GIMP :: Which Colors To Use When Applying Alpha To Color?
Mar 9, 2012I don't understand how you can know which colors to use when applying "Alpha to Color".
Here are a few images I have and what I've done so far:
Here are my original images
I don't understand how you can know which colors to use when applying "Alpha to Color".
Here are a few images I have and what I've done so far:
Here are my original images
I have a text layer over some other layers and when I apply alpha-to-logo I can't see my other layers even though they still exist.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have a dark gray triangle alongside a pure white triangle in a square GIF image. I want to convert the white triangle to alpha and leave the dark gray triangle completely opaque. When I use Color --> Color to Alpha, however, I see the checkerboard pattern extend over the gray in addition to the white.
1. Does this mean that the gray is being made translucent?
2. If so, how do I set only one the white to alpha (at 0% opacity) and leave the gray at 100% opacity?
When I color a the background of a photo to alpha it works just fine, I save it and export.
But when I try to open that same photo anywhere else the background is white .
I seem to come unstuck when I apply colour using the 'Stroke Path' option. Basically I need to know if there's a way of determining the opacity of the stroke line? In some cases I don't need to have such a 'dense' colour. I want to see a little of what I've 'painted over' so as to keep some of the detail.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI had a .JPEG of a leaf photographed against a white background. When I went to turn that white background into a transparent alpha channel, it seemed to work okay....except for the fact that when I then went to select the new alpha channel via the Fuzzy Select Tool, it wasn't selecting all these newly transparent pixels.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI am using the latest version of GIMP on my windows 7 pc but color to alpha doesn't work. At my pc at work it works fine but i use windows xp there and i have ghostscript and python installed.
Or is it something completely different?
I have been doing light box photography, but I want to get that pure white background as product images usually have.
My background is a light grey.. Using the wand tool, I was able to get close - but far from close enough.
What's the right method, to turn every thing around the dime, white?
Here it is before the wand,
I have a plain rectangle with overall c09300c0 RGBA levels.I want to change the alpha channel value from c0 (193) to some other value, for the whole image at once. Or some other color channel.
How can I change the absolute value of a channel ? The color menu has only relative adjustments.
I have a texture for an object that will be rendered. The RGB for the texture contains diffuse color, and the Alpha channel contains a special parameter for the shader. The value for the parameter is 0 for 99% of the pixels.
In my XCF I have diffuse color on one layer, and the special parameter on another layer (as a greyscale).
So I copy the diffuse layer and call the copy Final. Then I create a layer mask on the parameter layer using the greyscale value. I copy the layer mask from the param layer to the Final layer, and then I apply the layer mask to Final, which should simply write the mask to alpha.
I look at the channels window to be sure, and alpha is written correctly, BUT everywhere that alpha is black THE OTHER THREE CHANNELS ARE ALSO BLACK! I can't fix this! What do I do? I even tried exporting to see if it carries through to the output image, and it does!
What's more, I tried to trick it by putting a very low value (like 1/2) in the pixels that are supposed to be 0 in alpha, and then I get an even weirder effect, wherein most of the color is kept, but some pixels color information is trashed anyway. Is there an export mode which will tell GIMP not to trash the color information on fully transparent pixels? Or better yet, can I tell it that alpha is not transparency?
First time using GIMP. Following the directions here: [URL] ......
Using, "Color to Alpha," I tried to select the background of my .jpg image. The background is white, the picture (logo) portion is silver. Because of the closeness in color, when I select white, the software selects the entire image to become alpha (transparent).
When I select the color of the picture, silver, I am able to select just the logo portion. How can I take the logo portion, which is now converted to transparent, and give it a black or transparent background, and then return the logo back to its former color silver. The logo is perfect, it is just that I recently switched my site from a white header to a black header and the image has a white background, so that does not look good.
I'm on MacOS 10.9 (Mavericks). Using GIMP 2.8.8 (lisanet edition).
GIMP has been installed for many years on my computers, but first since it runs natively (without x11 or xQuartz) have I finally and entirely switched to GIMP for my raster graphic work.
