GIMP :: Measure Tool - How To Make Size Of Center Of Cross Larger
Nov 21, 2012
When I use the measure tool for the ruler an open centered cross is displayed - is there any way to make the size of the centre of the cross larger? this way i can get a more accurate measure of 2 points -
cs6 liquify tool has no cross in the center of the circle, how to fix it?? It was working before with a small cross in the circle, but one day the cross is gone!??
Software: GIMP 2.8 part of Ubuntu software (13.04 - 64 bit)
I am unable to use the measure tool. When I use it, the distances and angles keep adding to the last reading and these cumulated readings are of no use.
How to start a fresh set of measurements within the same session?
I am using Photoshop Elements 6.0. I need to make my text 600 pt, but whenever I go that large my text disappears. I can only go up to about 450 pt before it disappears.
I just installed elements 11. The font size on many of the selections is small, too small to easily see with my level of vision (bifocals). Examples are the Quick and Guided edit menu picks, the popups when you curser over a tool. How to make the type size larger?
so i downloaded the copasetic font and am trying to use it in a picture, and i can get a text box to appear and i can write the words i want, but i cant change the size to anything smaller or larger than what it starts out at. ive tried changing the size before i start typing, and its the same thing.
After upgrading to Gimp 2.8, I am loving the single window mode. But the brushes are working a bit differently to 2.6.
I work, mostly, on A4 pages at 300DPI. So when I want to enlarge a brush, I like to use a custom shortcut to quickly upscale the brush so that I can to a large size quickly.
This happened nicely in 2.6. However, in 2.8, I can't find a way to quickly upscale the brush in the same way. I've created the same custom shortcut, but the upscaling takes a lot longer to reach the desired scale. It's a case of holding down the keyboard shortcut and then waiting while the brush gets bigger.
Is there a way to speed up that upscale motion?
EDIT: In other words, is there a way to make the "increase brush size more" function increase its increments?
I'm running PSPX3. the effect of no compression (or compression factor = 1) on saving files. I've got a JPEG image file straight from my camera that's approximately 4.1MB in size. If I do nothing else but "Save As" with a compression factor of 1, the new file size is approximately 50% larger, or 6.2MB. What has changed to make the file size larger? Both images are still 72DPI, 3648X2736px. I can't image that I have done anything to "improve" image quality, so why did the file size increase?
I know we all love the measure tool, but if you want to stroke with it what you are measuring in a certain angle you can't do it. At least nothing that I know of. How do you trace your angles with measurement (whether degrees or radians)?
First I pick out a foreground color, then a bg color. Now there is already a nice gradient in the blend box below the toolbox. Is there any way I can just save that? It's all I really need but in a larger size. I could just take a screen shot of it and then edit that with Gimp, but it seems like there must be a way of doing that within gimp.
I do not mean "how do i use the scale tool?!" I have an xcf file that is 925X250 and it needs to be 925X450. If cropping removes specified parts of an image, how to I make it bigger, like in paint where you can just drag the edges out or go to image properties.
I've been using GIMP to make GIFS for a long time now, but recently the "optimize for difference" option I've used is having the reverse effect it should have- ie, it's making the file larger. Here's an example. It's the exact same image, same dimensions, same amount of colors. The first one is unoptimized, each frame is a full picture, and it's file size it ~149kb. The second one is the same as the first, except optimized with about ~50% of the pixels removed from each frame (except the first frame obviously), and yet it's file size is ~155kb. I can not for the life of me figure out why an image with most of it's pixels removed is creating a larger file size. [URL]...
How to use a photo behind cut out text and everything was going fine until I tried to add text and change the color. The text is invisible even though I changed the color to white and the box resized itself really small and I can't see anything even though I set it to 150 px.
Try to unchecking the 'dynamic text' button but I don't see this button anywhere in my text tab.
I have never been able to successfully use GIMP for anything because of this problem with adding text. I have had 2 versions, Windows and Linux. Right now I am using it with Pangolin.
Is there an 'easy' way to see a cross sectional area and measure it? I have tried getting a cross-sectional area by off-setting a work plane into the model, sketching on that plane, and pressing F7.
This shows the cross-sectional area, but when I click the inspect>area I can not select the cross-section. Any thoughts besides creating a sketch on that surface and extruding it to remove; taking the area measurement, and then undoing the extrusion?
Im trying to show some measurements in layout view. But when i dimension between 2 points i get the number 71,84. When i use the measure tool in model view i get 1150mm which is the correct length.
Sure there is some simple reason why the two arnt coming in with the same value. Also it isnt an issue with Units as i have checked both and they are both in millimetres.
In the iProperties, in the Mass properties are the coordinates of the center of gravity. i guess they relate to the center point and axes in the main origin folder, right?
How can i show and measure from the genter of gravity symbol in parts and drawings?
The brush tool loses the outline of the tool as the diameter gets larger. e.g. at 175px there is a fill outline of the tool. At 200px only a semi-circle is shown.
toolbox is one long list with toolstoolbox preferences tool options window is only some pixel way to adjust size of toolbox no way to adjust size of tool options window
Our logo designer has gone back to turkey and the communication is a little hard. Now I tried to gimp around, but I wasn't able to recreate the same shape.
I attached the basic logo (without the text next to it, you could see that at [URL] ..... if interested.
how to up-size this A LOT and still have it look crisp? (it's always easy to make it smaller)
How can I reduce the size of the Pencil tool to as little as 1 or 2 pixels? I want to draw fairly fine shadows, and have figured out that creating shadows requires smudging or blurring gradients of black-to-grey, but the default options in the Brushes toolbox are far, far too large.
The nodes on my path tool seem awfully big. They get in the way of seeing what i'm editing. I've noticed on some tutorials the nodes are quite small. Is there a way to change their size?
I'm not satisfied with the huge quality loss after scaling the layers and sharpening them. What to do so it will look less crappy? What should I do? Also I want to mention that I'm doing gifs from videos using KMPlayer to extract the frames and the videos are in mp4 format and HD quality.
I have to do something in school where I have to make simple objects like laptops, speakers etc. These objects must be kept really simple, so no high detail or anything and they can't have a black outline around them.
What I wanted to know is, which tool can I create these simple objects with? They have to look smooth, they must have round edges and there cannot be an outline around them.
I was merrily cloning away and somehow or another my clone tool changed into a very thin elipse rather than a circle. I didn't knowingly do anything to make it change.
I then made sure it was on the round fuzzy tool brush - but it insisted on making an elipse.
Recently I moved to CS3 from CS2. Now I notice that files I made in CS2 with particular settings weighted around 27 megabytes, 30 megabytes tops. These exact files weight 40 megabytes when saved in CS3. I think this is an ARGH!,
But picture this: maybe many of you have heard that if you hide the layers before saving the PSD, then the file size will be significantly smaller upon save. I tried this tip and it worked indeed. My CS3 files do weight as much now as they should, though without the layers shown. No chance this way to look at them, manage them with an image viewer etc.
is this a known and existent issue in CS3, does CS3 save and reveal some senselessly large "blind data" that CS2 could manage easily?
I want to print my CAD drawing, but when I select DWG to PDF, the largest size it provides is A0. Is there a way to make a custom size within the plotting manager?
is it possible to measure the distance between two lines but is it possible to set the scale (calibrate) to customize the dimensions. For example, we have pictures with a ruler in them and we need to set the scale in PS to equal the scale on the ruler.