Photoshop :: Picture Package :: Add Multiple Pictures To Canvas For Printing
Dec 13, 2004
How can I automatically add different pictures in a single canvas using Picture package? i.e. I have about 48 pictures and I want to place 4 different pictures to each [10 X 8 - "4(4X5)"] canvas so that I can send all 48 pictures for printing at a digital studio. When I try, multiple copies of single picture appear on each canvas. I tried 'contact sheet' but not satisfied with the result as I could not change the length and width of the pictures.
My PSE 5 lets me print an 8 X 10 photo with choice of borders using the "print multiple photos" feature. Will either of these newer PSE versions also print an 8 X 10 as well? I downloaded the PSE 11 trial version, which seemed to allow only up to 5 X 7 prints.
I need to cut up a single picture of many multiple headshots, into individual pictures. Cropping each headshot out would take a mellinium. Is there a way to make a grid of cuts and have photoshop then make an individual picture out of each of the small cut up squares (heads).
How do I convert the colour profile of a Lightroom custom printing package from Adobe Prophoto to sRGB before printing? For that matter, how do I save the thing? I have no interest in saving the template, or the collection separately, since neither has any use without the other. And without saving them as one finished item, I have no way to convert the colour profile of that item. I can see clearly from the appearance of the print preview that the above mentioned colour profile conversion is required.
Cs2 has a picture package program that you can format a photo 1-5x7 +2-4x6  8 wallets and Manny more on to a 8.5x11 sheet of photo paper does cs4 have that same app.
I saw in one of the vids prior to CS4's release that thew picture package feature was changing, but I can't seem to locate it anyplace...I checked help, but it says to go to file/automate/picture package... picture package doesn't appear in my menus...
I recently upgraded to cs4 and found under Automate there was no Picture Package that I was use to using in cs3. In my cs4 install cd there was a goodies directory that had certain plugins like contact sheet but no picture package. Is it possible to get the Picture Package plugin to work with cs4 on Windows?
I just upgraded to CS6, and just realized that the 'picture package' feature is no longer supported (it was an optional addon in CS5)... I use it constantly to run sports photo packages--it is perfect for the output volume requirements I have. Is there some other feature I havent found yet that can accomplish this?
I am having a problem in photoshop reconizing picture packages plug in in cs5. Contact sheet ok not picture packages  <moved from downloading, installing, setting up by mod - kglad>
I'm using Photoshop CS version 8.0 for Mac and never noticed this before, but when I print on my Epson 2200 an image that I have made into a picture package from photoshop, it is a different color that when I print directly from the .jpg image without creating a picture package first (because it is an 8x10 and I don't need to use the software for that). Is it because my Picture Package creates it as a .psd and not a .jpg?
saving picture package?I tried creating a picture package and when I tried saving it on the adobe presets, a message appears, C:program file(x86) adobeadobe photoshopcs3presetslayouts2-8x10.You don't have permission to save in this location.Contact administrator to obtain permission. I am using windows vista64.
I have CS4 and I downloaded and transferred the legacy plugins for picture package into my automate folder (as directed). After restarting Photoshop,
I go to file>automate>picture package and I get the following error: "Cannot find any layout files Presets/Layouts" After I click "ok" I get this message: "Could not complete the Picture Package command because the file could not be found. Any thoughts on what I need to do to fix this? I would use the picture package feature in Adobe Bridge but I can't locate it in the Output workspace. FYI, the contact sheet feature does work in Photoshop.Â
I have found the old legacy plugin Picture Package etc very useful. However It needs CS5 to be run in 32 bit mode. Is there an equivalent in CS5 (and CS6 when it comes) or Bridge or Light room?
I have CS6 Design standard. I downloaded CS5 automate plug-in so I could have picture package. Even after I restarted mycomputer, picture package still does not show up in automate.
Using v11 and also v12. My problem is that I have created a new picture package layout as described elsewhere and saved it to the adobe/PEO/assets/layouts directory but it doesn't show up.
I just downloaded Photoshop Elements 11 for Mac but Picture Package is grayed out. I've been trying to figure out if I can get a plug in to get it back.
Following a computer crash had to reinstall Photoshop CS5 on a Windows 8 machine. Downloaded files to use PicturePackage and Contact Sheet. Dropped them in the proper Adobe plugin locations.They show up in the Bridge Menu under tools - Photoshop. However when I click on one a message pops up: The Command ",unknown." is not currently available.
Is there a way to customize Picture Package Layouts in PSE 10? I have one image that I want to print 1in x 1in and completely fill a letter size sheet with that same image. Or, is there a way to tell PSE 10 to print out the one image 56 (or however many) times on the page and it would size it automatically?