Photoshop :: Applying Color Change To Many Layers At Once
May 21, 2013
When working on a web template, sometimes I want to change the colors of all headings at once. I have various web pages (about, contact, blog, etc) each in its own layer group. So it's very difficult to select all headings - I need to open all layer groups and search specifically for headings.
If I could put a tag on each heading, and then apply a single color change to all layers having this tag, it would make things so easy ?
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Sep 6, 2012
How to change the keyboard shortcuts for applying Color Labels to photos? I have Keyboard Tamer, and I was able to remove the shortcuts for applying star ratings, but there seems to be no way to change the commands in Photo > Set Color Label.
See, many times a day I will click the white balance color temperature fileld and start typing "5500" only to then realize that the click on the entry field didn't activate it and I have now inadvertently changed the ratings and/or label colors for several photos. Super frustrating to then have to undo a bunch of times, especially when I'm viewing based on rating and/or color label, because photos can spontaneously vanish from view.
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Nov 14, 2013
I created a 3D drop shape and need to totaly change the colors (from red to yellow)... I use illustrator CS5
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Jun 28, 2013
I purchased a logo and business card design from a designer but one of the colors is the wrong shade of blue. Is there a way to change the one color throughout the file if the file doesn't have layers enabled? I'm a novice PS user but am unable to get in touch with designer to get revised files so was hoping there is a way I can do this myself.
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Dec 11, 2012
how to change the colour of the selected layer in the layers pallete? It's quite annoying the way it is (Dull grey/blue) and sometimes hard to see what layer's selected?
I prefer the brighter blue on my other computer!
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Mar 23, 2011
I recieved a drawing from another person. Now I want to change the color of the layers. Every time I change a thing, nothing happens.
I tried to change the properties, I tried using the command color.
It just doesn't work!
Pickfirst = '1'
Solution: Select everything and use the command explode. Then right click and change the color in properties.
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Feb 9, 2005
What method do you guys use in applying an Adjustment layer to MULTIPLE Layers but NOT everything underneath it?
I tried using clipping masks, but I think my solution isn't "the best way".
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Apr 2, 2008
How do I make adjustment layers 1 & 2 apply to all layer below them,
but have adjustment layers 3 & 4 only apply to the indented layers
below them -- layers 4, 5 & 6? That is adjustment layers 3 & 4 should
apply to layers 5 & 6 but, not apply to the background layer.
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Oct 8, 2012
I'm new to PSE10 and can't figure out layers and/or color. I have a photo with a white background. I want to change the white to a color. I have 4 text layers on photo with no problem. How do I change the white?
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Apr 5, 2012
when I select>>copy from one image and then Paste As Layer into a new image, parts of the copied selection change color. It's usually not a vast difference in color, but a definite change.
In the screen shot you'll see that I copied the "Learn More" link from the top image and pasted it as a layer into the 3 following background images. In the first two it pasted exact (a brownish color), in the 3rd it pasted as a drab green color. Why?The 3 images being pasted to are all Indexed images with the same channels and same opacity.
The next example screen shot may identify my issue...but this one REALLY Does my head in I selected the bear by color, copied, and pasted as a layer into each one of the background images shown in the first example/screen shot.Notice in the first, how the bear is pasted as the off brown color of the Learn More link.The Second is pasted as the drab green color i'm trying to fix in the first example.And the Third is pasted as the Black color I want, but its on the same image as the drab green Learn More link I can't seem to fix...
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Jul 14, 2012
Is it possible applying those photoshop filters into After effects layers? I thought the filter worked like layers, so when I import the photoshop files to AE I could drag the filter and apply it on a movie layer! I didn't work! Is it possible?
PS: I'm using Production premium CS5.5!
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Apr 25, 2013
if its possible to apply a Transparency (bottom) layer to all 600 (top) layers quickly?
