AutoCAD 2013 :: Layer States Applying Filters?

Oct 3, 2013

I was trying to use layer states and layer filters, the way when I use the layer state 1, for example, it will only be shown in my layer panel the layers on/unfrozen for this layer state. I checked the layer management panel and removed the layers I didnt want to be shown from this layer state 1 and hit ok/close, but they're still being showed. So i created a filter, turned it on and saved my layer state with this filter ON, and nothing was changed.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Layer States Layer Add / Delete

Oct 4, 2013

Everyone at the office where I work is having the same problem with AutoCAD 2014:

1. When creating a new layer state, and selecting all layers and clicking "remove from layer state" and then "okay", upon going back into the layer state, about 80% of the layers have returned and you have to select all and delete again and hit okay, and then go back in and do it again, about 7 or 8 times total before the layer state is cleared out and ready for you to add back just the desired layers.  Even if you don't create a blank slate layer state to begin with, whatever layers you delete, once you hit okay and go back into the layer state, most of the ones you just deleted are back.

2. Even more of a problem is that sometimes all the already created layer states will suddenly reassimilate ALL layers in the drawing, and the above process has to be done to all existing layer states.

This takes an enormous amount of time to correct for multiple layer states, which we typically have in a drawing.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Apply Layer Filter To Layer Toolbar Disables Function Of Layer Filters In Tool Palette

Aug 1, 2012

It appears that the Layer Filters functionality is broken again with 2013. Unchecking the "Apply layer filter to layer toolbar" disables the function of layer filters in the tool palette.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: How To Print All Layer States At Once

Oct 24, 2013

 I work for a home builder and I receive the drawings in autocad format. Each house drawing comes in autocad but each floor plan and elevation is represented by a "layer state".

Each of these drawings has 7 to 9 pages and when I want to print each of those pages, I have to do it "one by one" as I have to switch between layer states.

So, each file has a layer state for: basement plan, main floor, second floor, etc. I want to find a way that I can print (convert to pdf), all these drawings, rather than going by each "layer state"

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AutoCad :: Layer States Manager In 2013?

Oct 24, 2012

I have 3 states setup in the Layer States dialog box. I have even edited them to make sure they are setup. But, when I choose one and hit the Restore button, they don't. However, if I go thru the command line, they do work. Is the layer states dialog broken in 2013?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Selected Layer States Could Not Be Restored

Oct 31, 2013

Using Vanilla 2014,  Just recently upgraded to a Win7 pro 64bit box

1. Open drawing file

2. Activate paperspace viewport

3. Open classic layer manager

4. Open layer states manager

5. Selected a layer state defined in an xref

6, Pick Restore

7. Receive the error "The Selected Layer States Could Not Be Restored"

No further information is provided.  This process has worked flawlessly on the old machine.  What has changed within AutoCAD?  Is this a 64bit thing? If I import the layer state directly from the xref or from an exported LAS file, the restore works fine.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Batch Layer States Manager

Dec 6, 2013

Most our our plans sets have several (10+) plan sheets, all with the same reference drawings and layer states (properties) setup. Currently, if we need to change a particular color of a single layer, we need to open up all of the plans sheets individually and change the color (or import a layer state). This takes a lot of time.

We are looking for a third party program where we can run a batch program to update the layer states of several similar drawings automatically, without opening each individual drawing.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: 2014 Layer States Won't Save

Dec 5, 2013

Running Autocad LT 2014 on Win 7 64bit..I believe the Layer States Manager/Editor is broken...

I created 5 layers and drew 5 lines in model space. Then assigned each line to a different layer. I then created 5 new layer states. When I edit those layer states in the layer state manager, I turned on only one layer for each layer state... When I got out of the layer state manager and select any of these 5 layer states, all layers are on.. Also when I delete layers in the layer states editor, get out of it, then go back into it, all those layers are back again..

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Xref Reload And Losing Layer States?

Nov 2, 2012

We recently upgraded from 2006 to 2013. We had a lisp routine in 06 that would reload all the xref's in a sheet so the layer states would update since simply reloading the xref did not always work. Below is the code we used. Now, in 2013, when we run it, I lose all layer states.

