Photoshop :: How To Combine More Paths Into One Layer Path
Sep 19, 2012I have traced below image (bike). Using PEN tool stroke path.Path is around 100 layers or +.So, how to combine this all Stroke paths to one layer Path
View 28 RepliesI have traced below image (bike). Using PEN tool stroke path.Path is around 100 layers or +.So, how to combine this all Stroke paths to one layer Path
View 28 RepliesWINDOWS
I have two separate path in the paths window.
Can I combine them together into one path?
So I'm working with type, and I want to place a very thick outline around the type it's self.Creating a thick outline unfortuantely doesn't just work, as it aligns it over the text strokes themselves.
Corel has an option to place the outline behind the object (see below)...but alas, illustrator does not... they have the align outside option (far less effective).I want this style without having to duplicate the text, and placing one with an outline behind it:
So when I convert the text to outlines, and apply the outside aligned stroke I get an overlap from the other charactersis there a way to combine objects that aren't overlapping into a single object, so when I align the outline around the text I don't get the above problem, or is there a way to place an outline behind an object without duplicating the object and adding a thick outline?
I have some difficulties uniting a bunch of layers and paths which are individually masked.
Hope this describes my problem: [URL] ....
I have some negative space I created(black area, see first image) that I want to fill with type, not just a simple fill.
Basically I want to create the negative space from a bunch of small minus signs(-) that need to line up as they go across. If I type on each path one at a time as the text doesn't line up that way. This needs to be one continuous path. (see second image)
Unfortunately if I add them together, it creates a compound path, which you cannot type on, unless I am mistaken? So I need them to be a path, not a compound object.
I'm having problems getting what I want on Illustrator CS6. This is the shape that I'm working on: [URL]
I got two paths, one for the inner outline, one for the outer. I want this to be one object, looking just like that, where red is the fill, and black is the outline. Simple as that. [URL] - this is what i want.
So, the inner "circle" is not filled with anything, beacause my object is this "frame" outside. But since I have two seperate paths, I'm filling the outer path with colour, and I get:
[URL] the outer filling is red, the outside is transparent, which is good, but the inside is red because the inner path has no filling.
Right, so next I fill the inner path with white and it looks almost good: [URL]
But the inside is not transparent, it's an "illusion" and everything will be great on a white background, but that's not the case.
I want to convert these to paths into one object to behave exactly like I showed in the first image. Red is the fill, black is the outline. And I plan to use gradient mesh heavily on that shape, so that has to work to.
Bad quality, just doing some quick previews on Photoshop.
Has any body else noticed that if you create a work path, then create a shape layer (say a rectangle) and type some text on the rectangle (text on a path) that if you commit the type and switch to the Path Selection Tool to edit the path text (position of the starting or end points) photoshop cs6 replaces your previous workpath with a workpath of the shape layer you typed on?
Is photoshop cs6 supposed to work that way?
Windows 8 x64 and photoshop 13.01 new document a create a workpath create a rectangle shape layer and type on the rectangle shape layer path. The orginal workpath has been replaced by the rectangle shape layer path
When creating a work path on a new layer, the path is a grayish black color is there a way to create that path to be a different color, yellow for instance? Using CS6, I don't see it in preferences anywhere
View 7 Replies View RelatedI auto traced a piece of artwork (a large bunch of leaves) & the strokes are made up of 2 paths.
Is there a quick way to reduce the paths to a single path
Or is it necessary to delete each leaf's secondary path manually
Is there something I should be doing differently when auto tracing.
For instance, when I go to paintbrush tool.
View 3 Replies View RelatedSo I am preparing a document for printing on an Epilog Zing Laser 10000. I have an outline for a cut I need to make, but I need to accomodate for the kerf of the laser. I am trying to select the circles and use the Offset Path tool to make new circles in the same places slightly smaller. However when I apply the negative offset I get a new circle on the outside of the path and on the inside.
