Photoshop :: Screen Image Vs Saved Image:

Feb 23, 2008

I am working on the following image but the image that I'm working with on the screen is not the same as the output after I save it. What is happening and how can I fix this?

(the images have been reduced in size and quality so this is for illustration only)

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Photoshop :: When Convert Image To CMYK And Save To TIFF - Saved Image Grays Out

Jun 20, 2013

I have cs5.1 and when I convert an image to cmyk and save to tiff the saved image grays-out.

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GIMP :: How To Restore Layers Or Previously Saved Version Of Saved XCF Image

May 2, 2012

I have a capstone lab project due tomorrow for my graphic arts class and I made a HUGE mistake!!! I created an image using 20 something layers and did SAVE AS as a .xcf image (with all layers open). Part of the project was to save in different formats: .xcf (with open layers), a .png, and a .jpeg (optimized). So, I did the first save and then flattened the image to SAVE AS a .png with a different file name.

Long story short, I was tired and had way too many images open at once. When I was closing all of the images I accidentally saved the changes (flatten image) to my original .xcf (with open layers)!!!! Now, my .xcf that is supposed to have open layers only has one layer...the finished project!! I tried going to the file properties to restore a previous version, but it says that no previous versions were found! I also downloaded a norton "unerase" utility, but maybe I am not scanning properly to locate the file!?!

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GIMP :: Cutting Hole In Image Of TV Screen To Insert (layer Over) Image

Jul 25, 2012

I am making a video in Nero Vision 10 and need to cut out the screen of a tv so that I can layer the TV over an image/video so it looks as though it is on the screen. I enclose a screenshot of the project. 'Transform-tools-crop' only cuts in straight lines so I wonder which device I should use which can cut out an odd bespoke shape? You can see in the uploaded image from the project how the image currently cannot fill the frame without covering it.

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Photoshop :: Saved Over Image!

Jan 20, 2006

I was trying to create a low-res version of an image, and saved over it by accident (didn't realize I was in the same directory).

I closed it of course, so I can't retrieve it that way. Is there anyway to dig it out of the photoshop cache?

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Photoshop :: Image Changes Size When Saved

Nov 2, 2013

When I try to save my project as a jpeg or other, it always results in a different sized image from my project (e.g. an oval shape looks circular when saved).  Could my image and canvas settings be bad (canvas size is 2880x1800)?  How can I resolve this?  I'm using CS4 on OSX10.5.8. 

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Photoshop :: Saved Jpg Image Has Magenta Hue In...

Oct 3, 2008

[running photoshop cs3 under windows XP Pro/SP2]

I have a psd file with about 14 layers, a few of which are hidden. I merge layers and then save as a high-resolution jpg. I then open up the jpg in photoshop and it looks just fine.

However, when viewed directly from my pc in a browser (MSIE 7 or Firefox 3.0.3, either stand-alone or in an html shell), the image has a discernable dark magenta hue.

Originally, I mistakenly had an extra channel in the PSD file that I thought was causing the problem. But it's removed yet the problem remains.

I also saved as a GIF and PNG and the problem remained.

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Photoshop :: Saved Image Size

Feb 17, 2007

I have an image say 50Kb, what is the eaiest way to save that image too a Max 20Kb'

PS Cs2,

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Photoshop :: Recover Non-saved Image

Jun 17, 2008

I recently was editing a image on adobe photoshop 7.0 and I was doing a great job I was almost done (took me around 4hours to do) The problem I had was there was a thunder storm, so some how the power went on and off in my house so I think I lost everything Is there any way to get the edited image that was creating back? Like is there a auto save program that if your computer shuts down Instantaneously is auto saves for you, like on Microsoft office 2007 programs?

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Photoshop :: JPG Image Saved In CS4 Not Opening In

Jun 15, 2009

I have received images from my client which are edited & saved in CS4. But when i m trying to open these images in IE its not opening, but it is opening in Firefox. Wat is the solution for this?? I m here attaching a file in which i have shown the screenshot of IE and Firefox. And also the properties of images saved in CS3 and CS4. 

