Photoshop :: Appears To Save - But Hasn't?

Apr 5, 2012

We hit save and everything appears as though it is saving, only to find out after we've closed out the file that it hasn't been saved. Or portions of the work we did were saved but not the entirety, and out of chronological order. Though we are connected to a series of networked servers, we do all of our work locally and save locally before copying the files back to the server. This has affected 5 people so far and started occurring within the last two weeks. We've been doing this sort of work for over 4 years here and never encountered this problem.
We're pretty desperate to see if there's some sort of answer. So far our only solution is to keep saving the file in different locations on our system with different names, just in case.
We are all running on Mac OSX Lion 10.7.3 and Photoshop CS5 12.0.4.

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Photoshop Elements :: Organizer Hasn't Been Installed Properly

Mar 24, 2014

on my IMAC 10.9.1 with Mavericks. I am very disappointed with Adobe as I paid for service warranty as well ($39) and I am scheduled for another call as the third team tries.Could this be a.s.a.p or should I write CEo Shantanu Narayen and express my displeasure or blog it?

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Photoshop :: Image Appears Different With Save As

Oct 11, 2012

when I use Save As after making some basic adjustments to an image (usually just resizing), the resulting image looks different from the original. The image on the right shows exactly what it looks like in Ps before being saved out, and on the left is the exported JPG.  You can see that the left image looks "faded out"--like it's lost contrast and brightness.  In general, I'm opening either JPG or TIFF files and saving them to JPG.

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Photoshop :: Save As Windows Appears When Pressing CMD+S Shortcut

Jun 5, 2013

Whenever I press CMD+S (which is supposedly a shortcut for a quick save on Mac) the Save As window always appear. I looked at the File menu and there's nothing wrong with the shortcut key. I also tried pressing CMD+SHIFT+S (which is the real Save As shortcut) and it works fine.

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Photoshop :: HDR Pro On CS5 - Merged Image Appears But Bottom With Save Buttons Cut Off?

May 5, 2011

When I select photos to merge, either via Bridge or within CS5 (Automate/Merge to HDR Pro), the Merged image appears over the CS5 screen.  However, the bottom of the HDR screen with the photos selected for the merge along with the Cancel & Save buttons are cut off.  The only way for me to exit HDR is to force quit.
My monitor resolution is 1440X900 which is better than the 1024x768 required for CS5.


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Photoshop :: Save As TIFF Selected - Pop Up Message Appears Saying Disk Is Full

Jun 17, 2012

When selecting SAVE AS in Photoshop CS5, I received a message saying that the disk is full.  This is this first time I have seen this message from CS2 on.  I don't understand what disk is being mentioned here.  Of course I understand what disk full means, but I don't understand what disk is being discussed or refered to.

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Photoshop :: CS5.1 Not Working While Using Save / Save As / Save For Web Options?

Oct 22, 2013

I am facing problem while using Save / Save As / Save for web options in my Photoshop. On clicking Save / Save As commands, my photoshop gets closed abruptly and I am losing all data. If I choose Save for Web option, the file Save dialog box appears and when I click on the 'Save' button, the application gets closed abruptly.
It was working fine yesterday. My version is bundled in the Technical Communicator suite 3.5 and I faced some problems with Adobe Acrobat, for which my IT team took support from Adobe and got it resolved just two days ago. (Case ID - 184809966)

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Save A Drawing By Save / Save As And Ctrl+s It Works As Qsave

Dec 15, 2013

I use autocad architecture 2013 and it works just fine until the save turns to qsave whenever i want to save a drawing by save, save as and ctrl+s it works as can I turn it back to SAVE ?

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Photoshop :: Preview Appears In Negative?

Sep 11, 2013

When I save artwork as a tiff or jpeg, the preview appears in the negative or reversed color.  It opens up fine in Photoshop, but why does it not view correctly in my documents as a thumbnail?

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Photoshop :: CS5 / Image Appears Only At 25% And 100% Magnification?

May 16, 2013

Been running PS CS5 successfully for a couple of years, then all of a sudden I can't work at magnifications other than 25% and Actual Pixels. The image disappears and I only see the checkerboard. There was a Windows update I ran on April 10 that included an update to the graphics card, which I thought might have been the culprit, so I uninstalled it. That didn't fix the problem, so I updated it again. I couldn't see anything else in those updates that should affect Photoshop.
Here is what I've tried so far:

I updated my graphics driver (NVidia GeForce),

Trashed Adobe Photoshop CS5 Prefs.psp (which crashed PS completely when I reopened it...luckily I kept the old prefs file on my desktop and dragged it back in),

Made sure Photoshop was up-to-date.
Photoshop CS5 (v.12.0.4 32 bit)
Windows 7 Home Premium (v.6.1 Build 7601: Service Pack 1)
AMD Phenom II X4 840 Processor 3.20 GHz

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Photoshop :: Pixel Grid Appears To Be Off?

