AutoCAD Inventor :: Feature Suppression In Drawing Views?
Jun 23, 2011
Problem: I have a part that goes through several processes, casting, machined, finish. I want to create a drawing sheet with views displaying the part through different stages.
Solution One: Create as many different parts (with different file names) for each stage and place the views accordingly. Really? Three or more part files to illustrate a single part?
Solution Two: Create a user parameter that will auto-suppress features to create different Levels of Details on Parts, but there is no way to initiate/set the user parameter for different views.
I understand 2012 has the ability to create part design representations, but we are still on 2011 and I am leery to upgrade for a feature that still might not work properly.
There has to be a way to suppress features in a specific view...iLogic? iPart? anything? I simply can't believe this is the case.
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Jul 23, 2012
I am looking to use iLogic to create feature suppression in individual drawing views, i.e for simplicity, in view 1 part has a hole in view 2 part does not have a hole it has been suppressed
I am aware this can be done with iParts but im trying to avoid using iparts.
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Sep 12, 2013
Is there a way to suppress a feature without suppressing it's dependents?
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Feb 7, 2012
In ilogic it's easy to suppress features like holes, but I cannot combine iparts with Ilogic, so I try the same in VBA, but I don't know the way to do it
Is there some existing sample code like this ilogic one for VBA?:
if Dimension_A < 50 Then
Feature.IsActive("Hole1") = false
End if
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Dec 7, 2011
Just as the title says, im having an issue with Inventor not allowing me to suppress features on an ipart child.
I've attached my files and a video showing the issue.
Inventor 2011 64-bit SP1
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Sep 20, 2013
I've recently made a new drawing template with ilogic prompts for entering data for all fields within the template. It also sets view sizes etc. I have lots of master drawings, which are reused when sizes etc change for a contract, which i would like to transfer to this new template. Drawing Resource Transfer Wizard does not offer this function.
I could get all drawings in a folder copied to specific sheet size on the master template.As the template will probably be developed further in the future I'm very loathed to do this take manually.
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May 21, 2013
I have a problem with one of my Inventor DWGs.
It seems that whenever I save the associated model, there is a chance that it ruin the drawing by scattering views, dimensions and sketches randomly.
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Aug 10, 2012
I want to extract 2D drawing view of the attached model. I tried but could not succeed because most of the sketches are on the angled user defined work planes.
See the following links, I did the same for some of my other models:-
[URL] ...
[URL ...
How can I show the modelling process of this model with 2D drawings?
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Aug 31, 2012
I am using Inventor 2013. For some reason I cannot dimension some of the model entities in the drawing views in an idw file. I can retrieve the model dimensions but it is usually easier to create the dimensions I need in each view. I can select the line, curve, etc. when dimensioning but nothing happens.
After I think about it. What I cannot dimension are lofts that I created with rails. These rails were made up of lines and curves, not polylines. How do I get the sketches for the rails I used for lofting to display in the drawing views so I can dimension those sketches.
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Nov 10, 2013
I made a drawing and later changed the part to an ipart.
The dimensions of the table part in the drawing are o.k. but the iproperties, the contents of the logo doesn't update and it has a strange number string.
There is the yellow lightning symbol and even though i press update all sheets nothing happens and also the lightning symbol remains
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Dec 5, 2002
Why is it that individual views in an .idw always need to be updated? I will highlight a view, the thunderbolt icon lights up, I choose to update it, the view in the browser turns red and then the view up dates. if I highlight the view again it tells me the view needs to be updated again.
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Nov 16, 2012
I was wondering if it was possible to make my drawing views more streamlined.
Currently, when I add a drawing view, the part number and scale is pulled from the part and scale chosen. So this is good; but I would like to get the styles editor to add the actual view of the part into its name.
For example, if I choose the top view, the naming should look like the following:
So basically I'd like to know if its possible to pull that information and display it in the naming text box. I would assume this is possible as all the other parts are possible, I don't see why this isn't an automatic default.
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Aug 13, 2013
I am not able to move any of the views in my drawing (*.idw). As instructed by the web page this should be as easy as "click and drag the red border", but this does not work. I cannot move the dimension annotations either.
I am using Inventor 2014.
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Aug 15, 2012
Working in an idw file, I have a need for two drawing sheets with the identical views of the same part. However, each sheet will need different dimensions and annotations. What I would like to do is after completing one sheet, in one step create the second identical sheet, then just edit/add dimensions and annotations. Is there a method to do this? So far, I have only been able to copy one view at a time from sheet to sheet.
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May 20, 2013
I have a top level assembly created from multiple subassemblies. In my drawing view, I would like to add leaders calling out the subassemblies. Is this possible with Inventor 2013? It seems easy - am I missing something?
