Illustrator :: Image Appears To Have Jagged Lines?

Oct 17, 2012

This image appears to have jagged edges on all of the paths. I created outlines for the text and converted strokes to path, but i can not seem to figure out how to make the image's path edges  appear smooth.   The image above is a png file but the image still appears this way when i view the ai version in illustrator. 

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AutoCad 3D :: 2D Circle Jagged Lines - 3D Model Hidden Jagged Lines / How To Get Smooth Lines

Oct 5, 2012

Re: 2D circle jagged lines, 3D model hidden jagged lines. How do i get smooth lines?

How do i get rid of jagged lines?

Circles and diagonal lines look rubbish when i am in hidden view which i use for simple 3d black / white (i think this is the best way?).

I have tried:

- viewres (1000, 5000, 10000, 20000 sightly better)
- regen

See examples.

square with jagged lines.fw.pngcircle with fuzzy outline.fw.png

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Illustrator :: Jagged Lines In CS5?

Sep 20, 2013

How do you get rid of jagged lines in objects and text when you rotate them.
Anti aliasing is checked already and im not stuck on pixel preview.
When i burn a screen it comes out in my image

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Illustrator :: How To Get Rough / Jagged Lines And Strokes

Aug 15, 2013

I asked a question a couple days ago regarding the effects of old style print. Although, I know a lot of it is done manually, I was wondering if it could also be done digitally in either Illustrator or Photoshop.
In Illustrator I created 10 brush strokes from a jagged pattern found in a vintage element to represent the scratch board or printing effect. In Photoshop you can kind of create the effect from switching to a Bitmap mode.
However, Photoshop is a pain to bend the halftone lines to fit the curves and they are all evenly spaced. Illustrator works better for laying ou the lines based on the tonal value, but using a brush for the strokes becomes a little distorted.
How to achieve the jagged edge effect show in this very simple image? The edges and lines are not all the same so I don't want to use the  ripple tool in PS and the wrinkle Tool makes them too ragged.
I find it hard to believe this style is only accomplished through scratch board or printing techniques. Even traditional pen and ink doesn't really work like this. I find way too many images, free ones too, like the one below to have it be only done with scratch board.

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Illustrator :: Clipping Mask Produces Jagged Lines

Feb 24, 2012

Why is it sometimes a clipping mask produces jagged lines? I  know if there's a dark background and a light one sitting on top of it, then this happens. is there a solution to clearing this out when applying a mask?? You can see in the screenshot I've circled where you see the jagged lines and in the layers palette you can see the clipping mask object.

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Photoshop :: PNG File Appears Jagged In CS4 But Not When Viewing It

Apr 21, 2009

I have this PNG file, when I view the image online or using the Windows default photo viewer, it looks perfect. I put it in CS4 and it looks jagged and terrible.

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Illustrator :: When PDF Is Taken White Lines Appears On Images

Mar 17, 2014

When a pdf is taken from illustrator, white lines appears on images. How can be avoided it?
I use illustrator cs5. It occures mostly on the cover pages of brochures which contains images, texts and some effects such as drop shadow etc.

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Illustrator :: 3D Image Appears To Be Partially Transparent?

Aug 22, 2012

I've built a 3D cylinder shape in Illlustrator and have applied plastic shading. Looks OK in Illustrator, but when imported into InDesign or opened in Photoshop, it appears to be partially transparent AND what looked to be smooth shading in Illustrator appears as a strange pattern in PS and InD, etc.We're getting close to final and this will be printing as it's a logomark.Is there something I'm missing that would make this shape a solid shape (instead of appearring to be transparent) and reproduce well? I just want it to look in PS and InD (and on paper) the way it looks in Illustrator.

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Illustrator :: Same Background Image (TIFF) Appears Different In Different Files

Oct 16, 2013

I am linking to the exact same background image file (TIF) in more than one illustrator file. This image is on the bottom layer in  four different files.
The opacity on the  image and the image's layer is set to 100% in all the files. In the dialog box for each of the layers that contain the image, the "Dim" control is unchecked. There are no other higher layers that contain artwork that might interfere with the image's appearance. two of the files, the image looks full and vibrant. In the other two files, the image looks dim and faded.
Is there another control that I'm missing that might be causing the image to be faded. (I want it to be full and vibrant.)

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Illustrator :: Black Border Appears Around Ice Cream Image On PDF

Jul 5, 2013

I am creating a peice of artwork in illustrator. I have cut out the icecream image in photoshop and placed it in illustrator as a psd file. It looks fine in illustrator, looks like it should do. The problem occurs when I export to pdf, a black border around the ice cream image appears. However when I print the black border does not display. So the issue with the black border only appears on the pdf. Check out the attachment beow for example of what I mean.

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Photoshop :: How To Avoid Jagged Lines?

