The grid I have set up in photoshop seems to be misaligned. When I click the lower right quadrant of a square it colors the square on the lower right diagonal of it. If try to color it clicking the right half of it, the pixel next to it becomes colored. Clicking the left half of the pixel colors the correct one though. It seems like the grid isn't aligned properly. How do I fix this?
Also, I just switched my grid subdivisions from 1 to 4 and the problem was gone, but none the less, why is it that with gridlines every 1 pixel and subdivision of 1 that the alignment of it is off?
When I drag around vector points of paths they are not constrained to the pixel grid, when the option "Snap Vector Tools and Transform to Pixel Grid" is off. This is the behavior I expect.BUT: When I drag whole paths, they snap to the pixel grid, no matter what. I even have snapping completely disabled.
This is particularly annoying when eg. creating a path for a zipper. I first make a path for the inside of the jacket or whatever, then I make one notch for the zipper and copy it over and over again for all the notches. It's very troubling when these elements snap to the pixel grid, because it's very unprecise then.
When I write something with the Type tool, a grid of dots, or actually little triangles, appears in the same color as the text across the entire image. How do I stop this?
this will mark my first question, but most certainly not my last. What I am creating is a 2D array or grid that is in the shape of a square, rotated 45 degrees, and cut to 50% in height. What I would like to know is, what is the best way to create that object? I have created one with the square tool and converted it into a smart object. Is this the best way? or just one way? I would also like to know how to apply a 1X1 pixel grid to just the object,not the entire canvas? It should also share the same attributes that is 45 degree angle and 50% height.
I have a document that is 1in x 1in and the resolution is 10ppi. The grid spacing is 1px but you can see the grid is not aligned with the pixels (which are coloured green in this image).
I am using CS6 and for some reason you have to set up the gridline every 2px with a 2px subdivision.
With Preferences > General > Snap to Pixel Grid turned off, I can move individual points without snapping. But if I select an entire path, it always snaps to the pixel grid no matter what I do. Is there a way to turn it off?
the pixel outline upon zoomin in cs4 is distracting for meplease help me to get rid of iti cant find how tothanxbeen trying to figure this out for some time it must/should be possible.
I wanna use to shapee tool or whatever- ractangle tool- Generally said I need to create some shape. But at photoshop is everything snap my new shape to pixels. Like in the backroground is some invisible pixel grids and everything is snaping to whole pixels. I dont want this. I Want to use whole space without automatic pixels adapting to my shapes. I want to be independent in creating my shapes without snaping to pixels grid.
And also want to ask you. If you would like create new guide lines it is non dependable on pixel grid. But after it when I want to snap my nex objects to it- it not possible. And when I tick in preferences/ general: ,,snap vector tool to pixel grid" everything become dependable to pixels and everything is snapping to pixels. I don t wanna this…
I am using Adobe Illustrator CC version 17.0.1 x64 on Windows 8.1.
In Edit > Preferences > Guides & Grid I have the Show Pixel Grid option checked but when zoomed in over 600% the pixel grid does not appear. Am I missing something?
Align To Pixel Grid a bit more thoroughly. I understand how to use it - to turn it on & off, but I'm a bit confused about the "why & when" of using it. F.I. I'm creating a picturebook with text. So when I export / or save for web, I'll be turning the vector art and text as an image. My understanding is that using ATPG will eliminate the jagginess of the text that would occur, when it becomes an image, if I did not use ATPG.And conversely, if I don't use ATPG, the text will be jaggy when exported to jpg or png. Is this correct?
making things snap to the pixel grid and in return destroying the ability to align things and rendering the pathfinder tools useless
Try this: New Document for Web (with Align New Objects to Pixel Grid on)Draw a perfect rectangleDraw a perfect ellipseUsing Align to Selection, try aligning the rectangle and the ellipse to their top-left cornerZoom in as far as possible, note that the paths are NOT aligned. Even try manually aligning the two paths by their X and Y co-ordinates, and you will see they snap back 0.5px Repeat the above steps with Align New Objects to Pixel Grid off, and see how things use to actually align...
While I do understand you have done this to try to create pixel-perfect graphics, there has to be another way.. Back in CS4, I had a work-around for the pixel-perfect problem. It involved applying a graphic style with a transform properties of -0.5, -0.5 to individual paths or groups. The reason this worked was that it did not affect the actual co-ordinates of the path and allowed me to snap my paths to whatever I wanted..
Working with web icons, and I can not get some things to line up with each other. Either to the left or to the right. I've shut off snap to pixel grid in transform palette.
I am having trouble with a file that was originally created in Ai CS6 on an iMac.
When I open the file in CS6 on my 15" Retina Macbook Pro, objects that are mathmatically aligned to the pixel grid do not render properly.
See the screen shot to see what I mean.
The files still renders properly when view on the iMac and new objects in the document are also aligned to the grid, at least from the stand point of how it's render.
Illustrator CS5. I made a 32x32 pixel box, put a 32x32 artboard around it, export it at 72 ppi png, with or without antialiasing which doesn't seem to matter whether it's on or off, yet it always exports out as a 33x33 png instead of a 32x32, adding 1 pixel to each side, tested with a higher resolution, doesn't matter saves with 1 extra pixel on each side example 500x500 will become 501x501, when I look at the picture even if it's a solid color square it will make the edges transparent and ruin the picture on the edges making it hard to fix in another program after exported from illustrator. I tried something out when I searched the internet for solutions, I checked in save for web under Image Size it will say my 32x32 square is 33x33 in that screen but in the info window it is 32x32.
