Lightroom :: Convert Colour Profile Of Custom Printing Package From Pro Photo To SRGB Before Printing
Oct 30, 2012
How do I convert the colour profile of a Lightroom custom printing package from Adobe Prophoto to sRGB before printing? For that matter, how do I save the thing? I have no interest in saving the template, or the collection separately, since neither has any use without the other. And without saving them as one finished item, I have no way to convert the colour profile of that item. I can see clearly from the appearance of the print preview that the above mentioned colour profile conversion is required.
I'm selecting a page size (A3 UK size sheet feeder retain size) but having difficulty getting my image to fit onto the page at the size spec shown on my screen.
I am wondering if a print preview / scale to fit exists in LR4 as it's not supported by the Epson 3800 driver.
in LR3 custom package did not support photo info. Has this changed in LR4 - is there a way to add a caption to a jpeg file generated via the custom package?
My PSE 5 lets me print an 8 X 10 photo with choice of borders using the "print multiple photos" feature. Will either of these newer PSE versions also print an 8 X 10 as well? I downloaded the PSE 11 trial version, which seemed to allow only up to 5 X 7 prints.
I installed an ICM profile from Red River paper in attempt to improve printing from LR by allowing LR to manage colors. Probably should not have done this because I am using Canon s9000 printer and Canon paper but I could not find Canon profiles anywhere on internet (for this printer). In any case, end result is horrific but I can't "reset" or uninstall.
Do I need to reinstall LR and photoshop to fix this? More likely this is now somewhere in Windows but I have already tried to delete everywhere I could find.
How can I automatically add different pictures in a single canvas using Picture package? i.e. I have about 48 pictures and I want to place 4 different pictures to each [10 X 8 - "4(4X5)"] canvas so that I can send all 48 pictures for printing at a digital studio. When I try, multiple copies of single picture appear on each canvas. I tried 'contact sheet' but not satisfied with the result as I could not change the length and width of the pictures.
how can you work in adobe RGB and sRGB colours paces in LR 5. Why do my photos in prophoto colour space print so badly on my inkjet computer. If I am using the book module in LR 5 will Blurb be able to print them using prophoto colour spaces.
I'm aiming to take RAW photo files, edit them in a wide color space, and when posting them to the web, save them as sRGB.
My workspace is as follows:
I open RAW files in Photoshop via ACR as 16-bit ProPhoto smart objects. When I finish editing them, I use "Save for Web" with the "Convert to sRGB" and "Embed Color Profile" boxes checked.
Photoshop and Bridge tell me the profile in photos saved as such is sRGB as expected. When I upload to a site like flickr, however, the metadata says the photo is still in ProPhoto. See an example here: [URL]...If I use "Convert to Profile" and change it to sRGB, then upload to flickr, the metadata says the photo is in sRGB, as it should be.
How do I change the default font that is used for printing "Photo Info" in the Print Module? The only option I can find is the Font Size option, but what determines the default font that Lightroom uses to print the photo info?
As far as I can tell there is no way to change the "Photo Info" color to something other than black, is this correct?
I have AdobeRGB PSDs and camera RAW files, that I develop in LR and then export for web. Does LR default to a conversion to sRGB? I can't find a tick-box for this. All web images seem to get tagged sRGB, but I'm not sure whether this is a genuine colour space conversion, or merely a re-tagging.
I have never had this problem until today, I have something I want to print in a bright orange but when I print it prints in a light redish colour, I have printed with this colour before but no problems.
Another thing happened in photoshop CS today, all the menu's and tools on the screen in photoshop just vanished, maybe this has something to do with it, should I re install photoshop?
I can't find a way to import an .icc into my GIMP work.
I want to do this so that the pictures on my computer monitor match as closely as possible to the prints from my local (high-end) print shop. My screen is Spyder calibrated.
I'm trying;
Image >>> Mode >>> Convert To Colour Profile >>> (and then from the pop-up box) >>> Convert to ... (and then from the pop-up box) >>> Select Colour Profile From Disk
... and then I select the new .icc (provided to customers on the print shop's website) from a Downloads folder on my local drive.
That all sounds right doesn't it?
It stubbornly remains on sRGB.icc
I've also tried the process in;
Edit >>> Preferences >>> Colour Management
Same result - ignores the selection of a new .icc and remains stuck on sRGB.icc.
I'm desperately trying to colour correct for printing today.
I'm new to the site. I have been using adobe software for a good few years at this point, and i have been trying to solve a problem with my friends Photoshop and illustrator. every time she prints out work, its all off colour and over exposed like the colour preferences are messed up.
When printing a word doc or regular jpg images there is no problem. It only happens when trying to print in Photoshop or illustrator.
I am currently attempting to create a wood grain background.
I saw that using an overlay gradient really makes it look a lot more realistic but this is to be printed so I am not sure if this is basically treated as a transparent gradient and may not print. Another step in the tutorial I was looking at was also to add another overlay with a colour burn tool so it creates a lighting effect. Again, does this add transparency (my gut is telling me yes).
Here is the tutorial so the effects are better explained (step 8 and 9) - the other steps I have not used as I drew the grain by hand: [URL] ......