(defun c:xrl ()
(setvar "visretain" 0)
(command "_qsave")
(command "xref" "reload" "*")
(setvar "visretain" 1)
(command "_qsave")

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Layer States Manager Will Not Load Linetypes

Jul 2, 2013

Why is it, when I restore a layer state to a blank drawing, it cannot load the linetypes saved to those layers? I get an error that says Linetypes not loaded and then wind up with a full set of layers all with CONTINUOUS linetype.

If I bring in a block from a toolpalette that has a new linetype and layer, it will create them for me just by inserting the block. Am I missing something??

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: MEP 2013 Layer Dialog - Layer Pane Not Updating To Selected Filters

Jan 18, 2013

I'm having issues with Civ3d 2013. I pushed off upgrading from 2012 because of the format change and the service pack release. I was hoping little glitches would be fixed.

Here are the  a couple of glitches to date that I have seen no resolution to in the long list of threads.

1. Layer filters do not filter, unless I have checked "Apply filter to toolbar". The problem is, I dont want to apply them to the toolbar.

2. Publishing to PDF - when set to lines merge (set in the page layout and the publish setting), the wipeouts dont work, and the background masks on leaders makes a faint border around the text in the PDF. When set to overwrite, to get the wipeouts to not print to the PDF as a big black blob, they have to be on a layer set to color 255. I can work around most of the wipeouts, except for dimensions because the background mask doesn't seem to take.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Layer Filters Properties Dialog Box Does Not Show?

Nov 6, 2013

This problem just started when I upgraded to 2014. When I try to set up layer filters the Layer filters properties dialog box does not show. I'm guessing the function is working its is just that the dialog box is poping up somewhere out of view of the monitors, forgot to mention it is a 2 monitor set up.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Layer States / Layer State Masks In VB

Jun 10, 2011

My goal is to batch plots using VB in Visual Studio 2008, Autocad Map 3D 2010, Win 7 Pro 64.  It all works but now I want to apply layerstates.

I am using the example in the dev. guide here: [URL]........

My questions:

1. If you use Option Strict, how do you convert from integer to "layerstatesmasks.color"?  VS shows the error "Option Strict On disallows implicit conversions from 'Integer' to 'Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.LayerStateMasks'."  I can't figure out the conversion.  Are the values documented somewhere?  "clientmask" is not in the object browser or the dev. guide.

2. If you aren't sure what is masked, do you turn on all of the options on (on, color, linetype, lineweight, etc.)?  Is there a sum of values that means "layerstatemasks.all"?

3. LAS files are DXF format.  Do I have to read the LAS to detemine what the user wants?

4. The second argument to .restorelayerstate is the viewport id.  The examples use objectid.null.  I could have several layouts to plot, and maybe several viewports.  Is the process a) Make the layout current, b) activate each viewport, c) set model space current, and d) restore the layerstate?   

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Photoshop :: Applying Filters In After Effects Layers?

Jul 14, 2012

Is it possible applying those photoshop filters into After effects layers? I thought the filter worked like layers, so when I import the photoshop files to AE I could drag the filter and apply it on a movie layer! I didn't work! Is it possible?

PS: I'm using Production premium CS5.5!

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Photoshop :: Applying Filters To Patterns Or Gradients?

May 27, 2012

I am an intermediate to moderatley advanced user of CS5 but any way to apply a filter such as blur or liquify to a pre-existing pattern or gradient (overlay)? Can a pattern or gradient be put on it's own editable layer for instance? Have tried a few ways so far but without success.

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Photoshop :: Why Do Filters Look Great In Preview Then Not After Applying

Nov 16, 2013

I'm using Photoshop CC on windows 7 64 bit  Compaq Presario CQ57. I'm very concerned that the "v ram" graphics card memory with this laptop is not big enough for the stated 512MB needed for 3D and other visual effects and that this might be the issue.
The "v ram" is set by HP on these models and is apparently 'linked' and 'unchangeable' from the motherboard. (as is 99 percent of laptops) BTW, I am disabled, I can't use a desktop PC.
I can't, however, find out how big the actual "v ram" is on my laptop. My computer's direct x diagnostic tells me the total display memory is 1960 MB. But is this the same as the v ram? Perhaps I'm just missing a stage in CC Photoshop that I need to do before using filters.