As you can see there is now a larger circle as well as a smaller circle, but the smaller circles don't even have a smaller circle only a larger one despite the fact I entered a negative offset.What can I do to only get the smaller circle in all the circle? Am I even on the right path as far as the path offset tool? Pun intended.
I am trying to combine the layers on a warehouse map into one layer. Right now the layers are setup based on the types of architecture and my ultimate goal is to make layers based on the departments that work in each section.
View 6 Replies View Relatedhow to combine three layers, each a different color, into one layer that comes out white.
I start with three layers, one pure red, one pure blue, and one pure green.
How do I combine them into one layer so it comes out pure white?
I've been having a hard time googling this question as it's hard to put in bite-size words. I'm looking for an easy way to take the alpha levels of each pixel on one layer, and then combine that with the color levels of each pixel on another layer. Let me give you an example. I want to take the alpha levels of image 1, replace the colors with the colors of image 2, and be left with image 3 (Only no background, because the alpha level should be zero!)
I achieved the effect you see in image 3 by using the "difference" blending, and then inverting the image. Problem is, I've still got the gradient as a background which doesn't really work because that icon needs to sit on anything.
How do I give Lucida handwriting a 2pt outline stroke, give it an outline path, then unite it with another shape path without the text losing it's outline stroke?? I can't bold Lucida handwriting as it only has an italic option, so need to give it an outline stroke to achieve a bold letter. As soon as I give it an outline path and unite it to other shape paths the 'bold'ness disappears and it reverts to it's original size.
View 8 Replies View RelatedIt seems that it not able to make several paths on a single layer and then turn each path into it's own "clipping path " rather than just an outline path...Is this correct or am I doing something wrong ? I have 3 pieces of silverware on a background and want to outline each one separately then turn that path into a clipping path to move it to another file...I am able to make any one of them a clipping path , but not the others.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI want to create an illustration with black outlines. Within these outlines I want to have some spots without outlines that stay clean within the lines. I have tried 3 options so far and have found a solution but it's far from ideal.
1. Create clipping masks for each element that has a spot on it and assign a stroke to the clipping path again after. However by creating the clipping path, the path styles dissapear. In this case I want to keep the pointed ends to the open path outlines (see top image).
2. Draw in the lines where the spots are and create a live paint object of the entire illustration. Then paint in the spots and other areas. However when I create this live paint object the lines again lose their applied styles and even 'end' at each intersection, creating nasty edges where the lines should go 'underneath' smoothly (see bottom image).
3. The option Im using now. Duplicate the path outlines and create clipping masks for the spots without strokes. Then put the stroked outline with the desired styles on top. The problem with this is that I have almost twice as much elements in my illustration now than I actually 'need'. And the styled outlines are not connected with the color underneath, so its very easy to accidentally move something around...
Any easier way to create this effect without all the hassle?
I am new to PS scripting and trying to create a basic script to gather folder paths and then remove the path of that folder. I have created a basic array and while trying to
View 1 Replies View RelatedI organize my documents into different layers. The problem that I'm facing is that the paths jump places when I paste. If I want to move a set of paths into another layer, I cut and paste. But the paths either paste in front of the layer it started on, or on a layer other than where I commanded them to be pasted. I'm looking into pasting a set of paths in a layer by my choice, but it keeps on wanting to do its own thing. Also, I do know that layers can be clicked and dragged into different positions on the layers palette, but I have so many. This technique slows me down.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have just finished designing my characters. Now I have to create my background. I figured to do this, I would simply have to create my background and hide the layers above so I can see what I'm doing. However the few lines that I've created in my background are overlaping the characters, how can I resolve this?
Also after doing a brush or creating a path in general, how do i I deselect it (instead of having to bring out the selection tool and clicking anywhere on the screen)
I jut remembered something else, if i want to select an object but the selection rectangle covers the perimeter of another object, how do I avoid selecting the other object aswell?
