Paint.NET :: Combine Alpha Values Of One Layer With Colors Of Another
Dec 12, 2011
I've been having a hard time googling this question as it's hard to put in bite-size words. I'm looking for an easy way to take the alpha levels of each pixel on one layer, and then combine that with the color levels of each pixel on another layer. Let me give you an example. I want to take the alpha levels of image 1, replace the colors with the colors of image 2, and be left with image 3 (Only no background, because the alpha level should be zero!)
I achieved the effect you see in image 3 by using the "difference" blending, and then inverting the image. Problem is, I've still got the gradient as a background which doesn't really work because that icon needs to sit on anything.
I have a caption strap as a matte and a fill. Then a matte to wipe the caption on to it.
Now say if I need three of these on the screen at one time and to be able to reposition them individually.
In batch/action I was trying to combine the alpha of the caption and the caption matte, using a matte source node and a blending mode on the top image, but it didn't seem to work. I thought multiply should have done the trick...
I think the thing I'm stuck on is getting the intersection of 2 mattes. So you only see where they are both white.
I did do it with 2 source mattes, kind of in a cascade... but it's a messy solution for such a simple thing.
I ended up combining them out of action using blend and comp node. But then if I needed to resize the strap and 2 mattes independently of the caption itself I ran into problems.
any difference between alpha layer and alpha channel? I mean has to be right? I just don't know what exactly that would be if there is. I'm trying to figure out some more stable uses for computer graphics when building textures with alpha layer or alpha channels. So far I get a flicker from opengl bug when using alphas. So I'm wondering if I use Alpha layer and something with a solid color underneath the geometry if I could achieve a more stable result where alpha sorting. Possibly clearing it up where my alpha layered geometry stays on top vs bleeding through at times it seems.
Is there a way to have no layer value set for the description keys. I set all the layers, and now I realize I'd rather set this to no layers (boxes are all unchecked). I'd rather see no value under the layer column, but there doesn't seem like a way to set this.Â
I have a plain rectangle with overall c09300c0 RGBA levels.I want to change the alpha channel value from c0 (193) to some other value, for the whole image at once. Or some other color channel.
How can I change the absolute value of a channel ? The color menu has only relative adjustments.
Using the native GIMP rotate function to rotate a rectangular image about its center (for instance) the corners of the image which are exposed by the rotation are set to RGB 0x000000 with an alpha value of that these areas are transparent.
If the same operation is performed as a GEGL operation the corners have RGB values of 0x000000 but alpha values of 255 - i.e. they are solid black.
Is there a setting to cause GEGL to use alpha values of 0 for these pixels? This also applies to GEGL operations such as shear.
why is it that anytime i try to combine to meshes (which were originally one mesh to start with) with different colors on them i loose the colors on both after the combine operations is invoked? It's pretty much a door with one color on one side and another on the other side. I extracted the face then painted it a white color after painted the other side a dark color. When i position them back to combine the colors disappear and goes back to that default grayish color.
I want to be able to apply vector textures [for t-shirts for example] by knocking the texture shape out of the original shape. Now, say I have a logo with several layers, or a bunch of shapes together, and I want to apply ONE texture across the entire thing (as a knockout). What is the best way to go about this. Â And as my question asks, how can I combine two objects into one shape without making them one color? Using the pathfinder of course. Aka, while still maintaining individual colors.
Right there in the topic, I can't figure it out. You can only choose millions of colors and trillions of colors when looking at the depth in the output module. And even if you pick 8-bits per channel in the render settings it still renders the files to 32-bit. Â It's basically a (pure) white spinning star fading out gradually so there is no need to render it with that many colors.
I'm exporting a design for the print shop, and have the following problem:
I have converted all colors to CMYK, and that's fine so far... however, I have imported a few PNGs with alpha channel into the design, and in the PDF output, these create a 'box' around them that seemingly has a flattened RGB version of whatever was behind it + the PNG image.
Same happens with any objects that have drop shadows.
