AutoCAD Inventor :: Create Surface In Assembly In Order To Measure Flow Area
Jan 28, 2013
How to create a revolve surface in an assembly for the purpose of measuring a flow area through a specific area? See the attached JPG, I basically have a conical internal diameter with a pin protruding into it..... I need to measure the flow area as shown in the sketch attached here. the way I have this shown in the attached JPG is the way that we had previously performed this in Pro-e.
I created an iLogic rule that allows in a sheet metal part to the informations Length, widht and area of a flat pattern. This rule run and the iproerties are created (see attachment file).
Now, I will run this rule from an assembly file to create automatically, in all sheet metal components, theses iproperties.
Is it possible ? what must I change in this rule ?
I have cs3 extended. Is there a tool ( i can't find one) that will allow you to make a selection and then calculate the pixel area of the selection? For measuring areas in a scientific application.
Is there an 'easy' way to see a cross sectional area and measure it? I have tried getting a cross-sectional area by off-setting a work plane into the model, sketching on that plane, and pressing F7.
This shows the cross-sectional area, but when I click the inspect>area I can not select the cross-section. Any thoughts besides creating a sketch on that surface and extruding it to remove; taking the area measurement, and then undoing the extrusion?
Is there a way to measure the volume/empty space within an assembly? Example: I have a tank with a transformer assembly inside of it, need to know how much oil is required to fill the unit.
We have a waterjet and machine shop at my place of employment, and currently my work flow is to draw the parts. Then for parts that need material left for machining I create a new part and using the derive tool I place my base part which I then apply extrusions to fill the holes and use thicken to add material to the surfaces that need machining.
Is there any way to get an area for the entire assembly on the BOM? If you go to i Properties --> Physical it is shown there. But how to pull it from there and have it as Column in BOM? Can it be done using API ?
I have a cast aluminum part I need to calculate the surface area for our plating process. I have done a simple area, its not right (.015ft^2). I have derived it as a surface but can't get a volume calculation.
Is it possible to set print area in Inventor assembly mode. I have a vertical tall assembly that I want to print. But, when I print it includes the Inventor background as well in the print & because of that I am not able to orient my assembly properly. So, is there a way to get rid of the background or set a print area while printing.
I want to calculate aurface area of iparts automatically. there are about 100 ipatrs and i want to find surface area of each ipart. is there any way that i just click the desired surface and its area is written in some file so that i can just go to the next ipart click the desired surface and its area is written automatically on some file.
Is there some option in inventor to define macro for it coz i hav no knowledge of defining macros.
I'm laying out a drawing with all tabletops used in our project for a linolium- fitter to set a price on covering the about 12 tabletops in total.
I dont know if this is correct English or if it make sense at all, but what I was wondering about was: Could you retrieve the total m2 of all the tabletops in a drawing? Or do I have to go back to the aim and get them one by one?
I have created a simple iPart that has three length variations, and therefor has three different surface areas.
I have added a simple table to my drawing. The table is linked to the iPart, I have used the column chooser to select the appropriate parameters to illustrate the length variations from the iPart. I would also like to include the surface area for each iPart member alongside each length variation in the table.
I want to calculate the total external surface area of the attached manifold. When I use the iProperties tool, it give me the surface area including internal surfaces of tubulars etc.
We are able to measure distance in meters between 2 points using COGO tools. Though, when meassuring areas (command area) even setting units to meters it shows: "Area = 0.00000073, Perimeter = 0.00343123" which is not expressed in meters. The area in meters is around 8900m2. We are using latitude, longitude LL84 (WGS84). Is there a way to easily measure area over the map using this coordinate system?
Found that in certain drawings, the measure area tool will just suddenly stop working? It's very odd. It let's me pick points, but won't let me press enter to see the total.
Closing and reopening AutoCAD doesn't work. It seems to be a permanent thing to the affected drawing.
It's happened to me in a few drawings, but only in those specific ones. Other drawings are fine. I'm guessing it's a setting I've changed somehow?
I've been getting round it by creating shapes using the polyline, and then looking at the area in the properties window. It's an ok solution, but not ideal.
I have what is to me a rather large assembly. 1823 total occurrences in the active document and 700 open documents in the session.My problem is that when I open the assembly nothing shows up on the monitor in the image area. The tree is fully populated an showing visibility on all the parts.I have tried saving as a different level of visibility and still no go.
In most cases threaded parts are designed without true surface (just cylinder with texture) thus part surface area is calculated wrong (less than it is i real world)).
any automatic way to get true value of threaded surface which is modeled in traditional (simplified) way?
I'm wondering if there is a lisp possible to measure area's by pick point (as in bpoly). This little feature exists in Microstation so i was looking for something similar.
Is it also possible if this lisp can measure areas from an external reference (dwg, dxf, dgn, shp etc..)? I'm kind of new to AutoCAD in that sence.
Why can't Inventor constrain an ellipsoidal contour with a line? We have pressure cylinders which uses a 2:1 ellipse. These cylinder get welded to a base stand fixture. The surface of the ellipse nestles in between contact points of the base stand, in this case lines of geometry. Yet Inventor can't constrain them as such. Any good workflow (at the assembly level) so that we don't have to ground components and use the Analyze Interference tool to make sure we are right on the surfaces? I don't understand why it will work for a cylindrical surface but not an elliptical surface.
I need to be able to measure the square inches of a printed area in which hew will be using specialty inks. We want to get a descent cost estimate, how to measure the square inches of a specific element of a design, in Photoshop or any of the other adobe programs?
I can't create a dwg from an assembly because it's telling me that "The factory must be updated before views of it's members can be used". What does this mean and how do you update the factory?