Illustrator :: How To Create Multiple Colored Gradients From Just One
Nov 30, 2013
I've been trying to make consistent gradients for a while now with no success. What I would like to do is make one gradient - say a dark red to light red - and then have a way to change the colors of that gradient without having to search for the correct hex colors for each one. So say I do the red gradient, then if there was some way to overlay something over it to change the colors instead of trying to find them myself.
I know you can do this in Photoshop, but I haven't figured out how to do it in AI. Perhaps there's an easier way I just haven't found yet. I've spent a long time trying to make gradients of different shades (reds, blues, etc.), but the problem is getting each color of the gradient to be about equal to the other ones.
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Mar 14, 2013
I am trying to apply multiple gradients to a leaf, or to any other object for that matter. Along the protruding edges I would like to apply a short gradient that points inward. I would like to repeat this gradient to every protruded edge, but each gradient would have to be manipulated independently. I have tried to do this using the Appearance Panel, by duplicating the fill. This works just fine but because the gradients are on different layers I can only see one gradient at a time, no way to see them all together.
The pic below is just an example, the colors/design are irrelevent.
When I try to move the gradient itself it seems to always jump back to where I picked it up, I can't place it exactly where I would like. As well, how can I control the wide of the gradient? As you can see in the pic, the protruding edges are quite narrow so the gradient should cover just that portion of the leaf.
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Jun 1, 2013
I've found this tutorial on adding multiple gradients to form a glassy text [URL]....and I never knew you could create multiple gradients on one object.
I can only manage to apply one gradient. On the tutorial it sounds easy to just draw a gradient, then draw another. However it is not that simple; I draw a gradient, then I attempt to draw the second, and it just moves the first gradient.
How does one draw multiple gradients on the same object?
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Aug 28, 2012
Just as it states, how do I add 2, 3, even four gradients to one object. Each gradient will have some level of transparency to it.
I need it to work similiar to: masking a layer in photoshop, and then using gradients to "chip away" pieces of the layer. I suppose I could just use opacity mask in AI, but I didnt think of that until now. Anywho now I'm curious, can you do this with multiple gradients in AI?
I tried doing the basic "add fill" option then setting my gradients, but it doesnt preserve the transparency correctly.
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Aug 18, 2013
I'm trying to create several different colored orbs that will have a consistent look using gradients. I've been playing around with Kuler and some other apps trying to pick the right shades for each orb to get a nice smooth transition, but I'm having a tough time picking the right colors for each of the gradient stops.
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Sep 7, 2012
I jumped to CS6 from CS3 and am a bit confused. I create graphics for stock imagery and it is important to minize the amount of shapes. I created my first image with CS6 that has several gradients and my file is enormous because when I viewed it with "Overprint view" it showed that all gradients consisted of several paths contained in a clip group.
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Jan 29, 2013
I am creating a 'How to' diagram using illustrations from a previous artist. As such I need to recreate his way of creating image gradients. He seems to do it by using only a small amount of gradient steps creating quite block like gradients. Like this: How would I go about getting my smooth gradients like this? At the moment I am creating a smooth gradient filled object, expanding it then specifying the steps in the dialogue box that then appears. But this does not really recreate the same gradient (please see as follows):So my question is how this artist has done this? As the gradients also seem to follow the contours of the object.
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Sep 28, 2013
I click the gradients panel and then the dropdown of gradients on the left side.
All I see is: White Black, Gold Dust, and Blue Sky.
I know AI has a ton more gradients premade than that so why aren't they in the list? How do I add more to that dropdown?
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May 20, 2011
I'm making userbars, and I'm using the trick to have multiple gradients in multiple layers. (I don't really think I'm doing it right though, first I make the whole first layer a certain colour, then go from the left with the next colour with the second colour transparent?) And for those layers, I'm trying to add the cloud effect (something to make it look nicer, I hate how lame/2d it looks without any effects) to all the layers with them blending into each other, but I eventually see one of the clouds effects under another effect/colour and it's just a big mess- I can see every colour mashed together. When I use the rectangle tool to select where the cloud effect goes, or the eraser to erase what I don't want, it looks kinda square like, and it doesn't blend with the other colour. ;-;
I have the plugins all downloaded btw.