I tried adding leaders, and selecting the model properties, selected the subassembly, then picked part number. The leader always reverts back to the part level.
Product Design Suite Ultimate 2014
Vault Professional 2014
Windows 7 Pro SP1
HP-Z400: 2.67 GHz 12 Gb Ram
Nvidia Quadro FX1800 driver 276.42
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Apr 18, 2013
I'm trying to put together some iLogic code to either check all the drawing views within a drawing sheet are all the same scale, or make the views all the same scale. These drawing sheets consist of a number of individual parts (they aren't projected views from a single part).
This is for welded assemblies. We are required to generate a profile drawing sheet outlining each part that makes up the assembly. We send these out as dwg files for laser cutting so its important that the views are all the same scale.
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Feb 23, 2012
Why is it that when I create a dimension across geometry the dimension shows true, yet if I create sketched geometry in the drawing view it does not?
What I need to do is create an arc of swing for a door. So I create a sketched arc and then want to dimension the arc radius of the door, yet the dimension shows not true. How do I make it true? And why can't I snap to model geometry in the drawing view?
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Jan 3, 2012
Is there a way to associate a text string to a drawing view so when the view is moved
around the text goes with it and remains placed in accordance with the view?
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Feb 14, 2013
Sometimes when a drawing is opened in Inventor, the complete design is not visible on the sheet. Only few lines appear on the view.
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Apr 5, 2013
Is there a way to supress some features ( holes, slots, extrusions etc ) in only one drawing view?I'd like to create a few copies of the same view, but show only relevant features for clearer understanding and dimensioning in each.
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May 10, 2011
I've been using Inventor for a few years now and haven't seen this. It created a base view with green marks and when I go to print it says
"One or more drawing views are currently draft previews. Draft previews differ from final views in quality and may produce visually different results. Would you like to wait for views to update before printing or smash the screen from irritation of having a new roadblock thrown in your way that we make no effort to remove for you? HAHA you ignorant fool you will never learn all the idiosyncrasies of our product".
Which I thought was a bit unnecessary.
It does make some effort actually. It sits there with a progress bar. This drawing is about as simple as I create and it can't get past the progress bar. If I print anyway, there is no line weight. So where is this little switch hidden to turn this off? I've already fiddled with background updates and the sunglasses are not checked and grayed out. I don't know how I never ran across this problem before or what could have changed. Given the performance of my computer, I don't think I need some low grade preview for drawings of this type.
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Jun 5, 2012
Somewhere along the lines I must have clicked something to lock my views in drawing mode once I place them because after placement I cannot click and drag them around anymore...
Inventor 2013 PDS
Inventor 2014 PDS
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Feb 10, 2012
Is it possible to automate dimensioning of drawing views?
Here's the situation: I have an Inventor assembly that's controlled entirely by iLogic. My users, who have zero Inventor training/experience (or with any 3D CAD software for that matter), pull up the assembly. They enter product related parameters from paper work orders into an iLogic form and hit a "Go Button". The assembly updates based on the parameters, suppressing and unsuppressing parts, features, patterns, and mates. This works great. They then hit a "Run Job" button. This takes them to an .idw where they fill out another form with order specific information and hit another "Go Button". This then cycles through every detail sheet and the parts list, deleting sheets deeemed unneccessary for the product, generating part numbers, exporting dxf's, generating an excel BOM, etc.
This works great as well. The problem is with the dimensions. They blow all apart when the model changes. I know I can run some API code to delete dangling dimensions, but is there away to programmatically create dimensions so I don't have to rely on my users remembering what needs them? I've played around with using model dimensions, but I find that they stay and remain attached even when their corresponding feature gets suppressed.
IV 2012
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Mar 1, 2012
How can I include component suppression in the idw views? I suppress a component in the ipt or asm, but it doesn't
disappear from the drawing views. Is there a way to carry this over to the drawing?
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Apr 9, 2013
Is there a way to copy all the supression state of one LOD to another?
I have here some Substitutes from specifics LODs in my IAM, and i need to supress/unsupress some parts (same parts) in all my LODs. So there is my question, how could I copy one state from first LOD and then apply to all of them ?
I cant just delete and create again copying from the first LOD because I have Substitutes based on those LOD, so if I delete them iI'll get some problems here.
IV 2013
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Jun 29, 2011
I'm having a problem with sketches not appearing on drawings in Inventor 2012. This is for a product line made using iparts and iassemblies, and affects approximately 150 drawings.
