Photoshop :: Multiple Gradients - Extending A Picture With A Gradient?

Mar 9, 2009

what I'd like to do is to select the edge of a picture, and then extend the colors that are present in gradient fashion, based on the colors of the pixels at the edge.

For instance, here's a picture of the grand canyon:

How would I extend the left side with gradients that would match the colors of the pixels on the left edge, and all gradiate to black? (I'd blur or something later so that the transition from the picture to the gradient start appeared smoother)

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Photoshop :: CS5 Extending Canvas With Picture On It

Feb 26, 2012

I have attached a picture that gives a good reference to what I would like to do, simply put - i have taken the background out of a picture but I just need to extended the empty background to the left so i can add a logo there. 

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Photoshop :: Getting Rid Of Some Of Gradients In Gradient Palette?

Jun 26, 2012

getting rid of some of the gradients in the gradient palette. I'm using Photoshop CS3. Sometimes the graients I create are added to the palette, sometimes they are not, (regardless of whether of not I save them.) The palette is full of gradients at this stage, (some of which are default gradients I would never use.) There doesn't seem to be any logical way to get rid of some of the gradients that have been stored in the gradient palette.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Extending Multiple Grid Lines?

Apr 1, 2012

Is there any way to extend multiple grid lines to a perpendicular line?

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Paint.NET :: How To Add Effect To Multiple Gradients Properly

May 20, 2011

I'm making userbars, and I'm using the trick to have multiple gradients in multiple layers. (I don't really think I'm doing it right though, first I make the whole first layer a certain colour, then go from the left with the next colour with the second colour transparent?) And for those layers, I'm trying to add the cloud effect (something to make it look nicer, I hate how lame/2d it looks without any effects) to all the layers with them blending into each other, but I eventually see one of the clouds effects under another effect/colour and it's just a big mess- I can see every colour mashed together. When I use the rectangle tool to select where the cloud effect goes, or the eraser to erase what I don't want, it looks kinda square like, and it doesn't blend with the other colour. ;-;

I have the plugins all downloaded btw.

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Illustrator :: How To Create Multiple Colored Gradients From Just One

Nov 30, 2013

I've been trying to make consistent gradients for a while now with no success. What I would like to do is make one gradient - say a dark red to light red - and then have a way to change the colors of that gradient without having to search for the correct hex colors for each one. So say I do the red gradient, then if there was some way to overlay something over it to change the colors instead of trying to find them myself.
I know you can do this in Photoshop, but I haven't figured out how to do it in AI. Perhaps there's an easier way I just haven't found yet. I've spent a long time trying to make gradients of different shades (reds, blues, etc.), but the problem is getting each color of the gradient to be about equal to the other ones.

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Illustrator :: Creating Multiple Gradients On The Same Object?

Mar 14, 2013

I am trying to apply multiple gradients to a leaf, or to any other object for that matter.  Along the protruding edges I would like to apply a short gradient that points inward. I would like to repeat this gradient to every protruded edge, but each gradient would have to be manipulated independently. I have tried to do this using the Appearance Panel, by duplicating the fill. This works just fine but because the gradients are on different layers I can only see one gradient at a time, no way to see them all together.
The pic below is just an example, the colors/design are irrelevent.
When I try to move the gradient itself it seems to always jump back to where I picked it up, I can't place it exactly where I would like. As well, how can I control the wide of the gradient? As you can see in the pic, the protruding edges are quite narrow so the gradient should cover just that portion of the leaf.

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Illustrator :: How To Draw Multiple Gradients On The Same Object

Jun 1, 2013

I've found this tutorial on adding multiple gradients to form a glassy text [URL]....and I never knew you could create multiple gradients on one object.
I can only manage to apply one gradient. On the tutorial it sounds easy to just draw a gradient, then draw another. However it is not that simple; I draw a gradient, then I attempt to draw the second, and it just moves the first gradient.
How does one draw multiple gradients on the same object?

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Illustrator :: Adding Multiple Gradients With Transparency To One Object

Aug 28, 2012

Just as it states, how do I add 2, 3, even four gradients to one object. Each gradient will have some level of transparency to it.
I need it to work similiar to: masking a layer in photoshop, and then using gradients to "chip away" pieces of the layer. I suppose I could just use opacity mask in AI, but I didnt think of that until now. Anywho now I'm curious, can you do this with multiple gradients in AI?
I tried doing the basic "add fill" option then setting my gradients, but it doesnt preserve the transparency correctly.