Just installed the new CS6. I'm experimenting with Illustrator. I feel a little dumb asking this, but ALL of my newly drawn paths, brush strokes, objects etc. keep automatically shifting to the bottom of the layer instead of like usual, appearing at the top. Is there a way to turn this off? Revert back to normal?
View 2 Replies View RelatedNote Layer > Duplicate will not work in this regard, because I want to copy one group of paths/elements from one layer to other existing layers, not to a new layer.
I have not found a command for this, nor have I found any scripts. Note I'm using CS3 but have been thinking about an upgrade.
Level: Newbie OS: Windows 7 64bit Ps: Cs6
So, I have a layer which I made a rounded rectangle and then used ctrl + alt + t to transform and set it to 30 degrees and used alt + drag on the transformation pivot point
then I used ctrl + alt + shift + t to duplicate the rounded rectangle around that point and then ... I relocated this layer above an other layer w/a circle on it and used ctrl + alt + g to create a clipping mask
Now ... is where I am stuck ...
I'm suppose to "split each path into a separate layer" .... um. what?
Okay, I realize that each of the rounded rectangles has its own path ... but how to go about putting each one on a separate layer and I cannot find it in the manual
how to align a layer to a path I've created using the Pen tool;
I'm using Photoshop 6,
CS6 Windows. I am unable to select the layer to transform it when I have a path created. The only way I can select the layer is to delete the path.
View 5 Replies View RelatedIn PS cs6 i cant find how to create clipping path for layer group (apply to folder from some shape layer with alt + drag&drop) created with pen, rectangle etc tools. Here is how it should look in cs6 but i don't know how to do that ?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI would really like to know if there is any way I can manage to to transform both a layer object and a path at the same time....or if there is any workaround to achieve this.
In a nutshell, say for example I spend a VERY long time creating an intricate path around a very detailed object, and then at the very end notice just how crooked and out of perspective it is, and would like to straighten it.
Of course I could transform and correct the object, and then carefully transform the path - but it just won't be exact, and I will have to spend a long time adjusting the path and making SURE it is perfect.
Isn't there any way I could get to transform them together?
Usually of course I do all the correction to straighten and correct perspective beforehand, but in some instances after I am done creating the path I then notice that the image could have used further adjustments.
MacBook Pro OS 10.7.4
Photoshop 6
Memory 8 GB 1333 MHz DDR3
Graphics Intel HD Graphics 3000 512 MB
603 GB available
I have recently had to begin using Clipping Paths for knockouts and silo's. I am having trouble though with moving the layer that has been knocked out and the clipping path that 'corresponds' to that layer.
What I want to know is if I can move them and size them together and still retain a clipping path? Every time I transform the layer and have the clipping path selected it only affects the clipping path. If I deselect the clipping path and transform it only affects the layer. The clipping path just stays where it is and I would have to move it independently of the layer to realign it.
Sometimes I want to re-orient the layer from vertical to diagonal on the white background but that will unalign it from the clipping path.
I want to join two paths to create a shape that I can fill but at the same time retain one of the original paths (the red one in the image below). I can copy the path I want to retain but surely there is a more elegant solution. See below for for an illustration:
View 6 Replies View RelatedThe Pen Tool is my favorite / go to selection tool. But can it do the following...I've made a path and converted it to a selection, then filled the area with a color or texture (on it's own layer).
Now I find that I need to adjust (fine tune) the shape I've created / filled with color or texture to better fit how / where it's being used. Is is possible to invoke the path handles and get it to adjust the filled area as you move / adjust the path. (This is not a shape, not using the shape tool.)
I can select the filled path / layer and free transform but that does not give me a fine enough adjustment.Puppet Warp doesn't really fit the bill eitherA good example of what I want to achieve is similar to when you put type on a path. When you adjust the path the type moves to conform to the changes in the path. I want to do the same thing with the area I filled using the path.
Cannot lock other paths/unlock all paths in symbols?
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