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Mar 9, 2009
what I'd like to do is to select the edge of a picture, and then extend the colors that are present in gradient fashion, based on the colors of the pixels at the edge.
For instance, here's a picture of the grand canyon:
How would I extend the left side with gradients that would match the colors of the pixels on the left edge, and all gradiate to black? (I'd blur or something later so that the transition from the picture to the gradient start appeared smoother)
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Apr 24, 2012
We need a macro that will allow you to select a certain color fill inside document and change all to no fill hairlines. It needs to be capable of doing it several times within the same document. Does anything like this exist out there?
We have color replacer. We want it to do this automactically with a static group of colors everytime without any manual maniplulation required.
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Apr 19, 2012
Like this girl in the top right corner.
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Apr 5, 2013
I was wondering, is there no more option to simply create a colored frame like you were able to in smac 2012 (without having to create a cfx or go into paint)? Or maybe I just haven't found it...
Smoke 2012 SAP2 SP4
Smoke 2013 SP2 (Smoke Classic Keyboard Shortcuts)
Mac Pro 4,1
OS X 10.6.7
NVIDIA Quadro 4000
14 TB RAID (Areca)
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May 4, 2013
I would like to create a colored circular text using File > Create > Logo > Circular text ... but everytime I try, the circular text is displayed in black ... ! How can I change this and choose the color for the circular text ?
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Aug 8, 2013
I'd like to use boxes to punch holes into the layered artwork below them. I want the result to look exactly like this image, but with the white boxes being transparent holes.
This seems so simple, but I can't find any combination of layers/pathfinder tools/compound shapes/or clipping masks that will produce this result. No matter what, I end up losing part of the artwork (usually the topo lines and the black bar).
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Aug 6, 2012
how to create a segmented circle as shown in the attached image. I have it as a jpg but I want to create it in Illustrator so I can have greater control over the parts. For example, while the image shows three segments, I may have to add another one into the image (it's part of a process demo).
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Oct 17, 2013
I just received a pdf containing a drawing that has been exported by autocad. The drawing consinsts in hundreds of segments.
Is there a way to recreate the drawing (at least the perimetr/bounds) easily? In coreldraw I select all objects and click effect>boundaries ... a new fillable (closed path) object is created on top of the existing segments. The new object reflect perfectly teboundaries of the selected boundaries.
Is there a way to do this in Illustrator (cc)? (similar to coreldraw create boundaries).
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Jul 10, 2013
How do i create a new document with multiple artboards of a certain template?
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Jul 27, 2013
Illustrator CC
I am having a difficult time trying to create a new swatch libray of patterns from multiple png files. The way I am doing this is very slow and repetitive and seems silly for a tool as advanced as the latest CC suite including illustrator.
What it seems I must do is open all the png files in Illustrator, creating multiple workspaces, drag one png file into the swatch window, then save that window as a library, close the existing window to reveal the next png file, open the user library I just created, drag the next image into the currently active swatch window, then drag the previous swatch/s from the user library into the current active swatch window, resave and replace the user defined swatch library (now with two images in there)fromthe updated current active swatch panel/window, close the existing workspace to reveal the next image file, and then repeat the process again, slowly building the user defined swatch library up by adding one image at a time and then adding back into the Swatch panel the previously built up library of swatches again one at at time. (you can select all from the existing user defined library and drag over into swatch panel, but this creates at least one duplicate on each cycle for as soon as you click on the first swatch in the library, it adds itto the current swatch panel and then when you select all swatches to drag across it includes the first swatch and copies it again)
This is a very slow process to build up a swatch library. For some reason you cannot drag swatches directly into the user defined library you have created, only into the active swatch window for each workspace. I searched the web and forums for answers but could find none. There must be an easier way, just can't find it.
Ideally, the best option would be a swatch window option that allows the import directly from a list of selected files in the finder.
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Nov 30, 2012
[URL] look like this USA flag. [URL] ....NO photoshop. [URL] ....
What i had to do is make each "gradient section" a different "shape", and make it exactly the right angle to contour with the flag.
I can do up and down gradients fine (even though it takes forever)how to do is the gradients that dont go up and down all the way.I could do this in about 3 seconds in photoshop, but I'm just about ready to give up in illustrator..
