Photoshop :: How To Measure Specific Area Of Ink Coverage For Specialty Inks
Sep 13, 2012
I need to be able to measure the square inches of a printed area in which hew will be using specialty inks. We want to get a descent cost estimate, how to measure the square inches of a specific element of a design, in Photoshop or any of the other adobe programs?
I've done this a number of times and have seen excellent results and after a few times running through it I can do it in my sleep. I also feel that this is the least damaging to my image and keeps the file from changing visually too much.
1. First, open the offending image and save as so that you have an original file to go back to if you have to. Here is my example image. I am being informed by the publication I am sending it to that my ink limit should be under 300. But when I check my image with the eyedropper set to "Total Ink" I am seeing 320-350 in many areas.
2. With this new file open, duplicate the file so that you now have two images open. In the "copy" select the black channel and duplicate that channel within the file. In most cases, your high total ink areas will be found in the "darkest" parts of your images. By duplicating the black channel, I will be using this as a selection mask.
3. Now on the "copy" image, you want to choose Edit > Convert to Profile. Here you will choose Custom CMYK and in the next dialog box change the Total Ink Limit to the desired amount, in this case 300.
4. After this conversion, use your eyedropper and check the Total Ink in the areas that previously you discovered was too high. You will now see much lower numbers, and actually the numbers may have gone too far and you'll see that your converted image looks very different from your original image. But, not to worry, the following steps will solve that.
5. In the "copy" image, with the CMYK channels active, select all pixels.
6. Go to your other, "original" image you have open and Select > Load Selection. Choose the "black copy" channel from your "copy" image and also choose invert. This will load a selection mask in your image of just the "darkest" parts of your image.
7. Now with this selection active, you want to Edit > Paste Into. You are now pasting into the selection your converted image, but it will be only affecting the darkest parts of your image. The result will also create a new layer and layer mask. If you turn off the view of your bottom layer, you can see what you have actually pasted into your image.
8. Now what I do is use my eyedropper to check the Total Ink with the top layer turned on and then off. I then use the Opacity slider on the top layer to get my image so that the Total Ink meets my desired 300 level. Once it's where I want, I flatten my image and then all is done. Your "copy" image you can just close and no save.
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Closing and reopening AutoCAD doesn't work. It seems to be a permanent thing to the affected drawing.
It's happened to me in a few drawings, but only in those specific ones. Other drawings are fine. I'm guessing it's a setting I've changed somehow?
I've been getting round it by creating shapes using the polyline, and then looking at the area in the properties window. It's an ok solution, but not ideal.
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I am wondering if there is a way to select my rectangle and the art that I want to piece into it and have the program automatically fill up the space as sparingly as possible. This would save me a lot of time and it would probably be more efficient for saving vinyl because corel would know the optimal way to piece the art in.
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Any Illustrator equivalent to Photoshop’s Displacement Map?
I need to be able to horizontally displace an area of vertical stripes using a specific greyscale displacement map. It’s fairly simple in Photoshop but I would much prefer vector output.
O.k., I could do it in Photoshop and then vectorize the result with Live Trace, but is there a less roundabout method?
I work with a large number of Illustrator files daily that all use the Pantone Solid Coated library for their swatch color scheme. This color library will be used whether customers provide the art pieces or if I design the pieces for them.
However, I have found that in order to best match our digital press we must to convert the inks to the Pantone Color Bridge CMYK PC library before printing.
Basically the same color number just the different library (eg PMS 200C would convert to PMS 200PC if outputing in-house to the digital press).
My question - is it possible to create a script that would swap out all the colors in a document (that are in a specific library) with the same colors from a different library?
*More specifically what I am wanting to do is if I have a document that has a dozen solid coated colors swap them for their same numerical equivelant in the Color Bridge CMYK PC library.
I've had a simple lisp I've been using for years that suddenly disappeared. It required that you identify a block name, tag name, and the value that you want the tag to be. All of this is performed via command line, so it is scriptable. Since I lost it, I've been experimenting with -attedit. This command comes frustratingly close to what I'm looking for, except it only appends an existing tag, or replaces a specific string within the tag; I can't get it to replace the entire tag, regardless of its value.
1> Any lisp routine that does what I describe? or 2> How to make -attedit replace a tag value without regard to what the value currently is (like a * wildcard)?
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Also, I have this apple and its reflection is on the knife that is cutting the apple. How can I get that in color too?
I'm looking for a way to get a percent coverage figure for each C M Y and K so I can more closely determine print costs when printed to a CMYK printer where yeilds are given for 5% coverage. I'd like to find a way to take a corel document and determine that when printed this page is approximately 25% black coverage, 4% cyan coverage, 6% magenta coverage, and 2% yellow coverage for example.