Photoshop :: Image Be Saved With Annotations Of Measure Tool In Extended?
Jun 6, 2013Can the image be saved with the annotations of the measure tool in PS Extended?
View 1 RepliesCan the image be saved with the annotations of the measure tool in PS Extended?
View 1 RepliesI use Photoshop CS5 extended version 12.0 64bit. I don't know why but some of my files I created have stripes on them when I reopen to work on them. It looks like some layers get corrupt and have horizontal stripes along the width of the image.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIm trying to show some measurements in layout view. But when i dimension between 2 points i get the number 71,84. When i use the measure tool in model view i get 1150mm which is the correct length.
Sure there is some simple reason why the two arnt coming in with the same value. Also it isnt an issue with Units as i have checked both and they are both in millimetres.
is it possible to measure the distance between two lines but is it possible to set the scale (calibrate) to customize the dimensions. For example, we have pictures with a ruler in them and we need to set the scale in PS to equal the scale on the ruler.
View 6 Replies View RelatedIn CS, I observed and confirmed with other users the following behavior:
1. Use Measure Tool to establish horizon
2. Image > Rotate > Arbitrary
3. Image > Adjust > Levels
At this point, Measure Tool reverts to Eyedropper Tool. For my workflow, this is lots of extra clicking. Would someone please check this in CS4 and see if the Measure Tool stays as Measure Tool?
This is most likely a stupid question but it has had me stumped for a while... Every time I close an image the eyedropper tool pops back to the top. What do I have to do to keep the measure tool on top?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a capstone lab project due tomorrow for my graphic arts class and I made a HUGE mistake!!! I created an image using 20 something layers and did SAVE AS as a .xcf image (with all layers open). Part of the project was to save in different formats: .xcf (with open layers), a .png, and a .jpeg (optimized). So, I did the first save and then flattened the image to SAVE AS a .png with a different file name.
Long story short, I was tired and had way too many images open at once. When I was closing all of the images I accidentally saved the changes (flatten image) to my original .xcf (with open layers)!!!! Now, my .xcf that is supposed to have open layers only has one layer...the finished project!! I tried going to the file properties to restore a previous version, but it says that no previous versions were found! I also downloaded a norton "unerase" utility, but maybe I am not scanning properly to locate the file!?!
Software: GIMP 2.8 part of Ubuntu software (13.04 - 64 bit)
I am unable to use the measure tool. When I use it, the distances and angles keep adding to the last reading and these cumulated readings are of no use.
How to start a fresh set of measurements within the same session?
Whenever we use measure tool it will show the a dialog box with valves of x,y,z, delta X, delta Y & delta Z. I want to customize the same as per the attached image.
Customize this, dialog box will not disappear(modal) after entering into any other command so no need to remember the values of x,y....etc.
in 3D - Section Box all measurement tools are grey indication of no use/doesn't applay/stay away/? Using 3D-SB you can have a glance insidea 3D modell and there be objects that only have a elevaton and no other properties except New Constuction (Specialty Equipment). So confirming space is a pain.
View 6 Replies View RelatedFound that in certain drawings, the measure area tool will just suddenly stop working? It's very odd. It let's me pick points, but won't let me press enter to see the total.
Closing and reopening AutoCAD doesn't work. It seems to be a permanent thing to the affected drawing.
It's happened to me in a few drawings, but only in those specific ones. Other drawings are fine. I'm guessing it's a setting I've changed somehow?
I've been getting round it by creating shapes using the polyline, and then looking at the area in the properties window. It's an ok solution, but not ideal.
I have a VBA form coded that we use to generate part numbers and descriptions that then populate the iProperties. We often use the part sizes in the description. I would like to be able to put a button on the form that allows users to use the "Measure Distance" tool so that they can measure the part while they are creating the description.
Any code that I could use to activate the "measure" tool while a vba form is active?
I know we all love the measure tool, but if you want to stroke with it what you are measuring in a certain angle you can't do it. At least nothing that I know of. How do you trace your angles with measurement (whether degrees or radians)?
View 2 Replies View RelatedMeasure Tool Not Displaying Results In Autocad 2013 Mac
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have Photoshop cs6 extended addition and was told Photoshop would work for the research application I need but so far I am finding it very difficult to do what I want. Basically, I need to be able to measure multiple lines (the red ones in the screen shot) of an image precisely, and make sure that the lines I measure are documented so that they are actually visible (so not just with the ruler tool) on the screen and labeled.