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Illustrator :: Multiple Sublayer With Multiple Gradient Meshes?

Nov 1, 2012

I successfully finished my first gradient mesh… Now, I tried to create another gradient mesh… As a sublayer under a parent layer called left eye… The left pupil was a sublayer also…
Illustrator through a fit when I try to do this… It went ahead and let me create the sublayer and gradient mesh, but… It wouldn't let me color the second sublayer/gradient mesh…
The newly created sublayer/gradient mesh had the same color as the first sublayer (the same color being the small horizontal tower that colors your different layers).
Maybe I'm just missing a step somewhere, to be able to have multiple sublayer with multiple gradient meshes?
I'm fairly new to illustrator and graphic designer, but… I'm starting to pick up on the features pretty quickly.

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Illustrator :: Make More Gradients Appear In Dropdown On The Gradients Panel?

Sep 28, 2013

I click the gradients panel and then the dropdown of gradients on the left side.
All I see is: White Black, Gold Dust, and Blue Sky.
I know AI has a ton more gradients premade than that so why aren't they in the list? How do I add more to that dropdown?

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Photoshop :: When Open Picture In CS5 / It Automatically Turns Into Yellow-like Gradient

Oct 22, 2013

When I open a picture in PS CS5, it automatically turns into a yellow-like gradient. IDK. It's always like this... I tried looking for the problem in the layer style setting, but all of it are in set in "default"

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Photoshop :: Using Multiple Gradient Masks

May 25, 2004

Is there a way to use multiple gradient masks in a single mask?

I'm working on a photo collage and when I bring in a new picture I would like to get rid of the hard edges. Creating a layer mask and then using the gradient tool to fade one of the edges of the picture works great. Is there a way to repeat this on the same mask so that I can use this same technique on the other 3 edges of the picture?

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Photoshop :: Magic Wand Selection / Gradient Tool - Jagged Anti Aliasing (Picture)?

Mar 5, 2012

In this example I  did the following
1. used the circle marquee and did a 8 point stroke.
2. Selected the circle with the magic marquee to get an active selection
3. Gradient tool
Doing the above results in jagged edges that alias badly once I fill the selection with the gradient. With a basic color the circle is perfeclty fine, only once I add the gradient the edges become jagged. How might I fix this?

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Photoshop :: Multiple Fade To Transparent Gradient On One Image

Aug 21, 2006

I am having a little trouble trying to add multiple fade to transparent gradients appear in a single image. Here are the steps I have done so far:

Create a new vector with the photo unlocked

Add a layer mask

use the black to white gradient, so the edge of the photo is completely translarent and as you move to the center, it slowly reveals the photo.

I used this technique I found online for one edge of the photo and it worked great, untill I tried the second gradient on the same photo, and the first one I did disappeared. I guess Photoshop only lets you have one.

The next thing I tried is to create another vector mask and create another gradient, but it did not work at all. Also, Photoshop only lets you have two vector masks per layer, so That wont do me much good if I need 4 gradients, each one fading to transparent around the 4 edges of the photo.

Any solution would be greatly appreciated. I plan to take the photo that has the fade to transparent gradients and copy it to another background image with some text.

Thanks a lot in advance,

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GIMP :: Add Multiple Gradient To Same Image?

Dec 25, 2013

I am trying to recreate a tilt shift effect on a photo but I cannot use a gradient except once and then it cancels out the first when I try to add a second blur in an opposite corner. How do I add multiple gradient to the same image?

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Illustrator :: How To Add Gradient Across Multiple Nested Circles

Mar 14, 2013

Here is the image I am working on:

I need to know how to make it look like this:
There are two things going on in the origina: the S-shaped semi-transparent overlay, and a linear gradient that lightens on the top and bottom and darkens in the middle. Also, note the transparent space between the "outline shape" and the inner circles.
So - two things. 1) How do I apply a gradient to the entire shape, and 2) put the all-white overlay on top (overlay should be confined to the shape as well).

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Illustrator :: Gradient On Multiple Lines Of Text?

Aug 20, 2013

I want to apply a gradient to multiple lines of text so that the gradient flows throughout all of the text and not just line by line. 