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Aug 14, 2008
I'm trying to Key some footage in AE but one of my clips has jacked up exposure making it very difficult. I found the easiest way for me to fix the problem without having to re-shoot is to import the footage into PS converting frames to layers and adjust it accordingly then export back to QT mov. On a test layer I found that the shadow/highlight adjustment works the best. The problem is there doesn't seem to be a new adjustment layer that does shadow/highlight. I don't want to adjust every layer individually because there are over a thousand frames and it could take a long long time. My question is, Is there a way to apply the shadow/highlight to each layer at once?
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Jun 16, 2008
I've created a Contact Sheet and unticked flatten layers. So have 8 image layers(as there's 8 photos) and 8 text layers.
I want to create a levels adjustment layer attached to each one of the photo/image layers.
Can I create an Action to apply a clipping levels layer to each image layer
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Nov 16, 2005
I'm doing an animation for a progress indicator. Basically I have a set of 72 spokes, and I'm using sub-set of these spokes with varying transparency to show the underlying gray layer through.
I've seperated each spoke into 72 different layers, and I'm then manually adjusting each one for each frame.
The effect works great, but I've decided that I would like to apply an adjustment to all of the spokes to adjust their color balance. I've got an adjustment layer, but this is affecting my gray layer underneath.
I've tried layer sets, linking layers and grouping, but none seem to allow me to apply an adjustment to a group of layers. I'm using Photoshop 7.
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Jan 8, 2008
I'm working on an image, and I need it to say "The Wedding of Jane Smith."
I have 4 different text layers showing up, and they're all visible. (a real small "the," a much larger "Wedding," a small "of," and a large "Jane Smith.") I like to have the different words on separate text layers so I can move them around and lay them out the way I like.
I got to the point where I wanted to apply blending effects to the text (drop shadow, bevel, whatever). Now, since I have 4 different text layers, what I'd normally do is merge them into one rasterized layer and then do my effects. But I'm wondering if there is a better, more non-destructive way.
I do video graphic design at my job, working with a video editor, and it would be extremely convenient if I could apply effects to multiple text layers without first rasterizing and merging the layers. i.e. when my boss or the client is looking over my shoulder, and I can show him what the text looks like with the blending FX without having to commit to the text placement/size by rasterizing/merging.
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Feb 11, 2011
I am referencing a survey file in my site plan. Both were created using Civil 3D. I want to change the color of all of the reference files' layers to 250, so I selected them all in the layer properties manager and did so.
However, some layers are not changing colors. One layer is red in the reference file, but comes through on the site plan as magenta. Some Civil3D structures are also refusing to change colors.
I selected all of the objects in the reference file and made sure their colors were "by layer," but it did not completely fix the problem.
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Jan 8, 2008
I have 4 different text layers showing up, and they're all visible. (a real small "the," a much larger "Wedding," a small "of," and a large "Jane Smith.") I like to have the different words on separate text layers so I can move them around and lay them out the way I like.
I got to the point where I wanted to apply blending effects to the text (drop shadow, bevel, whatever). Now, since I have 4 different text layers, what I'd normally do is merge them into one rasterized layer and then do my effects. But I'm wondering if there is a better, more non-destructive way. Code:
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Apr 15, 2013
I am having a problem in CS6 Photoshop where I never experienced this in CS3-5.
I am designing a website and when I apply a drop shadow or inner shadow to a layer through layer style/blending options in the layers tab. It applys the same angle etc.. to all the other layers I have done styles too...
I will have 5 + layers done with styles and I will make a new layer and give it a shape, open up blending options and when I do a drop shadow and change the angle I literally can see everything on my layout change angles also when I move it around for just ONE layers style... What on earth is going on? This makes it impossible to make unique designs unless I keep flattening my PSD and transfering stuff over which destroys workflow.
