I have a rectangular image. Is it possible to use the "Eclipse tool", and make a oval shape..and take my rectangular image, and completely conformed to an oval shape, no longer showing the rectangular corners (the whole image totally conformed to OVAL).
Second question...with GIMP, can one take an image, and make the edges look like there tattered, or worn?
i am trying to draw an aircraft and after drawing the windows, i got stuck. i am trying to revolve a shape around the shape of the window (oval) but it won't recognise that shape as an axis. i can't click it. is there a solution to this?
when i draw a circle in corel draw, i set the height and width dimension to equal, so it should become a circle, but it end up in the monitor screen an oval shape, also i notice the y axis and x axis in the corel draw is not equal. so i check my artcut y and x axis, is also same as corel draw. But when i cut out the shape, it cut out a circle shape. isit due to monitor or other setting.
I need to crop pictures of horses to fit within a specified oval shape and size but i dont know how to do it within the corel program, i print it out on special vinyl then cut it on my Roland GX-24 and press it on to an item of clothing and i need to get 2 horses on 1 sheel of paper.
i have pictures of several shirt fabrics which i need to crop. this is easy. however, i need to add an effect that will make the edges appear to be a zigzag shape. see link below. look at the edges of the picture (including the shadow). this is the type of image effect i'm looking for. URL....
I would like to know how to make text holes in a shape. For example, a black square with the word "Allez" on it will cut through the black square revealing the color below it.
I'm trying to convert my barmitzvah album to jpeg so it can be displayed in a photo frame. To do this I've scanned each page at home and put them on CD because I have to go to the library to use Photoshop.
(before anyone says I violated copyright by scanning professional photos without permission 1) The photography studio no longer exists, 2) Photos were made prior to 1989 and do not have the required copyright information per this notice.)
Originally I was going to just scan each page and be done with it but due to the size of the pages and the scanners I have access to I would have to do two passes and stitch them together. When I tried doing that the subjects of the photos lined up but not the background so now I want to remove the background.
I had no problem with some pictures but the one is the first I've had an issue with. Using the Magic Extractor it takes out almost all of the background see this image which is left from the original.
I've tried using the oval tool to select the inner part but can't get it lined up correctly. Where should I be starting from?
I have an oval portrait. How do I make the area outside the oval transparent so only the oval picture shows up and it's not "framed" by the white area outside the oval?
I want to draw a filled shape and edit it later during further design.
I used Path Tool to draw my shape with points. Then I used Selection from Path to create a closed shape, as I can fill it with solid color or patterns.
But how can I edit the shape after it has been filled with color? After using Selection from Path, the shape is independent of the controlling points of Bezier Curve.
In general, how can I draw a closed shape, which is filled with solid color or patterns, but still editable by moving controlling points of Bezier Curve on the border? In other words, when I move the points, the inner color/pattern should be extended.
I am unable to make a shape from a photo using the Cookie Cutter Tool. I duplicated the photo. Clicked on cookie cutter icon. Created shape. Clicked on green check mark. The new layer is transparent. I cannot make the shape appear.
I use the path tool to create the shape of the text line I want to curve. I enter the text I want with the font, colour, etc, and select text along path. The text goes where I want it, but no matter what I have tried, the text colour along the path (my curved text) is always red and it doesnot look like the font in my text area. I can change the font / colour of the original text which works great, but the text along the path doesn't seem to change.
i'm basically making a shape with the pen tool, then i click the paint bucket, then the shape disappears. i've also done this with the rectangle tool and the exact same thing happens.
usually, it will work when i frst open the document, but after i start making new layers/text then i try to do this, the shape i make disappears.
how i can keep the shape so i can select the paint bucket tool?
I created an oval: 418x528 and using stroke, gave it a one pixel border. Unfortunately, the oval border looks not smooth. I'd like to give it a wider border, but the unsmoothness looks worse the wider you make the border.
I Googled and found the steps for creating a colored circle with theborder size I preferred. Cool. But when it came to something as simple as copying that circle (it's in a new layer) and changing the size, Google was pulling up irrelevant sites. Yes I've seen the official docs, but they're very detailed and I'm in a "get it done now" environment.
My base image is a screen capture of the most commonly-used screen in our main software here. I want to create copies of my groovy new circle and place it over the buttons employees will use each day. Plus re-size the circles as needed. (Note that I've been using Photoshop in the past, and I don't know how to "see" each new layer in GIMP.)
