Photoshop :: Applying Filters In After Effects Layers?
Jul 14, 2012
Is it possible applying those photoshop filters into After effects layers? I thought the filter worked like layers, so when I import the photoshop files to AE I could drag the filter and apply it on a movie layer! I didn't work! Is it possible?
PS: I'm using Production premium CS5.5!
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Jan 8, 2008
I'm working on an image, and I need it to say "The Wedding of Jane Smith."
I have 4 different text layers showing up, and they're all visible. (a real small "the," a much larger "Wedding," a small "of," and a large "Jane Smith.") I like to have the different words on separate text layers so I can move them around and lay them out the way I like.
I got to the point where I wanted to apply blending effects to the text (drop shadow, bevel, whatever). Now, since I have 4 different text layers, what I'd normally do is merge them into one rasterized layer and then do my effects. But I'm wondering if there is a better, more non-destructive way.
I do video graphic design at my job, working with a video editor, and it would be extremely convenient if I could apply effects to multiple text layers without first rasterizing and merging the layers. i.e. when my boss or the client is looking over my shoulder, and I can show him what the text looks like with the blending FX without having to commit to the text placement/size by rasterizing/merging.
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Jan 8, 2008
I have 4 different text layers showing up, and they're all visible. (a real small "the," a much larger "Wedding," a small "of," and a large "Jane Smith.") I like to have the different words on separate text layers so I can move them around and lay them out the way I like.
I got to the point where I wanted to apply blending effects to the text (drop shadow, bevel, whatever). Now, since I have 4 different text layers, what I'd normally do is merge them into one rasterized layer and then do my effects. But I'm wondering if there is a better, more non-destructive way. Code:
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May 27, 2012
I am an intermediate to moderatley advanced user of CS5 but any way to apply a filter such as blur or liquify to a pre-existing pattern or gradient (overlay)? Can a pattern or gradient be put on it's own editable layer for instance? Have tried a few ways so far but without success.
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Nov 16, 2013
I'm using Photoshop CC on windows 7 64 bit Compaq Presario CQ57. I'm very concerned that the "v ram" graphics card memory with this laptop is not big enough for the stated 512MB needed for 3D and other visual effects and that this might be the issue.
The "v ram" is set by HP on these models and is apparently 'linked' and 'unchangeable' from the motherboard. (as is 99 percent of laptops) BTW, I am disabled, I can't use a desktop PC.
I can't, however, find out how big the actual "v ram" is on my laptop. My computer's direct x diagnostic tells me the total display memory is 1960 MB. But is this the same as the v ram? Perhaps I'm just missing a stage in CC Photoshop that I need to do before using filters.
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Oct 12, 2012
I am applying Artistic filters to an image in Photoshop. Some of the filters are turning the image into a black and white image, for example, the "torn edges filter." And it then does not seem possible to change that layer into a colored layer. Other filters, such as "glass" leave the image its original color. Is it possible to use the torn edges filter without turning the image black and white?
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May 6, 2006
I have a video clip that I broke down into single frames so I could work with them in Photoshop, then import them back into Premiere.
I opened one of the images and applied some filters.
Is there any way I can save the settings of the filters of this image so I can just open up the next image and not have to manually re set the filter settings for each individual image?
Or, is there a way, in Bridge or something, that I can apply all the filters used on one image to a whole bunch of images at the same time? (I'd hate to apply filters to 1000+ individual images)
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Apr 18, 2012
When applying filters such as accented edges, ink outline, etc to a medium sized image (1024x768 or 1280x853) produce some pretty cool results.
However, when applying those same filters to larger images like files with a 5184x3456 resolution, the filters have little to no effect. I'm guessing this is because there are so many more pixels that altering each pixel has a less noticeable effect.
You can see an example here with the accented edges filter run over a smaller version of a picture I took, and then a larger one (that was then downsized to make it viewable): [URL]
The 1280x853 one looks pretty cool. On the larger 5184x3456 version the filter had almost no noticeable effect.
The problem is that I want the cool looking version like is seen in the 1280x853 version, but at a high enough resolution to print on a large canvas that is, say, 40' x 40' or so. Is it possible to get the bigger image to look like the smaller one without losing the resolution required to print it on a canvas that large? I've been trying to figure this out for weeks now...
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Oct 3, 2013
I was trying to use layer states and layer filters, the way when I use the layer state 1, for example, it will only be shown in my layer panel the layers on/unfrozen for this layer state. I checked the layer management panel and removed the layers I didnt want to be shown from this layer state 1 and hit ok/close, but they're still being showed. So i created a filter, turned it on and saved my layer state with this filter ON, and nothing was changed.
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Dec 28, 2004
Photoshop CS. I am using it to print out my wedding invitations and am having a problem.
I printed out a majority of them a few months back and used the font 'poor richard' with the effect 'glowing edges' and it worked perfectly for the look I was going for. Now, when I try the same, the color of the text changes to black as soon as I apply the effect.
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Jan 25, 2005
Let's start with a blank canvas. I draw a straight line down one side of my image using the pen tool (not freeform). It creates the line. I Ctrl/Click away from it to complete the path.
Now I want to add some layer effects to this pen line and nothing happens ................ Can anyone shed any light on why this might be happening?
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Aug 15, 2012
replicate the filters and effects used on this photo? Obviously I know the subject matter has been cut and pasted as a new layer but I want to recreate the vintage style feel about it.what process has been done to background.
With autumn looming Id like to get some nice outdoor shots in the woods of my friends and family and then duplicate this filter style.
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Feb 9, 2005
What method do you guys use in applying an Adjustment layer to MULTIPLE Layers but NOT everything underneath it?
