Photoshop :: CS6 Extended 13.0.1 - Red Eye Tool / Black Dot Appears
Nov 7, 2012
I am using OS X 10.8.2, ATI Radeon 4670, CS6 Extended 13.0.1 When I select and place the red eye tool over the eye and click, the black dot appears on the lip or off to the right. Is there some setting I need to make? It has always worked correctly in the past.
I couldn't use the crop tool: when I want to crop any area, the big black-colored area occurs and preventing me to see what I want to crop... Before, with my Photoshop, I didn't have a such trouble, I attached a print-screen and it explains more accurate.
I was prompted earlier to update my Photoshop CS6 which I allowed. Now when I launch Photoshop, it also launches Adobe Application Manager which informs me "Sign In Required" to register my trial software which in the title bar of Adobe Application Manager, reads: Adobe Photoshop CS6 Extended.
Where did that come from? I had the standard version yesterday. I haver never downloaded a trial version of extended. Where did my standard version go?
Can i get my standard version back painlessly? I havent done the sign in as yet.
Mac OS X 10.8.2, Mid 2010 iMac with 3.6GHz core i5 intel
According to "Get Info" it is just Photoshop CS6 - No extended mentioned.
My preferences are set up to display the layers transparency as grid size medium and grid colour light but when I use a layer the background is always solid black rather than the chequered design it is set up to be. I have tried altering the preferences, I have tried re-installing CS4 but nothing seems to make any difference.
I have just purchased Web Premium CS4. Photoshop CS4 Extended was included with the package and I installed and ran it. Sadly any large document I tried to open appears black and sometimes when I zoom in partly displays with random black lines through it. I have checked my system's specs and they all match up with the requirements. I am running Vista SP1 on a Dell computer. I have read all the knowledge base articles relating to this matter and have done everything they said (including disabling OpenGL, etc.)
I am editing some artwork in PS. I use quick keys to go between: b,e,g...(brush, erase, paintbucket). As I move through the image I zoom in and out with key strokes. I haven't figured out just what combination brings up a compass, but when it appears my canvas (not the image, but the whole canvas) kants to one side or another. If I see it in time I mess with it to get it back, but as I don't know what it is called I'm having a terrible time looking up how to control it and set it back to square. It seems like all the layers are okay within the image, so nothing is out of registration, but I don't know what is happening.
Any tool that is activated? Then I can figure out when to use it for real and how to undo it when I don't want it. I'm on a Mac Book Pro using Master Collection 6 and the touch pad. It seems like my finger motions might be triggering it. I have tried to step back, but it wasn't an option. Undo didn't do anything.
I have an issue with a file when I plot only. The black 'mask' appears only after plotting. It does not show up in print preview.
There are no frozen layers or switched off through viewports. When I open the viewport on a new paperspace page it follows me in. I can only assume there is an underlying mask in model space or paperspace.
I am creating a peice of artwork in illustrator. I have cut out the icecream image in photoshop and placed it in illustrator as a psd file. It looks fine in illustrator, looks like it should do. The problem occurs when I export to pdf, a black border around the ice cream image appears. However when I print the black border does not display. So the issue with the black border only appears on the pdf. Check out the attachment beow for example of what I mean.
I'm working on an exploded presentation file and have finished all of the tweaks for each piece. One day, when I opened it up to do some work, there appeared a duplicate assembly model floating in the middle of my work space. The duplicate does not appear in the model browser and is completely Black. It dissapeared a few days later, but the next day, when I opened the file, it was there again.
I am designing a calendar. When designing the background is a solid black, but when I export or save as PNG it appears on the screen as dark grey. I'm self taught and don't know if it will print out grey or black.
I have created Table styles for Structures in Autocad 2009 Civil 3D, but now I have Autocad Civil 3D 2011 and the Table Style Fill appears black in paper space.
Printing a black and white layout to my HP LaserJet 4000 produces an image that appears to be grayscale instead of solid black. In other words, my text, line border I've put around the layout and graphics (for the most part), all appear about 70-80% black instead of SOLID black. Small text doesn't appear to be nearly as sharp because it looks like a halftone instead solid black. On one layout I just printed, the entire thing appears halftoned except for one vector graphic that did print in solid black. Strange. I figured I have something set incorrectly in the software or printer. Has to be the CDR X6 software though because all other programs output just fine.
When I write something with the Type tool, a grid of dots, or actually little triangles, appears in the same color as the text across the entire image. How do I stop this?
I am trying to use the Mesh Tool, but it appears to be inactive. The cursor looks like a cross with a small crossed circle nets to it (like a "do not pass" road sign). I do not know what I did wrong. In Preferences I have "Object selection by path only" deselected, so it can't be it.
I cannot get the clone tool to work on my Photoshop CS5 Extended v 12.0 x 32, which is running on my work Lenovo laptop. I am using the tool correctly, it just no longer replaces any pixels with the clone stamp.
Does the trial version provide full 3d tool capabilities? Before downloading over 800 MB and using even more space for installation, it would be great to know! :P
(I am only intererested in upgrading from CS3 for the ability to paint 3d models).
I searched Adobe's site extensively to see if the trial has "full" features or limitations, but it mentions neither.
On my previous version of PS, I had full control over the Crop tool. I could control the width and length of the cropping area I chose.
I now have a new version, CS5 Extended, but the Crop tool only works in an "automatic" way. The tool itself selects the box shape, which is never the shape I want. How I can rectify this?
I have NO idea how I managed to do this, but if I copy a piece from a file, the rectangular changes from square to sort of roundish.
And when I do copy and paste (control C - Control V), the edges of the copied piece in the new file are transparant. Which is exactly what I do NOT want! How can I change this back to the normal way of copying?
I have a layer which is white with a clouds render but when I want to go the next step I cannot access the twirl tool or the zig zag tool. I notice this is the only filter I cannot access.why or what I should do to be able to access it for my project.
I have created a custom measurement tool to measure distances (captured from sattelite imagery, and using the distance key as the guide) and it works great. However, I would like to be able to use the same tool to measure curves/radiuses. Say for instance a mountain road. I know the scale of the photo, and can measure any straight (line) angle, but can I do the same for a curve or radius using the same scale?
I downloaded and installed the trial version of Adobe Photoshop CS6 extended to test the correctness of photographs blurred by accidental movements, but can not find the tool or not his name. In Internet video appears in the Filter menu but all I get is my Digimarc.
I'm using this tool in CS4 on an image with a transparent background.When I set the foreground color to R165 G165 B165 and apply, the resultant color on my image is R64 G64 B64.
When using the pen tool in Photoshop, everytime I click the workspace goes black. When I searched this it instructed me to uncheck the 'use graphics processor' option from preferences but this has made no difference.