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Photoshop :: Multiple Picture Resizing

Oct 3, 2005

My camera is often used to take pictures in different events for my college. I am required to email those pictures to a person. But before I send them I must resize them all to 580 by 435. The way i currently do it right now is i go to "Image Size" and resize each individual picture from there. I was wondering if theres a way to just be able to resize all of the pictures in a folder to a specific size without having to do it one by one. it would make my life alot easier since its usually about 20 pictures at a time.

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Photoshop :: Printing 1 Picture On Multiple Pages

Jul 1, 2004

How can I print 1 picture on multiple pages. In Coreldraw 11, they have a printing option called "Mosaic printing".

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Photoshop :: Creating One Picture From Multiple Images

Feb 4, 2008

I have 4 pictures of the Disney World Park logos (castle, MGM, Epcot, and animal Kingdom). What I want to try and do is merge all the photos into one photo that I can then print on T shirts for our family trip (18 people). I want each picture to be visible, but sort of merge into the other, like a collage I guess.

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Photoshop :: Cut Single Picture Into Multiple Pictures

Mar 5, 2006

I need to cut up a single picture of many multiple headshots, into individual pictures. Cropping each headshot out would take a mellinium. Is there a way to make a grid of cuts and have photoshop then make an individual picture out of each of the small cut up squares (heads).

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Paint.NET :: How To Apply Multiple Instances Of Gradient Tool On Same Image

Oct 12, 2013

I can only use the gradient tool in one instance. After that, the first instance is removed and replaced with the new instance. How can I apply multiple instances of the gradient tool on the same image?

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Illustrator :: Apply One Gradient Across Multiple Live Paint Objects?

Aug 9, 2013

I need to apply a single gradient acros a number of live paint objects but am finding it annoyingly hard to find a way.  I know that normally, to apply a gradient across multiple objects, you would need to make them all into one compound path but does this apply to live paint groups in any way??  Can what i need to achieve actually be done?

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Photoshop :: Picture Package :: Add Multiple Pictures To Canvas For Printing

Dec 13, 2004

How can I automatically add different pictures in a single canvas using Picture package? i.e. I have about 48 pictures and I want to place 4 different pictures to each [10 X 8 - "4(4X5)"] canvas so that I can send all 48 pictures for printing at a digital studio. When I try, multiple copies of single picture appear on each canvas. I tried 'contact sheet' but not satisfied with the result as I could not change the length and width of the pictures.

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Photoshop Elements :: Organizer Creating Multiple Copies Of Same Picture?

May 29, 2013

1. Elements 11 Organizer often creates multiple copies of the same picture. How can I stop this?

2. Many pictures has a small questionmark in the upper left corner, stating that the file is missing, even though I can see the picture (a bit blurred, but still). What's wrong?

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Photoshop Elements :: How To Print Same Picture Multiple Times On One Page

Nov 29, 2012

how can i print the same picture multible times on one page

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Photoshop :: Extending Timeline In CS6

Jun 29, 2012

In CS6, I cannot find the option to extend the duration of my photoshop document.  I am using Photoshop to make a short hand-drawn animated film.  Currently, the document is 300 frames long, but I would like to extend that to 400 frames. (I'm working in timeline mode, not frame mode.)
I could easily change the duration of a document in CS5 by clicking on the little drop-down menu in the top right corner of the animation panel, then going to "Document Settings" where I could change the duration and the frame rate.  When I click the drop-down in CS6, I find the frame rate option, but no duration.

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Photoshop :: Extending The Background

Aug 17, 2006

I need to somehow extend the texture in the background of this picture to cover the white space. I've exhausted my photoshop knowledge (which isn't that much to start of with) and cant get anything that looks realistic enough, it just looked really fake and out of place.

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Photoshop :: Extending A Background Down?

Apr 19, 2006

I'm trying to make this birthday card and have the background and the text, but I want to write more text than there's space for, so I added a little space at the bottom by using Canvas. The part I added looks different. Is it possible to extend to background to cover that area. I have tried using Clone, but it looks awful, I just don't know how to use it right.

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Photoshop :: Extending An Image.

Nov 12, 2005

I'v got an image with a picture of myself. The background is a cupboard. I'd like to know how do I extend the image toward the right with the same background(extending the cupboard longer). So that I can add in another person. Do help me out in this. I assume there's something to do with canvas size, just don't know what.

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