Jun 13, 2013

The grid I have set up in photoshop seems to be misaligned. When I click the lower right quadrant of a square it colors the square on the lower right diagonal of it. If try to color it clicking the right half of it, the pixel next to it becomes colored. Clicking the left half of the pixel colors the correct one though. It seems like the grid isn't aligned properly. How do I fix this?
Also, I just switched my grid subdivisions from 1 to 4 and the problem was gone, but none the less, why is it that with gridlines every 1 pixel and subdivision of 1 that the alignment of it is off?

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Photoshop :: Image Only Appears When Moving Box

Dec 10, 2008

I have vista 64 bit installed, 4gb ram and a geforce 8400 gs.

photoshop opens ok, but when I open a image, only appears a gray window. and when i move the image box, the image appears, but when I stop moving it, it desapears again.. I know I can edit the image, because I can add a brush into it, and when I move the box the image is brushed.. And when I enter the filter gallery the image appears normaly..

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Photoshop :: DNG File Appears As An Icon And Not As...

Apr 16, 2009

If I save a Camera Raw manipulated image as a COMPRESSED (LOSSLESS) DNG file it appears back in CS3 Bridge as a DNG Icon and not as a thumbnail. Is there a reason for this and can I get the saved file to appear as a thumbnail.

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Photoshop :: Line Appears While Drawing!

Jun 5, 2009

I have photoshop cs4 extended and a wacom tablet + pen. Sometimes while I sketch(drawing lines fast) making dots, drawing things close to each other, a thick line jump from my dot or start point of drawing to some other point in the line. It's really annoying when you sketch something and suddenly and thick black line jumps across your drawing. Or when drawing dots close to each other, a line suddenly connects them.

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Photoshop :: Transparent Border Appears When I Use...

Aug 26, 2008

In CS2 (9.0.2) and CS3 (10.0.1), whenever I shrink an image using Image Size, my layers get a slightly transparent edge. As a game developer, I make tiling textures a lot, and this generally ruins their tiling-ness.

Try this:

- create a 32x32 image, make it white

- add a layer, fill it with black

- shrink it to 16x16 or 20x20, using any of the Bicubic resampling methods

- notice that the edge pixels of the black layer are slightly transparent. This is most noticeable in the corners of the image.

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Photoshop :: The Monitor Profile Appears To Be

Feb 8, 2009

This is an FYI for others trying to solve the problem I've been pulling my hair out over!

I was receiving a warning on startup of Ps CS3 "The monitor profile 'LCD color management and conversion' appears to be defective. Please rerun your monitor calibration software". This was after using my EyeOne to calibrate my monitor. I've seen variations of this problem on various forums and websites, but none helped my particular problem.

FINALLY, it occurred to me to check the default profile for my SECONDARY monitor! That one was using a stock profile that came with the monitor, but that was what was triggering the error message. Once I replaced that with the same profile as I created and was using on my primary monitor, Ps stopped displaying the warning.

If I recall from months ago when I researched and bought my colorimeter, my model will only calibrate one monitor, so I can't use it to create a unique profile for the second monitor.

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Photoshop :: Not Moving Objects - Gray Box Appears?

May 12, 2012

I'm trying to simply move an object as usual but rather than moving it, a grey box appears and nothing will move.

Looks like this..[URL]...

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Photoshop :: CS6 Update Appears To Install CS6 Extended?

Dec 17, 2012

I was prompted earlier to update my Photoshop CS6 which I allowed. Now when I launch Photoshop, it also launches Adobe Application Manager which informs me "Sign In Required" to register my trial software which in the title bar of Adobe Application Manager, reads: Adobe Photoshop CS6 Extended.
Where did that come from? I had the standard version yesterday. I haver never downloaded a trial version of extended. Where did my standard version go?
Can i get my standard version back painlessly? I havent done the sign in as yet.
Mac OS X 10.8.2, Mid 2010 iMac with 3.6GHz core i5 intel
According to "Get Info" it is just Photoshop CS6 -  No extended mentioned.

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Photoshop :: Cyan Color In CS6 Appears As Black

Feb 24, 2013

I've recently picked up Photoshop CS6 and i'm having a weird problem regarding the color cyan.
Whenever i use this color it appears as black.
How do i get this fixed??? im clueless
EDIT: When i drag the window im working in around the colors appears as normal but as soon as i let the window go, the cyan turns black again.

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Photoshop :: CS5 Diffuse Glow Appears Inverted

Nov 19, 2013

When I open the Diffuse Glow filter, it appears as if inverted, or negative. What I expect to be a light halo effect shows up as a dark glow. How can I reset this filter to show the normal 'light' halo effect?

