GIMP :: How To Make GIF Look Less Pixelated Using Sharpen Tool
Dec 31, 2013
I'm not satisfied with the huge quality loss after scaling the layers and sharpening them. What to do so it will look less crappy? What should I do? Also I want to mention that I'm doing gifs from videos using KMPlayer to extract the frames and the videos are in mp4 format and HD quality.
Downloaded the 30 day trial yesterday. In particular I've just spent the last 30 mins looking for the sharpen tool (help document says it should be there; blue triangle) to take the fuzz of the edge of something I've cut out. if "9" does it another way, how to clean edges of cut-outs?
The smart sharpen tool in Photoshop CS6 takes up to 2 minutes to apply, during wich time nothing else can be that normal? It was a breeze to use on the same computer with CS5 Every thing else works really well
Edit: The problem seems to affect the 64 Bit version only, the 32 Bit works OS is 64 Bit...
Edit: if I change the bit-depth to 8 bit it works ok, the problem is when I open a 12 bit file...
I clicked on filter and then I clicked on the sharpen but I'm kind of confused about the sharpen. Whic sharpen tool do you use to sharp before printing the picture out?
and then I marked the ruler from the view but I see the extra on so turned it off but every time I would see the extra is on. How do I turn the extra off forever?
I have to do something in school where I have to make simple objects like laptops, speakers etc. These objects must be kept really simple, so no high detail or anything and they can't have a black outline around them.
What I wanted to know is, which tool can I create these simple objects with? They have to look smooth, they must have round edges and there cannot be an outline around them.
I was merrily cloning away and somehow or another my clone tool changed into a very thin elipse rather than a circle. I didn't knowingly do anything to make it change.
I then made sure it was on the round fuzzy tool brush - but it insisted on making an elipse.
is it possible to make the 'keep aspect' option in the scale tool checked by default? it is unchecked every time Gimp starts up and I tend to make the mistake and oddly scale a floating layer because the aspect isn't staying the same. is there any way to make the 'keep aspect' option on by default so when I start up Gimp I don't have to constantly scale it wrong or having to always need to lock the proportions?
I have a rectangular image. Is it possible to use the "Eclipse tool", and make a oval shape..and take my rectangular image, and completely conformed to an oval shape, no longer showing the rectangular corners (the whole image totally conformed to OVAL).
Second question...with GIMP, can one take an image, and make the edges look like there tattered, or worn?
IProblem 1: Tool Palettes on top of image. I'm using a 15" thinkpad laptop, with I think 1024 x whatever highest resolution. When I use Gimp, my screen real estate is being eaten up by the tool palettes more so than the image I'm trying to work on. I like the tool palettes - I'd like them to stay open - BUT what I'd really like is for the image to lay over top of the palettes, rather than the palettes lying over top of my image.
Problem 2: Zooming and scrolling in the image. I'm not too sure what was different about photoshop in this regard, but I'm having a bear of a time getting my images to zoom and scroll in the manner I was used to in photoshop. What can I change in the Gimp settings to make it behave more like photoshop in that regard? I found one setting to increase window size as the image zooms, but that was worse.
I like a lot of the aspects of Gimp, but these two things are preventing me from getting to use it very much presently.
I am working with pure monochrome tiff images. The images are of handwritten letters captured from microfilm. The handwriting is faint in places, but the image density is pretty high (3400 x 4400 px). I thought that there might be a way to "fill in" the white space between the scattered pixels forming the faint areas--but I can't figure out how to do it.
Gimp (Ubuntu 12.04LTS) seemed to be the natural place to turn, but I am not a photo-editor.
way to make parallel shapes using the Path Tool similar to Photoshop?
I haven't used Photoshop in a while, but I remember that you could hold CTRL (on PC) and click with the Pen Tool and it would straighten up your shape for you once the paths are connected and would like to do similar in GIMP but can't find out how.
The new cage tool is fantastic to solve the following problem.
I take a photo with the smartphone of a book page. I need two hands for this. The page does not lies flat (see [URL].... because no more hands available to keep the page flat (and no glass sheet at hand...). Using the cage tool with 3 nodes above and 3 below the text produces an acceptable result see [URL]....
Question: Is there any better method? Any GIMP plugin or even Android app to solve this problem?
I can trace the deformed rectangle that enclose the page text, but then I don't know how to pass this info to the cage tool and ask to make it a real rectangle.
When I use the measure tool for the ruler an open centered cross is displayed - is there any way to make the size of the centre of the cross larger? this way i can get a more accurate measure of 2 points -
I am trying to use a reference image on a plane in 3ds Max but everything comes out Blurry and pixelated. I have tried the Customize...Preferences... Viewports option but the Configure driver is greyed out. it says ''Nitrous (direct 3d) 11.0 feature level 11 - ATI Radeon HD 5700'' next to Configure Driver.. (greyed out)
What can i do to make reference images not pixelated? and transparency on boxes and polygons is extremely buggy (i can only see 2% through it when alt+x)
Working onsite on a clients pc - and suddenly using the erraser toll it has gone all pixleated !!I have open PS with resetting all tools, the just resetting the eraser tolls. cannot for th elife of me able to get it back to a smooth blend ?
Why does the color look strange, is it only because it's green? I have it set to custom color>green because no color/black was only grey. This is still desaturated & very grey. Playing with the settings didn't seem to work.
What's with the pixelated edging? It's an inner bevel & appears on the rounded parts.
Whenever I have text, its always fuzzy or pixelated, its really annoying.I have antialiasing selected, I have changed the dpi, made sure it was at 100% and whatever else I could think of.Also, I think the background is also a bit fuzzy, so that's why I think it is the dpi or something like that.But it is always not 100% sharp.I have attached a copy of the back cover. Its the same for all though.
Is there a way to make the color select tool not only select a specific color but related shades as well. I have a graphic that is mainly shades of gray but with black outlines and divisions as well as other colors mixed in. I want to shift all the shades of gray to shades of dark yellow without have to select each shade individually.
I have 2 layers, the first is the background layer. Then 2nd layer has a picutre that I have used the ellipse tool on. My question is how can I use the eraser tool on everything outside of the ellipse tool? I can only use it inside.
I have checked the road map for GIMP and I have seen that the Unified transform tool can be expected in version 3.8. (ugh)
Now what I would like to ask is there any tool or plugin for GIMP that can transform my selections? Or is there any open source image editor that can do it.
I'm not an artist and just for this I have to use Photoshop. For me PS is an overkill for just cutting up an image.