I tried using clipping masks, but I think my solution isn't "the best way".
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Apr 2, 2008
How do I make adjustment layers 1 & 2 apply to all layer below them,
but have adjustment layers 3 & 4 only apply to the indented layers
below them -- layers 4, 5 & 6? That is adjustment layers 3 & 4 should
apply to layers 5 & 6 but, not apply to the background layer.
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Nov 26, 2007
i'm intending to make a photo calender. i've selected 12 best photos for the job, but what i lack now is uniqueness. other than the predominant filters that i can apply in CS3, playing with black/white/sepia colours, what other things can i do to make the images look more stunning/refreshed? maybe you guys can introduce some workflow techniques to me, or perhaps some nice add-ons that i can use to make this wonderful workpiece.
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Jan 28, 2014
I purchased Elements a while ago, but just realized that Filters, Styles and Effects are empty.
I'm using Mac (OSX 10.8.3)
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Apr 9, 2013
I have PSE11 and purchased Paint the Moon effects. How can I view both the Layers panel and the Effects panel at the same time? Was this an option in older versions of PSE that are used in the Paint the Moon tutorials?
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Oct 16, 2012
For some reason every time I add an effect or copy and paste something with an effect, Illustrator crashes. Running CS6 Creative Cloud.
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Jul 30, 2005
I'm in the process of prepping individual components of a design for Flash animation. I'm trying to apply a layer of #7C6844 with the color effect at 56% opacity and a layer of #999999 with the color burn effect at 12% opacity to the foreground image which has a transparent background. This task has proved to be rather impossible for me, but it seems like there should be a way to do it. I would use the wand tool > select inverse and apply the colors over top that way, but the foreground image has a lot of leaves and branches, so that method would be extremely tedious.
Is there a way I can select the entire image as a whole and leave out the background?
I'll attach the image and the desired result to further assist.
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Apr 25, 2013
if its possible to apply a Transparency (bottom) layer to all 600 (top) layers quickly?
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May 21, 2013
When working on a web template, sometimes I want to change the colors of all headings at once. I have various web pages (about, contact, blog, etc) each in its own layer group. So it's very difficult to select all headings - I need to open all layer groups and search specifically for headings.
If I could put a tag on each heading, and then apply a single color change to all layers having this tag, it would make things so easy ?
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Aug 14, 2008
I'm trying to Key some footage in AE but one of my clips has jacked up exposure making it very difficult. I found the easiest way for me to fix the problem without having to re-shoot is to import the footage into PS converting frames to layers and adjust it accordingly then export back to QT mov. On a test layer I found that the shadow/highlight adjustment works the best. The problem is there doesn't seem to be a new adjustment layer that does shadow/highlight. I don't want to adjust every layer individually because there are over a thousand frames and it could take a long long time. My question is, Is there a way to apply the shadow/highlight to each layer at once?
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Jun 16, 2008
I've created a Contact Sheet and unticked flatten layers. So have 8 image layers(as there's 8 photos) and 8 text layers.
I want to create a levels adjustment layer attached to each one of the photo/image layers.
Can I create an Action to apply a clipping levels layer to each image layer
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Nov 16, 2005
I'm doing an animation for a progress indicator. Basically I have a set of 72 spokes, and I'm using sub-set of these spokes with varying transparency to show the underlying gray layer through.
I've seperated each spoke into 72 different layers, and I'm then manually adjusting each one for each frame.
The effect works great, but I've decided that I would like to apply an adjustment to all of the spokes to adjust their color balance. I've got an adjustment layer, but this is affecting my gray layer underneath.
I've tried layer sets, linking layers and grouping, but none seem to allow me to apply an adjustment to a group of layers. I'm using Photoshop 7.
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Aug 31, 2006
I was trying to make a signature with cool effects mixing filters, adding layers, gradients, etc. only thing i know to do is mix filters and add gradients.
I wanna have your opinions about my signature, and some tips on how to get better and better working on photoshop.
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Sep 19, 2008
I'm using CS3 and have a project with many layers. When I have a layer selected (not the background layer) and go to apply a filter, most of the options are grayed out. I can't get to artistic filter or brush strokes or sketch, etc. If I opened the file separately, as in not adding it as a layer to my main project, all the layers work. None of the layers are locked.
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Mar 17, 2013
I thought this would be fixed with version 6 but I guess it isn't or maybe I'm still just doing it wrong. How do you apply a transition effect to just the overlay track. For instance I want to apply dissolve to an animated gif that I'm using in my overlay track but when I do it gets applied to everything and even the primary track blacks out and then dissolves back in. So frustrating. I switched over to final cut pro because of this but love the ease of use of VSP so I bought version 6 hoping this issue had been fixed.
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Nov 5, 2013
Filters, styles and effects have stopped working in Photoshop Elements11, what do I do?
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Mar 25, 2008
I just installed Photoshop CS3 on Win XP Prof and when started using it I could not apply any filters to layers.
Created an 8 bit RGB file went to Filter Gallery, chose a filter, saw the results, pressed OK and nothing happend.
Logged in as Administrator and Filter Galleries worked fine so I assume there is a permission problem but could not find which file to change permission for.
I want to change permissions so a "Users" account can use the filters.
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Feb 22, 2008
Running CS3 on Vista 64bit.
When I try to apply a filter (in this case distort-glass) on a regular RGB 8bit layer(1 or above), it wont work. If however, I draw something on the base (background) layer and apply the filter to that, it works fine. Seems it does not like transparent backgrounds.
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Oct 16, 2013
I am loosing all my layers effects when I merge all the layers together to save the image in the tif format!
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