Photoshop :: Image Appears Different With Save As

Oct 11, 2012

when I use Save As after making some basic adjustments to an image (usually just resizing), the resulting image looks different from the original. The image on the right shows exactly what it looks like in Ps before being saved out, and on the left is the exported JPG.  You can see that the left image looks "faded out"--like it's lost contrast and brightness.  In general, I'm opening either JPG or TIFF files and saving them to JPG.

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Photoshop :: HDR Pro On CS5 - Merged Image Appears But Bottom With Save Buttons Cut Off?

May 5, 2011

When I select photos to merge, either via Bridge or within CS5 (Automate/Merge to HDR Pro), the Merged image appears over the CS5 screen.  However, the bottom of the HDR screen with the photos selected for the merge along with the Cancel & Save buttons are cut off.  The only way for me to exit HDR is to force quit.
My monitor resolution is 1440X900 which is better than the 1024x768 required for CS5.


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Photoshop :: Appears To Save - But Hasn't?

Apr 5, 2012

We hit save and everything appears as though it is saving, only to find out after we've closed out the file that it hasn't been saved. Or portions of the work we did were saved but not the entirety, and out of chronological order. Though we are connected to a series of networked servers, we do all of our work locally and save locally before copying the files back to the server. This has affected 5 people so far and started occurring within the last two weeks. We've been doing this sort of work for over 4 years here and never encountered this problem.
We're pretty desperate to see if there's some sort of answer. So far our only solution is to keep saving the file in different locations on our system with different names, just in case.
We are all running on Mac OSX Lion 10.7.3 and Photoshop CS5 12.0.4.

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Photoshop :: Save As Windows Appears When Pressing CMD+S Shortcut

Jun 5, 2013

Whenever I press CMD+S (which is supposedly a shortcut for a quick save on Mac) the Save As window always appear. I looked at the File menu and there's nothing wrong with the shortcut key. I also tried pressing CMD+SHIFT+S (which is the real Save As shortcut) and it works fine.

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Photoshop :: Save As TIFF Selected - Pop Up Message Appears Saying Disk Is Full

Jun 17, 2012

When selecting SAVE AS in Photoshop CS5, I received a message saying that the disk is full.  This is this first time I have seen this message from CS2 on.  I don't understand what disk is being mentioned here.  Of course I understand what disk full means, but I don't understand what disk is being discussed or refered to.

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Photoshop :: CS5 / Image Appears Only At 25% And 100% Magnification?

May 16, 2013

Been running PS CS5 successfully for a couple of years, then all of a sudden I can't work at magnifications other than 25% and Actual Pixels. The image disappears and I only see the checkerboard. There was a Windows update I ran on April 10 that included an update to the graphics card, which I thought might have been the culprit, so I uninstalled it. That didn't fix the problem, so I updated it again. I couldn't see anything else in those updates that should affect Photoshop.
Here is what I've tried so far:

I updated my graphics driver (NVidia GeForce),

Trashed Adobe Photoshop CS5 Prefs.psp (which crashed PS completely when I reopened it...luckily I kept the old prefs file on my desktop and dragged it back in),

Made sure Photoshop was up-to-date.
Photoshop CS5 (v.12.0.4 32 bit)
Windows 7 Home Premium (v.6.1 Build 7601: Service Pack 1)
AMD Phenom II X4 840 Processor 3.20 GHz

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Photoshop :: Image Only Appears When Moving Box

Dec 10, 2008

I have vista 64 bit installed, 4gb ram and a geforce 8400 gs.

photoshop opens ok, but when I open a image, only appears a gray window. and when i move the image box, the image appears, but when I stop moving it, it desapears again.. I know I can edit the image, because I can add a brush into it, and when I move the box the image is brushed.. And when I enter the filter gallery the image appears normaly..

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Photoshop :: How To Eliminate Mesh Screen Which Appears Over Any Image

Oct 24, 2013

How can I eliminate the mesh screen which appears over any image I open in photoshop CS6?

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Photoshop :: Image Size / Appears Smaller In Screen

Jun 7, 2012

When i start a new document and  select the size  ( lets say for example 4x4 inches ) it appears smaller in the screen....if i put an actual ruler next to the screen it measures to something like 2x2 inches.

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Photoshop :: When Zoom Into Single Catalog Image - Picture Appears?

May 15, 2012

Recently when I upload photographs in Photoshop Elements 8, the images in the catalogue appear as an hourglass when viewed as multiple images, but when I zoom in to a single catalogue image the picture appears. Previous images in the cataloge appear as normal.

