VideoStudio :: Pro X5 - Extending End Of Animated Title

Dec 2, 2012

I know how to change the run time of the entire animated title clip, but how can I extend the end of the finished animation so that just the completed titles viewing time is extended? VS pro X5. Titles

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Xara :: Animated Blog Title

Mar 14, 2011

What I'm trying to accomplish is to have an animated blog title. As an example, please have a look at the header of this blog of mine:


As you can see, the header is rather boring. What I'm trying to accomplish is to animate the letters of the header title "Heartgard For Dogs" the one at the very top in yellow.

I have "Xara 3D Maker 7" and "Xara Designer Pro 6".

Not sure which one will accomplish what I'm trying to do.

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VideoStudio :: Any Way To Do Animated Clock

Nov 17, 2013

I'm doing a series of videos for artists for practicing gesture drawing. They basically consist of 1 or 2 minute poses interspersed with 30 second pauses. The poses are drawn from my portfolio of model photography I've build up over many years, so they are stills. The 30 second pauses are just so the artist can flip to another sheet of paper, sharpen a pencil or shake his arms out.

When the pause is on the screen it will just display a generic background with some text showing which pose is coming up and a boilerplate copyright notice. But I thought it would be nice to have a little countdown timer being shown during the pause so the artist can see how much time remains before the next pose starts. What's a good way to integrate a little animated timer or clock that doesn't look too amateurish?

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VideoStudio :: Creating Animated Ecards

Nov 20, 2012

I've been subscribed to Hallmark's website for a long time. I paid them the fee to select and send any of their 'Premium' cards for the 1-year rate. However, I'm extremely disappointed in Hallmark's website, their Ecard offerings, etc. Their list of choices is very small, and many of the cards do not even fit the categories they are placed into. Hallmark has fallen way short of the reputation for quality that it used to have years ago. I'm referring to its website's online greeting cards.'

So, I want to know how I can use Video Studio X5 to create my own personalized animated "Ecards" (including sound) that I can send as Ecards. I have found no animated GIFS in the downloadable stuff from Corel, although I can create my own, if necessary. Neither have I found any quality 3rd-party programs for creating online Ecards; most are junk (according to reviews I've read).

I would be working mostly from very short avi files, jpg images, and adding my own text and sounds. An objective is to keep each filesize smaller than 25MB's so that each Ecard can be E-mailed.

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VideoStudio :: Animated Boris 3D Titles

Jun 26, 2012

I'm likin' it for the most part, but am having some problems when applying any (animated) Boris 3D titles or enhanced 2D titles. Preview slows to crawl. Taking as long as 50 sec to preview a 6 sec title effect. VS crashed at 60% on attempting to render (MPEG-4 HD) the same 6 sec. title effect.

These are not sophisticated titles I'm using here. Just using Boris' animated templates, changing the font format to 3D or 2D with borders and shadows. All on plain black swatch background, no other tracks in use. If I just use the default plain 2D text the animations work just fine.

I'm set to full hardware acceleration, changing preview from Best, Better, My hardware profile is on the right, am I short on GPU for these types of animations?

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VideoStudio :: Make Animated Long Line In X4?

Aug 28, 2013

We are relative newbies to VideoStudio 4 but we're able to make some simple movies. Now we have been instructed to create a video that has a single red line that begins in the upper left corner, and continues to extend, to the right, towards the right side corner as the video progresses.

How to accomplish such a thing. We have the basic VS4 package, which comes with Boris Graffitt plug in, thats very complicated to us..

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VideoStudio :: Create Opening Birthday Card (Animated)

Dec 15, 2010

I'm trying to make a birthday video for my son and want to start it off with a birthday card that opens. How to animate this or make it, at all. To look like a page turning and being able to see the inside of the card, both pages, then turn over to the back of the card.

I'm trying to create an actual birthday card that will turn the page from the front to the middle pages, then turn the page to the end.

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VideoStudio :: Create Animated Fireworks And Burning Edges

Aug 13, 2011

I'm trying to create a fireworks display in VS4. I downloaded BluffTitler DEMO and have tried it there, but wonder if there is a way to create them in VS instead? To be precise, the "fireworks" display I'm trying to create is actually made of ice cubes. I've downloaded a great ice cube photo, one cube, which I'll have to duplicate numerous times, yes? Will VS4 animation be able to do this?

