GIMP :: Create Oval Image For A Button On Webpage?
Apr 13, 2011
I am trying to create an oval image for a button on a webpage. I make the canvas size about 90x40 and then select the ellipse tool and fill the canvas with it. I then bucket fill the circle/oval with a green color. How do I knock the rest of the white corners out of the image? I only want to green oval to be the final jpg.
I am trying create a double button image like this [URL].......
How I create this in Gimp? It is possible? I've tried doing it but the canvas is in the background, i want both buttons floating (with the grey and black squares showing behind).
I'm trying to create a button that has a wood grain surface (got that) and rounded corners (check) and a rounded surface appearance. The last part I can't figure out. Is there something built in, or a script-foo that I have to use? (Win 7 platform, GIMP ver 2.6.)
Tools: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Level of mastery: very novice Goal: Creat Button for a website Environment: Windows Vista
Problem:The following images are buttons has already been designd . One image is in the normal status, while the other button is in the rollver status. I want to create an indetical image with same properties such as (size, font type, font size, font color background color) called "Intuitive Healer". I dont know how to mimic the font and the background colors.
normal status of a button rollover button Intuitve Healer ? normal Intuitive Healer ?Rollover
how to create a button with exact "look and feel" design and write on it Inutive healer
I have attached an image of the chair i'm modelling, I need to create the back and seat but can't find a way of modelling the curve feature. I can create the oval shape and extrude to 3d, fillet the edges etc but can't curve it. I'm new to 3D Modelling
I created an oval: 418x528 and using stroke, gave it a one pixel border. Unfortunately, the oval border looks not smooth. I'd like to give it a wider border, but the unsmoothness looks worse the wider you make the border.
I Googled and found the steps for creating a colored circle with theborder size I preferred. Cool. But when it came to something as simple as copying that circle (it's in a new layer) and changing the size, Google was pulling up irrelevant sites. Yes I've seen the official docs, but they're very detailed and I'm in a "get it done now" environment.
My base image is a screen capture of the most commonly-used screen in our main software here. I want to create copies of my groovy new circle and place it over the buttons employees will use each day. Plus re-size the circles as needed. (Note that I've been using Photoshop in the past, and I don't know how to "see" each new layer in GIMP.)
I've been using gimp for awhile now and have had great success using itto retouch about a zillion scans of old family photographs. but other than then few things I need in order to do that (paintbrush, clone tool, rotate tool and crop) I am still largely ignorant of how to use gimp. (There's just so much functionality in there, and I'm sure that I don't even have any use for about 90% of it.)
Anyway, a relative just sent me an old old family photo that some nitwit,perhaps a generation or two ago, did some seriously violence to with a pair of scissors. To salvage this one and to make it look presentable I really need to be able to take the scan I have of it and crop it into a oval shape.(Yes, it is a portrait.)
So anyway, how do I do this? It isn't obviously. I already did manage to figure out how to make a selection of the exact size and shape (and location)of oval that I want, and I _did_ make a selection like that... at least I_thought_ that I did... but then when I did crop-to-selection I ended up with the picture cropped to a rectangular shape, where the rectangle in question is, quite apparently, the rectangle which only and exactly contained the oval that I had selected earlier.
I'm sort-of guessing that what I really want is gonna end up being another one of these things that ends up involving multiple layers... yes? I mean of course, what I _really_ want to end up with is an image that _is_ in fact a rectangle, but everything outside of my selected oval has to end up being painted total white (255).
This is a strictly B&W image, BTW... just like all really old family photographs everywhere. How to fade the edges of the oval slowly to white.
I have a rectangular image. Is it possible to use the "Eclipse tool", and make a oval shape..and take my rectangular image, and completely conformed to an oval shape, no longer showing the rectangular corners (the whole image totally conformed to OVAL).
Second question...with GIMP, can one take an image, and make the edges look like there tattered, or worn?
I am trying to add links to an image and then add it to my web page...I have been trying to use the slice tool in photoshop which works great for the links but I can't seem to achieve a transparent background in the save for web...
Inside of photoshop the image is transparent and when I save for web (image) the map.png file is not created...map_01.png, map_02.png and all others are created but not the map.png file When I have saved for web (html) I have tried inserting the html into an iframe on the page and the image looks and functions correctly but there is no transparent background because it is an <iframe> and not the actual .png.
I use Dreamweaver and HTMl to make webpages. I was going to try to make a page using PS 2.
How big should I make the image? Should I set the image as a BG or a image in DW8? Resolution? How does the browser resize the image from PS? It doesn't automatically fit to the page does it?
I want to make navigation buttons. If not too detailed, I would like to try some roll over buttons.
i have to develop one image in Adobe Illustror image manipulation tool and i have our customized plug in for uploading the image which we created by AI with the extenion .ai. the plugin will upload the image to our tool and it has to render when we refer the image in the particular webpage. But we are getting "Blank page" instead of the image.
I am fairly new to PSE and I want to create an oval vignette in Photoshop Elements 10 with transparent background for printing on white paper using MS Publisher. Using the white background on inverse selection makes a slight line impression and either it should have a defined "frame" or nothing.
i have an image on my workspace. its a rectangular image. Now, I want to crop an oval out of it. So everything else around it will dissapear. How do i do this? I was thinking the CUT tool, but that only cuts from point to point.
I am growing increasinly frustrated. I just installed AutoCAD LT 2013 on my laptop. I managed to get everything customized the way I want, except the button icons on my (classic) toolbar are much too small. If I go into the menu and select 'use large icons', they are too huge. My screen resolution DOES NOT need to be changed or adjusted. I went to the help menu to see what I can do, and found that I can go into CUI and adjust the size of the button icons that way, via the button image editor, however there is no 'button image editor' dialog box when I select any given toolbar command.
Someone wants me to make them a logo for their website, and they want a "Backspace" keyboard key underneath their text.
Is it possible to create one of these "Backspaces Keys" of my own, or is it only possible to copy one from Google somewhere and render the image in Gimp to make it look more like a logo? How do I go about doing this in the Gimp format if it is possible?
I have been trying to create an image using gimp, but i cannot seem to get it 100% and 'm trying to paste an image onto anothe image , but cut out certain parts etc.the image is of a woman, and i am trying to add angel wings but for her arm to be over the top of the wings not behind.
I have used gimp before with awesome results, but one thing I have not been able to find for Gimp is a tutorial on how to create an exploding effect. I am specifically looking to be able to have a picture of say a face, then being able to have the left half of the face look like it is exploding while keeping the right face fully intact. sort of like the image that I have linked.
sortalikethis.jpg (83.34K)
Number of downloads: 30 But I want it so it looks like the actual face is being exploded, not a separate image being plopped onto the side of a persons face.
I'm a machine knitter. I'm converting images into 2,3 or 4-colors for knitting on my compuerized knitting machine. I need to have a separate "line" for each color of the image in order for my machine to knit with yarn of that color. If 4 colors, I must knit 4 times for each row, once with each color.
I'm doing pretty well with creating the needed image file of 2,3 or 4 colors, but have no clue how I might be able to create a master monster file where each horizontal "line" is essentially exploded into 4 lines, one for each color.