GIMP :: Replace Similar Colors With One Nearest Color (2013)
Oct 16, 2013
An image I imported contains an area with quite a few different, yet very similar colors (different shades of the same red). I want to change the complete area to one single red tone. What's the most appropriate approach to this? Especially without loosing the antialiasing at the edges that surround the area.
I would like to replace a range of colors with a single color in an image.
I know there is the replace color adjustment, but this replaces a single color e.g. 190,190,190 with another color e.g. 200, 200, 200. I would like to replace a range of colors e.g. from 185 to 195 with 200, 200, 200.
I have a simple graphic (not continuous tone). I need to convert the colors in it to their nearest matching Pantone colors. Is there a way to do this in PhotoShop?
I want to select a specific color from within the image, and change all similar colors within that image to a different color. In other words, after using the Color Picker Tool to select a color from the image, I want to take the selected color (and everything in the image that is equal to or similar in color), and change them all to a different color.
I tried using the Path's Tool to create an outline in the image, and changing colors that way, but it changes all the other colors in the selection I don't want to change. I just want to change all colors in the image/selection that are equal to or similar to the selected color. How do I do this?
I am trying to replace one color with another but I cannot get it to work.
I select by color
I click on a pixel of the color I want to replace
I click on the fill paint can icon
I click Fill whole selection
BUT...when I try to click on any pixel in the picture I get the little circle with the line through it on my cursor directly above the little icon of the paint can. Usually you would click anywhere on the picture and click and it would fill that section/selection with the color of your choice, but I am unable to. I have tried it in different formats, I clicked on the layer, I am out of options.
Is there a setting to not have adobe Photoshop round up or down to the nearest full number? My X-rite scanner reads in the hundreds and I would like more color accuracy. Â I read here that humans can't see any difference smaller than 1. I disagree, maybe 1 in the L value, but a and b seem to be a little less.
My annotations disappear when i replace an ipt with similar ipt in an idw file. The view and the browser update to the new part but the annotation disappear.
I made an image that has only two colors (not grayscale) only true black and true white. I want to know how to change these colors independently to whatever color. Basically what I did to this image was throw it in MS Paint and converted it to black and white.
I draw images by hand and then scan them and digitally color them.
The white of the page is not a solid white, but full of variance.Also, there are many tiny specs of dust and things that show up as grey specs on the image.
Prepping a black-and-white line drawing is easy; I just use color curves to set the mostly-white areas to pure white, doing the same with black, and tweaking the curve how I want to make my black lines sharper or smoother and cutting out those grey specs.
But I've been trying to work out how to add a second level of detail in these drawings. This comes in the form of a light blue. This light blue can be used for so many great things, like points to line up an image that was drawn on multiple sheets or to represent lines that will becomes shadows or highlights that I don't want to show up in the final image.
Previously I had been scanning my pages as greyscale images to completely wipe out extra color variations that I didn't want. If I do that with the blue lines they turn grey and they get eroded when I adjust the color curves. If I scan it as full color I now have subtle color variants that throw things off, and adjusting the color curves still erodes those blue lines even worse.
If I try adjusting the color curves by color channel I turn the whole image to a particular tint.
How can I adjust the colors of an image to turn anything mostly white into white, mostly black into black, and mostly light blue into light blue; and preferably be able to adjust the scale it does this by so that I might prevent dust from becoming black spots and even maintain the greyscale range at the very edges of my lines?
I've just used the align layers feature to stitch together 4 pics into a panorama view. It looks great except the sky is different shades of blue for each of the stiched elements.
Is there an easy way of somehow merging the different blues so you end up with a consistent blue across the panoramic view?
I have been trying (without much success) to figure out a way to change all non-white color elements on a picture to a single set color, and was wondering if that is possible to do in GIMP.
For example, I'd like to turn something like this tri-color Italian flag. To this, where the blue color is a color of my choosing.
I would like to replace a specïfic color, e.g. #FFFFFF to another color, e.g. #E0E0E0. All other colors should not be changed. How would I do that in a simple way in Photoshop 7?
I have a very simple image, 32-bit CMYK which is just black & white. I want to change all the black to Cyan. Should be easy, I just use rectangle mask to mark out the area I want then go to "Adjust->Replace Colors..." and it comes up with a dialog. So far so good.
