AutoCAD Inventor :: Make Part From Sheetmetal In Order To Create Flat Pattern With 2010?
May 17, 2012it is possible to make such a part from sheetmetal in order to create a flat pattern with Inventor 2010?
View 2 Repliesit is possible to make such a part from sheetmetal in order to create a flat pattern with Inventor 2010?
View 2 RepliesInventor 2013-I'm working on a sheet metal cover using contour roll and I find when I dimension the flat pattern that radii that should be the same are not. Can my approach is fundamentally flawed? I tried making this part out of one 220 degree contour roll and I found when dimensioning that the center points of the arcs are not symmetric as expected. I then used two contour rolls to create the part basing the second contour roll on the first contour roll sketches and I still have the same issues.
View 4 Replies View RelatedHow Can I Make Flat Pattern From A Part Of Cylinder ? (2013 Version)
Like Attached Image.
Is there any way to create flat pattern of a part I attached ?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI can't find a way to create multi flat patters in one part from a lofted sheetmetal part. Also, didn't the developers fix the 'can't make a flat pattern from a derived part'?
IV 2010 Suite
Digital Storm PC:
EVGA & Intel components
Win 7 Pro 64 bit
I'm attempting to create a mini version of a product, I use the Derived Component button and scale the part down. Then I use Convert to Sheet Metal, set my sheet metal defaults, but then nothing happens when i try to create flat pattern. Is it even possible to derive a flat pattern from a scaled part?
View 5 Replies View RelatedThe company I work for has a large number of Left Hand and Right Hand sheet metal parts. To reduce the amount of time needed to create both Left Hand and Right Hand sheet metal parts, I use the Derived Part icon. I create a Left Hand part, use the derive icon with mirroring on and create the Right Hand part. While the Right Hand sheet metal part gets created, the Right Hand part will not allow me to create a Flat Pattern.
what steps must I follow to create a derived sheet metal part that I can make a Flat Pattern with?
I'm trying to create a hole in a sheet-metal part so that a pipe can be welded in it, see attached picture. What's the best method to do this? Because the flat-pattern of this hole isn't an ellipse-shape (more like an egg), it seems it's very difficult to do.
Product Design Suite 2014
Inventor 2012 SP2, Vault 2014
HP Workstation Z220
Intel Xeon 3.4GHz
Nvidia Quadro 4000
Windows 7 Professional (64bit)
How to get this part into a usable flat pattern. I received the part originally as a stp file. I am running autodesk Inventor 2010.
View 9 Replies View Relatedmake flat patern for this part. for screw.
View 1 Replies View RelatedThe last feature of this L-Bracket is a fold. When I create the flat pattern it is only unfolded, not completely flattened. Prior to INV 2009, I could get a wireframe flat pattern with the part still folded. Since then, I have to unfold to get a flat pattern. The only way to show the formed part and flat pattern in IN2012 is to use a derived part with the base component supressed and the base component with the fold supressed.
How to be able to simply flatten this part so I don't have to do extra work with two parts
I have a sheet metal part that is not showing a flat pattern button in the ribbon (two parts actually). Please see the picture attached. The workflow for this part is as follows:
1.) Create a master/skeleton sketch of my floor plate layouts for a platform I am currently doing
2.) Derive that sketch into each floor plate part
3.) Extrude the layout sketch
4.) Convert the standard ipart to a sheet metal part
5.) Set my sheet metal rule to match the thickness
6.) Add a flange to represent a stair nosing
7.) Look to my Ribbon to create a flat pattern and....
As a test, I created a new standard ipart (no derived sketch) and converted it to a sheet metal part, added a flange, and still no flat pattern button.
This can't possibly be by design, so what am I missing?
Inventor Professional 2013 (SP-2.3), Product Design Suite Ultimate
Desktop: Intel Core i7 3.4GHz, 16.0 GB RAM, Windows 7 Ultimate SP-1, 64-bit OS, (2) GeForce GTX 580 (331.81), Space Pilot Pro (3.16.1)
Laptop: Intel Core i7 3.9GHz, 16.0 GB RAM, Windows 7 Pro SP-1, 64-bit OS, GeForce GTX 780 (331.81), SpaceNavigator (3.17.7)
I Am trying to make a flat of this attached part. The dimensions are correct for the part but I am trying to make it such a way that I can form it using a die with a press break. I tried many different ways but inventor doesn't seem to allow me to create a lofted flance using a 3-D profile sketch. How to get this part modeled as a sheet metal and have a right flat pattern?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm unable to create a flat pattern .
View 5 Replies View RelatedI created a sheet metal part with multi-edge flanges; the part unfolded no problem. Now, I need an exact, mirrored copy of that part [new part number]. My first attempt was a mirrored component at the assembly level. The part was mirrored but it would not unfold. My next attempt was a derived part with the mirrored option selected. This part, too, was mirrored but would not unfold either.
"In sheet metal parts, mirroring flanges or contour flanges created using multi-edge select is not supported." Is this why the flat pattern fails?
Is there a workaround? I'd hate to create the mirrored part from scratch when I all need is reverse bends.
I am trying to program the view placement of various parts and have run into a situation where I need to place flat patterns. On the programming side there isn't an issue, but the issue occurs when attempting to select the wanted view orientattion.
