I'd like to know how do you add colors to paths. I'd also know how to make one end of a path more lighter and sharper. Also I'd like to know how to sort of blend colors into a path.
I want to cut a gradient with hard edges. But gimp is anti aliasing and color blending the edges with every tools. Same happens on filling the selected area, or erasing, or deleting.
See here. The upper is the original before filling with white/deleting the selected are, the lower is the result. The edges are blended, but i don't want it to be blended!
I am new to the gimp software and am struggling blending a photo into a solid color background.I cannot seem to get rid of the hard end of the photo. I have tried applying a mask then using the blending tool, but still cannot remove the line.
Blurring image, i'm just messing around to try... [URL]....
I made an image that has only two colors (not grayscale) only true black and true white. I want to know how to change these colors independently to whatever color. Basically what I did to this image was throw it in MS Paint and converted it to black and white.
I draw images by hand and then scan them and digitally color them.
The white of the page is not a solid white, but full of variance.Also, there are many tiny specs of dust and things that show up as grey specs on the image.
Prepping a black-and-white line drawing is easy; I just use color curves to set the mostly-white areas to pure white, doing the same with black, and tweaking the curve how I want to make my black lines sharper or smoother and cutting out those grey specs.
But I've been trying to work out how to add a second level of detail in these drawings. This comes in the form of a light blue. This light blue can be used for so many great things, like points to line up an image that was drawn on multiple sheets or to represent lines that will becomes shadows or highlights that I don't want to show up in the final image.
Previously I had been scanning my pages as greyscale images to completely wipe out extra color variations that I didn't want. If I do that with the blue lines they turn grey and they get eroded when I adjust the color curves. If I scan it as full color I now have subtle color variants that throw things off, and adjusting the color curves still erodes those blue lines even worse.
If I try adjusting the color curves by color channel I turn the whole image to a particular tint.
How can I adjust the colors of an image to turn anything mostly white into white, mostly black into black, and mostly light blue into light blue; and preferably be able to adjust the scale it does this by so that I might prevent dust from becoming black spots and even maintain the greyscale range at the very edges of my lines?
I have been trying (without much success) to figure out a way to change all non-white color elements on a picture to a single set color, and was wondering if that is possible to do in GIMP.
For example, I'd like to turn something like this tri-color Italian flag. To this, where the blue color is a color of my choosing.
An image I imported contains an area with quite a few different, yet very similar colors (different shades of the same red). I want to change the complete area to one single red tone. What's the most appropriate approach to this? Especially without loosing the antialiasing at the edges that surround the area.
I'm trying to make a background and can't get it to where I want it. I need a black and red background blended perfectly. How do you go about blending two colors on the same background show both colors will show equally?
I would like to know, whether is it possible to make soft blends between all objects of the person in the art I am creating. The problem is, that I want to make very smooth transition between all paths(brush strokes) in the file. I tried the blend tool, but it didn´t work good for this purose. Then I tried to blur or feather all objects, but the result wasn´t good as well. Opacity masks would be too complicated for all those strokes. Is it possible to make this work for all brush paths in the file?
When im doing artwork in photoshop everything works fine up until I get to the point when I need to use really dark colors. Like different colors of black. When I get to this point the dark colors dont Blend well, they look like theyre displaying only a few shades of grey as opposed to many that would work for it blend better. I tried resetting my preferences and it did nothing. Im using Windows 7, Photoshop CS5.
I recently installed CS5 on my laptop after first removing it from my previous machine.All licences were validated so no problems there.Now when using paint bucket in Photoshop, the colors that I select in the color picker are not the colors that result when I use the paint bucket.
If I create a new black canvas then the colors selected in color picker work with paint bucket.But if I attempt to recolor the background in an existing image that I import into Photoshop, I get the mismatch with colors when I use paint bucket. My method for selecting colors is the same in each case, I select 'set foreground color' and set the color using html values entry at the bottom of the panel.
URL...I use the fill tool next to an already established color and it does this blending, I'm assuming it's a simple fix or just user error somewhere, but how to fix?
