Photoshop :: Why Do Filters Look Great In Preview Then Not After Applying
Nov 16, 2013
I'm using Photoshop CC on windows 7 64 bit Compaq Presario CQ57. I'm very concerned that the "v ram" graphics card memory with this laptop is not big enough for the stated 512MB needed for 3D and other visual effects and that this might be the issue.
The "v ram" is set by HP on these models and is apparently 'linked' and 'unchangeable' from the motherboard. (as is 99 percent of laptops) BTW, I am disabled, I can't use a desktop PC.
I can't, however, find out how big the actual "v ram" is on my laptop. My computer's direct x diagnostic tells me the total display memory is 1960 MB. But is this the same as the v ram? Perhaps I'm just missing a stage in CC Photoshop that I need to do before using filters.
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Jul 14, 2012
Is it possible applying those photoshop filters into After effects layers? I thought the filter worked like layers, so when I import the photoshop files to AE I could drag the filter and apply it on a movie layer! I didn't work! Is it possible?
PS: I'm using Production premium CS5.5!
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May 27, 2012
I am an intermediate to moderatley advanced user of CS5 but any way to apply a filter such as blur or liquify to a pre-existing pattern or gradient (overlay)? Can a pattern or gradient be put on it's own editable layer for instance? Have tried a few ways so far but without success.
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Oct 12, 2012
I am applying Artistic filters to an image in Photoshop. Some of the filters are turning the image into a black and white image, for example, the "torn edges filter." And it then does not seem possible to change that layer into a colored layer. Other filters, such as "glass" leave the image its original color. Is it possible to use the torn edges filter without turning the image black and white?
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May 6, 2006
I have a video clip that I broke down into single frames so I could work with them in Photoshop, then import them back into Premiere.
I opened one of the images and applied some filters.
Is there any way I can save the settings of the filters of this image so I can just open up the next image and not have to manually re set the filter settings for each individual image?
Or, is there a way, in Bridge or something, that I can apply all the filters used on one image to a whole bunch of images at the same time? (I'd hate to apply filters to 1000+ individual images)
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Apr 18, 2012
When applying filters such as accented edges, ink outline, etc to a medium sized image (1024x768 or 1280x853) produce some pretty cool results.
However, when applying those same filters to larger images like files with a 5184x3456 resolution, the filters have little to no effect. I'm guessing this is because there are so many more pixels that altering each pixel has a less noticeable effect.
You can see an example here with the accented edges filter run over a smaller version of a picture I took, and then a larger one (that was then downsized to make it viewable): [URL]
The 1280x853 one looks pretty cool. On the larger 5184x3456 version the filter had almost no noticeable effect.
The problem is that I want the cool looking version like is seen in the 1280x853 version, but at a high enough resolution to print on a large canvas that is, say, 40' x 40' or so. Is it possible to get the bigger image to look like the smaller one without losing the resolution required to print it on a canvas that large? I've been trying to figure this out for weeks now...
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Oct 3, 2013
I was trying to use layer states and layer filters, the way when I use the layer state 1, for example, it will only be shown in my layer panel the layers on/unfrozen for this layer state. I checked the layer management panel and removed the layers I didnt want to be shown from this layer state 1 and hit ok/close, but they're still being showed. So i created a filter, turned it on and saved my layer state with this filter ON, and nothing was changed.
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May 18, 2003
Is there a website out there that will let me see what each and every filter does?
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May 19, 2013
I want to reset the preview option in filters, or make it to fit in window, as I work with wery huge files, the preview need to be zoomed down to 6%, as it always will be 100% default, I need to do that every time I use a filter, its a bit strange..
I am using Photoshop CS6
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May 18, 2012
When I try to use the sharpening filters the preview frame is blank.
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Jun 18, 2004
Dithered usually refers to the alternating pixels present in some .gifs, not .jpgs. Is that really what you mean? - if it is, can you post the .jpg?
Also, if you aren't saving it using "Save for web", you probably might want to try that.
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Apr 25, 2008
# The exact version of the Adobe Application you are running.
Adobe Photoshop cs3 version 10.0
# Your Operating System details.
Windows XP
# Amount of installed RAM.
2GB Ram
# Amount of free disk space.
~360 GB free
# Make/Model of Video Card.
nVIDia GeForce 7600 GS 256 mb
I m working on photoshop using it to create clothing.
Usually i was working with the Dodge and Burn tool 3% after drew with white lighten brush a white effect than i usually start to work it out to create for example shiny? effects on black clothing.
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Sep 15, 2005
I have a nice image of a bottle and want to add some effects to it to make it stand out. What do you think of a spotlight or cool reflection? It has a product label on it though.
