clipping 3D Drawing views and 2. chaging the hatch pattern/scale in the sectional Drawing views that the generated automatically when hatch option is on. A last question is whether Sectional Drawing view is better than a section generated with section plane.
If it is possible to create a sectional view from my model and place that section in a new viewport without changing my other viewports. I have several viewports in my drawing but I need a certain detail section of the model but I do not want any of my viewports to get affected.
I can not have anything added to my model, since later on I will be using this drawing as a xref and I only want the main model to be carried over and not a section detail.
I have trouble producing cross sectional diagrams and profile views for a roadway. So far i have a contour surface and a roadway centerline associated with it with alignments. I need to produce cross sectional diagrams showing elevations of the ETW on the level road as well as on super elevations.
I have a 3D drawing in model space which I want to print with different views. I know how to make viewports for top orthographic view, side, front and 3D perspective view, but I can't figure out how to make a sectional view viewport from the 3D drawing as well.
Also, I can't figure out how to have autocad place hidden lines and centerlines for me.
I've recently made a new drawing template with ilogic prompts for entering data for all fields within the template. It also sets view sizes etc. I have lots of master drawings, which are reused when sizes etc change for a contract, which i would like to transfer to this new template. Drawing Resource Transfer Wizard does not offer this function.
I could get all drawings in a folder copied to specific sheet size on the master template.As the template will probably be developed further in the future I'm very loathed to do this take manually.
Whenever I try to print sheets that contain shaded (or better) 3D views, these 3D views do not appear on my prints/Pdf's/DWFx's. I've tried different PDF-drivers and hardcopy printers that are in my office, but they all don't work.
Some things that maybe can narrow the cause down:
- Printing a single 3D view to a DWFx works
- Printing a single 3D view to PDF or hardcopy printer doesn't work
- Printing a Hidden Line view on sheets works on alle printers
- 2013; printing a sheet containing 3D views works. When upgrading the same project to 2014, the same sheet fails.
I use Cad for Mac 2011. I am looking for a way for switching views quickly when drawing 3d. For the moment I use VIEW and then TOP, SE or whatever. It´s a bit slow. Also I couldn´t find out how the actual view is indicated.
I want to extract 2D drawing view of the attached model. I tried but could not succeed because most of the sketches are on the angled user defined work planes.
See the following links, I did the same for some of my other models:-
[URL] ...
[URL ...
How can I show the modelling process of this model with 2D drawings?
I am using Inventor 2013. For some reason I cannot dimension some of the model entities in the drawing views in an idw file. I can retrieve the model dimensions but it is usually easier to create the dimensions I need in each view. I can select the line, curve, etc. when dimensioning but nothing happens.
After I think about it. What I cannot dimension are lofts that I created with rails. These rails were made up of lines and curves, not polylines. How do I get the sketches for the rails I used for lofting to display in the drawing views so I can dimension those sketches.
I made a drawing and later changed the part to an ipart.
The dimensions of the table part in the drawing are o.k. but the iproperties, the contents of the logo doesn't update and it has a strange number string.
There is the yellow lightning symbol and even though i press update all sheets nothing happens and also the lightning symbol remains
Why is it that individual views in an .idw always need to be updated? I will highlight a view, the thunderbolt icon lights up, I choose to update it, the view in the browser turns red and then the view up dates. if I highlight the view again it tells me the view needs to be updated again.
I was wondering if it was possible to make my drawing views more streamlined.
Currently, when I add a drawing view, the part number and scale is pulled from the part and scale chosen. So this is good; but I would like to get the styles editor to add the actual view of the part into its name.
For example, if I choose the top view, the naming should look like the following:
So basically I'd like to know if its possible to pull that information and display it in the naming text box. I would assume this is possible as all the other parts are possible, I don't see why this isn't an automatic default.
When I open a Civil 3D drawing, there are two views. One is showing alignment plan and the other one showing profile. Actually they are in same model space. How to turn off one of them and how to make two views like that.
