AutoCAD Inventor :: Calculating Surface Area For IParts
Sep 12, 2009
I want to calculate aurface area of iparts automatically. there are about 100 ipatrs and i want to find surface area of each ipart. is there any way that i just click the desired surface and its area is written in some file so that i can just go to the next ipart click the desired surface and its area is written automatically on some file.
Is there some option in inventor to define macro for it coz i hav no knowledge of defining macros.
Any good tips when it comes to calculating the area of a floor plan? You are supposed to start measuring from the outermost part of the walls, but when I do that I run into trouble with the porch on the bottom of the drawing and the room on top left.
The problems are basically that the porch is not supposed to be included in the total area, and in the room on the top I end up measuring a small area twice if I start my measuring from the outermost part of the walls. This is not very well explained but I've drawn two red lines on the drawing to try to show where the problem areas are.
When I am trying to calculate area, i got wrong answer. At very first i thought it calculates area with inches (iam in metric sys), but then i checked options and its answer should be in mm, but I am getting wrong answer. In my object (which is rectangular) there's many other things, like hatch, buildings and so on. Maybe this can abstract for direct answer, because when i draw just a simple square or rectangle.
I have a building like this and it has a lot of windows.
I know how to calculate an individual window area by using 'area' or 'ls' command. But this is just partial drawing and the whole building has hundreds of windows and it will take forever to calculate one by one and add them together to get the total area. Is there any way to get the whole area easily?
windows are just rectangles (and solid hatch inside the rectangle).
Any quick way of calculating average Parcel Area? I used to export to LandXML and do an area report in CSV. That doesn't seem to be working for me when I export out of C3D 2012.
The workaround I found was to select all the parcels in Prospector, copy to clip board, paste in excel, find and replace "_Sq. Ft._" with 0, then do the average.
I have a cast aluminum part I need to calculate the surface area for our plating process. I have done a simple area, its not right (.015ft^2). I have derived it as a surface but can't get a volume calculation.
How do I get Revit to schedule the gross exterior wall area? An isolated wall will schedule OK, but once you join it to another at a corner, the reported wall area doesn't match the exterior wall area.
I have an 11 floor building I wish to create a gross area schedule for. I have made all the area plans, and they all show up under the Gross Building Area Plans. But when i go to create a Gross Building Area Schedule it only lists 7 of the floors. (Leaves out sub base - Lvl2 and gives Lvl3-penthouse)
I have created a simple iPart that has three length variations, and therefor has three different surface areas.
I have added a simple table to my drawing. The table is linked to the iPart, I have used the column chooser to select the appropriate parameters to illustrate the length variations from the iPart. I would also like to include the surface area for each iPart member alongside each length variation in the table.
I want to calculate the total external surface area of the attached manifold. When I use the iProperties tool, it give me the surface area including internal surfaces of tubulars etc.
In most cases threaded parts are designed without true surface (just cylinder with texture) thus part surface area is calculated wrong (less than it is i real world)).
any automatic way to get true value of threaded surface which is modeled in traditional (simplified) way?
How to create a revolve surface in an assembly for the purpose of measuring a flow area through a specific area? See the attached JPG, I basically have a conical internal diameter with a pin protruding into it..... I need to measure the flow area as shown in the sketch attached here. the way I have this shown in the attached JPG is the way that we had previously performed this in Pro-e.
I created an iLogic rule that allows in a sheet metal part to the informations Length, widht and area of a flat pattern. This rule run and the iproerties are created (see attachment file).
Now, I will run this rule from an assembly file to create automatically, in all sheet metal components, theses iproperties.
Is it possible ? what must I change in this rule ?
I created an iPart of a flat sheet metal with several holes in it. It requires 3 Parameters to be be defined:
- length (user defined parameter which can take any value) - width (user defined parameter which can take any value) - hole_diameter
I created a skeleton file with several user defined parameters including length and width.
Both files (skeleton.ipt and flat_sheet.ipt) are placed in the same assembly. I now would like IPart instance to follow along the changes made in the skeleton - but how do I connect these parameters? and if not, what would be an appropriate Top Down approach for including iParts?
If I put iParts into an assembly, and then convert this assembly to an iAssembly, I can include "Table Replace [My_iPart]" as a column in the parameter table. As the value of this column I can select the individual rows of the given iPart parameter table.
However, I can not make this column be a "Custom Parameter Column". (In fact it seems to me that in an iAssembly I can not make any other types of columns to be "Custom Parameter Columns" either). Also, if a parameter of the iPart is a "custom parameter", I can not carry over this "customness" into the iAuthor parameter table.
This means that I need to insert table rows by hand, one-by-one, which is quite cumbersome. Imagine you have an iAssembly containing only two iParts, each having N rows. This means N^2 rows in the iAssembly, all of which I need to specify by hand. Plus I can not use the "customness" of a parameter of an iPart within the assembly.
In an iAssembly containing an iPart, I would like to
- have a "Custom Parameter Column" in the iAssembly parameter table, which can select rows from the iPart parameter table (selectable values would automatically be all the rows from the correcponding iPart)
- if my iPart has a custom parameter, I would like to have this custom parameter available as a separate custom-value column in the iAssembly
Is it possible somehow? Or is it conceptually wrong?