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Oct 20, 2011
As the subject states, I am trying to apply a plotstyle to a layer. I can create the layer and apply a plot style but as soon as I create another layer with a different plotstyle, the layers I previously created lose their plot style (it appears to be removed from the drawing)
I have tried workarounds such as placing an object and applying a plotstyle then deleting that plot style and that still doesnt seem to append it to the drawing.this is my code so far:
Public Sub addPltStToLayer(ByVal id As ObjectId, ByVal pltsty As String) Dim thisDrawing As Document = Autodesk. AutoCAD. Application Services. Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument Dim thisDB As Database = thisDrawing.Database Dim trans As Transaction = thisDB. Transaction Manager.StartTransaction Using locker As DocumentLock = thisDrawing.LockDocument Dim dict
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Oct 24, 2013
In CS6, I am trying to apply color to the Canvas with the Mixer Brush, though it is not working. I am using Wet, Heavy, Mix brush and I select Blue as my foreground color, the color is showing in the toolbox and up above in the options bar, though when I paint it just seems to smudge the colors on the canvas. What is wrong with my settings?.
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Oct 1, 2007
I draw a rectangle and colored it with green then i wanted to give some effects by double clicking on the layer. Then opened a window named layer style. When i tick the box "gradient overlay", appears a gradient effect bu color of the image changes from green to gray. How may i prevent this change to gray. I want my stay rectangle green.
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Sep 29, 2012
I have a text layer over some other layers and when I apply alpha-to-logo I can't see my other layers even though they still exist.
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Feb 27, 2013
Alright, so I'm about to rip my hair out. I'm a Photoshop guy who occasionally vectorizes stuff into Illustrator CS4 by exporting work paths. Usually it works fine, but it's been a few years since I've done this and I cannot for the life of me figure out how to apply an opacity mask to an area of a layer so that it is transparent through all objects of the layer down to the background.
Basically, I created an image with text in Photoshop. I exported work paths to illustrator and colored/filled in all the objects. I need to cut out certain parts of the image so that they're transparent through to the background so that when the image is printed up on a shirt, fabric shows through rather than ink. This sounds like a stupid question, and it probably is, but I just can't get it to work.
I've gone through all the steps of creating an opacity mask, but every time I make the object transparent, I just get a white fill from an underlying object. It will not cut through to the transparent background. I need to get this object to cut through all layers.
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Jul 2, 2012
I open a .dng file which was in greyscale. Then converted it to RGB. Applied the effect Graphic Pen. Added a new layer, fill it with red, changed mode to Overylay, and when I tried merging down, or saving as a jpeg, it converts the image right back to B&W. I even tried changing my brush to red and Overlay mode, it just won't let me color the image at all. I've tried hue/saturation, and when I try to save the adjustment, it converts right back to B&W. Here are some screen shots.
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Jul 30, 2005
I'm in the process of prepping individual components of a design for Flash animation. I'm trying to apply a layer of #7C6844 with the color effect at 56% opacity and a layer of #999999 with the color burn effect at 12% opacity to the foreground image which has a transparent background. This task has proved to be rather impossible for me, but it seems like there should be a way to do it. I would use the wand tool > select inverse and apply the colors over top that way, but the foreground image has a lot of leaves and branches, so that method would be extremely tedious.
Is there a way I can select the entire image as a whole and leave out the background?
I'll attach the image and the desired result to further assist.
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Oct 26, 2011
Public Sub DrawCylinder()
Dim cen As Variant
Dim r As Double
Dim h As Double
Dim cyl As Acad3DSolid
cen = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetPoint(, "Specify center point:")
[Code] ......
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Mar 9, 2012
I don't understand how you can know which colors to use when applying "Alpha to Color".
Here are a few images I have and what I've done so far:
Here are my original images
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Jan 7, 2013
I am sourcing icons from various places and trying to tweak to suit my needs. Tweaking involves removing or adding an element and applying a consistent color scheme. I am wanting all my icons to be a particular shade of blue.
The problem I'm facing is that some original icons are lighter than the other, so when I apply a color scheme although the color changes, they don't look to belong from the same family. How can I apply color scheme of one icon to the other?
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Jun 19, 2009
merged layer results to a slight different color compare to its original unmerged layers. the result is that the merged layer has more bluish, What's wrong and what's the solution?. Im using CS3.
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Oct 23, 2012
I seem to come unstuck when I apply colour using the 'Stroke Path' option. Basically I need to know if there's a way of determining the opacity of the stroke line? In some cases I don't need to have such a 'dense' colour. I want to see a little of what I've 'painted over' so as to keep some of the detail.
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