AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Pipes Extending Beyond Profile?
Jun 22, 2009
I have a profile with a couple of pipe networks in it. One of the pipes shown extends beyond the edge of the profile at some crazy angle. look at the picture for a better explanation.
We've had a little nagging problem that we've just been living with, but getting a little tired of it: when building a pipe network the plotted line will stop plotting at the outter wall of the structure, thus leaviung a gap between the pipe and the structure. On a 48" manhole it's hardly noticable, but when the manhole gets larger, so does the problem. Check out the attached pdf and you'll see what I'm talking about.
I've been through all the style setting I can think of, but I thought there might be a variable to take care of the FACETDEV variable for crossing pipe.
why when i mesure the pipe diam prependicular in profile its less than the accurat dimension of the pipe whoever i changed the profile vertical exaggeration to 1, it still wrong? when mesured virtical it is ok
I have two pipe networks and two profile views, one for storm and another for sanitary. I would like to show the crossing pipes on each of the profile views. When I select the profile view, add a pipe and change the style to crossing the style is change to crossing on the other profile view (ex. on sanitary profile view I set storm pipe 3 to crossing style, on the storm profile pipe 3 changes to crossing style and does not display). Isn't there a way to display the styles for pipes different in each profile view?
How to do profiles in Civil3D and I have created a profile from the surface utilizing a miscellaneous alignment. I have also taken one 12"RCP and made it part of a network along with the catch basin and manhole at its start and end. When I click "draw parts in profile" it places both structures and the pipe, but in reality only a portion of the pipe crosses the alignment. I'd like to only display portions of pipes that cross the alignment at a fixed width form that alignment, say 2' to each side of it.
Is there a way (and I'm just missing it) to have a pipe from a pipe network only be shown 'cut-off', with the typical 'cut-off' shown on the profile view? see the screen shot of sketch of what I'm referring to.
In order to have a data band at the bottom of my profile label the station and invert of my sewer pipe I just created a profile along the pipe and then have a data band in my profile that labels that profile. I have that profile style set to not plot so this way I can leave it on all the time. This is all fine and well. I have labels every 100' that label the station and invert elevation but at times I want to label miscellaneous locations along my pipe such as a bend or something. How do I add an addition data band label to achieve this? Everything I have found only lets me have these labels at a specified increment set in the band style.
Is there a way for C3D 2013 to automatically hatch (with a style) in the profile view the area from the FG to top of pipes (Sanitary, Storm or Water). Currently we go old school with isolating the linework in the profile and hatching it manually. The interesting thing is the hatch still recognizes the grid in the profile view even though we've frozen the grid and other linework. AND we must put a line on the top of the pipe, or the hatching goes to the next "grid" of the profile.
Would be nice to get it to generate the hatch much the same way it does for the profile view with Cut area or Fill area or Multi boundaries.
I've got a weird problem with pipes in 2014. When I edit a pipe (right-click Pipe Properties) and make a change, when I press OK or Apply, the pipe SIZE changes? It's still listed as a 300mm PVC, but it's being represented as a 410mm? Look at the attached image. The storm (green) shoes a 300mm pipe and 375. The 375 is smaller? The pipe style (as you can see int he image, is set to display the inside pipe walls.
Nothing is unique here about the pipe sizes, this is a stock pipe catalog. But the size doesn't really change, only how the pipe is drawn in the profile. I've never seen something like this before. It measures .418m instead of .3m.
I have a water and sewer line that run parallel for the most part. The sewer starts at 10+00 runs west and then turns north about 10+80 and parallels the waterline from that point on.
I want to show the sewer in the water profile as beyond and to reference the sheets to see for P&P information. This works fine.
When i go to show the waterline in the sewer profile it does not show up correctly it only shows up in the initial 80 feet of the sewer profile. Is this because the two alignments are not parallel with each other until that 2nd manhole?
How I have come to this question is through the process of trying to realistically show a hydrant in profile view. First off it it possible to create a completely vertical pipe in C3D? Also if you can, is it possible to show that in profile view? Basically, what I am trying to avoid is representing a fire hydrant pipe by creating some sort of custom cyclinder part in partbuilder. I have done this, but do not like the results.
Civil 3D 2013 SP2 | Win 7 64-bit SP1 Intel Core i5-2500 @ 3.30GHz, 8GB Ram | ATI Radeon HD 5450
I have drawn in essentially a sewer pressure pipe (using gravity part network because I don't have time to setup the other) and I am using PVC pipe and null structures at the joints. I created the pipe network from a feature line with verticies at the grade breaks and every 10'. As you can see in the picture the pipes are lining up but I have these straggling lines on the profile.
Is there a way to label multiple structures/pipes at one time in profile view? We have tried selecting all at one time, right click and add label, but it only labels one of the structures/pipes.
I remember seeing an article or web cast on how to create a style to display a single line for a manhole. It may have been about using the parts create tool. But for the life of me, I can’t remember where I saw it.