I've created a simple iPart and want to insert multiple instances of it into an assembly. The plan is to use a parameter-driven iPart to create multiple variations on the same basic model which will eventually be lasercut.
I've included a sample archive. 2DiPart is a simple part with a couple parameters. 2Dassembly is where I've tried to include this part. I'm able to walk through all the dialogs to place the iPart, and will even see it in the canvas as I select the insertion point. However, after I dismiss the dialog, nothing shows up in the canvas. I'm still able to see the component instances in the project explorer however.
How to best to get multiple instances of a parametric iPart into a drawing that can be lasercut.
I created a Ipart with like 14 different configurations now it operates smoothly within the part. Now once i insert it into a assembly it wont let me chance the configuration. I heard there was a problem like this but i thought it was only when you insert a part into a assembly and change it into a ipart while its still within a assembly.
Now my part never was in a assembly. Ill upload it and let me know if you have the same issue. Once i drop the part it doesn't give me the option to choose a configuration and when i click the configuration in the itable it still doesnt change it. Now this is only within a assembly.
Subject: Inventor placing Iparts in Assembly (Autodesk Inventor 2010)
When placing an Ipart into a project Assembly it will make a copy of that variant and place it in the same map as the Ipart.
So when variant B of Ipart A is selected it will make a copy of variant B in the same folder where Ipart A is located.
Is it possible to make a “save as” option or another similar manner to save those copies of variant B in a project map of a project assembly?
Instead of saving all the Ipart variants to a single folder. So each time a new project is started they have all the parts in the same folder.
I am making a local library for parts that are used for repairs. These parts have many variants and some times need to be customized for a repair.
The current system keeps polluting itself causing the users to loose their parts and accidentally delete the original parts etc.
I contacted Autodesk support and theyrecommended to post this question on this forum. They did mentioned that vba programming could achieve this. I have no knowledge of this type of programming.
I have a wishlist item. One of my major process-related issues with iparts is the fact getting variables into your table is inconvenient. Why wouldn't it be possible to put an "Add to IPart Table" option in the context menus for dimensions, planes, features, anything you can put in the table from the table window. That way you are not constantly moving back and forth between your sketches and your table when you set up an Ipart or Iassembly. This feature would save me TONS of time as well as clean up my tables. Right now the easiest way to set up the table when dealing with a complex sketch is just to add all the dimensions, make my changes for each variation, save to table and then go back and delete the columns I didn't change.
I need a parameter from an iPart to show up in my Parts List by using the Stock Number iProperty, then CHANGE with each variation of the iPart (PLATE BC-01, PLATE BC-02, PLATE BC-03, etc). I already have the parameter exported, named 'BOTTOM_A.' Stock number has the expression: '=1/4" HRS x <BOTTOM_A>.'
However, this only works for that particular part. The number does not change when I place a Parts List for PLATE BC-02 and PLATE BC-03. All three have the same number. I found that the number corresponds to the active part. If I double-click PLATE BC-02 in the ipt file to show it, the number for the separate Parts Lists will all correspond to PLATE BC-02.
I've attached an image of the Parts Lists after double-clicking PLATE BC-02 in PLATE BC.ipt. I can include more if needed.
When we create iparts and generate the files from the mother ipart, Inventor creates an additional folder to place the iparts into. Is there a setting somewhere to force Inventor to place these generated files into a user defined location?
Or is this just something we have to live with and do we have to manually move the files after generating them.
I am finding it difficult to find good through examples of how to use iLogic with iParts and iAssemblies. I have been through several of tutorials, but can't seem to find examples for what I need. Here is a link to a video to give you a bit of an idea of what I am trying to do. How/when and what snippets to use in order to get the iParts and iAssemblies to function properly.
See Video : [URL].....
First video went to long here is the rest.. [URL].......
One thing I think I mentioned in the last video, but not sure I explained it well, is that instead of having the main file name show up in the browser..the part name shows up. When I go to change parts using a form I created it keeps telling me it can't find the current part.
users using i-parts and i-assemblies with vault. The links seem to cause more problems than its worth. Assemblies that constantly want to be updated, rebuilt, parts lists on drawings using data from the wrong instance of the factory. etc.
The attached sketch shows how I originally decided to use iParts in drawings and assemblies. In assemblies I use the generated iPart, and in drawings I use the "master" iPart file. I did that because I wanted to keep the drawing linked to the "master" part, to avoid the situation where the drawing would be out of date because I forgot to regenerate the iParts.
The problem is that I don't know how to force the drawing to refer to the correct version of the iPart. To use the terminology in my sketch, I open X2.idw and get a drawing of X1.ipt, not X2.ipt. Should I use the generated iPart in my drawings? And, if so, is there a way I can automatically regenerate. I'm prone to forgetting key steps like that.
I created a new part doing a save as from a content center flange. I then created iparts in the saved part file.
My question is when I place this part into a new assembly it is not allowing me to change from one ipart to another in the part table within the assembly.