These sketches were made in Inventor R11, and are attached to part features in the drawing view. When opening these drawings in 2012, the dimensions that were attached to the sketch are still visible, (albeit in the wrong places and on the wrong features), but the sketch itself is not. The sketch still exists as an item under the view, but the actual contents of the sketch (lines and hatching) are gone.
The assembly consists of three identical cylindrical parts with mitred ends welded together in two operations to form a T-shaped part. I have a view representation for each operation. The drawing has each view on one page.
The first step requires welding the two parts together to form an "L" shape, and then cutting off a portion of the corner of the "L" to facilitiate joining the third part in the second operation. In my assembly, I mated the two cylindrical parts together, then created a sketch and using geometry projected from the parts, defined the area of material removal at the corner and extruded the feature. Then, I mated the third part.
However, since I cannot turn off the extrusion when defining a view representation, I needed to redraw the corner I removed so it reflected reality when showing this first phase on the drawing,. I accomplished this using a sketch on the view in the .idw, again using geometry projected from the part. This worked out excellently in Inventor R11. Not only was I able to show the missing part, but because this was an iassembly made from iparts, I could use the same drawing for differnet sizes by "saving as..." and then selecting a diffenent Assembly State on the Model State tab of the Drawing View Dialog Box. The views would update, and so would my sketch, since it was defined by the geometry of the part.
So we continued on this way, and now that we've moved to 2012, none of these sketches appear anymore. We're faced with having to redo this work on every drawing that we've created for this part -- about 150 or so.
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Apr 28, 2013
I have an assembly which is a plated structure. I am using a skeleton file of surfaces to define these plates. I am deriving the required surface/s from this skeleton file into a part file. In the part file I have used thicken to create my plate part. I also turn off the visibility of all derived surfaces in this part.
Now in the plate part when I go into edit derived part - the surface I have used is not grayed out showing it has been consumed by my thicken feature??? I place all my part files into an assembly and create views for each part using isolate (I use these views in a drawing which is used for NC plate cutting)
So the problem I am having is that when I place a view in my drawing the derived surfaces are also showing.
However I have used this modeling technique for many previous projects on previous versions of inventor and have never had this problem.
As mentioned above I have used isolate to create these views. I have since gone back and created the views by turning off the visibility of all other components and the surfaces do not appear in my drawing views.
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Apr 22, 2013
I've poked around a little and made simple rules to manipulate iproperties, save filetypes, change drawing borders etc. but am now looking for a bit more and am struggling (i.e. completely lost.) I want to automate the creation of an assembly drawing from an existing presentation file. Here is the basic break-down:
Assumed Pre-Requisites:
- Using Inventor 2011
- Presentation(*.ipn) file is present and saved in same directory
- Each presentation VIEW is numbered and named (e.g. "1 - PCB Installation", "2 - Battery Insertion", etc.)
iLogic/VBA Code should:
- Select presentation file (either auto or allow user browse/select)
- Create a page in the drawing (*.idw) for each VIEW from the presentation file
- Create a base view on each page for each presentation VIEW (in numbered order)
- Each base view orientation will be derived from Saved Camera
- Each drawing page will be named using the name from the corresponding presentation VIEW name
- Each page will have a prompted entry in the Title Block that will be defaulted to the presentation VIEW name
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Nov 12, 2012
Is there a way to have the lines in drawing views be the same as the part colors instead of black (like MDT used to do)? Not rendered, 2d lines.
Also, when exporting to .dwg part color lines & the parts as blocks would be great. Ok, maybe I'm asking too much.
2013 IV Pro, SP 1.1
Win 7 Pro
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Sep 25, 2012
I use a simple If/ElseIf code to suppress / uns uppress & reposition holes on a plate to ensure the desired number of fixing hole pairs.
The hole positions will change and suppress/unsuppress depending on the value of the Tie Rod Pitch (vertical) and the O/A length of this plate (and pressure inside the radiator but this is sorted in Excel).
For example PitchMax = 500mm, BP_2ndS= 1600mm (plate length)
If (3 * TieRodPitch_MAX_2ndS ) < BP_2ndS < (4 * TieRodPitch_MAX_2ndS) Then
For some reason some times the parameters don’t update in the hole and pattern features after running the rule thus they are in the wrong position or not suppressed/unsuppressed. When I rearrange the If/ElseIf codes it may work. All I change is just replace ElseIfs with If-End Ifs or the other way around...
Which does not make any sense to me, since I change nothing in the parameters or conditions. Is this code structured poorly?
p.s. this is an engine radiator and the number of tie rod pairs depend on the height of the block, pressure inside, width, etc.
The part fie has the code.
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Jun 14, 2013
Any way to suppress entire bodies in a multiple solid body part, using iPart, without having to suppress each individual feature for it. I am on Inventor 2013.
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