Photoshop :: Extending A Background Down?
Apr 19, 2006
I'm trying to make this birthday card and have the background and the text, but I want to write more text than there's space for, so I added a little space at the bottom by using Canvas. The part I added looks different. Is it possible to extend to background to cover that area. I have tried using Clone, but it looks awful, I just don't know how to use it right.
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Aug 17, 2006
I need to somehow extend the texture in the background of this picture to cover the white space. I've exhausted my photoshop knowledge (which isn't that much to start of with) and cant get anything that looks realistic enough, it just looked really fake and out of place.
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Nov 11, 2011
I have an image that I want to extend the background on. So basically, I am making the people smaller, but the background larger..if that makes sense? I'm trying to make a collage, and i want the background of one photo to be the background of my canvas. The background it just "grey-ish", but not solid. I know I could clone, or copy and paste a part of the image into the background, but am wondering if there's a way to "stretch" just a portion of the image maybe? Or if I could copy a small part of it, but when I paste it, change the shape or size it's being pasted into?
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Jun 29, 2012
In CS6, I cannot find the option to extend the duration of my photoshop document. I am using Photoshop to make a short hand-drawn animated film. Currently, the document is 300 frames long, but I would like to extend that to 400 frames. (I'm working in timeline mode, not frame mode.)
I could easily change the duration of a document in CS5 by clicking on the little drop-down menu in the top right corner of the animation panel, then going to "Document Settings" where I could change the duration and the frame rate. When I click the drop-down in CS6, I find the frame rate option, but no duration.
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Nov 12, 2005
I'v got an image with a picture of myself. The background is a cupboard. I'd like to know how do I extend the image toward the right with the same background(extending the cupboard longer). So that I can add in another person. Do help me out in this. I assume there's something to do with canvas size, just don't know what.
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Feb 26, 2012
I have attached a picture that gives a good reference to what I would like to do, simply put - i have taken the background out of a picture but I just need to extended the empty background to the left so i can add a logo there.
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Dec 8, 2012
I merged some images in Photoshop and the sky is now stepped. I want to extend the lowest part of the sky to equal the highest part of the sky. How can I do this in Photoshop? The images was made up of 16 images, and is now a .PSB file.
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Apr 5, 2008
I want to follow and extend the curve/edges of the image to make it look like this:
It is a vector image obviously and I want to maintain that, but is this something I can do in photoshop or illustrator?
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Nov 6, 2007
when you are zoomed out and you see the grey area around your canvas so that you can start gradients out in that area. Well, when you are zoomed in you can't extend into that area.
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Feb 23, 2013
Unfortunately I could't find a solution for this problem all over the internet, so I have to ask it from the community.
I'm creating the channel design for my YouTube channel, and I want to make a small part coming out of the channel frame (that noisy gray frame on the channels where the view and subscriber count are shown), but I don't know how to create a similar effect. Additionally, is there a correct name for that section?
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Mar 9, 2009
what I'd like to do is to select the edge of a picture, and then extend the colors that are present in gradient fashion, based on the colors of the pixels at the edge.
For instance, here's a picture of the grand canyon:
How would I extend the left side with gradients that would match the colors of the pixels on the left edge, and all gradiate to black? (I'd blur or something later so that the transition from the picture to the gradient start appeared smoother)
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Feb 8, 2008
I'm having trouble even figuring out how to begin this process. What needs to happen is that the last two columns of this pattern:
And copy them into this that this image essentially becomes an extension of first image:
I'm using Photoshop CS3 on a Vista Enterprise Edition box.
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Dec 2, 2012
I know how to change the run time of the entire animated title clip, but how can I extend the end of the finished animation so that just the completed titles viewing time is extended? VS pro X5. Titles
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Mar 23, 2013
I would like to extend a surface to a outer boundary. When I use kriging to do this my surface becomes too inaccurate, the attached picture shows what kriging does to the surface. In the picture notice the elevations of the surface, you can tell where the survey points are because they are lower than the surface around it. All I need to do is extend the outer points to a boundary and leave the rest of the surface alone.
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May 29, 2009
I'm curious if there is a quick and clean way to get text to extend out from around a circle. Meaning, the first letter of each text word is closest to the center of the circle, and the last letter of each word is farthest away from the center of the circle.
I know that I could simply type each word out and manually rotate it with a moved centerpoint, and even step+repeat, but is there no way of drawing a circle and then have the text come out from it?
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Feb 23, 2013
I have survey data of the inside floor of a pond ( the pond has a flat floor ). The surface made from the survey data needs to extend to the outline of the pond instead of the outline of the survey points.
I tried the smooth surface method of kriging with a grid base and I sellected the outline of the pond for the output region and that worked somewhat but there are still gaps between the boarder and the surface.
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Jun 22, 2009
I have a profile with a couple of pipe networks in it. One of the pipes shown extends beyond the edge of the profile at some crazy angle. look at the picture for a better explanation.
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Oct 17, 2012
There is a coworker of mine that seems to have an issue pop up in random files here. He is drawing his siteplan on a file received from a consultant, the issue he's having is that if a line has any sort of elevation to it, he can't extend another line to it. He can flatten the line and then extend to it, but if the same issue is tried on any other machine, the rest of us can extend the line without issue regardless of it having elevation or not. The frustrating part is that he couldn't tell the line had any elevation to it until he took the precision value out to 8 digits. The line he couldn't extend to had an elevation of 0.00000004. But as I said, his machine is the only one that has this issue. We are all running AutoCAD 2013 on Windows 7 64 Bit. Is there a setting or variable somewhere controlling this behavior?