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Photoshop :: Applying Artistic Filters To Image In CS3?

Oct 12, 2012

I am applying Artistic filters to an image in Photoshop. Some of the filters are turning the image into a black and white image, for example, the "torn edges filter." And it then does not seem possible to change that layer into a colored layer. Other filters, such as "glass" leave the image its original color. Is it possible to use the torn edges filter without turning the image black and white?

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Photoshop :: Applying Filters To Multiple Files

May 6, 2006

I have a video clip that I broke down into single frames so I could work with them in Photoshop, then import them back into Premiere.

I opened one of the images and applied some filters.

Is there any way I can save the settings of the filters of this image so I can just open up the next image and not have to manually re set the filter settings for each individual image?

Or, is there a way, in Bridge or something, that I can apply all the filters used on one image to a whole bunch of images at the same time? (I'd hate to apply filters to 1000+ individual images)

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Photoshop :: Applying Filters To High-resolution Images Has Poor Effect

Apr 18, 2012

When applying filters such as accented edges, ink outline, etc to a medium sized image (1024x768 or 1280x853) produce some pretty cool results.
However, when applying those same filters to larger images like files with a 5184x3456 resolution, the filters have little to no effect.  I'm guessing this is because there are so many more pixels that altering each pixel has a less noticeable effect.
You can see an example here with the accented edges filter run over a smaller version of a picture I took, and then a larger one (that was then downsized to make it viewable): [URL]
The 1280x853 one looks pretty cool.  On the larger 5184x3456 version the filter had almost no noticeable effect.
The problem is that I want the cool looking version like is seen in the 1280x853 version, but at a high enough resolution to print on a large canvas that is, say, 40' x 40' or so.  Is it possible to get the bigger image to look like the smaller one without losing the resolution required to print it on a canvas that large?  I've been trying to figure this out for weeks now...

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Different Layer States For Different Viewports

Jul 3, 2011

I have two viewports in a drawing file. One is for existing and new conditions and one is for existing and demolition conditions. So, I want one viewport to freeze some layers and the other viewport to freeze other layers. After picking and freezing certain layers in each viewport, I created New Layer States - One called New Floor Plan and the other called Demo Floor Plan.

When I click inside one of the viewports and select the appropriate layer state it changes both viewports to the same layer state. That is not what I want. Is it possible to have one layer state in one viewport and another layer state in another viewport?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Managing Layer States

Apr 12, 2012

I just started using 2012 and have few problems. I do MEP drafting and usually use multiple states within a dwg. we create bases and xref them into the various disciplines.  When I toggle between the different saved states within a dwg, the layers in the dwg appear, but the xref layers turn off every time. is the a glitch?

Also i don't know how I turned this on, but there is a blue box that appears on my crosshairs and shows me the different lines that I select.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Layer States Will Not Hold

Nov 15, 2013

in 2012 I saved a layerstate and it shows in the dialog but if I change the stet to another and go back none of the settings are held.

HP Z210 Workstation
Intel Xeon CPU E31240 @ 3.30 Hz
12 GB Ram

Note: Its all Resistentialism, so keep calm and carry on

64 Bit Win7 OS

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Xref / Layer States Manager

Jul 20, 2011

I have a Xref with multiple Layer States,

I xref'd it into a sheet with Floor plan Layer States,

nowi want to Xref it in again with the Ceiling Plan Layer Staes.

Just to be clear i want the same Xbase Xref'd in a sheet twice with 2 different layer states. how do i do this????

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Properly Updating Layer States

Nov 19, 2013

At work we have been using layer states to set line weights and colors in multiple xref's for plotting demo and install drawings.

So what is happening is that we continue to receive updated files from other groups and I'm unclear on how to update the layer state to include the new layers that have been included in the updated xrefs.