Feb 24, 2003

I am designing a site that uses a lot of irregular shapes, but cant seem to get angled lines to show up smooth. They are coming out very jagged. Any idea how to smooth the lines out? Tips for Photoshop or Illustrator would be great. Thanks!

BTW I don't just want 45 degree angles, but all kinds of various angles.

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AutoCad :: Lines Very Jagged When Plotting

May 2, 2013

i've drawn a car's blueprint in autocad and tried to plot to see the result how the picture would look like if i tried to print it, but what i got was pretty horrible:


Lines are very very jagged, the picture just looks bad. Viewres is at 20000. Why lines are not smooth?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Lines Are Jagged And Disconnected?

Jan 3, 2014

My 2013 AutoCAD file needs to "regen" after just scrolling in and out once. I can't do anything because the lines are disconnected and jagged all of a sudden. This started a few hours ago after I drew a spiral staircase and blocked it. I noticed the lines were all of a sudden not connecting while drawing the stairs though. Is there a command that I might have accidently typed to change some type of format? or unit set up? I have been working on this file since September and this problem has never occured. The lines look fine from far away, but when you zoom in there's a clear separation. My snaps are on and they seem to be aligning when I click, but when you zoom in they're not touching at all. I've been googling for soooo long and can't find an answer. My units are 1/8" (Architectural) and when I check the dimension between the two lines it says it's 0".

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GIMP :: Removing Jagged Lines On Upsize?

Jan 24, 2013

I've been using GIMP for a few years (at beginner skill level). Ok, so I want to take this image (1st pic) and resize it to print on a tshirt. I downloaded the upsize plugin and upsized it. Thing is, it's now got jagged lines all over the place (2nd pic)

I've tried:

1. selection to path, then use stroke

2. blur image, then use curves from the colours menu

3. using the magic selection tool with feathering

none of these got it right.

Attached File(s) ar drone.jpg (8.37K)
Number of downloads: 11 AR Drone white.jpg (160.69K)
Number of downloads: 10

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Photoshop :: CS5 - Curved Lines Become Jagged / Not Smooth And Uneven

Jun 9, 2012

I am using a Mac, photoshop CS5
I created a path with Curves with the pen tool.filled it in with a color light blue.than I use the paint bucket to change it to dark blue.This is when the curved lines become jagged, not smooth, uneven.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Straight Lines In 2012 Look All Jagged

Oct 3, 2013

I'm in a drawing file and I have some straight lines that when I'm a little zoomed out they look all jagged, but as I us my mouse scroll wheel to zoom in, the closer in I zoom the jagged line segment start to come together into one continuous line again.

Not all lines look jagged just some.

is there a setvar for this or a video card setting or something?

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Xara :: Circles And Rounded Rectangles Have Jagged Lines

Jan 20, 2012

When I drag out a circle, or use the node to curve the corners of a rectangle, the line isn't smooth. It looks like it's slightly jagged.

I'm trying to create a drawing which features the rounded edge of a playing card, with no luck. It simply doesn't look good.

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Photoshop :: Jagged Lines With Cintiq 24HD / CS5 - Other Programs Are Fine

Jun 14, 2013

Setup: Windows 7, CS5, CIntiq 24HD
I just bought a Cintiq 24HD and tested it in Photoshop CS5. Unfortunately the lines are jagged. (I'm using the brushtool and on my wacom intous 3 everything was fine.) This only appears in PS, Painttool Sai is fine and has great line quality.
At first I thought it might be the second monitor, as this was mentioned in forums, but I moved and unplugged it and nothing happend. I tried other solutions as well like unabeling windows tablet components etc.

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AutoCAD LT :: Vertical And Horizontal Lines Are Straight But Angular Ones Are Jagged?

Oct 28, 2003

I am wondering if it is normal for the lines to be jagged. Vertical and horizontal lines are straight but the angular ones are jagged, Stair step looking whatever you would call it. It makes the stuff I draw look like (edited) .Especially the low angle stuff.

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AutoCAD LT :: Red Square Appears When Try To Move Or Resize Lines

Sep 18, 2013

A red box appears when i go to move a line. When the red box comes up on the line, the command box says 'Specify strech point or undo to cance'l. How do i put everything back to normak because i cant move any lines or resize them how i used to??!!

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Corel PHOTO-PAINT X3 :: Coloured Lines Appears Next To Selection?

Jul 13, 2011

When I make a selection in a picture, the selection dotted line shows a coloured border, which is the colour of the second choice in the Materials palette. Especially if I make an addition to the selection, this coloured line runs right through the selected figure. If I copy the selection, undo the selection and then paste as a new layer, the coloured border, especially in added areas, remains visible.

how I can get rid of this strange artifact? I didn't use to have it, it emerged a few days ago.

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Illustrator :: Unintended Lines Over The Image?

Jan 14, 2014

when I save a graphic  in Illustrator it sometimes creates horizontal lines over the image.