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Dec 13, 2012
I've attached a screenshot of the issue I'm dealing with. I have a closed polyline and when I first hatch the area it appears to be correct, but then I'll go do another command and then the hatch seems to extend beyond the boundaries of the polyline.
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Feb 1, 2012
I have had an issue with AutoCAD 2012 that I cannot fix. AutoCAD 2010 did not do this.
Here is the problem: I start by directing your attention to the attached file "LEADER PROB1". As you can see, i have two MLEADER notations. one ("TOP LINE") is above the other ("MIDDLE LINE"). The left side of the text in both mleader notations align and the leader jets out from the left side as well. However, each leader has a different angle at the corner of the leader landing. If I wanted to make the "MIDDLE LINE" leader angel to match the "TOP LINE" Leader angle, i used to move nod where the landing bends and continues on to the leader (circled in red in my attached image).
However, when i move this node, I end up with the angles matching, BUT now the text is not aligned, see attached image "LEADER PROB2".
How can i fix this? Quick Leaders ("QLEADER") works just fine (in regards to landing extensions) but not MLEADERS. I would like to extend the mleader landing but keep the text where it is, I don't want the text portion to move.
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Jun 12, 2012
what is the setting to tell a line to extend to the face of a pline when that line doesn't actually intersect with the pline? see image below...line 1 will extend to pline faces A and B, but how do i get line 2 to extend to those faces? i know this worked when i used autocad 2008 but i'm now using 2012 LT so hopefully it still works, i just don't remember the command name to control it.
line extension 2012-6-12.JPG
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Aug 21, 2012
Sometimes we need to extend the end of an alignment along it's path, whether it is a tangent or curve. I don't know of any tool to do this. Is there such a tool?
Infrastructure Suite/C3D 2013, LDT 2004, Power Civil v8i SS1
WIN 7 64 PRO
HP Pavillion h8xt, i7 2600, 12 GB
RADEON 6450, 1 GB
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Feb 22, 2014
I've created a simple line graph and when I go into change some settings I get the following message. All I'm changing is the: Category Axis, deslecting the "Draw tick marks between labels" and on the Value Axis, I'm using the Override Calculated Values and changing them to Min: 0, Max: 40, Divisions 9, currently the number range from 0 to 1,500,000.
Can't set the graph style. The requested transformation would make some objects extend beyond the addressable area.I can make the changes I want if I want to ungroup the graph, but then I'll lose the connection to the data, type, etc.
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Apr 17, 2012
All of my multi leaders (mleaders) worked great in 2012 with the added "extend leader to text" for leaders on the end of a text string, but in 2013, they now attach to the end of the box again.
Some appear as though they are "trying" to extend, but the beginning of the leader without the extension now starts at the end of the box on the FIRST line.
See the attached examples:
Top one - Mleader is on the end of a text box larger than the actual text (NOTE: I have many drawings like this, opening them in 2013 is a nightmare)
Version #2 - Note what the leader does in this example, the "extend to end of text" is the correct length, but it starts at the edge of the box, not the end of the first line of text. Again, this worked fine in 2012.
Version #3 - This is what should happen, only happens if you adjust the text box size. I don't really want to spend my clients money updated dozens of multileaders on hundreds of drawings to force the mleader to work.
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May 30, 2013
I am trying to extend a line in my sketch, but everytime I select it an error message comes up saying "the curve being extended" What curve is inventor refering to?
would not allow me to add a .doc file for veiwing
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Jun 25, 2013
2013 version. Long story short, I am having problems with pressure networks in my drawing so to simplify things I want to just show the top of the current watermain in my profiles because we are not doing anything with the water main, though it needs to be shown in the profile. To do this I created some points where the watermain is and made their elevation 1.8m lover than the existing surface at those points (due to the 1.8m of cover the watermain has).
I then created a surface using those points and an outer boundary surrounding the points. For some reason the surface stops at one point and doesn't continue to the rest (about 5 more points). So when I create my profile the surface stops short. The points are included in the point group the surface uses, and the outer boundary doesn't cut them out either. Not sure why the surface isn't referencing those points.
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Mar 6, 2012
We've had a little nagging problem that we've just been living with, but getting a little tired of it: when building a pipe network the plotted line will stop plotting at the outter wall of the structure, thus leaviung a gap between the pipe and the structure. On a 48" manhole it's hardly noticable, but when the manhole gets larger, so does the problem. Check out the attached pdf and you'll see what I'm talking about.
I've been through all the style setting I can think of, but I thought there might be a variable to take care of the FACETDEV variable for crossing pipe.
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Oct 8, 2012
I recall the "Paint" program you could make a Circle, and drag the circle till you had a tin can or a barrel.How do we do that in <paint.NET>?
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Apr 1, 2012
Is there any way to extend multiple grid lines to a perpendicular line?
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Apr 27, 2012
Can you extend axis or planes in assembleys? I have a laser and I want to extend the axis of it to show the path it takes. I can extend it by clicking and dragging the end in the part, but not the assembly... is there a workaround?
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Jan 7, 2013
extend the context menu of "Layer Group". We have a "save" option for single layer but i want the same for layer group
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