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Photoshop :: CS5 Appears As Gray And White Checker Board Image

Jan 25, 2013

Just loaded cs5 onto a second computer legally.  Any tiff or raw file brought into cs5 appears as a grey and white checker board image. From there its gets even crazier. CS5 works fine on the first computer.  both loaded from the same legal disk.

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Photoshop :: Adobe Click Liquify Black Screen Appears Instead Of Image?

Sep 1, 2013

Im using Adobe Photoshop CC. Everytime I click Liquify a black screen appears instead of the image.I'm using Dell Inspiron 5520.

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Lightroom :: 4.2 - Image Appears To Be Damaged

Dec 16, 2012

LR version - 4.2
OS - OS X 10.8.2
I've just moved to a new computer and also I've just started using LR4. Since moving I've had a few of my imported images display the 'The image appears to be damaged' message when in develop mode.
The image appears undamaged and I can edit and export without issue, if I copy the image on disk the copy will also cause the message to appear however when I copy the image to another computer (running Windows 7 and LR 3.3) and that doesn't report the image as damaged.
I'm not too sure what causes LR to report the image as damaged also I don't know why the image would appear damaged on one computer and not on another.

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Photoshop :: Erase Thin White Line That Automatically Appears Around Edited Figure In Image (CS6)

Feb 16, 2013

A thin white border around the figure that I had edited appeared out of nowhere. I was able to erase it before editing the background but now I can't erase it or remember how I did that.

how to get rid of this line? If by setting the eraser color to the background color, how do I do that? As I get rid of the line, I'd also like to refine the figure's outline so it becomes cleaner.

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Photoshop :: On Close Inspection - Stacked Image Appears Small / Random / Out Of Focus Blobs?

Jun 22, 2013

Having followed various tutorials to the letter, I am finding that, on close inspection, my stacked image appears to have small, random, out of focus blobs. No matter how many shots I use in the stack, the final results are the same. However, if I repeat the procedure, with the same images, the result is the same, but with different areas of softness.

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Photoshop :: Open Flat Image (with Key Combo) From Layer File Appears White / Empty

Jan 29, 2013

For printing or mailing purpose, i used to re-open big .psb layer files (2-6GB) in cs5 and cs6 with keybombo "alt" and "shift" while double clicking the document in the finder window (10.6 + 10.7.5), in order to save time.
This is not possible anymore, everytime i open a document this way its white and empty in photoshop.

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Illustrator :: Image Appears To Have Jagged Lines?

Oct 17, 2012

This image appears to have jagged edges on all of the paths. I created outlines for the text and converted strokes to path, but i can not seem to figure out how to make the image's path edges  appear smooth.   The image above is a png file but the image still appears this way when i view the ai version in illustrator. 

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Illustrator :: 3D Image Appears To Be Partially Transparent?

Aug 22, 2012

I've built a 3D cylinder shape in Illlustrator and have applied plastic shading. Looks OK in Illustrator, but when imported into InDesign or opened in Photoshop, it appears to be partially transparent AND what looked to be smooth shading in Illustrator appears as a strange pattern in PS and InD, etc.We're getting close to final and this will be printing as it's a logomark.Is there something I'm missing that would make this shape a solid shape (instead of appearring to be transparent) and reproduce well? I just want it to look in PS and InD (and on paper) the way it looks in Illustrator.

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Illustrator :: Same Background Image (TIFF) Appears Different In Different Files

Oct 16, 2013

I am linking to the exact same background image file (TIF) in more than one illustrator file. This image is on the bottom layer in  four different files.
The opacity on the  image and the image's layer is set to 100% in all the files. In the dialog box for each of the layers that contain the image, the "Dim" control is unchecked. There are no other higher layers that contain artwork that might interfere with the image's appearance. two of the files, the image looks full and vibrant. In the other two files, the image looks dim and faded.
Is there another control that I'm missing that might be causing the image to be faded. (I want it to be full and vibrant.)

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Illustrator :: Black Border Appears Around Ice Cream Image On PDF

Jul 5, 2013

I am creating a peice of artwork in illustrator. I have cut out the icecream image in photoshop and placed it in illustrator as a psd file. It looks fine in illustrator, looks like it should do. The problem occurs when I export to pdf, a black border around the ice cream image appears. However when I print the black border does not display. So the issue with the black border only appears on the pdf. Check out the attachment beow for example of what I mean.