I'm also attempting to create a burning edge effect for some photos, like each one is burning up. I've tried the "burn" transition and it's not what I'm looking for. I'm trying to make the photos look like the edges are on fire.

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VideoStudio :: Title Will Not Run First

May 6, 2012

I have been using video studio with no problems adding title tracks before the video clips. Now for some reason I can't make the video clips run after the title but the first one runs at the same time with the title overlayed. I guess I could shoot some black video to add as the first clip but it was working before.

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VideoStudio :: How To Superimpose Animated Clips / GIFs / Images Onto Video

Aug 2, 2011

I just started using the trail version of the VideoStudio Pro software today. I am trying to modify a .avi video file. The movie "clips" play fine, but whenever I play the project, there seems to be compression of the video or something- it the video just becomes unclear and fuzzy. It is not sharp. I'm not sure if it's because it's too big or if I have the wrong settings.

how to superimpose animated clips/gifs/images onto a video?

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VideoStudio :: X4 - Title Transitions

Mar 1, 2011

I'm currently using my VideoStudio X4 Trial before considering buying a license. I have a tiny problem with Title transitions in X4, as you now is able to put transitions on titles.

Look at the video i made for more information about my problem: [URL]........

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VideoStudio :: X4 Has More Than 2 Title Tracks?

Feb 23, 2011

Does VS Pro X4 has more than 2 Title tracks?

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VideoStudio :: Creating Title In X5

Oct 30, 2012

The program comes with a nice selection of title appliqués. The problem arises when you try to use one of them. I am able to make a nice title using the appliqués as a starting point. After changing the text, I basically change the font and color. The new text takes but when I attempt to include that title on my time line, as soon as it starts to run it reverts back to the colors and fonts of the included app. If I attempt to save my changed title, it first reverts back to the original colors and fonts, then saves it. How in the world do I get one of those things to stick.

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VideoStudio :: Replacing Title In Storyboard

Feb 7, 2011

How do you replace titles in the midst of your project? I've tried to drag a different title from the title library onto the existing one in the storyboard, but it won't let me. I've tried to create a new title at the end of the storyboard and drag it into the replacement position on the storyboard, but it won't let me. The Corel User Guide does not approach the subject, nor have I found anything online.

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VideoStudio :: Can Add Title Before Video Start

Dec 25, 2010

I am using Ulead VideoStudio and I am trying to add a title before the video start without any success I always get the title over the first few seconds of the video.

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VideoStudio :: Adding Fade To Title

Sep 13, 2011

I'm a new user for Pro X4. Can you add a fade to a title? I don't see it in the option tab.

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VideoStudio :: Put Trade Make (TM) In Title?

Jul 26, 2011

I need to put a Trade Make (TM) in a title. I cannot figure out how to do it? I choose Wingding font? or just what? The Wingding font option did not seem to work?

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VideoStudio :: Deselect Title Preset In X5?

Nov 21, 2012

How do I return to non animated text after changing my mind and not wanting to use a previously selected preset.

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VideoStudio :: How To Create Counting Title

Jul 3, 2013

I Have a clip which has numerous people coming out of a stretched limousine. The filming was set up for fun whereby we had about 50 people going in through one door but the camera was set up on the exit door.

How can I use the titles where I have a counting title on screen, adding up the total number of people exiting the limo?

I'm thinking along the lines of a car odometer where you see the mileage wheel rotating.

I have VSP x6 Ultimate

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VideoStudio :: Adding Title To A Clip?

Aug 29, 2012

I am using VS Pro X4 for quite some time. All of a sudden today, I was not able to "add a title" to a clip. It was working fine yesterday. Whenever I clicked "T" for "add a title to a clip", it switches from "Clip" to "Project" and although the "Double click here to add a title" was shown obviously nothing happened because it was in "Project" view.

After Brian told me that it always go from Clip to Project when clicking "T" or double clicking the Title track, that seems to be normal.. After using VS since VS 9, I have not noticed that before (if something works one usually does not notice anything...).

After re-installing VS Pro X4, per instructions in "How to remove X4 manually", and reinstall it, I am still not able to add text to the clip. Clicking "T" or double clicking the Title track still gave me the "Double click here to add title " notice in the preview window, but nothing happened upon double clicking the Preview window.

