GIMP :: How To Pass Info To Cage Tool And Make It Real Rectangle
Mar 21, 2013
The new cage tool is fantastic to solve the following problem.
I take a photo with the smartphone of a book page. I need two hands for this. The page does not lies flat (see [URL].... because no more hands available to keep the page flat (and no glass sheet at hand...). Using the cage tool with 3 nodes above and 3 below the text produces an acceptable result see [URL]....
Question: Is there any better method? Any GIMP plugin or even Android app to solve this problem?
I can trace the deformed rectangle that enclose the page text, but then I don't know how to pass this info to the cage tool and ask to make it a real rectangle.
Currently the cage tool recalculates the transformation with every point I change. This can be terribly slow for every point moved.
What I imagine would be good therefore would be to have an option for how the transformation is previewed -
1. None - useful for moving many points; might not be necessary if 2 below works well2. Low-Res - useful for getting the transformation almost right without incurring exasperating delays3. Full Quality - final checks and tweaks
(It would also be a useful extra to mark key points and see how they move, but not quite so necessary as having a low-res preview option)
Also an option if feasible to transform what's outside the cage also?
I'm trying to make an eye texture and I have a rectangle texture that i would like to paint in a clockwise fashion, I know that I could just copy and paste + rotate each time but I was wondering if there was a faster way.
Basicly when i try to erase a layer/rectangle tool to make a nice fade this is what happens: every time i try to erase it makes a huge black lining around the erased part as u can see .
I'm brand new to GIMP, I just downloaded it to get into some simple pixel art.
I was going fine, but I've run into a problem. I'm trying to select a portion of my image using the rectangle tool, and then move it to a different location using the move tool. However, when clicking and dragging the move tool it shifts the entire image, not just the portion I have selected. I read in the FAQ that you need to press "Enter" to finalise the selection before you move it, but even doing that doesn't work.
This was working fine for me earlier, I'm not sure what I've done to break it. I've tried resetting my tool preferences back to defaults but that has not worked.
I am trying to use the rectangle tool to select a rather specific area. I am trying to make a 50x50 square in the bottom left corner, but I don't know how I would accomplish this.
I've been wondering how do you get the rectangle select tool to move the image, like in mspaint whenever I use it, it just moves the rectangle square and not the selected part of the image.
i'm basically making a shape with the pen tool, then i click the paint bucket, then the shape disappears. i've also done this with the rectangle tool and the exact same thing happens.
usually, it will work when i frst open the document, but after i start making new layers/text then i try to do this, the shape i make disappears.
how i can keep the shape so i can select the paint bucket tool?
Recently upgraded to Gimp 2.8 for the single window mode (which worksbrilliantly in Ubuntu, especially with the HUD).
But the Rectangle Select Tool has a new - but odd - behaviour. When I drawa selection, and then add to that selection, a new "square" is position atmy cursor. (See attached screenshot.) This didn't happen in 2.6 and is abit irritating because it disorientates me slightly, especially if I'mworking quickly.
Is there a way to turn that off (or revert it to the 2.6 way)?
Any clear,full tutorial of a Z-Depth pass. The idea is to have that Pass that shows the close objects white, and gradually goes to black as they are more distant.
Also, how do I apply this in Photoshop, once i have the image?
Mental Ray - 3ds Max 2010. Nothing more, nothing less.
I am missing a crop tool which can rotate the crop rectangle. Similar to photoshop's tool. I found no way to rotate the crop rectangle in gimp. How do you cut out something from an image if it needs to be rotated while cropping? I tried rotating first then cropping but it does not give me enough precision so I end up with transparent areas at the border.
In Illustrator CS6, I would like to draw these trails for a map I'm making. Is there a way I can draw using the "Pencil" tool where when I draw, it draws a second line next to it? Is there a setting for that?
Here is an old map where you can see the double broken lines. I know how to set it so the line has gaps in it, but I need a line to be the same next to it.
#how can I pass a name to a selection, which has to be converted to a path? Neither plug-in-sel2path nor plug-in-sel2path-advanced give the possibility to pass an own name.
i recently cut out a picture of a girl and put it on a black background. the thing is, it doesn't look natural after i put it ( used the extraction method ). now, how do i edit it such that it will look real/nicer?
I receive drawings from others and do material take-offs. I need to learn how to make real measurements electronically in a drawing so I can stop having them plotted so I can use a scale.
I'm not satisfied with the huge quality loss after scaling the layers and sharpening them. What to do so it will look less crappy? What should I do? Also I want to mention that I'm doing gifs from videos using KMPlayer to extract the frames and the videos are in mp4 format and HD quality.
I have to do something in school where I have to make simple objects like laptops, speakers etc. These objects must be kept really simple, so no high detail or anything and they can't have a black outline around them.
What I wanted to know is, which tool can I create these simple objects with? They have to look smooth, they must have round edges and there cannot be an outline around them.
I was merrily cloning away and somehow or another my clone tool changed into a very thin elipse rather than a circle. I didn't knowingly do anything to make it change.
I then made sure it was on the round fuzzy tool brush - but it insisted on making an elipse.
is it possible to make the 'keep aspect' option in the scale tool checked by default? it is unchecked every time Gimp starts up and I tend to make the mistake and oddly scale a floating layer because the aspect isn't staying the same. is there any way to make the 'keep aspect' option on by default so when I start up Gimp I don't have to constantly scale it wrong or having to always need to lock the proportions?
I have a rectangular image. Is it possible to use the "Eclipse tool", and make a oval shape..and take my rectangular image, and completely conformed to an oval shape, no longer showing the rectangular corners (the whole image totally conformed to OVAL).
Second question...with GIMP, can one take an image, and make the edges look like there tattered, or worn?
I mainly use MyPaint, Gimp and Inkscape, but I also made a quick tour ofother painting softwares. If all of them take into account the color (asis, without any characteristic like viscosity, nature of a paint - oily oraqueous) and the toools to apply the color (with a stiking inventivenessregarding the brushes !), I have not found any that directly simulate thebehavior of the media on which the color is applied. However, to take justthe example of the watercolor, the paper has a fundamental importance onthe effects that can be applied and on the final rendering.
Of course, with a good expertise - and dexterity - in a particularsoftware, one can, by manipulating the image, achieve a very close if notidentical result. But this is akin to a Grand Chef cooking, with secretrecipes, tricks and tips, subtle dosages...
why the medias are not implemented in the paintingsoftwares ? There is some few basic parameters as the substrate porosity,surface roughness, anisotropy of the porosity and/or roughness, inclinationof the surface of work, and if this is coupled to some parameters of theink, like viscosity, attractive or repulsive power of the ink, you can workreally more intuitively.
When I use the Marquee tool, or the single row marquee I have perfect borders in my forms, but when instead I use the rectangle tool, the line tool or the elipse tool I have these strange borders that are not well delimited.
I have already deleted the default settings, but still continues the same.