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Photoshop :: Save Image By Clicking Save As But It Does Not Trigger Any Thing?

Oct 22, 2013

After designing, i try to save the image by clicking save as, but it does not trigger any thing. even if i click save alone. it's still the same thing. Until i try to close the interface, then it will pop-up a dialog message that do i want to save before i close or not, then i click yes but it does not display png,jpeg and the likes as file extension. it only displays psd and some uncommon extensions.

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Photoshop :: Cannot Save Images From CC As Dialogue Box Opens With Cannot Save Image

Sep 9, 2013

I cannot save images from Photoshop CC as a dialogue box opens with "cannot save you do not have write access

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Object Appears Of Ground When Image Is Inserted?

Feb 12, 2012

When I add an image to my sketch the main body then appears "of the ground" as you van see from the attached screen shot. The shadow and reflection is distant. The minute I remove the instead image the object and the shadow touch again as it should be.

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Lightroom :: Image Appears To Be Damaged Message In Develop Module

Oct 17, 2013

I have several raw images that were imported directly from the memory card into LR5 as DNG files.  They look fine in the Library mode - both in Grid and Loupe view, but when they are opened into the Develop module they have gray and pink boxes as if information is missing and I get an error message saying "image appears to be damaged".
Is it really damaged or is there a way to resolve this?  When I look at the file itself through Finder it shows the damage, so I'm thinking it's damaged but somehow the previews aren't?
Just want to understand before I import again or start editing only to lose more pictures.  Is it a bug? 
We recently installed extra RAM only to find out it wasn't compatible with the Mac. We have the correct RAM in there now, but I don't know if I should uninstall and reinstall LR5 or if it should now be fine with the new RAM or if it's totally unrelated to the RAM.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: BMP Or JPG Image Inserted In Sketch Appears Blank And Gray

Apr 4, 2012

I have one Inventor Pro 2012 SP1 user who is trying to insert a bmp image into a sketch so he can create a decal and the image appears blank and gray.  See the attached screen capture.  We converted the bmp to a jpg and we get the same result.  When I insert the bmp into a sketch on my workstation and it views correctly.  I've logged into the same workstation as the user who is having the problem and the image also views correctly.   I tried to change the file associaiton from Microsoft Picture View to Paint and I get the same result.

Here are his workstation specs:

Dell Precision T5400 - Xeon Quad Core - 2.93 GHz
Windows XP SP2 - x32
Nvidia Quadro FX 570

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Lightroom :: Selected Image Appears On Main / Center Panel But Not In Preview Screen

Mar 14, 2012

The selected image appears on the main/center panel but not in the preview screen.  Printing results in a white sheet of paper with no image at all.  The image has been updated to LR 4 - but made no difference.

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Photoshop :: When Convert Image To CMYK And Save To TIFF - Saved Image Grays Out

Jun 20, 2013

I have cs5.1 and when I convert an image to cmyk and save to tiff the saved image grays-out.

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Photoshop :: Image Exported - Place On Image (Like Watermark) Misaligned After Save

Jul 19, 2012

I have an action in which it will place an image onto an image like a watermark, when i place the image, it is not center by center so i drag it or use keyboard arrows to center and then press enter, then i saw its on the center, but when i save it, the saved image is not on the center, how was that?
you can see that the right side of border it is not centered because the left side border is thicker than right side, here is the part of the action
you can see that i move the image after i place it because its not on the center so adjusting it makes it at the center but the Translate part is not equal.

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Photoshop :: Select And Save Parts Of Image With Different Image Quality

May 12, 2009

A while back I took a Photoshop class and remember a lesson on where you could select a region of an image and save it for the web with a high quality and select another region of the same image and save it for the web with a low quality, so that the focal point was saved with a high quality and the background was saved with a low quality. I have no idea where my notes are from this class and can not remember at all how to do this. Can anyone direct me to a tutorial about this?

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Paint.NET :: Multi-Save (save Each Layer As Image)

Oct 8, 2010

! would assume that something like this has been made but i cant for the life of me find it when shall i find a plugin or default way of doing this i have about 50 layers that need saving as an image each and the idea of doing it by hand scares me.

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GIMP :: High Resolution File - JPEG Image Plug-in Could Not Save Image

Aug 18, 2011

So I am making digital color prints at 24x30. the photography work is about color fields and gradients, so I need super high res files. I have set the size to 24000x30000 pix at 1000 my problem, when i go to save the gimp file as a jpeg i get this error message "JPEG image plug-in could not save image"

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