illustrator SDK :: Get Bounds Only Of What Is Visible?

Jan 14, 2014

Okay, So when you use a clipping mask there can sometimes be a lot of art that is invisible. If you "Select All" you'll get a rectangle only around what's visible.  I want the bounds of that rectangle.
I tried itterating the art but I don't think that the art type is the best way to figure this one out.  And if you use AIGroupSuite to test if an art group is "clipped" with GetGroupClipped, you get the bounds of the larger art that I'm trying to avoid.
I didn't see anything about bounds of a "selection" in the docs.

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Illustrator :: No Visible Cursor

Sep 20, 2012

I am using a temporary computer, as mine is being re-formated.When I opened Illustrator to change a text-line in a picture, there was no cursor when I clicked on a word. I could still make my change, but no blinking cursor to tell me where I was.
how they thought at Adobe when they constructed the help-file as it is now... If I open the help-file in Illustrator, select that I want an answer for Illustrator (the icon to the right of the search-box) WHY do I get answers for InDesign, Bridge and other programs?WHY not just for Illustrator? I am NOT interested in those programs right now.

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Illustrator :: Pixel Grid Is Not Visible

Dec 5, 2013

I am using Adobe Illustrator CC version 17.0.1 x64 on Windows 8.1.
In Edit > Preferences > Guides & Grid I have the Show Pixel Grid option checked but when zoomed in over 600% the pixel grid does not appear. Am I missing something?

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Illustrator :: Gaps Are Visible Between The Steps?

Jul 9, 2012

I have a problem, gaps are visible between the steps when using 3D bevel on text in illustrator CS6, even after expanding appearance. It looks bad in illustrator and rasterized in photoshop, which is where I want it.

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Illustrator :: Applying Stroke To JPG Image Not Visible

Jan 9, 2013

I'm trying to apply a stroke to a .jpg image in Illustrator 6, and even though the weight and color show in the windows, the object itself has no visible stroke.

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Illustrator :: Gradient Fill Indicator Not Visible

Jun 19, 2012

Illy CS5, Windows 7 x64
My gradient fill tool controls, that normally appear over the selected gradient-filled shape, are no longer showing up.

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Illustrator :: How To Save Only VISIBLE Objects In AI To PDF Or JPEG

Jan 17, 2013

I have multiple layers but only want to save the currently visible elements objects out in a PDF or JPEG, how do I do this without having to tediously double click each layer and choose "do not print" (layer).
Would be nice to have a preference in prefs to "not print hidden layers".

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Illustrator :: Objects Not Visible Except In Isolation Mode?

Mar 22, 2013

I've been using Illustrator for many years but I ran into a problem today I've never seen before. I have a feeling it's something simple that I've overlooked.
All the objects in my project are invisible. When I hover over them, the object edges appear, and they retain their color if I double click them to put them in isolation mode. But that's it. Exported images are just white spaces the size of the artboard. All my other files display as they should, it's just this one.
I worked around it by copying and pasting the objects into a new file. So I think it must have something to do with the settings in this document.
I'm using CS5 on an iMac, running OS 10.6.8.

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Illustrator Scripting :: Making Layer Visible By Its Name?

Mar 3, 2013

How to make a layer visible by using the name of the layer, with javascript?

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Illustrator :: No Visible Change In Stroke Weight?

Dec 3, 2012

I am clicking on a line and altering it's stroke weight to numbers as big as 70pt, but the there is no visible change to the line! If I click off the line and back on it, it still says that it is 70pt, but this is not apparent! Have i clicked on something that prevents me from altering the line weights?

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Illustrator :: Transparency Has Visible Outline On Website

Sep 1, 2012

I'm using file -> save for web
I've tried both png-8 and png-24
I've turned on the transparency option, and even used the eye-droper to select the exact background color that the image will be used against on the website.
you can see the end result in the header here: [URL] .....

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Illustrator Scripting :: How To Get / Determine Visible Bounds

Jun 30, 2013

how to get/determine the visible bounds (top+left coords and width+height or Rect structure) of a group having a clipping mask or several masks? When a script asks for Visible Bounds, Illustrator provides the coords/size of the group like it does not have any clipping mask. So, you see a circle of 10px diameter (and these are the actual visible bounds of this group), but Illustrator says that the visible bounds are 50 px wide and 70 px in height.

And what to do if the group contains multiple clipping masks of different shapes/sizes?

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Illustrator :: How To Resize Layers Palette When Bottom Not Visible

Dec 23, 2012

The bottom of my layers palette is below the visible part of my computer screen...becasue I am now working away from home on my laptop (and the layers palette is showing up the same size as it was when I last used Illustrator on my large monitor screen).  How do I re-size it, so I can use the items at the bottom of the palette?