I try to anti-alias or matte the edges of a shape in order to make a transparent gif/png of it without having pixelated 'hard edges'. The current situation is that I have a selection of some shape in GIMP. Below the layer with the shape in it, I stroke the selection of my shape with a lighter colour by using a fuzzy paintbrush. This gives me some sort of anti-alising effect, but it isn't any close to the matte option in the 'export for web' dialog of Photoshop. Because I really do like GIMP, I am curious if there is a better way to get anti-aliased shapes using Gimp?
I want to crop a photo into an oval with the cookie cutter tool. As soon as I drag the oval from the center out the photo is then covered with white and gray squares so I can no longer see the photo.
How to make something like this logo: [URL]... (also attached below in case link d/n work)
I tried using the line selection tool to create a stroke path in the shape of the design I wanted, but I can't get it to emulate this brush (it always just fades to opaque instead of tapering to a point).
I've been using gimp for awhile now and have had great success using itto retouch about a zillion scans of old family photographs. but other than then few things I need in order to do that (paintbrush, clone tool, rotate tool and crop) I am still largely ignorant of how to use gimp. (There's just so much functionality in there, and I'm sure that I don't even have any use for about 90% of it.)
Anyway, a relative just sent me an old old family photo that some nitwit,perhaps a generation or two ago, did some seriously violence to with a pair of scissors. To salvage this one and to make it look presentable I really need to be able to take the scan I have of it and crop it into a oval shape.(Yes, it is a portrait.)
So anyway, how do I do this? It isn't obviously. I already did manage to figure out how to make a selection of the exact size and shape (and location)of oval that I want, and I _did_ make a selection like that... at least I_thought_ that I did... but then when I did crop-to-selection I ended up with the picture cropped to a rectangular shape, where the rectangle in question is, quite apparently, the rectangle which only and exactly contained the oval that I had selected earlier.
I'm sort-of guessing that what I really want is gonna end up being another one of these things that ends up involving multiple layers... yes? I mean of course, what I _really_ want to end up with is an image that _is_ in fact a rectangle, but everything outside of my selected oval has to end up being painted total white (255).
This is a strictly B&W image, BTW... just like all really old family photographs everywhere. How to fade the edges of the oval slowly to white.
I am trying to create an oval image for a button on a webpage. I make the canvas size about 90x40 and then select the ellipse tool and fill the canvas with it. I then bucket fill the circle/oval with a green color. How do I knock the rest of the white corners out of the image? I only want to green oval to be the final jpg.
I'm not satisfied with the huge quality loss after scaling the layers and sharpening them. What to do so it will look less crappy? What should I do? Also I want to mention that I'm doing gifs from videos using KMPlayer to extract the frames and the videos are in mp4 format and HD quality.
I have to do something in school where I have to make simple objects like laptops, speakers etc. These objects must be kept really simple, so no high detail or anything and they can't have a black outline around them.
What I wanted to know is, which tool can I create these simple objects with? They have to look smooth, they must have round edges and there cannot be an outline around them.
I was merrily cloning away and somehow or another my clone tool changed into a very thin elipse rather than a circle. I didn't knowingly do anything to make it change.
I then made sure it was on the round fuzzy tool brush - but it insisted on making an elipse.
is it possible to make the 'keep aspect' option in the scale tool checked by default? it is unchecked every time Gimp starts up and I tend to make the mistake and oddly scale a floating layer because the aspect isn't staying the same. is there any way to make the 'keep aspect' option on by default so when I start up Gimp I don't have to constantly scale it wrong or having to always need to lock the proportions?
IProblem 1: Tool Palettes on top of image. I'm using a 15" thinkpad laptop, with I think 1024 x whatever highest resolution. When I use Gimp, my screen real estate is being eaten up by the tool palettes more so than the image I'm trying to work on. I like the tool palettes - I'd like them to stay open - BUT what I'd really like is for the image to lay over top of the palettes, rather than the palettes lying over top of my image.
Problem 2: Zooming and scrolling in the image. I'm not too sure what was different about photoshop in this regard, but I'm having a bear of a time getting my images to zoom and scroll in the manner I was used to in photoshop. What can I change in the Gimp settings to make it behave more like photoshop in that regard? I found one setting to increase window size as the image zooms, but that was worse.
I like a lot of the aspects of Gimp, but these two things are preventing me from getting to use it very much presently.