I really like GIMP and I'm working on expanding my knowledge and respect this excellent programme very much. There are of course a couple of oddities when you are used to Photoshop (until 3 months ago). I'm getting there. Though one issue sticks out:
The use of the eyedropper tool for example in the Color to Alpha Dialogue. First of all I'm aware about the difference between the Color Picker (set colour from image pixels) in the toolbox and the eyedropper. I'm writing here about the latter. It simply doesn't work at all. When I open Color to Alpha... and then click on the color field (by default it's white #ffffff) the Color to Alpha Color Picker opens. When I select here the Eyedropper tool (Click the eyedropper, then select a color anywhere on your screen to select that color.) the following scenario happens: the cursor doesn't indicate a particular function (stays as standard pointer) - when clicking anywhere on my screen both dialogues, Color to Alpha and Color to Alpha Color Picker disappear (respectively they slip behind the main GIMP interface). I can't select any color! And when I manage to get the two dialogue windows back into focus, I have to wait a certain amount of time before any pressing of OK or Cancel shows any response.
Sometimes a random color gets selected but this is beyond my influence.
I guess it's a weak spot of the new native GIMP without any X11 wrapping. The windows managements has several weaknesses (i.e. GIMP/Hide). I also thought that it might be caused by the Single-Window Mode. But even without that the problem remains. All in all it's a very important function and without it the workflow involved gets very tiresome.
There seems to be tons of threads on how to make a transparent image, but I haven't been able to fine one to do one specific thing.
How do I set the alpha channel to be black? I want to have a black background on a png file, but I need the black to be transparent to things behind it on a webpage.
If you open the picture and see it u see 3 dragon heads, one white, one blue and one red.
what I am trying to do is make the centre orange and let those 3 colors blend into orange.
that's why the topic name '3 colors into 1 different color'.
I tried things with the circular flashlight effect (dont know the name of the effect)
but the goal is that only the colors change and NOT the background.
I made an image that has only two colors (not grayscale) only true black and true white. I want to know how to change these colors independently to whatever color. Basically what I did to this image was throw it in MS Paint and converted it to black and white.
How would I change these colors?
I draw images by hand and then scan them and digitally color them.
The white of the page is not a solid white, but full of variance.Also, there are many tiny specs of dust and things that show up as grey specs on the image.
Prepping a black-and-white line drawing is easy; I just use color curves to set the mostly-white areas to pure white, doing the same with black, and tweaking the curve how I want to make my black lines sharper or smoother and cutting out those grey specs.
But I've been trying to work out how to add a second level of detail in these drawings. This comes in the form of a light blue. This light blue can be used for so many great things, like points to line up an image that was drawn on multiple sheets or to represent lines that will becomes shadows or highlights that I don't want to show up in the final image.
Previously I had been scanning my pages as greyscale images to completely wipe out extra color variations that I didn't want. If I do that with the blue lines they turn grey and they get eroded when I adjust the color curves. If I scan it as full color I now have subtle color variants that throw things off, and adjusting the color curves still erodes those blue lines even worse.
If I try adjusting the color curves by color channel I turn the whole image to a particular tint.
How can I adjust the colors of an image to turn anything mostly white into white, mostly black into black, and mostly light blue into light blue; and preferably be able to adjust the scale it does this by so that I might prevent dust from becoming black spots and even maintain the greyscale range at the very edges of my lines?
I have been trying (without much success) to figure out a way to change all non-white color elements on a picture to a single set color, and was wondering if that is possible to do in GIMP.
For example, I'd like to turn something like this tri-color Italian flag. To this, where the blue color is a color of my choosing.
An image I imported contains an area with quite a few different, yet very similar colors (different shades of the same red). I want to change the complete area to one single red tone. What's the most appropriate approach to this? Especially without loosing the antialiasing at the edges that surround the area.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI was desiging images for my children and I was having difficulty with the colors- I would select a color from the color picker and a different shade/color would be applied to the text. Hoping it was a RAM issue, I just restarted my computer and it resolved itself. Easy enough. I completed the designs and went about my day.
Today, I'm working on a project for someone else and it's doing it again. I've restarted the computer and I've reset settings on Illustrator to the default but neither of these things resolved the problem.
In an attempt to make sure I wasn't going crazy, I took a screen shot of the text I'm attempting to color and the color picker box showing the color I was trying to choose. The selected color was R 6 G 6 B 249. I opened the image in paint and with the eyedropper tool selected the color that was actually applied and that color is R 61 G 93 B 171- so clearly not the same color at all. I then opened it in Photoshop to determine if it was an Adobe problem or just an Illustrator problem. With the eyedropper tool, I got the same results that I did in paint. Illustrator is definitely not applying the colors correctly.