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Illustrator :: Missing Parts Of Lines While They Are Visible With PDF Viewer

May 25, 2013

I have encountered this issue in a pdf file that I generated using my R (statisitcal language) scripts. The file contains 3 smoothed but wiggly lines where parts of a few lines vanish when I open the pdf file in illustrator. Opening the same pdf in any pdf viewers turns out perfectly however. I need to further edit the pdf file for publication purposes, so having parts of the plot missing makes this a headache. I've done other plots before with R, which can be edited in illustrator perfectly.
My file looks like this in pdf viewers:

In illustrator it looks like this:  This is the case for both CS2 and CS6

There was a similar query previously, but the problem didn't seem to be solved. [URL] ....

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Illustrator :: Turned Off Layers Visible On PDFs In Mac Products?

Jan 2, 2013

I have several documents with what I call "reference layers" in them that I turn off when making a PDF. When I view the PDF on a Windows based machine, it is fine in both FireFox and IE. When viewing the PDF on a Mac product (iPad, iPhone, Mac desktop), the layers I have turned off are showing up in the PDF.

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Illustrator Scripting :: Get Actual Visible Width Of Groupitem?

Oct 5, 2012

To get the top, left and width of an groupitem without Clipping mask. Actually the group has Clipping mask. But i need only the width of the selection (without Clipping mask). I got these properties in scripting but including the clipping mask. The GUI itself shows different (i.e. Info -->: X:0 mm, Y:0 mm, W:full width [including clipping mask]. Transform palette -->: X:43.00, Y:22.0, W:64 [excluding clipping mask])
How to get the properties without clipping mask?

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Illustrator :: Bounding Box Paths And Control Points Are Not Visible?

Nov 11, 2012

When I select an element, in this case a building, to make changes, the entire file is selected instead of the building. There is nothing to ungroup when this happens.

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Illustrator Scripting :: EPS JavaScript Saves More Than Visible Object

Oct 28, 2009

In prior versions of illustrator we used a script that basically saved the visible bounds of a masked object as an EPS file. With the upgrade to CS4 and Multiple Artboards this save function (EPSSaveOptions) no longer does the same visible bounds. I have read several post of similar issues, but what I am asking is:
In there a way to make the visible bounds of the eps file equal the artboard on the active artboard only? The artboard seems to be driving the crop box. When I manually save the file as EPS the visible bounds are correct. When I save from the script it is not? As with other posts I do not want to go backwards within compatibility...I would like to keep the file at the CS4 level. What command am I missing? We have tried making the crop box = visibleBounds to no avail.

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Illustrator :: Paths (not Strokes) Are Visible As Light Grey Lines

Apr 21, 2013

I am working in Illustrator CS6 on a Mac (10.7.5) and on some (but not all) of the objects in my document, the paths (not strokes) are visible as light grey lines.  This occurs in objects that are stroked, filled or both.  I can make a stroke thicker, but the 'path' is still visible in the center of it.  The Appearances panel gives no indication of what's going on.

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Illustrator :: Flashing Text Cursor Not Visible On Portion Of Screen?

Jul 18, 2012

Apparently the issue has been happening since as far back as CS2. The flashing text cursor is only visible in the upper left hand portion of the screen. If the text your are attempting to edit is on the far right or bottom of the screen, the cursor vanishes. Some people have suggested zooming in and out, but this only appears to solve the problem because the art board may get nudged into the "good" portion of the screen. I did a screen shot and found that the cursor is only visible in about a 930p x 600p area of the window (not including toolbars). Incindentally, the is the same size that the window defaults to when initially opened. On a HD monitor, this amounts to a very small space.

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Illustrator :: Snap To Guide Intersection When Linked File Visible?

May 20, 2013

I cant seem to snap to guide intersections when a linked jpeg file is visible. It works fine when I turn off the visibility of the layer the file is on but I am trying to "trace" over the image with line segments. I know that I have been able to do this in the past but for some reason it is not working now. Im sure that I have accidentally changed something but don't know what.

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Illustrator :: Make Single Anchor Points Printable (and Visible)

Jan 3, 2013

I have a vector picture which I would like to convert to "connecting dots" image, so I need only anchor points without segments between them. I deleted all segments and have only anchor points now. My question is how to make single points visible and printable?

How to remove all segments automaticly without selection each of them.

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Illustrator :: 3D Extrude Bevel - Defect Visible On Edge Of The Circle

Apr 25, 2013

When I extrude/bevel a perfect circle (Illustrator CS6 Mac), there is a defect visible on the edge of the circle. Please see 4 images attached. Is this normal, and is there a fix or workaround?

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Illustrator Scripting :: Place / Import File To Visible Layer?

Jul 26, 2013

I have been working on a script to place a psd file onto only one visible layer (document has multiple hidden layers). This java code has worked so far:
var doc = app.activeDocument;
var onFile = File("C:/Users/Desktop/Desktop/ExportedArtboard-01.psd");
var mydoc = doc.placedItems.add();
mydoc.file = onFile;
however this works with only the top layer visible (eye turned on in Ai). if top most layer isn't visible i get "target layer cannot be modified" error.

For instance say i have 1,2,3 layers. layer 1 (top most) and 3 (bottom most) would be hidden, layer 2 (middle layer) would be visible and then running the script would place the psd file on to layer 2.

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