I am not able to move any of the views in my drawing (*.idw). As instructed by the web page this should be as easy as "click and drag the red border", but this does not work. I cannot move the dimension annotations either.
I've a 3D drawing. I'm taking parts out into new layouts with the "Base" command. I place the top view but when I project the "End Views (left, right, front & back)" I can't see them? They are there, when I move my mouse over them I can see them. What's up with this?
Working in an idw file, I have a need for two drawing sheets with the identical views of the same part. However, each sheet will need different dimensions and annotations. What I would like to do is after completing one sheet, in one step create the second identical sheet, then just edit/add dimensions and annotations. Is there a method to do this? So far, I have only been able to copy one view at a time from sheet to sheet.
I have a top level assembly created from multiple subassemblies. In my drawing view, I would like to add leaders calling out the subassemblies. Is this possible with Inventor 2013? It seems easy - am I missing something?
I tried adding leaders, and selecting the model properties, selected the subassembly, then picked part number. The leader always reverts back to the part level.
Product Design Suite Ultimate 2014 Vault Professional 2014 Windows 7 Pro SP1 HP-Z400: 2.67 GHz 12 Gb Ram Nvidia Quadro FX1800 driver 276.42
I'm trying to put together some iLogic code to either check all the drawing views within a drawing sheet are all the same scale, or make the views all the same scale. These drawing sheets consist of a number of individual parts (they aren't projected views from a single part).
This is for welded assemblies. We are required to generate a profile drawing sheet outlining each part that makes up the assembly. We send these out as dwg files for laser cutting so its important that the views are all the same scale.
I am having an issue with a drawing I have been workign on in Civil 3D. In the drawing I have a corridor and many section views thereof. I was performing some section edits and had been working with two model space viewports so I could keep track of the alignment while performing the edits. When I exitd the section editor, one of my two viewports remained aligned to the section of my corridor, though the view had returned to basic model space. When I switched back to a single viewport, I was left with the one oriented to a section view as opposed to my plan viewport. I reoriented the view to TOP only to find that that most of the drawing, at least visually, is missing. A small portion of my corridor is visible, but appears to have been mostly eaten by some digital goblin.
Similarly, only parts of the overlay I had behind the corridor are visible. I can x-ref the drawing into another drawing and everything is visible. I can copy and paste anything I can manage to select in my drawing into another drawing, where it is also fully visible. I have a couple of profile views who are missing entirely, save their axis and band contents, which I can still see. If i rotate the view one way or another, the amount of visible information changes, but I can't get everything back.
Why is it that when I create a dimension across geometry the dimension shows true, yet if I create sketched geometry in the drawing view it does not?
What I need to do is create an arc of swing for a door. So I create a sketched arc and then want to dimension the arc radius of the door, yet the dimension shows not true. How do I make it true? And why can't I snap to model geometry in the drawing view?
I have 3D drawing. I put camera's in several places and situations. In viewports I choosed a camera in every viewport. They work nice so long the drawing is open. When I close the drawing after saving it ofcourse. When I open it again , the viewports jump to SOUTH-EAST. and I have to rearrange the view of the cammera again. Although I used the command UCSFOLLOW to solve this, but it did not work.
PS. that happens only in the viewports which based on camera's. The views in other viewports which are not based on camer's, stay without chaning or jumping.
Problem: I have a part that goes through several processes, casting, machined, finish. I want to create a drawing sheet with views displaying the part through different stages.
Solution One: Create as many different parts (with different file names) for each stage and place the views accordingly. Really? Three or more part files to illustrate a single part?
Solution Two: Create a user parameter that will auto-suppress features to create different Levels of Details on Parts, but there is no way to initiate/set the user parameter for different views.
I understand 2012 has the ability to create part design representations, but we are still on 2011 and I am leery to upgrade for a feature that still might not work properly.
There has to be a way to suppress features in a specific view...iLogic? iPart? anything? I simply can't believe this is the case.
Is there a way to supress some features ( holes, slots, extrusions etc ) in only one drawing view?I'd like to create a few copies of the same view, but show only relevant features for clearer understanding and dimensioning in each.