I have align to pixel grid turned off if that matters at all.
Sometimes when I am typing in the width and height in the transform window changing the size it was previously, example from 67.354 W to 67 and 55.271 H to 55, instead of going to 67x55 it will change itself to 67.18 and 55.084 that is an example not from an actual thing I did.
I guess I created a file with Snap to Pixel Grid turned on.Can't figure out how to turn this off.Created a new file without Pixel Grid Snap enabled and pasted the art into it...still had trouble with aligning points correctly. how to turn off Snap To Pixel Grid?
having issues with getting point sizes on lines below 1 pt. (or inbetween whole numbers).
read in another discussion about turning off "align to pixel grid". can only find that in pull down menu: select, object, not aligned to pixel grid. it doesn't seem to be toggling off/on.
i've never heard of this issue before. i tried opening the file in cs5 and i had the same issues.
In Photo-Paint X5, there is an option that allows you to turn off the pixel grid. It's located under Tools -> Options -> Document -> Grid -> Pixel Grid. If I uncheck the "Show pixel grid at 800% and higher zoom", then the pixel grid is turned off as expected. However, the next time I open another document, the pixel grid gets turned right back on. How do I make it so the pixel grid is always off? I've tried making it fully transparent, but the transparency resets each time I open a new image as well.
I currently have grid setup, and I am unable to put guides specificly where I want, they will either be a few pixels to the left/right of where I actually want. It seems like my guides or rectangles that I make only snap to the grid, and I do not want this to happen since some of my shapes do not fit a grid specifically. Lets say I want my rectangle to be 4.5 Grid blocks (each block being 25 px), so 112.5, it only allows me to do 4 blocks or 5 blocks. Is there a preference that can be changed so I can make free shapes without having them direct on the grid?
Attached an example. I'm trying to make the red box the same width and in the same position as the black and it does not let me.
I guess I found my solution, under the transform fly out menu when "align to pixel grid" is unchecked it fixes this.. Is there a better way to do this though?
When I select Align to Pixel Grid in the Transform Panel, I see line weight changes occur. I try to change the line weight in the either the Stroke or Appearance panel and it will not change, no layers locked, how to change the line weight?
One thing I never liked about Corel PhotoPaint X5 was that a pixel grid appeared when you zoomed in. It is possible to turn this off on a per-document basis, but not globally. Now, I see X6 still didn't fix this.
With default settings, when zoomed in and a tool is dragged while active to the top of that zoomed in section it continues upward. Is there an option to change the tools behavior so that it stops when it reaches the top of what you're zoomed in to?
My second question regards the pixel grid. When you zoom in at different degrees it displays different grid patterns. Is there an option to only have it display a grid of horizontal and vertical lines?
I made this shape perfectly on the pixel grid with 'Snap to Grid', 'Align to Pixel Grid', and 'Show Grid' on. Every anchor is perfectly placed (i.e. not in the middle of a pixel) but for some reason my X and Y cordinates say it's off by half a pixel. When I change the .5 to .0, it unaligns my object. Why is it doing this? There is an example below of what it's doing.
I've been working a good hour on a vector illustration and all of a sudden the "align to pixel grid" feature turned on. It's not selected in the Transform window. In fact, it's grayed out as an option. I restarted Illustrator. Same issue. I restarted my computer. Still happens.
I was wondering when designing a logo I should worry about aligning my artwork to a pixel grid for use on the web. Should I maybe create the artwork as normal and then save another version that is aligned to pixel grid for web and send them both?
There's a box, I've set it to 0,0 coords, but it will not stick to the top of the artboard. I've tried align to pixel grid on and off (It would not move off 0.318px when I had align pixel grid on, which confused me too!). When I turn align to pixel grid off the box stays closer to the top, BUT when I export for web it sticks a white line in at the very top of the artwork.
I have turne off Snap to Grid, and Snap to Point.. and I have made sure "Align New Objects To Pixel Grid" under the Transform menu is turned off, yet still my objects are snapping to point intersects... am I missing something?
I have a problem with my brush and pencil tool. Whenever I want to draw an object without a stroke and just a fill, it immediately assigns me a stroke in either the colour my fill is, or, if I'm using a gradient, in black. It doesn't have that problem with the pen tool though. I also checked in my presettings and my Transform plaette that the "Align to Pixel Grid" option is unchecked. Also, the "New Art has basic appearance" is unchecked.
If you create a symbol that is pixel perfect, exit out of the symbol and go back in, the pixels bleed into each other because the pixel grid is not aligned correctly. Instead it is aligned to the global document grid which the symbol content is not placed in. It makes no sense to align the pixel grid to the global coordinates when the content by definition is not present in it.
This makes it impossible to use symbols to edit pixel perfect objects because any editing other than the original creation does not display pixels but pixel bleeds.
This is a valid bug in Illustrator CS6. Please specify:
1. Do you understand what I am specifying? If you do not I will provide images as I wish to resolve this functionality. 2. Specify if it has been fixed in Illustrator CC. I do not have an available Win7 installation to test CC but if it is I will acquire one.
I have a grid set up. say 10X10 each. I then fill in each square of the grid. I get rid of the grid, left with 10X 10 squares next to each other separated by 1 pixel then I do an outline to quickly get rid of the spaces between each square.
Now I I have 12 pixel wide line, now I would like to do an Inline (negative outline) to reduce the line back down to 10 pixel (or less ) wide line.
Since it is not exactly a straight line, but rather than a zig zaging line I can't exactly use the pixel selection tool.