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Photoshop :: CS6 Extended 13.0.1 - Red Eye Tool / Black Dot Appears

Nov 7, 2012

I am using OS X 10.8.2, ATI Radeon 4670, CS6 Extended 13.0.1 When I select and place the red eye tool over the eye and click, the black dot appears on the lip or off to the right. Is there some setting I need to make? It has always worked correctly in the past.

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Photoshop :: 5.0 - No Installation Dialogue Appears On Screen?

Jul 8, 2013

I deinstalled photoshop 5.0 by mistake, and have problems with re-installation. I restarted pc, deactivated kaspersky antivirus and put in CD, but nothing happens except the audible spinning of the CD. No installation dialogue appears on the screen..

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Photoshop :: CS6 Appears To Be Applying Two Monitor Profiles

Sep 23, 2012

Running CS6. 13.0.1 on a Windows 7 64 System. Using two monitors, the main one, an LG Flatron, is calibrated using an Eye One Display 2 and the second display is using the makers supplied profile. This problem only started recently, nothing has been changed on the machine.  Working on Sony ARW files I have the CS window on the main monitor and ACR opening on the second monitor.  Any image that opens in ACR looks just as it should with the expected colours, but when I open the image in CS6 on the calibrated monitor there is a large shift in colour, rather as though a red filter has been added.   Dragging the image back over to the second monitor corrects the colours.   This would seem to be due to a faulty, or unapplied, monitor profile - but no!
If I stick with the main monitor and select 'Print' from the Canon Photo Print Pro the image opens in the PPP window but with all the correct colours, no red veil, and the image then prints correctly.  I can see the opened image behind the PPP dialogue, still with the colour shift.  Two different colour renderings on one monitor!  The same thing happens if I open a jpeg in CS6 which opens correctly in Firefox.

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Photoshop :: Monitor Profile Appears Defective - CC

Aug 28, 2013

I have this calibration software Spyder Pro. I calibrate my Monitor once a month, and I have no color problem. Few days ago,I had this Windows Update, Samsung Diplay SyncMasterMagic, which was Optional. I did downloaded, and now when I open Photoshop CC, I get this Message: Adobe Photoshop CC. The monitor Profile problem. I have attached the Error Message

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Photoshop :: Using Eraser In CC (14.1.2) White Haze Appears

Oct 18, 2013

Besides the background layer with a 'B/W image' I created a layer to add some colour. When I use the eraser in that layer, a white haze appears. I've never experienced such a thing in over 15 years of Photoshop use.
Normal, coverage 100%. In the image below clearly to be seen the eraser stroke from left to right. The white haze best to be seen at the darker part.

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Photoshop :: PNG File Appears Jagged In CS4 But Not When Viewing It

Apr 21, 2009

I have this PNG file, when I view the image online or using the Windows default photo viewer, it looks perfect. I put it in CS4 and it looks jagged and terrible.

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Photoshop :: Layers Transparency Appears As Black In...

Feb 17, 2009

My preferences are set up to display the layers transparency as grid size medium and grid colour light but when I use a layer the background is always solid black rather than the chequered design it is set up to be. I have tried altering the preferences, I have tried re-installing CS4 but nothing seems to make any difference.

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Photoshop :: CS4 Erasor Appears As A Quarter Circle

May 18, 2009

Just upgraded to CS4, and everytime I use the erasor, the outline appears as a quarter circle.  It still erases in the circle pattern, but makes it hard to work like this. Any ideas on how to fix this?

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Photoshop :: Larger Document Appears Black And...

Jan 3, 2009

I have just purchased Web Premium CS4. Photoshop CS4 Extended was included with the package and I installed and ran it. Sadly any large document I tried to open appears black and sometimes when I zoom in partly displays with random black lines through it. I have checked my system's specs and they all match up with the requirements. I am running Vista SP1 on a Dell computer. I have read all the knowledge base articles relating to this matter and have done everything they said (including disabling OpenGL, etc.)

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Photoshop :: Appears Way Too Dark On The Receiving Monitor

Apr 11, 2006

After editing a photo in Photoshop to perfection, converting it to a JPEG and then e-mailing it to someone, the image appears way too dark on the receiving monitor. I've sent images to people using both CRT and LCD monitors, set on maximum brightness, and the images are equally dark in both cases.

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Photoshop Elements :: Windows Appears And Then Closes By Itself

Dec 18, 2012

This happened last week when I first installed it.   Tech support repaired the installation and it began to work again.  Now it stopped again after I used it only twice?I click the icon, the opening window appears, I click Photo Editor, the program blinks and closes by itself.  I am at a lost as to where to go from here. I order the magazine and support today and can't open the program! 

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