See image for example. I need the lengths (converted with the 2 micrometer scale at the bottom of the image). When I use the info, it gives me the lengths, but I can't save them, or look them up at a different time. Also, when using the line tool, then doing the "record measurement" it does not give me the length of the line but insted acts like it is a thin rectangle and gives me a height (which does not seem to be the same as if I used the measurement tool and put it next to the line, which is an idea I have, but not as accurate) and a width.
I would like to measure the distance in assembly.
The distance is between two hole axis.
I use Measure Distance tool.
I do not have the “Select Other” option to choose axis supposedly pop up ofter the preset delay time. Seems like Application Option – General – Selection is responsible for that?
But it is checked to ON as on pic attached. My laptop machine works fine with the same settings.
The measure tool is not giving me the correct measurement. For example, I offset a line 24' and when I go to double check the distance it is off by .03. That is starting on the original line and doing a perpendicular snap to the other line. So I thought, wait a minute that can't be right, so I drew a line between the two lines and did an inquiry and it gave me 24'.
I also did a dimension which also was correct. I also measured a 97' line and it was off by 3 feet. Never had issues with previous versions of Autocad as far as measuring.
I've figured some things out, but am struggling with what appears to be a very valuable tool... the area tool.
I found many references to the boundary tool, but that looks more complicated.
I have figured out how to mark the corner and press enter, but the output is for example 1.7 sq ft vs. what should be approx 35K sq ft.
I tried to change the units, but that didn't seem to make a difference.
Can we use measure tool without having to open the part file?
Say directly in the viewer or in vault viewer.
Inventor Professional 2013
Vault Collaboration 2013
When I use the measure tool for the ruler an open centered cross is displayed - is there any way to make the size of the centre of the cross larger? this way i can get a more accurate measure of 2 points -
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow can I measure the density of Red and Blue colors of an image?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have cs5.1 and when I convert an image to cmyk and save to tiff the saved image grays-out.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI cannot get the clone tool to work on my Photoshop CS5 Extended v 12.0 x 32, which is running on my work Lenovo laptop. I am using the tool correctly, it just no longer replaces any pixels with the clone stamp.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am using OS X 10.8.2, ATI Radeon 4670, CS6 Extended 13.0.1 When I select and place the red eye tool over the eye and click, the black dot appears on the lip or off to the right. Is there some setting I need to make? It has always worked correctly in the past.
View 2 Replies View RelatedDoes the trial version provide full 3d tool capabilities? Before downloading over 800 MB and using even more space for installation, it would be great to know! :P
(I am only intererested in upgrading from CS3 for the ability to paint 3d models).
I searched Adobe's site extensively to see if the trial has "full" features or limitations, but it mentions neither.
I use the measure tool frequently (photoshop cs 8). To select it I have to click and hold on the eyedropper (from the toolbox menu on the left) which brings up a drop down where I can select the measure tool. After i edit an image and save it, and go to the next image it reverts back to the eyedropper, is there I was where I can have the measure tool "on top" in that menu?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI use it to measure angles of micrographs (images taken with a microscope) --- the angle measure tool is great, and easy to use! I would like to be able to save the angle measure "rulers" into the image, for documentation purposes. Is there a way to incorporate the angle "ruler" in a layer or overlay in the image so that I can save a new file with the ruler "burned in" (for lack of a better term).
I will also be adding the text of the resulting angle measurement --- it would be cool if the result of the angle measure could be automatically added as text to the image (preferably in a different layer than the original image). I can type it the result with the text tool.
On my previous version of PS, I had full control over the Crop tool. I could control the width and length of the cropping area I chose.
I now have a new version, CS5 Extended, but the Crop tool only works in an "automatic" way. The tool itself selects the box shape, which is never the shape I want. How I can rectify this?
I am working on the following image but the image that I'm working with on the screen is not the same as the output after I save it. What is happening and how can I fix this?
(the images have been reduced in size and quality so this is for illustration only)
a few of my various custom lines and shapes in the Tools Presets saved in CS4 and loaded in CS6 do not transfer with the correct Fill and Stroke they had in CS4. Examples are simple things like a red hollow ellipse, a red arrow, etc.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have NO idea how I managed to do this, but if I copy a piece from a file, the rectangular changes from square to sort of roundish.
And when I do copy and paste (control C - Control V), the edges of the copied piece in the new file are transparant. Which is exactly what I do NOT want! How can I change this back to the normal way of copying?