Out of curiosity I also ran VS X2 ,that is also in my computer, and with X2 the same problem exists --> no text can be added to a clip.

Back to VS Pro X4, however, I am able to drag a VS pre-set Title clip (Lorem Ipsum) to the Title track and then modify the text. So, if I could not get the problem solved of adding text directly to a clip, I have to add text the long way through the preset Lorem Ipsum clips.

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VideoStudio :: X4 - Create Hyperlink In A Title?

Feb 11, 2012

I created a video and want to insert a Hyperlink to a website at the end of the video, most likely within a title box. Is this possible? I know how to add the text/title to display the website link on the video, but I'd like the viewer to be able to click it and go to the website.

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VideoStudio :: Title Text Misaligned?

Oct 13, 2010

Whenever I add title text which appears to be perfectly centered in the editor, some of it disappears to the right after rendering. To fix this I have to guess how far to the left I enter the text in the editor so it doesnt disappear. Is there some option which would allow me to enter text and have it appear as I enter it? The text is over the background of a colour and I suspect it doesnt like the fact that I am outputting the result as 16:9 which I thought vs pro x2 can handle.

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VideoStudio :: Ending Video On A Title?

Sep 15, 2013

I ended the video on a portrait of him and added a title to appear. However, as the clip proceeds the title disappears at the end of it's bar/clip. How does one get the video to end on the photo with the title in place, or, freeze on the photo and title after the tile appears. The more I extend the title bar, it just takes longer to appear and still disappears at the end.

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VideoStudio :: Difference Between Title And Subtitle?

Jul 12, 2013

I know how the two are used in practice but why is there such a distinction in VideoStudio?

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VideoStudio :: Curve Title Text Around Item In Pro X6?

Aug 10, 2013

Is it possible to curve title text around an item in VSP X6? What I'm trying to do is have a rainbow fade into view and curve a title around the edge of the rainbow.

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VideoStudio :: Adding Title To Beginning Of Video?

Dec 18, 2010

I'm trying to add a title to the beginning of my video but when I drag my video clip down to the timeline I can't get it to start after the beginning title. How do I add deadspace to the video timeline so my title text shows at the beginning? I can't figure this out. It seems so simple. I just want text at the beginning and then after 10 seconds I want my home video to start.

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VideoStudio :: Adding Symbol / Object In Title?

Nov 12, 2013

I'm trying to make a video where while the video is playing a series of dollar signs are added as if someone is typing. i'm able to do this with just adding a new title with one more dollar sign each title. What I'd like to do then is show the dollar signs being deleted and then a series of red hearts are typed in its place. I can't seem to figure out how to get hearts or any picture/object in a title.

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VideoStudio :: How To Slow Down Title Playback Speed

Aug 30, 2011

I am using a title that scrolls across the screen, by spelling out one letter at a time.

However, I feel the speed is a bit too fast, and I'd like to slow it down.

I try extending the length of the clip, but this doesn't seem very effective.

How can I slow down the speed of this title movement?

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VideoStudio :: Smokey / Misty Title Effect

Mar 22, 2011

I am looking for a title effect that fades in a smokey or misty title and fades out the same way. I am using VSPX3.

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VideoStudio :: X5 - Shaping Title Backgrounds Behind Text

Mar 19, 2013

Video Studio X5 Pro

I'm having extreme difficulty in trying to change the shape of a just the Title's solid background shape (proportions). I want to retain the solid background color behind my text to cover up something at the top of a video clip.

For some unexplained reason, the (yellow squares) "resizing handles" do not work properly. The ones in the middle (top and bottom) do not stretch the background shape taller or smaller, but instead they act exactly like the corner (yellow resizing handles)! The middle ones stretch the background proportionately wider (and larger overall) and/or more narrow (less width and smaller overall) instead of how they are supposed to work. Plus, they seem to "snap" to some invisible grid instead of precisely points where I place them to.

Any way to control this very odd behavior that I haven't found? Is there some other workaround to "block-out" something which is across the top of the video clip?

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VideoStudio :: Create Video Showing Through A Title?

Jun 7, 2012

I have been trying to create a short video that will show some video through a title. I have found a Corel Tutorial on how to do this but it seems to be for an earlier version of VS since I do not see some of the screens in X5 that are shown in the tutorial. I am still basically a beginner with some of the VS features so may have easily overlooked the process.

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