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Photoshop :: 16bit Image Saved As JPEG

Sep 17, 2012

I've used photoshop to paint for many years (I'm a production artist for children's television) and never had this kind of thing before. It could be a total coincidence, but it seemed only to get like this since I upgraded to Production premium CS6.
I have the newest Nvidia drivers, the latest photoshop and production suite updates. I've tried turning off GPU acceleration and I've calibrated my monitors and cintiq several times using the Spyder 3 Elite calibration tools. I've created 8bit, 16bit  and 32bit images and the problem persists no matter what. Other stats:
Adobe Photoshop Version: 13.0.1 (13.0.1 20120808.r.519 2012/08/08:21:00:00) x64
Operating System: Windows 7 64-bit
Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 280M
This is a 16bit image saved as a jpeg, but still a relatively accurate example of what I see in photoshop. In fact it looks better here. It was created using a low opacity brush with hardness set to zero.

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Photoshop :: Image Colors Changing When Saved?

Sep 5, 2006

I've been having this problem for some time now. I edit my images and save them but the saved copies in their folders are always 1) darker and 2) with less color. However, when I put the images back into photoshop, they look as they did just before I saved them. Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this or what might be causing it?

Also, when I do a lot of editing in one go, I get a message that I'm running out of memory on my C drive, even though photoshop is installed on my much larger D drive.

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Photoshop :: Mac / Cmd Click On Top Border Of Image File To See Where Saved

Mar 30, 2013

Is there also a shortcut in CS6?

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Photoshop :: Why Does TIFF Image Saved To JPG Format Becomes So Small

Aug 12, 2013

CS6: why does a TIF image saved to Jpg format becomes so small?

tif = 292700 kB becomes Jpg = 936 kBJpg options: large file  Quality 12, format option: Baseline standard.

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Photoshop :: CS2 - Color Differences Between Image When Opened And After Saved

Feb 15, 2012

Using Adobe Photoshop CS2. I'm noticing a color difference between an image I'm working on in PS and the final image - after it has been saved.
For example: working on a image of earth. The image on the web has very deep blues. but when I open it into PS, it looks very purple-ish and when I save it, the color is blue again.
Sometime the difference is slight, and other times it is definitely noticeable. Is there a setting I could adjust? One that would keep the image's true color?

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Photoshop :: Transparent Image Turns White When Saved..?

Sep 13, 2007

I think I accidentally changed a setting.

When I create a new transparent image the image goes straight to layer 1 instead of background. When I save or flatten the image it has a white background instead of a transparent like it should.

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Photoshop :: Saved Image Is Darker Than Original File

Jan 6, 2003

I'm trying to save a file as web content (either jpg or gif) but when I save the file it is much darker than the original.

If I view the saved version of the file in PS there are no issues, but once I view it in a browser, the issue arises.

Is there a way to control this? I've never had this problem before while working with photographs or other files.

For the record I'm using PS 6.0 for PC and the browser I'm using is IE 5.5.

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Photoshop Elements :: Same Image Saved In RAW And JPEG Look Different When Imported?

Apr 18, 2013

I am importing images saved in both Raw and JPEG format at the time of capture.   There seems to be a color shift - toward green for the JPEGS and red for the Camera Raw images.  Why is this happening?

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Photoshop :: Image Be Saved With Annotations Of Measure Tool In Extended?

Jun 6, 2013

Can the image be saved with the annotations of the measure tool in PS Extended?

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Photoshop Elements :: Can't Find Saved Image Back In IPhoto

Dec 3, 2012

Just bought PSE11. Still using iPhoto as my organizer. But when I finish an edit and save, I can't find my image.

I understand that if I save without changing the file name or type, it should put it back in the same origin file.

I tried setting my save settings in PSE to write over original and it still didn't show up. I tried making a duplicate in iPhoto and editing it .... nothing.

In the destination box that opens upon asking it to save, everything looks good. ie it appears to be saving it in an extension on an extension of a numbered file in the iPhoto library.