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Apr 19, 2012
Question for you. I'm really trying hard to develop a great color work flow. I realized after my new discovery I didn't to proof my photoshop files under Blurb's cmyk profile any longer. I went under Proofing and selected the calibration I have done with my X-rite colormunki. I realize under custom is the whole array of choices from the default Apple RGB to selecting the calibration colormunkit profile I do every two weeks with my X-Rite Colormunki. I just realized there are other settings I can select as well. One being the legacy Macintosh RGB Gamma 1.8. then Internet Standard RGB (SRGB), and finally Monitor RGB. the second of first choice
This question has gotten more intense for me. Since I'm working in Photoshop on files for my website should I set the monitor to Internet Standard RGB (sRGB) when I'm color correcting and adjusting my files for the web. Also should I go under custom and select the X-Rite Colormunki profile? Also since I'm going to only use SRGB files for Blurb books and not use Blurb's Icc profile any longer. Should I also select the Internet Standard RGB (sRGB) as for my monitor while adjusting my files for Blurb books or leave it as one of the other two legacy Macintosh RGB Gamma 1.8 etc?
Now again I'm wondering when I'm printing files for my Epson printers should I select legacy Macintosh RGB Gamma 1.8 or monitor RGB. Also should I choice the X-rite calibrated profile. I know when I'm in the Epson driver I go and select the printer profile for the printing paper I will be using.
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Jun 15, 2008
I'm in ACR, I got great exposure of a model. But if I make the white pants look good, the whole image is too dark. What do I do? CS3
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Jan 31, 2011
I have hardly ever used filters for any of my work as I have preferred using Xara's native tools and effects to get what I wanted. But recently, I was inspired by some animation work which used backgrounds painted in Photoshop. They used a lot of textures which enhanced the look of the animation and so I thought I'd try to simulate it within Xara.
It works very well and I can export it as a PSD retaining the layers and Alpha channel. But here come my questions.
1. How can I remove the two Alien Skin demo plugins as I already have the full versions.
2. Why don't the native Photoshop plugins--Artistic, Sketch, etc.--seem to work?
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Jul 22, 2009
In CS3 you could change something to make all filters act like smart filters, even though they won't. I found this worked very well, now I have CS4 and would like to do the same but can't remember what to do to make it work.
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May 17, 2009
I just downloaded a bunch of filters and I dragged them into the filters directory under plugins, but when I open photoshop, none of the filters are there.
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Aug 25, 2012
I gave up on using artistic media brushes because I haven't been able to fix whatever is wrong. I want to be able to use them to create hair on a portrait I'm working on.
I decided to try am brushes again. So, I made three custom brushes and they turned out great. I used one to draw a hair and this caused Corel to freak out. The Object Manager froze and wasn't obeying my commands.
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Dec 12, 2013
How to make textures look great around the edges and blend nicely with the background.
Here's a sample of my problem, here's how the texture starts to look:
Here's it is rendered against a smoky light colored backdrop:
Here's how I want it to look, the edges are so nice!:
Here's the above ball zoomed in:
I can add shading in the .png file but then I can't render it properly as the shaded geometry messes up when I created the transparent background.
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Nov 5, 2013
I downloaded and installed GIMP 2.8.8 in Windows XP. The Filters menu option shows only Repeat last, Re-show last and Reset all filters.Nothing else in there. Where are the filters?
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Mar 28, 2013
The problem: I am importing a PNG sequence into After Effects (CS 5.5), however AE refuses to see the Alpha channel contained within the sequence. Now before anyone jumps the gun and says, "But wait, PNG does not really support alpha, it just supports transparency!" Right, something I just learned, and still -- quite honestly -- baffles the heck out of me.
But anyway, another PNG sequence exported from the exact same program, imports into After Effects just fine with an "alpha channel" and all. I double-checked, and there is NOT an option in the program to export the PNG without transparency info.
Importing sample images from each sequence reveals the EXACT SAME THING ... both have transparency, but NEITHER have an alpha-channel per se.
1) why in the heck AE would interpret one's transparency, and not the other?2) Is there a way to FORCE AE to see the transparency of the one?3) IF not, is there something out there that will convert the PNG's with transparency to another format (TIF, TGA, PSD) with an alpha? I just don't want to have to re-render the sequences again.
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Mar 9, 2012
I am working on a dormitory project and need to provide a required light and ventilation schedule. I have figured out how to create a schedule for each level, but I want to isolate only the Dormitories and the Kitchenette (weed out all the other rooms such as corridor, elevator, storage, toilets, showers, stairs, trash, electrical, etc.).
