I have a nice image of a bottle and want to add some effects to it to make it stand out. What do you think of a spotlight or cool reflection? It has a product label on it though.
I'm trying to make a product label and am having trouble with what appears to be some limitations with the program. The Text feature does not allow me to highlight text and put only specific words in BOLD, what it does is it places everything in bold. It would also be nice if you could create a layer to come back and resize/reposition the text box later --By searching here it appears that that is in the works for the next version so that's good. This selective BOLD issue though - not cool, even MSPaint can do that. Adding the textbox outline would aso be a good.
I have not had good luck transferring over text from other programs.
Thought I might upgrade my PS to CC under the discount for existing owners scheme However, it won't accept that I have a suitible product despite having CS5 on my system. It is not on my products list. Six others are just not my PS products.
Put in serial number - says it is already registered - I know that - just not associated with me I guess. Deactived PS and tried again - same.
I'm using Photoshop CC on windows 7 64 bit Compaq Presario CQ57. I'm very concerned that the "v ram" graphics card memory with this laptop is not big enough for the stated 512MB needed for 3D and other visual effects and that this might be the issue.
The "v ram" is set by HP on these models and is apparently 'linked' and 'unchangeable' from the motherboard. (as is 99 percent of laptops) BTW, I am disabled, I can't use a desktop PC.
I can't, however, find out how big the actual "v ram" is on my laptop. My computer's direct x diagnostic tells me the total display memory is 1960 MB. But is this the same as the v ram? Perhaps I'm just missing a stage in CC Photoshop that I need to do before using filters.
# The exact version of the Adobe Application you are running. Adobe Photoshop cs3 version 10.0
# Your Operating System details. Windows XP
# Amount of installed RAM. 2GB Ram
# Amount of free disk space. ~360 GB free
# Make/Model of Video Card. nVIDia GeForce 7600 GS 256 mb
I m working on photoshop using it to create clothing.
Usually i was working with the Dodge and Burn tool 3% after drew with white lighten brush a white effect than i usually start to work it out to create for example shiny? effects on black clothing.
Question for you. I'm really trying hard to develop a great color work flow. I realized after my new discovery I didn't to proof my photoshop files under Blurb's cmyk profile any longer. I went under Proofing and selected the calibration I have done with my X-rite colormunki. I realize under custom is the whole array of choices from the default Apple RGB to selecting the calibration colormunkit profile I do every two weeks with my X-Rite Colormunki. I just realized there are other settings I can select as well. One being the legacy Macintosh RGB Gamma 1.8. then Internet Standard RGB (SRGB), and finally Monitor RGB. the second of first choice
This question has gotten more intense for me. Since I'm working in Photoshop on files for my website should I set the monitor to Internet Standard RGB (sRGB) when I'm color correcting and adjusting my files for the web. Also should I go under custom and select the X-Rite Colormunki profile? Also since I'm going to only use SRGB files for Blurb books and not use Blurb's Icc profile any longer. Should I also select the Internet Standard RGB (sRGB) as for my monitor while adjusting my files for Blurb books or leave it as one of the other two legacy Macintosh RGB Gamma 1.8 etc?
Now again I'm wondering when I'm printing files for my Epson printers should I select legacy Macintosh RGB Gamma 1.8 or monitor RGB. Also should I choice the X-rite calibrated profile. I know when I'm in the Epson driver I go and select the printer profile for the printing paper I will be using.
I have made an ettiquette for a bottle. (just a square with some design on it)
What I want to do is to merge my design on a photo of a bottle ( Picture of the bottle is taken from the side).
Now the problem is that the natural perspective of a normal bottle is that it bulges a bit to the bottom and to the top (because of the circular forms)
So how can I bulge my label slightly to match perspective of the bottle? (not sideways, but the top/bottom of the label)
I have tried everything (i think) with the transformation tools in photoshop, but none of them can disort a picture from the center top and center bottom. Only from the sides and the corners..
I spoke to a photoshop guru about my problem but he could not get around the problem either. He advised me to take the whole project in to a 3d application, but I feel that if there was an easy way to do this in photoshop it would save me lots of time.
I am tring to created a glass bottle that looks like a shape of a lemon is stuck inside of it. This would be the shape of only the middle of the bottle.
I have a photograph of a jar and a smart object which is my label. If I go: >3D >New mesh from layer >Mesh preset >Cylinder - then the label is wrapped around the cylinder and is actually perfect - job done.