(In case it's important the Gray color was made using the Free Select Tool and Fill with FG Color command and the White was the Bucket Fill tool)
Basically I've got the cut out that I want to blend into a picture, and what I do is get the images as near the centre of the canvas as I can, then copy and paste a new layer. Take the new layer and reduce it in size by say 95%, then try to centre it within the original image behind is as best I can. Select round it with the fuzzy select tool, then delete the smaller image. Move back to the original image and then add mask layer and use gradient blur to introduce a gradually fading of a few pixels round the edges.
The trouble is this method is not really good for complex shapes and often involves some iWarping to get the smaller image within the boundary of the larger one. So my question is, is there an easy way to fuzzy select round an image boundary that can introduce an arbitrarily chosen margin, say 5 or 10 pixels?
Anyway this is the kind of thing I am working on at the moment, making trippy fantasy images using dead animal's skulls.
I have multiple exposures of the same photo that I'd like to combine into one image showing the specific details of all. I've been messing around with layer modes and opacity sliders but can't quite get exactly what I want.
These are a a couple of the images I'm trying to combine:
What I'd like the final image to show is the pronounced shadow behind the railing in the first exposure and the lit up details of the hallway in the lower left corner of the second exposure, if there's a way to achieve this without having to draw layer masks and such.
In the section "5.8 Practical Uses of Blending Modes" of the book "Grokking the GIMP" (see, e.g.,URL.... there is an example of how to use blending modes to alter the colour of a cat.
Specifically, I refer to Figure 5.29(a) where the re-coloured cat does not appear to sit naturally on the person's shoulder (cf Figure 5.26(a)). How can the defect be overcome? But would the bucket fill also be feathered?
How do I make a selection of ALL the yellow on the Meatball building and make it a deeper yellow the way it has been done in the attached photographs:
Someone suggested playing with the Color Range: Select/Color Range and then use the lasso tool plus the option button to delete what you don't need. But that's not working for me.
And in the next photo, what is/how do you achieve the blended effect on the area that is the where you would more obviously see that this is made-up of two photos? It's a blending mode right? Which one?
I am doing spot color correction on an image, I have a hard time getting everything to blend correctly. For example, I'm working on an image where the bottom right hand corner is a lot darker than the rest of the piece. When I color correct that part of the image,
I have two images on two layers, the one which is on the top has a blending mode set to it (hard light for example) and opacity at about 70%.
What I would like to do, is to save that image (which is on the top) so, that every time I combine those two images, I would get the same result. (By combining I mean applying those images on top of each other outside of photoshop.)
The opacity is not a problem - I can save the image as 32 bit bmp (8 bit alpha channel right?)
I have a picture of a black dog which I want to merge into a black background as seamlessly as possible. I created a layer mask and blacked out the photograph area behind the dog so that the black of the layer beneath shows through. What I want to do now is somehow feather the edge between the dog and the black background to melt the two together rather than having a sharp crisp edge. Can I somehow feather the edge of my layer mask to do this quickly and easily or do I have to do it manually using the smudge tool etc?
I was looking at a Photoshop tutorial, it's for building a galaxy and mostly works for gimp, but there was a mention of "layer blending mode to colour." I was wondering what the equivalent is in gimp, or even if there is one.
i'm trying to plend a face (happens to be Justin Timberlake) into the face of a snake, I have the selection matched up and have the layer mask so i could erase the extra. The main problem I am having is the difficulty of getting the colors and textures right, the actual blending the face in part.
You have an image of a wooden table, but would like the table to be a bit redder.So you would select the table and use a "blend with color" tool that would work like a bucket, but instead mix the default color of the table(or the selection) with the color you pick.So you pick red and... You got yourself the same table only instead of it being wood-brown, its reddish wood-brown.
How can I do to better blend this two picture together as the orange paint is overlapping the metal grill on the door how to make the paint looks more realistic...
I have many many files earlier scanned using ABBYY Fine reader in colors 300 dpi, but now using any programs I only get the images back as black and white. If I upload to one of their online processors I get it back in colors, all images are nice and colorful.
what i want to be able to do is take several colors and merge them so that it kinda looks like black fading into say blue the back to black again if you look at the background of this website you'll see what i mean [URL]......