I tried using seclusion filters, but there are too many items to exclude and cannot fit them all into the 4 filter categories. I am trying to just get the rooms that begin with 'D' and 'K'. I tried providing the variable 'Begins With' for D and in the next line 'Begins With' K, but then nothing shows up.
Is there a way to provide information to the filter that would allow it to show only rooms beginning with D AND K? I cannot seem to get it to work. I have been playing around with separation values within one filter category (i.e. 'Begins With' D, K) but apparently you cannot add multiple variables within one of the filter items.
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Jun 13, 2012
When I import a short AVCHD or MPG (~ 1 min., 100 mb) into Premiere Pro CS6 or After Effects CS6, it plays great. When I import the same file into Photoshop CS6 on the same computer, it's jerky, even with sound off, frame skipping enabled, cached, and no other applications running.
System is a Core i7 with 8 gb RAM, 1.5 gb nVidia GeForce, Win 7 x64 and DirectX 11. All drivers ruthlessly updated.
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Aug 6, 2013
How to distribute object (circle) in selection of great number of points?
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Sep 3, 2012
A feature notably absent from the Oil Paint filter is any way to temporarily disable the effect (e.g., not preview it).I happen to like using Oil Paint to make refllections in the surface of water smoother and more "liquid" (which involves turning off the "Shine"), and it would really be nice if I could easily gauge the amount of the effect easily by blinking back and forth between original and processed image with a quick "disable preview" functionality.
With most standard filters, one can either uncheck a [ ] Preview box, and/or click the mouse button down on the image to temporarily show what the image is like without the effect.Yes, I know I can turn the Stylization down to 0.1 and see how a very minimal amount of the effect can be applied. And I can look at the original image in Photoshop proper, but of course that can't be zoomed while the Oil Paint filter is active.
Also, the zooming / panning seems kind of stiffly implemented.In summary, the more or less standard and expected filter features I'd like to see added to this (new class of) GPU-accelerated filters are:Preview/No Preview capability. It doesn't have to update Photoshop, just the preview display in the filter itself. I suggest a [ ] Preview checkbox and/or an on-mouse-click temporary effect disable.
Modal click and drag Zooming vs. Panning - i.e., based on a Zoom or Pan function selected (e.g., via an icon along the left) vs. having to hold modifier keys down. I personally would want it set to Zoom by default, not Pan. Since the filter has scroll bars (a Good Thing), I would have thought Zoom would have been a better default as it is. I have implemented these things in my own GPU-accelerated plug-ins, so I know that all the infrastructure Adobe needs to support them is already in there. These changes are controls only and should be trivial to implement.
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Jun 2, 2013
I recently bought a Nikon D7100. I took some test shots and imported the images to Lightroom 4.4, then generated 1:1 previews for all the images.
Previews zoomed to 1:1 in Library Mode are noticeably soft. The image below is a screen shot of the Library preview:
Moving to Develop View produces a higher-resolution 1:1 preview. The image below is a screen shot of the Develop preview:
Look at the bricks and window screens to see the difference.
This difference occurs immediately after import (with a User Preset applied during import). Once any Develop work is done, the Library preview updates and displays at full resolution.
This problem makes doing initial editing/selection of images time consuming, because I can't determine the sharpness/quality of imported images until I've done some kind of Develop adjustment on each image.
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Jan 2, 2014
I'm trying to edit a set of titles made in Premiere in After Effects, and after I import the file (as a Premiere file) then load the sequence into the timeline; the preview is just a black screen throughout the entire preview. The titles never show up.
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Mar 29, 2014
I am using MacBook (late 2008) OS X 10.9.2 and recently upgraded to Lightroom 5.3 from Lightroom 4. After a while, some photo started to show exclamation mark at the right hand corner of the photo (*.CR2 raw files in NAS) in grid view. When I click on the exclamation mark, it shows a dialog with following message; "Lightroom has encountered problems reading this photo". So, I moved previews.lrdata, which is about 9GB, to the trash and restarted the Lightroom 5, expecting Lightroom 5 to create a new previews.lrdata. However, it won't create any preview at all.
exclamation mark at the top right hand corner of the photos in grid view.
size of Previews.lrdata file stops at 152KB.
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Oct 7, 2013
Just downloaded LR 5 and noticed that I cannot jump back from a Publish Service folder preview to a different folder preview in grid mode. The only way to view photos in another folder is to restart LR 5. This only happens when I am viewing photos in a Publish Service such as Flickr.
I updated from LR 4 using Creative Cloud installer.
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Nov 6, 2012
I am trying to despeckle an old photogrpahy and when I click to apply the desired settings, it reverts back to the original and no effect is applied? Why????
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