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Jul 30, 2010
I have been continuously since buying CS5/Illustrator. Our company had its logo designed by another firm, and it has been my job to use it in brochures and marketing collateral. The logo uses a two instances of a radial gradient applied to two separate elements of the logo. The gradients are off-center. However, when I place the file into a document, save, close and re-open, boom! the gradient is reset to center, throwing off the logo. This has happened when I have least expected it, and even resulted in a very expensive reprint.
I have converted the file to different formats: EPS, JPEG and PDF, but with the first, there is a loss of image quality, and with PDF, the gradient still moves out of place.
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Nov 15, 2013
I'm currently working on some icons for our new agency website... When try to export files with gradients, which assigned to nicely named graphic styles, illustrator keeps exporting a strange st-class for every new gradient i'm generating and refuses to assign my class, like:
<style type="text/css">
.testStyle{fill:url(#SVGID_1_);} //my class with a useless gradient
.st0{fill:url(#testrect_1_);} // class generated by illustrator
<linearGradient id="SVGID_1_" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x1="0" y1="0" x2="1" y2="0"> // useless gradient with no height?!
<stop offset="0" style="stop-color:#FFFFFF"/>
<stop offset="1" style="stop-color:#000000"/>
When i change the code by myself, it works properly. But it's actually no option to change every svg by hand...
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Dec 5, 2012
I have an illustration that I created where objects are overlapping eachother, what is the best way to get just the oulines with out a lot of copy/paste/knock out? It takes a while and to me it seems there should be an easier way. I've attached a pic to explain what I'm talking about.
Using CS5 on windows 7
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Mar 27, 2013
I can't figure out the proper commands to fill out and complete the script below. What I am trying to do is:
- Create a new document using one of the Profile presets (or have the New Document dialogue open so I could select the profile, size and bleed)
- Make 3 layers, each with a diferent name
- Create a rectangle the size of the artboard on the bottom layer, with a swatch stroke and no fill
- Create a rectangle the size of the bleed on the middle layer, with no stroke or fill
Like I said, I haven't gotten far at all. I've read through the basic scripting guides and I'm just not understanding all of the language needed to string things together.
tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
make new document
set topLayer to make new layer ¬
at beginning of document 1 with properties {name:"Vector"}
set bottomLayer to make new layer ¬
at end of document 1 with properties {name:"Through Cut"}
end tell
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Nov 27, 2012
Is there a way to create an object/group in Illustrator and then copy it across one document in multiple places (multiple art boards, etc.) - allowing the designer to then update the original and seeing the changes cascade to all copies?
I know this can be done using InDesign by linking an Illustrator file and making subsequent updates to that Illustrator file. But I do not want to use InDesign, I want to use Illustrator. What I want is much like creating Symbols in Flash, updating one will cascade throughout the file.
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Nov 17, 2012
I frequently find myself recreating gradients created in illustrator using Photoshop. however, even when using the exact settings for color, opacity, and location, they never come out the same. is there some rule of thumb or some logic as to how those two applications create gradients and how to better approximate them?
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Jan 9, 2004
the darker part of the ear where the black line starts and ends .. i want to make gradient............ is that possible .. or is there a technique to create that effect?
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Jul 2, 2012
Is there a setting or preference that I can change so that my gradients with transparency set in them do not change to opacity masks after saving and closing?
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Dec 30, 2013
I am new to Illustrator and am trying to create a 3D dish that looks silver on one side and gold on the other. Is there a way I can do this? If I want to add further shapes to the top of this dish is it better to add these before applying the 3D effect? If so is it possible to apply the gradients to only part of the shape?
Alternatively would it be possible to use the gradient mesh in concave shape. The default mesh is convex. Is there an easy way to change this to concave?
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Nov 8, 2013
I'm printing some spot colors on colored paper, and wondering if there is a way in illustrator (CS6) to approximate the ink/paper interactions. Im worried about the ink color (greens) shifting to brown on a yellow/peach paper. I've approximated the paper color in Illustrator, and designated the pantone colors. I tried Multply- and the ink color definitely shifts to what I think it would- but not sure if that is the best way.
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Nov 29, 2011
How can I generate a colored background for text in Illustrator CS5? This should be simple, but I can't seem to be able to accomplish this task
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