Right there in the topic, I can't figure it out. You can only choose millions of colors and trillions of colors when looking at the depth in the output module. And even if you pick 8-bits per channel in the render settings it still renders the files to 32-bit.
It's basically a (pure) white spinning star fading out gradually so there is no need to render it with that many colors.
I'm exporting a design for the print shop, and have the following problem:
I have converted all colors to CMYK, and that's fine so far... however, I have imported a few PNGs with alpha channel into the design, and in the PDF output, these create a 'box' around them that seemingly has a flattened RGB version of whatever was behind it + the PNG image.
Same happens with any objects that have drop shadows.
I've been having a hard time googling this question as it's hard to put in bite-size words. I'm looking for an easy way to take the alpha levels of each pixel on one layer, and then combine that with the color levels of each pixel on another layer. Let me give you an example. I want to take the alpha levels of image 1, replace the colors with the colors of image 2, and be left with image 3 (Only no background, because the alpha level should be zero!)
I achieved the effect you see in image 3 by using the "difference" blending, and then inverting the image. Problem is, I've still got the gradient as a background which doesn't really work because that icon needs to sit on anything.
We have a new Roland printer, an LEJ-640, which prints in CMYK plus white and clear gloss.
In order to print a white bitmap, I must apply a spot color to the bitmap. I used the Bitmap|Mode|Dutone to apply the white spot color and it seems to work correctly--it shows up as a spot color when I use the print dialog to preview separations.
When I use either print to file with the RolandVW print driver or File|Publish to PDF, the spot color on the bitmap is not preserved, Versaworks does not recognize it as a spot color. Color output is set to "Native". However, a vector object on the same page with the same spot color applied is recognized as a spot color.
The pink part in the versaworks screenshot indicates white spot color, as you can see only the vector object is recognized.
I recently installed CS5 on my laptop after first removing it from my previous machine.All licences were validated so no problems there.Now when using paint bucket in Photoshop, the colors that I select in the color picker are not the colors that result when I use the paint bucket.
If I create a new black canvas then the colors selected in color picker work with paint bucket.But if I attempt to recolor the background in an existing image that I import into Photoshop, I get the mismatch with colors when I use paint bucket. My method for selecting colors is the same in each case, I select 'set foreground color' and set the color using html values entry at the bottom of the panel.
See image below.
I have the kind of bull/goat face in this edited out as a separate layer for adjusting, what I would like to do with it at the moment is apply a left to right brightness gradient on it to make it gradually change from light to dark so that it blends in with the background a bit better.
In CS6, I am trying to apply color to the Canvas with the Mixer Brush, though it is not working. I am using Wet, Heavy, Mix brush and I select Blue as my foreground color, the color is showing in the toolbox and up above in the options bar, though when I paint it just seems to smudge the colors on the canvas. What is wrong with my settings?.
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhen working on a web template, sometimes I want to change the colors of all headings at once. I have various web pages (about, contact, blog, etc) each in its own layer group. So it's very difficult to select all headings - I need to open all layer groups and search specifically for headings.
If I could put a tag on each heading, and then apply a single color change to all layers having this tag, it would make things so easy ?
Public Sub DrawCylinder()
Dim cen As Variant
Dim r As Double
Dim h As Double
Dim cyl As Acad3DSolid
cen = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetPoint(, "Specify center point:")
[Code] ......
I draw a rectangle and colored it with green then i wanted to give some effects by double clicking on the layer. Then opened a window named layer style. When i tick the box "gradient overlay", appears a gradient effect bu color of the image changes from green to gray. How may i prevent this change to gray. I want my stay rectangle green.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI am sourcing icons from various places and trying to tweak to suit my needs. Tweaking involves removing or adding an element and applying a consistent color scheme. I am wanting all my icons to be a particular shade of blue.
The problem I'm facing is that some original icons are lighter than the other, so when I apply a color scheme although the color changes, they don't look to belong from the same family. How can I apply color scheme of one icon to the other?
I have a 24bit PNG image to be used as a texture in my little game. I want to blend this texture with other colors which require it to have an extra alpha channel. I did some search online and tried some methods including add another layer and add transparency to the image, but neither worked(after I exported the image to png and reopened it, it still only contains 24 bits for every pixel).
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