AutoCAD Inventor :: Measure A Cross Sectional Area
Aug 19, 2012
Is there an 'easy' way to see a cross sectional area and measure it? I have tried getting a cross-sectional area by off-setting a work plane into the model, sketching on that plane, and pressing F7.
This shows the cross-sectional area, but when I click the inspect>area I can not select the cross-section. Any thoughts besides creating a sketch on that surface and extruding it to remove; taking the area measurement, and then undoing the extrusion?
I have trouble producing cross sectional diagrams and profile views for a roadway. So far i have a contour surface and a roadway centerline associated with it with alignments. I need to produce cross sectional diagrams showing elevations of the ETW on the level road as well as on super elevations.
How to create a revolve surface in an assembly for the purpose of measuring a flow area through a specific area? See the attached JPG, I basically have a conical internal diameter with a pin protruding into it..... I need to measure the flow area as shown in the sketch attached here. the way I have this shown in the attached JPG is the way that we had previously performed this in Pro-e.
We are able to measure distance in meters between 2 points using COGO tools. Though, when meassuring areas (command area) even setting units to meters it shows: "Area = 0.00000073, Perimeter = 0.00343123" which is not expressed in meters. The area in meters is around 8900m2. We are using latitude, longitude LL84 (WGS84). Is there a way to easily measure area over the map using this coordinate system?
Found that in certain drawings, the measure area tool will just suddenly stop working? It's very odd. It let's me pick points, but won't let me press enter to see the total.
Closing and reopening AutoCAD doesn't work. It seems to be a permanent thing to the affected drawing.
It's happened to me in a few drawings, but only in those specific ones. Other drawings are fine. I'm guessing it's a setting I've changed somehow?
I've been getting round it by creating shapes using the polyline, and then looking at the area in the properties window. It's an ok solution, but not ideal.
When I use the measure tool for the ruler an open centered cross is displayed - is there any way to make the size of the centre of the cross larger? this way i can get a more accurate measure of 2 points -
I'm wondering if there is a lisp possible to measure area's by pick point (as in bpoly). This little feature exists in Microstation so i was looking for something similar.
Is it also possible if this lisp can measure areas from an external reference (dwg, dxf, dgn, shp etc..)? I'm kind of new to AutoCAD in that sence.
I have cs3 extended. Is there a tool ( i can't find one) that will allow you to make a selection and then calculate the pixel area of the selection? For measuring areas in a scientific application.
I am evaluating volumes of concrete removed from a surface and the volumes of concrete poured to replace the demolished concrete.I have created surfaces for each stage of the process in individual drawings.
I have created a drawing for the section views and successfully created cross-sections showing all the surfaces.When I compute materials, determining cut material between 2 of the surfaces, the end area is not always determined at every station.
I have previously noticed end area "shapes" with breaks in them. Each time, this was because there was a void in the surface triangulation.Is there any way that I can interrogate a surface to check whether the triangulation is incomplete, with voids in it?
I posted last week and included the attached screen print showing incomplete triangulation which I only noticed by turning on the "Shades of Gray" visual style.There must be some way to check surfaces without having to use the memory gobbling visual style.
Since frequencies of corridors are perpendicular to their respective alignments, there is gap developed in between two corridors on ramp as shown in snaps.
This is common problem in roads & highways, I know how fix the same.
But if my cross section is a Tunnel? (Cross Section- Elliptical Roof)
I need to be able to measure the square inches of a printed area in which hew will be using specialty inks. We want to get a descent cost estimate, how to measure the square inches of a specific element of a design, in Photoshop or any of the other adobe programs?
When I click on a civil 3d object the contextual ribbon will light up (which is fine) but instead of my cross hairs comming back in the drawing window I get the pointer that would be used to select an item in the ribbon (in the drawing area) and I have to click in the drawing area to get my cross hairs back or to grip edit the object or to delete the object.
Is there a option/setting I need to change to be able to get me cross hairs back after selecting a civil 3d object?
Just move to Civil 3d 2012, this worked just fine in '11...
clipping 3D Drawing views and 2. chaging the hatch pattern/scale in the sectional Drawing views that the generated automatically when hatch option is on. A last question is whether Sectional Drawing view is better than a section generated with section plane.
I am trying to annotate a floor plan to show the location/orientation of section, elevation and detail drawings. The labels must also indicate the appropriate drawing cross reference. (basically a circle with a arrow, text inside circle showing drawing cross reference). My question is - is there an automated way/library to insert such labels or do I have to create each of them from individual elements and make a block?
If it is possible to create a sectional view from my model and place that section in a new viewport without changing my other viewports. I have several viewports in my drawing but I need a certain detail section of the model but I do not want any of my viewports to get affected.
I can not have anything added to my model, since later on I will be using this drawing as a xref and I only want the main model to be carried over and not a section detail.
Whenever we use measure tool it will show the a dialog box with valves of x,y,z, delta X, delta Y & delta Z. I want to customize the same as per the attached image.
Customize this, dialog box will not disappear(modal) after entering into any other command so no need to remember the values of x,y....etc.
I have some users that use Solid Viewer that I am cosidering switching to Inventor LT. I use Inventor Pro. There is a feature in SolidWorks that let's them quickly display the overall extents; length, width, and height for quoting purposes. The tool creates a transparent box around the 3D model and displays these dimensions.
I've created Custom properties, parameters, to get the outside measure of the parts and it works fine until we create and leave activated a work plane outside the part so it measures not until the end of the part but until the plane.