Attached you will find 2 screen shots. One of them is from the "Folded Model" (Take note of the View Cube)
The other is from only Pressing the "Go to Flat Pattern" Button and being in "Flat Pattern" viewing mode (Note the Cube)
I need the Flat Pattern View to correspond with the Orientation of the Folded Model.
I want to creat a flatpattern of an iregulary cut cylinder that was made in the standard .ipt world and is now converted into a sheetmetal. I want to "Unroll" the piece out so can see the shape of it as a flat piece. Picture of it is attached.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI can't get Inventor to create a flat pattern of the attached sheetmetal part. It's a pretty basic part, just five folds. I'm not getting any error issues - when I go to the flat pattern it just shows the folded part (picture attached).
I assume it has something to do with the way I folded it and the notches, etc. Inv makes to accomplish the fold. I'm using Inventor 2013 on Win 8.
I need a code to generate the Flat Pattern in VBA.
I made an app who sets the specific material and I would like to unfold the folded part at the same time.
I tried this code, but not works:
Dim partDoc As PartDocument
Dim sheetMetalDef As SheetMetalComponentDefinition
If (Not sheetMetalDef.HasFlatPattern()) Then
End If
Windows 7 Professional 64Bits
Inventor 2011 Pro
I want make Screw Shaft from sheet metal and make Flat pattern.
I recently switched to Inventor 2012 from a previous version. I cannot find the create flat pattern command. Some of my coworkers were able to customize their RMB menu to have this command, but I am not even able to do that! (They don't have the command on the ribbon, either.)
I attached a picture of my sheet metal ribbon...
It works fine with other parts, and I've created & deleted the flat pattern for this part before, but for some reason, it now won't work.
It won't let me upload the file, as it's too big, so I'm going to try uploading it in parts...
To increase the speed of production, I like to generate idws of flat patterns from assembly. The following iLogic rule work fine inside a metal sheet (I had to create flat pattern before run this rule).
Imports Inventor.ViewOrientationTypeEnumImports Inventor.DrawingViewStyleEnumDim oDrawingDoc As DrawingDocumentDim oPartDoc As DocumentDim oSheet As sheetDim oTG As TransientGeometryDim oView1 As DrawingViewDim oOptions As NameValueMapoPartDoc
[Code] ........
But from an assembly there are some problem ( firstable I'm not an expert of vba and ilogic)
Imports Inventor.ViewOrientationTypeEnumImports Inventor.DrawingViewStyleEnumfmgr = ThisApplication.FilemanagerFor Each file In fmgr.filesdoc = ThisApplication.Documents.ItemByName (file.fullfileName)compdef = doc.ComponentDefinition' For each assembly or subassembly'If (doc.documenttype = 12291) Then For Each occ In compdef.Occurrences' For sheet metal or part
[Code] ........
I have created a round end cap with a flange for a tank. (Please see attached picture) We have a flanging machine that rolls the edges on round flat pieces of sheet metal. The issue is that no matter how I create this rolled flange in the model, I cannot get a flat pattern out of this.
We need to know the size of the blank before rolling the lip on it and I have tried using the contour flange and it doesn't work, I have tried revolving in sheet metal and it still will not create a round flat pattern. It seems that no matter what I do, it will not produce a round flat pattern. Is this something that can be done in inventor or am I just trying to do something that inventor is not yet capable of doing?
I want to create a hole approx 586x586mm. But every time i try inventor respond with "The attempted operation did not produce a meaningful result" If i do a slightly smaller hole it will work, but that is not what i want...
And i run Inventor 2014
I have to create a conus from a 2mm thick RVS plate, I know how to construct this in Inventor. But how can I create the flat pattern of this form?
Inventor 2013
How to unfold a or create a flat pattern out of a shelled cylinder with front faces on both ends?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI am trying to export geometry found in a flat pattern sketch overlaid onto the flat pattern.
Since I am creating the output file manually I gather the flat pattern boundaries and bend center lines for output to a file.
When I add flat pattern sketch entities to the mix they do not overlay properly. What matrix would I have to push the sketch entities through to get them to the same coordinates as the flat pattern?
I would like to know how to draw segment elbow 90 degrees ( segments are not equal ) and create Flat Pattern for each of the segments - using sheetmetal in Autodesk Inventor?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI am using IV 2010. After creating a sheetmetal ipart my part grows slightly between each variance.
When toggling between the different parts IV says that they need updated. I have updated them but if I toggle back after updating the other parts IV wants me to update again and it creates a circle of updating. Does this mean that making a sheet metal i part is a half baked idea? Right now the way the program is responding to sheet metal iparts it would appear that you either cannot have a flat pattern or you part cannot lengthen or shorten the different variances with keeping the flat pattern. It would appear that all is well with part with exception of this updating problem. How to eliminate IV from asking to update in between variances while keeping the flat pattern? Also I am using sheet metal extens add in.
I have a picture of a vase which of course has the shadow of a 3 dimensional object as well as the warp in the image caused by the image wrapping around the round vase. Is there a way that I can "unwrap" the image from the vase and to have the picture appear flat? I tried manually doing it with warp grid but it was a lot of work and did not look very smooth.
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