I had an earlier issue where I had created gradients with a part of them transparent and they did not print and so I have been avoiding transparency at all costs. The funny thing was when I had a group of objects at 80% transparency they seemed to print fine.
What is print safe and what is not when it comes to such effects.
I have a set of JPEGs that have been stripped of their color profiles (AdobeRGB). Lightroom assumes that they are sRGB images and displays them incorrectly. Is there any function in the program that will let me embed the correct (AdobeRGB) profile to the photos, preferably without re-compressing them?
We are just in the process of setting up Corel X6 for deployment in our office and we are trying to get a handle on the colour settings. We have upgraded from CD11 which had very little in the way of colour management and so we are somewhat inexperienced in how to set up.
We have two production printers an OKI 821 and a Ricoh C820DN which we print to using PCL drivers. We believe that we therefore need to use RGB as our colour mode and use an ICC profile for each printer for colour correction with colour management switched off on the driver. Is this correct? We've had a try this afternoon and the colours on the prints differ greatly from the display (which has been profiled using an xrite i1pro calibrator). They also differ from each other.
The monitor profile is set as the device profile in the windows colour system, and we are using that as our engine in corel.
Have a slight problem with our new HP Designjet 500 printer which has just replaced our previous HP Designjet 500 printer that went bang a few days ago!
Problem is, all the lines or blocks etc within the drawing that are on colour 253 (a grey i use for certain elements of the drawing) are coming out purple when i print the drawing out!?
I have just moved over to Photoshop CS6 from Elements 10. One thing I can't work out how to do is to have PS automatically convert opened files to RGB, exactly like PSE does.
I run a little print shop as part of our Charity and we produce T-shirts, sublimation mugs and coasters as well as some paper based goods.
I've read a lot about color management but what is the best way to to set up to print to our postscript printers (one OKI 821 & a Ricoh 820DN)
Currently I have the default workspace set to CMYK, sRGB & coated Fogra39 profiles, color engine as WCS, preserve black off and the rest as defaults.
My question is how to set up for printing to postscript? I've read that this is best for color accuracy and allows for different colour spaces with in the same document. We print a lot of cards for local artists whose images are edited in Photoshop and output as srgb jpegs. We then import these into corel and add writing using the standard CMYK palette.
At the moment when we print we have corel set to manage colours, output colours as native as there is a combination of of RGB & CMYK elements. Within the printer driver we set either CM off or ICM managed by host, depending on the driver.
Is this correct? I did have a thought that this combination may mean that effectively there is no color management happening at all!?! It is useful for us to keep the jpegs as RGB because some customers will require their artwork on sublimation items as well which require transfers being produced on a non-postscript device. For these we use a sublimation ICC profile and a PCL driver and it works well.
With postscript I have found that outputting the file as cmyk rather than native dulls the image considerably. However, using native output gives different results from both of our printers.
I've noticed when using the single image/contact sheet that you are able to move the images inside the cells without moving the cells. I would like to be able to do that when I create a custom package. What setting in the lrtemplate file that is or if you are even able to do it?
I'm having issues printing layouts to full colour. I've Exported to PDF and plotted to a printer and the same things keep happening. The Polylines and hatching keep being faded whilst printing. I've checked lineweights, I've turned off everything to do with fading - even layer managers setting fade slide bar is turned off. I've massed with plot styles and still it is happening.
I'd like to prepare a multiple pages package in the Print Module. I need to view each single page, as because every time I add new page the cells become smaller and it's hard to arrange the images well.
I have photographed some colour negatives in RAW. Any outline of a process as to how to convert these to positives using Lightroom v5. I have tried and failed!
Running Mac os x 10.8.2 and Photoshop CS6. I have an Epson R2880 and so far only used Epson paper. I was able to find all the paper settings but i decided to buy a new German paper.
I downloaded the ICC profile, copied it to /Library/ColorSync/Profiles (and actually any other path that i could find in there). When i open the print dialog i cannot set that paper in either Photoshop or the Epson dialog.
I then removed ALL the ICC files from that path and... surprise. All the profiles are still shown in Photoshop.
When printing on Epson printers (4800,4880,4900) in the Photoshop print settings dialogue box it won't allow me to print at a custom paper size using the sheet or manual feed settings. The paper feed option defaults to Roll Paper when I create the custom paper size, and then when I change it and try and save the settings it just reverts back to roll paper.
If I try and send a print after this then the printer won't accept it because it's being told to print on a roll instead of sheet. Why is this?? I'm using CS6 and OS 10.7 and I've never experienced this problem with any previous Photoshop/ Mac OS X before.
i have an image that is 28' wide by 60' high. i have to tile print it, but i have to print it out on film (see thru acetate). it has to be able to print at 1400 dpi. i know how to print at 1400 dpi on adobe photoshop, but i dont know how to tile print on that program. i have the image now in illusrtator, because it lets me tile, but i cant get it to print out for film (1400 dpi). im using a epson 1280 printer.
i really need to be able to tile print this in high resolution on film. anyone know what i can do??