I use the color picker to select black as the source I want to change, then I choose the color to change to, either with color picker or manually mixing it to pure Cyan. The colour does change, to something blue-ish or cyan-ish, but not what I specified. Same deal if I try with Magenta. It's close, but not quite.
If I just fill with Cyan, it does indeed come out the right color.
I need to replace all colors of document (except black) with one pantone. Is it possible?I've imported pdf file with vector and bitmap graphics, but it has few colors. I need to use just 2 colors in print. Is it possible to replace CMY with one pantone in print? How can I do it?Something like that:
How to compare two similar solid model and found where its differetiate is, and how to compare two similar drawing let say rev.1 to rev.2 and found where its differentiate is?
A while back I saw a video about using the video editing capabilities. In particular the video showed a car with a colored sheet over it and the in the video the sheet was either pulled off the car or the car moved out from under the sheet (I cant remember which). Then the video showed how to use the color replace tool to change the color of the sheet throughout the entire video.
I have a star that I would like in a specific color, but am having issues changing it with the replace color and/or color replacement tool. The image is small, but I am trying to have all the pixels. The color I want to use is Pantone solid uncoated 655 U. This is the image I am trying to change.
I used the FAQ section but nothing seemed to come up.
Basically I have 3 digital photos that are part of a panorama. After I load them into PS, there is a slight color imbalance between each of them, eg the sky in one is a bit more yellow looking than one of the others. So the question is, is there an easy way to select a photo and "color balance" it to match another, similar, image?
I'm using PS v7. I've heard that CS has Image-Adjustments-Match Color.
trying to replace the color of my deck with paint samples i got for my company.. im trying to match it, but if u look in the forground color selector its the one i want but when i pain it on it comes out different...
I recently installed CS5 on my laptop after first removing it from my previous machine.All licences were validated so no problems there.Now when using paint bucket in Photoshop, the colors that I select in the color picker are not the colors that result when I use the paint bucket. Â If I create a new black canvas then the colors selected in color picker work with paint bucket.But if I attempt to recolor the background in an existing image that I import into Photoshop, I get the mismatch with colors when I use paint bucket. My method for selecting colors is the same in each case, I select 'set foreground color' and set the color using html values entry at the bottom of the panel.
I have an image of a dog on a white background. I've tried several methods to remove the white background, but the dog is a beagle and has some white fur. There are places where it is almost indistinguishable where the fir ends and the background begins (on his neck). What is the best method to remove the background?
While I've used Photoshop a lot, I am not formally trained, so need input on what tolerance levels, etc. should probably be. I've inserted the image. Haven't purchased it yet because I'm not confident I'm going to be able to remove the background.
how do you get similar color for objects in different pictures. Â I have a prodject that i'm working on and i need to edit several images at once (preferabley) so that they are the same color. They are wooden cupboards and i need all the wood looking the same colour. In light room you can edit a group of images at the same time hence the colours are the same . Is this possible in Elements ? If so how do i do this ? Â I have tried duplicating layers and it just replaces the whole image, it seems to work using levels layers but not the other layers ... I have 30 more images to do and would ideally not like to adjust all the images manually ? I dont mind doing minor tweaks. Essentially all the images where taken with the same camera and lighting and lens's ...
I'm trying to add text to a button. No matter what text color I use it comes out a kind of brown. Tried it on BMP, JPG, & GIF with several different text colors. Always same result.
I have several rectangles in a drawing which have the same dimensions, is it possible to perform a multi select of these items by specifying the lenghts of the rectangles ? I can't see a way of doing this under QSelect or Filter.
Autodesk Inventor Professional 2013 SP2 64-Bit Edition Windows 7 HP Z400, Intel Xeon W3550 3.07GHz 12.0GB RAM, ATI FirePro V4800 (FireGL)
Reference tutorial=> Remove Photo Backgrounds with the Background Eraser {URL]
a) I follow the tutorial above to remove backgrounds. However, the background has similar color than picture (in this case "white" - picture attached - FIG_2). So, when I use "background eraser" tool, it erase part of my picture as well. So, how to handle it properly?
b) The tutorial was usefull to other image that has different backgound color (FIG_3 attached). But using other software (Gimp) I could just take the transparency index (color=> color to alfa) with "one click" without the request of erase background manually. So, is there any similar way to do it easily in Paint Shop?
I'm new to Gimp and Ive been told that Gimp has a function similar to Alien Skin Smart Fill. Is this correct and if so where do I find it and what is it called on Gimp