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Illustrator :: How To Get Rid Of Edge Lines In Image

May 24, 2012

I'm working on an image that is made up of lines that have been created with an additional stroke from the appearance tool. I've overlayed several pieces, and where they overlap, I get a mysterious faint cut line. Additionally when I put a clipping mask to trim it out, the clipping mask creates a similar faint line on the edge. See red arrows below. This is Illustrator 5.1 from CS5.5 and saved as an EPS and placed into an ID document. It prints fine without these, but when I'm making a press quality pdf, they show up. How to remove these?

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AutoCad :: Revision Clouds / Little Clouds Change To Jagged Straight Lines

May 29, 2013

I am making revision clouds on some record drawings. They come out all peachy, but when I save the file and reopen it, all of the wonderful little clouds change to jagged straight lines.

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Photoshop :: Creating Jagged Image Borders

Apr 3, 2008

I am creating an image border using the rectangle marquee, and making it jagged by applying a Stylize > Wind filter to it.

Using Wind there is no way to adjust the jagged edges, is there any kind of third party plugin that gives me more editing features?

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Illustrator :: All Paths Are Jagged

Jan 22, 2014

For some reason all my paths, including old files have become jagged. New paths are coming up jagged as wells as print out and PDF files.  Using CS5. 
I am not an expert but have been using AI for years to make patterns with the pen tool.  The smaller I make the illustration the worst it gets.It is not the pixel preview, tried that already.

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Illustrator :: How To Stroke The Image To Make Cut Lines

Mar 12, 2014

I have been a Photoshop hobbyist. Now I own a  printing business. This has forced me into the  world of Illustrator for our printing and cutting machines. Although I  am very comfortable with PS, Illustrator. One of the  key things is making "Cut lines" in Illustrator to send to the cutting  program. Now here is my dillema, all of my images I have made are in  Photoshop. To make these cut lines I have to stroke the image. When I  bring a picture into Illustrator I can not get it to stroke that  picture. It just strokes the box around it, or unless I draw a circle  or shape around it and stroke that shape. Please refer to the picture I  have attached. The first one is a decal that we initially made. The  second is the image that I want to stroke for cut lines do I can just  have that as a decal without the white circle.

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Illustrator :: Making Image Lines Smooth

Dec 15, 2013

How to make the lines on this image smooth. You will see in the picture that there is some really choppy lines on the headphones and how to properly fix it. I've tried so many times and can't do it.

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Illustrator :: Lines Around Image With Drop Shadow

Jan 31, 2013

I am currently using Illustrator CS 5.1 and am having an issue with my PDF files. I have a graphic that I am building and when I import an image, place a clipping mask around it and then add a drop shadow to it, everything works fine and looks exactly as I want it on screen. However, when I save the document as a pdf, a hazy white line appears around the edges of the image.

However, the line is not on the clipping mask itself, instead it is on the square edges of the unmasked version of the image. So when I have 10 masked items on the page with drop shadows, I'm getting 10 faint white squares around each of the images which looks terrible.

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Photoshop :: Liquify Shows Jagged Image When Liquifying At More Than 100%

Mar 3, 2013

Well, that`s the problem. I recently changed my video card and liquify started working a different way. The video card I have now is ATI RADEON HD 5850 DDR5, 1gb. And the computer I have is:
QuadCore Intel Core i7 920, 2800 MHz (21 x 133)
Motherboard: DX58SO (1 PCI, 1 PCI-E x4, 2 PCI-E x16, 4 DDR3 DIMM, Audio, Gigabit LAN, IEEE-1394)
Video Card: ATI Radeon HD 5800 Series (1024 MB)
Hard Drive: 1TB western digital, 4 partitions, 73gb free space in total and 13gb free on C Drive.
Windows 7 ultimate 64 bit.
Photoshop CS6.
This are the things that happened after installing the new Video Card:
- I used to work with the PUSH LEFT tool on Brush Pressure 1. Now, to achieve the same effect (the same kind of pressure), I have to use a higher number, like 6 o 7.

- When liquifying the image at more than 100%, the image gets jagged. I can't do any precise work like this, because I'm not seeing the image correctly, the pixels are shifted, the lines jagged. If I go back to 100% the image looks normal again.
I already tried on the Preference panel to change the options of the video card but the problem persists.

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Illustrator :: Placed PSD File Has Jagged Edge

Aug 9, 2013

I have a 2500 x 4088 px PSD file with no jagged edges, until it is placed into Illustrator.
I believe that I have placed the PSD file in its original size, but may be wrong. My artboard was created to be larger than the original image, and when placing the file I simply clicked on the artboard.
I have not knowingly increased or reduced the dimensions of the placed file.
Will the jagged edge be present if I place the AI file into InDesign?
Is there a setting somewhere that I need to change to remove the jagged edge?

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