- How to I make the Cylinder transperant so I only see the label - How do I get out of the 3D window so I can place my wrapped label on the photograph of the jar?
I can't work this out (I have previous experience with Cinema 4d and Modo) or find instructions/YouTube videos that make sense.
I'm trying to superimpose a label I made in Photoshop on an image of a glass bottle. I have to provide a front and rear view (so obviously the label will be reversed on the rear). The problem I'm having is with the back-side of the label. I'm trying to make it look like it's on the other side of the bottle and therefore require some kind of glass diffusion simulation.
I gave up on using artistic media brushes because I haven't been able to fix whatever is wrong. I want to be able to use them to create hair on a portrait I'm working on.
I decided to try am brushes again. So, I made three custom brushes and they turned out great. I used one to draw a hair and this caused Corel to freak out. The Object Manager froze and wasn't obeying my commands.
I've never worked with 3D effect before (not even in the earlier versions), until now when I finally need it. I've therefore searched the Internet and the Adobe Forums in order to get to know how to wrap a text/image around a glass bottle in Photoshop CS6. I've found several answers and tutorials, but none of them regards CS6 or they are simply too primitive, whereby the effect is too fake. But when I try follow the instructions in the explanations/tutorials I've found so far for earlier versions of Photoshop (especially regarding 3D effects), I can't find the right buttons, commands, etc. - I can't make it work. how to do wrap a text/image around a bottle/cylinder/object in Photoshop CS6?
Trying to create a water bottle lable 8 1/2 by 2 1/2 and i wanted to know if i could do that with photoshop elements.... I also wanted to include my daughters pic on it for her first birthday..
The problem: I am importing a PNG sequence into After Effects (CS 5.5), however AE refuses to see the Alpha channel contained within the sequence. Now before anyone jumps the gun and says, "But wait, PNG does not really support alpha, it just supports transparency!" Right, something I just learned, and still -- quite honestly -- baffles the heck out of me.
But anyway, another PNG sequence exported from the exact same program, imports into After Effects just fine with an "alpha channel" and all. I double-checked, and there is NOT an option in the program to export the PNG without transparency info.
Importing sample images from each sequence reveals the EXACT SAME THING ... both have transparency, but NEITHER have an alpha-channel per se.
1) why in the heck AE would interpret one's transparency, and not the other?2) Is there a way to FORCE AE to see the transparency of the one?3) IF not, is there something out there that will convert the PNG's with transparency to another format (TIF, TGA, PSD) with an alpha? I just don't want to have to re-render the sequences again.
When I import a short AVCHD or MPG (~ 1 min., 100 mb) into Premiere Pro CS6 or After Effects CS6, it plays great. When I import the same file into Photoshop CS6 on the same computer, it's jerky, even with sound off, frame skipping enabled, cached, and no other applications running.
System is a Core i7 with 8 gb RAM, 1.5 gb nVidia GeForce, Win 7 x64 and DirectX 11. All drivers ruthlessly updated.
I'm working on some bottle concepts and I have a need to model standard plastic bottle threads. These threads are designated by a diameter in mm and how many threads are on the bottle. Example: 33-400 The 33 is the diameter and 400 refers to a single turn of the cap. Manufacturers like Aptar make bottle tops of various types to fit this spec. I happen to be looking at dispensing lids (think Heinz Ketchup bottle). While I've found specs for Major diameter, Minor diameter and TPI, I have found precious little that describes the thread shape itself. I've tried to reverse engineer a sample thread from... you guessed it.. a Heinz Ketchup bottle. I feel that my venier caliper and micrometer are not doing this effort justice.
Looking for DWG file or Inventor model of the thread profile?
I'm using the coil command to create the thread on the bottle neck. It works okay. An issue arises with the thread termination. The threads on the bottle itself "chamfer" into the bottle neck. While I don't think I can do this with the coil command itself, how to create the "lead-in" for the plastic thread.
I have recently set up a new PC with pretty high end specs and have noticed Inventor still doesnt perform as expected, i am using maybe 5% of my 64gb ram and 10-20% of my i7 4ghz CPU.
We are using a network vault and the content center is stored on the vault, using frame generator i have noticed significant performance problems (considering these specs)
Could it be a bottle neck in the Server?
(latest service pack for Inventor 2013 installed) 64 bit machine.