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Photoshop :: Unable To Prevent Uncompressed Compatibility Image Being Saved In 32-bpc Docs

Aug 19, 2012

Ps CS6
OS X 10.6.8
There seems always to be an uncompressed compatibility image in 32-bit PSD and PSB, and in 32-bit layered TIFF. That's regardless of Maximum Compatibility being disabled when saving. If Maximum Compatibility is enabled, there correctly is an uncompressed composite in the file. 
If Maximum Compatibility is disabled, there's an overhead equivalent to an uncompressed image with the document's size. I reckon the all-white compatibility image is uncompressed! If any image should be compressed, that surely is it. What a ridiculous waste of storage space. An unnecessary consumption of hundreds of MB per document in many cases.
This uncompressed compatibility image would explain why an embedded 32-bit PSB which stores the IBL of a 3D Layer consumes the enormous storage of a large uncompressed 32-bit image despite it being compressible to a few hundred KB.

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GIMP :: How To Delete Saved Image Files

Nov 27, 2011

How do you delete saved image files from Gimp once you are finished with them ?

My 'Document History' is so cluttered with unwanted files they are now appearing on my Desktop ! I have used edit - clear ... but the files remain as a blank transparency & I cannot find a way to remove them entirely.

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GIMP :: Saved JPG Image Does Not Appear In Windows Explorer

Jun 28, 2012

Windows XP, Gimp v2.6.1.1

I have created a pic in Gimp with layers. When I save it to my desktop (layers merged), it does not appear either on the desktop or in Windows Explorer. If I try to save it again, it flags it as already existing. When I try to open the file in Gimp, it does appear on the desktop and can be opened; however, the file icons are grayed out. I'm assuming the grayed out icon means something.

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Lightroom :: How To Add A File (image) To A Saved Book

Mar 26, 2014

I saved my book in LR.

It shows up as a collection.

How can I add an image to it?

The folder from where I made the book doesn't show the created book anymore.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Cropped Then Saved Image As BMP - Its Locked?

Apr 28, 2012

Opened a jpg file ... cropped then saved as bmp to use as texture in another program.

In explorer folders view it shows but has a locked symbol in front of it.

Try to find it from another program and it does not show in folders.

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AutoCad 3D :: How To Import Saved Rendered Image For Plotting

Jan 13, 2012

I am aiming to plot and print a 3d model when it has been rendered.

I am able to save the rendered image when it is produced in its pop up box, but then when I try to import the image so that it can be plotted and printed it says that autocad doesn't support the file.

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GIMP :: Default Export Image Settings Not Saved In 2.8?

May 25, 2012

I recently upgraded my laptops to Fedora 17 and Linux Mint 13, which now come with Gimp 2.8. After discovering that Save and Save as are moved to Export to and Export, I tried saving the default export settings for JPG. I usually set the Quality to 80 and make some other adjustments. However, the defaults always revert back no matter how many times I press the Save Defaults button.

Also, is there any way to make Gimp always use the previously selected settings? It seems that even though I set the defaults, with some images I open, edit and attempt to export, it tries to adjust the quality settings again. I just want to always have the defaults I have set for exporting jpg files without having to click an extra button or keyboard shortcut every time I save a file.

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Illustrator :: Text Saved In PNG - Select Outline Of Image

Sep 16, 2012

i have a text saved in PNG is a text designed with an can i select the outline in illustrator? in photoshop i need 3 click, open it, click rapid selection and click the image = done in illustrator what i have to do? i am capable only of open the file...

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Illustrator :: Where Are Image Trace Custom Presets Saved

Jan 3, 2013

I had to reinstall CS6 and am now looking for my old AI Image Trace custom presets. I'd like to restore them if possible from a Time Machine backup so I don't have to recreate a setting, but I can't seem to find where those are located.

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Lightroom :: Image Flip Operation Is Not Saved Into History?

Oct 10, 2012

Why Image flip operation is not saved into history?

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Lightroom :: Last Image Saved Is Always At Right Hand End Of Film Strip?

Jan 31, 2013

When in the develope module I have the film strip at the bottom of the page, I export the current image to CS 6 and then save from there. On returning to LR the last image saved is always at the right hand end of the film strip. You then have to scholl all the way to the left to find your next image to edit. Is there away of stopping this happening..

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