Also I had created a style in C3D2007 to display the pipes in profile as a single line. This was done by drawing the flow arrow in a non printable colour over the top of the pipe.In C3D2008 this is no longer possible. So now what?
I have pipe crossings shown in my profile. Only crossings (NO PROJECTIONS). So many elipises. I want to label them. Setting the label style at the pipe network does not work (will not override whatever label style was assigned at the pipe creation). I have accepted this (although it sucks).
Now, to get around it, I go Pipe>Add Label>Add Pipe Network Label. Label type is "Entire Network Profile". When I do this, it labels not only the crossings but all projections. So I have a million labels chilling out in space, where I have no crossing.
Run profile on a self-intersecting street? The one I'm dealing with is a dead end 'P' shape. Logically, there are manholes in the intersection of the 'P', and logically to me, these structures need to show up in two places in the same profile view. Of course, C3D doesn't realize that I want a certain structure to show up twice, and I'm not sure how to communicate that information to it.
My colleague added parallel pipe networks and crossings to multiple SD profile views yesterday. Today, he came in, turned on AutoCAD, opened the drawing, and the parallel pipes and crossings were gone. The working folder had reset itself to nowhere so we reset the working folder and Data Shortcuts Folder, but that didn't bring them back. We can go into the profile view properties<pipe networks tab and turn the pipes and structures back on and override the styles, but that is basically redoing everything we did yesterday. Is there a way to avoid having to redo everything? Is there a way to avoid this from happening in the first place?
We are currently using 2012 Civil 3D, and we have a issue with a drawing that not all the Pipes from the pipe network are displaying in the Profile, and even the pipe properties display box the lengths show up way too long and the stationing does not display correctly in this pipe properties box either.
The Big Twist is that we have 2 machines in the offices that will display the drawing correctly, in profile view and pipe properties display box has correct lengths and stationing. So we know it is not styles, etc.
Direct support has suggested we un-install all Autodesk products and reinstall them all again, we tried the repair, however this did not work. Any other way before we have to go through all this work, as we are looking a huge amount of downtime, and we do not think this is the issue. Perhaps a Civil 3D variable or Autocad variable is different?
What do I draw the existing pipes as that will be under the surface that I'm profiling? I have the surveyed invert points I'm assuming that won't be polylines? how to get the pipe to show at the proper elevation on the profile?
I would like to extend a surface to a outer boundary. When I use kriging to do this my surface becomes too inaccurate, the attached picture shows what kriging does to the surface. In the picture notice the elevations of the surface, you can tell where the survey points are because they are lower than the surface around it. All I need to do is extend the outer points to a boundary and leave the rest of the surface alone.
I have survey data of the inside floor of a pond ( the pond has a flat floor ). The surface made from the survey data needs to extend to the outline of the pond instead of the outline of the survey points.
I tried the smooth surface method of kriging with a grid base and I sellected the outline of the pond for the output region and that worked somewhat but there are still gaps between the boarder and the surface.
I've attached a screenshot of the issue I'm dealing with. I have a closed polyline and when I first hatch the area it appears to be correct, but then I'll go do another command and then the hatch seems to extend beyond the boundaries of the polyline.
Sometimes we need to extend the end of an alignment along it's path, whether it is a tangent or curve. I don't know of any tool to do this. Is there such a tool?
Infrastructure Suite/C3D 2013, LDT 2004, Power Civil v8i SS1 WIN 7 64 PRO HP Pavillion h8xt, i7 2600, 12 GB RADEON 6450, 1 GB
2013 version. Long story short, I am having problems with pressure networks in my drawing so to simplify things I want to just show the top of the current watermain in my profiles because we are not doing anything with the water main, though it needs to be shown in the profile. To do this I created some points where the watermain is and made their elevation 1.8m lover than the existing surface at those points (due to the 1.8m of cover the watermain has).
I then created a surface using those points and an outer boundary surrounding the points. For some reason the surface stops at one point and doesn't continue to the rest (about 5 more points). So when I create my profile the surface stops short. The points are included in the point group the surface uses, and the outer boundary doesn't cut them out either. Not sure why the surface isn't referencing those points.
How to choose “no color” for the line extending between the contours labels?
I labeled the contour lines but sounds that it draws a line between them. Is there a way to hide this line to give it “no color” to have a better presentation for the entire map?
I've been able to publish and then import valves, flange adaptors etc. with no problem, but if I create a flanged (metric) pipe using the Content Catalog Editor and then draw the pipe in C3D it shows blank ends, no flanges. I've split the pipe in the drawing to see if that forces flanges to appear, but nothing.
Do I need to create the flanges seperately and then add them to the end of pipes?
I am modelling a sewer pipe network in SSA. At some stages we use varies pipe materials with different wall thicknesses. So I want to know how can I assign inner diameter of pipes in SSA so I just deduct wall thickness from pipe diameter and then assign it to the pipe. Or is there any possibility to make a pipe list with specific properties like part builder in civil3d?