When placing a .psd file with a spot channel into illustrator, and then later copying this and pasting back into Photoshop the color shifts. Â Original Photoshop spot color channel (0/100/81/16) Color after pasting back into Photoshop (13/99/88/4) Â We are making renders of packaging, so the designs are from illustrator. We correct this by removing the Photoshop spot channel and recreating this as a CMYK layer, but looking to avoid this step as we do many many renders. Even with assign color profile set to none this happens. Â Viewing Photoshop channels you can see a difference in values between the linked image and illustrator flat tint.
We are working with a company that will be sending us DWG files. They do not use the same layer colors as us and I am trying to find a lisp that would allow me to set up a table with the layer names and the color I want them to be so that I can quickly change all the layers to our companys color standards.
Layer 1 = Color 1 Layer 2 = Color 15 Layer 3 = Color 10 Etc.
I don't know a lot about lisp but I figure if I could find a lisp that did this I could plug in my layer/color assignments and it would work.Â
I am trying to combine the layers on a warehouse map into one layer. Right now the layers are setup based on the types of architecture and my ultimate goal is to make layers based on the departments that work in each section.
I recently installed CS5 on my laptop after first removing it from my previous machine.All licences were validated so no problems there.Now when using paint bucket in Photoshop, the colors that I select in the color picker are not the colors that result when I use the paint bucket. Â If I create a new black canvas then the colors selected in color picker work with paint bucket.But if I attempt to recolor the background in an existing image that I import into Photoshop, I get the mismatch with colors when I use paint bucket. My method for selecting colors is the same in each case, I select 'set foreground color' and set the color using html values entry at the bottom of the panel.
I'm brand spanking new to and I have a question. I have 2 photos that I want to place side-by-side, combined into one image. One will need to be resized to be the same size as the other so the edges will match up. I don't need to do anything else to them, just stick them together and print it as one image.
I was trying to paste an alpha layer from one psd to another. For some reason, I can't paste into the alpha channel of one specific psd. I can't even drag it from one psd to the other. It works fine on another psd I have.
My task is to do a batch processing over an folder with images. I want to add an alpha layer to every image (png). The alpha layer is from a static second image (bmp).
I can accomplish the task in the GIMP front end manually, but the exactly same steps in my script aren't working.
Working on some game development and purchased PSP Ultimate recently right before it changed to version 6 and received email saying account would be deleted if I didn't post, though I normally cut down on uneccessary postings as much as possible to keep clutter down and be as reasponsible as possible I might as well bring up some questions in form of new posts I had forgotten about earlier.
One of them is what is the best way to Split RGBA so I can work with them similiar to Adobe Photoshop in Layers and then Add information to a specific channel such as the Alpha Channel and re-merge back into a single RGBA file all within Paint Shop Pro so if I am needing to put the data in Alpha channel and the engine I'm using requires it to be there it would read it that way?
and I would like to get a gradient border on it (something like two pixels would be perfect) from the green sine to black. (Partial transparancy would be nicer but since .gif doesn't support that...and yes I do need it to be a .gif XD)
Problem is...that I can't get any of the filter options to work, they are all disabled. After some tests I noticed that this is because there's an alpha layer that for some reason disables the filters. to get a gradient (green to black) border on the sine?
I have a few images that I have saved from online that have an alpha layer in them. When I open them in GIMP, the checkerboard pattern makes it far too difficult to edit the image. When I try any of the obvious options for removing the alpha layer, the result looks awful.
How do I remove an alpha layer without changing the way that an image looks when it's viewed in an image viewer (or GIMP)?
There is a big bug in the CS6 , tiff file format have change, and when i generate a tiff file ( flaterned image with alpha layer) in photoshop CS6 or after effect CS6,the alpha layer can not be used in indesign CS5, i need to open my tiff in photoshop CS5.5 and save it agin to get a working image. Â If i open the image generate by CS6 ( photoshop or after) in photoshop (any version) or indesign CS6 alpha layer is working fine, but not in the previous version of indesign ....
I have a PNG image and like to edit the alpha mask. As there's no separate alpha layer inside the PNG image, but all pixels have a certain alpha value, I'd like to extract that with Photoshop. How can I do that?