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AutoCad :: Layer States In Paperspace Viewport Don't Save

Dec 12, 2011

issue I'm having in my plot files. The way our office sets up our drawings is that we have a set of base files (which is where we do all our plans and details, etc), and then those drawings get xrefed into a different files located in a "plot" folder that that has our titleblock and viewports of the xrefed base files.

The problem is that the plot files have started to NOT save any of my layer states that are associated with the base files. For example, I have a base floor plan that has demolition, construction, RCP layer states that are toggled with LMAN. But if I open the plot file for the RCP and set up the viewports so only the RCP layers are visible...the next time I open the drawing the RCP layer state is ALL the layers are on and I need to redo the viewport layer states...

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Manage XREFs And Layer States

Jan 8, 2013

I have been searching for a solution to better manage xrefs. We work with arch. dwgs and they often contain several nested xrefs. While working in our "base.dwg", I need a method to correct the problem of some layers in the xrefs from displaying in the base.dwg when they're frozen in the xref dwgs. VISRETAIN is at 1. What I'm having to do is click on the problem geometry, identify what xref it's in, open that xref to record the layer state(all the layers that should be frozen or thawed), go back to the base dwg, look in Layer Manager to indentify that xref's layers and freeze the layers I need frozen. However, if I open the xref all those layers that should be frozen ARE frozen, but back in the base dwg they are displayed (not frozen). It's very frustrating...espec. when you've got half a dozen or more xrefs in many of their dwgs; which are all multiplied in the base of course so I've got two dozen or more xrefs to sift thru. It's just such a pain. I guess I need a "tip" on how to properly manage xrefs.

What would be neat is to be able independently manage all the Layer States for the xrefs separate from the base dwg's Layer States--meaning they(the xrefs' states) DON'T affect the other layers in the base(or other xrefs). LS Manager lists all layer states and if you restore one of them, it affects the entire dwg. I don't want that. I want the Layer States to control ONLY those states that apply to the xref it was created in. That way, all I'd need to do is click on the xref in Layer Manager(from the base dwg) and restore that particular xref's layer state and be DONE. That way you could manage all your xref Layer States individually (and independently from) the base dwg. Thus, if you make changes in the xrefs you can easily save/restore those states from within the base.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Saving Layer States From One Machine To Other

Apr 24, 2013

Can you save a layer state so that if someone gets into my dwg on their PC they can access the layer states the dwg that I set up?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Use Layer Group Filters For Layer Translation (LAYTRANS)?

Oct 2, 2013

A drawing with hundreds of layers should be simplified for our customer by decreasing the numbers of and renaming the layers (there is yet no target file existing). In order to solve this, I generated group filters and assigned every single layer to them (all printing properties are assigned to objects). The layer groups show the desired layer structure after the transformation (still a three-digit number).

Unfortunately, the LAYTRANS dialog doesn't let me choose layers by group filters or remarks. It seems as all the work was for the birds.

Is there any way to translate my layers using filters or remarks?

I use AutoCAD Civil 3D 2010.

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AutoCad :: Match Layer Filters Within Layer Manager To Dropdown On Ribbon

Mar 25, 2011

you can match the layer filters with in the layer manager to the drop down on the how do i get the to match so the filter im viewing in the manager is what i see in the ribbon.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: How To Retrieve Layer States

Mar 14, 2012

How can i retrieve the layer states via lisp.

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AutoCad :: Plotting With Layer States / STBs And Multiple XRefs

Sep 26, 2012

I am working on a massive project with many x-refs. We are using an STB, along with layer states for line weights. We are plotting from a sheet file, where our, and consultants' drawings, are x-reffed in.

If we apply the layer state in the SHEET file, we will need to know all layers of our consultants. If we apply the layer state in the MODEL file, we will need vis-retain set to 0, and therefore we will need to redefine all of the layers of the x-ref to print grey every time we plot.

Can you apply plot styles around different sheets more efficiently?

Can you set an STB to look at the prefix of layers (ie. every layer starting with XXX, or every layer from a certain x-ref) be a certain plot style (ie. 60% grey)?

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