GIMP :: Color To Alpha Leaves Some Pixels

Sep 13, 2012

I had a .JPEG of a leaf photographed against a white background. When I went to turn that white background into a transparent alpha channel, it seemed to work okay....except for the fact that when I then went to select the new alpha channel via the Fuzzy Select Tool, it wasn't selecting all these newly transparent pixels.

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GIMP :: Colour To Alpha Leaves Behind White Pixels?

Jul 19, 2011

Whenever I try to use the 'Colour to Alpha' tool, while it works on most of the image, I always get little white dots left behind, and have to spend ages use the eraser tool to get rid of them.

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GIMP :: Set All Pixels Below A Level As Alpha Channel

Jul 22, 2013

1.I am working on a project where I need to set all pixels below a level as alpha channel, is there a quick way to achieve this? The level can be both set a prior or adjusted dynamically, the second way is preferred. Right now my workflow includes:1. duplicate layer.
2. use color level in duplicate layer, in menu COLOR -> LEVEL.
3. add alpha mask to original layer
4. copy duplicate layer into the alpha mask of the original.
5. delete duplicate layer.
6. If result is not ok then return to 1.As you can see this workflow is a headache, specially point 6 which is often achieved.

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GIMP :: Setting To Cause GEGL To Use Alpha Values Of 0 For The Pixels

Feb 26, 2013

GIMP 2.8.4 Windows 7 64-bit

Using the native GIMP rotate function to rotate a rectangular image about its center (for instance) the corners of the image which are exposed by the rotation are set to RGB 0x000000 with an alpha value of that these areas are transparent.

If the same operation is performed as a GEGL operation the corners have RGB values of 0x000000 but alpha values of 255 - i.e. they are solid black.

Is there a setting to cause GEGL to use alpha values of 0 for these pixels? This also applies to GEGL operations such as shear.

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Photoshop :: Threshold Leaves Grey Pixels Behind

Mar 31, 2013

I am using the threshold tool to create a stencil. I first used the Quick Selection tool to cut out the objects I wanted and then tried to use the Threshold tool to create a black and White Only image.
However, for some reason, especially on the edges of the objects, the threshold tool left some grey marks, instead of black and white.

I tried using the threshold tool again, but not all of the grey marks were removed

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GIMP :: Color To Alpha With Exact Color?

Feb 3, 2013

I have a dark gray triangle alongside a pure white triangle in a square GIF image. I want to convert the white triangle to alpha and leave the dark gray triangle completely opaque. When I use Color --> Color to Alpha, however, I see the checkerboard pattern extend over the gray in addition to the white.

1. Does this mean that the gray is being made translucent?

2. If so, how do I set only one the white to alpha (at 0% opacity) and leave the gray at 100% opacity?

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GIMP :: Background Color To Alpha

Jul 4, 2013

When I color a the background of a photo to alpha it works just fine, I save it and export.

But when I try to open that same photo anywhere else the background is white .

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GIMP :: Color To Alpha Doesn't Work?

May 31, 2012

I am using the latest version of GIMP on my windows 7 pc but color to alpha doesn't work. At my pc at work it works fine but i use windows xp there and i have ghostscript and python installed.

Or is it something completely different?

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GIMP :: Which Colors To Use When Applying Alpha To Color?

Mar 9, 2012

I don't understand how you can know which colors to use when applying "Alpha to Color".

Here are a few images I have and what I've done so far:

Here are my original images

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GIMP :: Light Box Photography - Color To Alpha

Oct 26, 2012

I have been doing light box photography, but I want to get that pure white background as product images usually have.

My background is a light grey.. Using the wand tool, I was able to get close - but far from close enough.


What's the right method, to turn every thing around the dime, white?

Here it is before the wand,


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GIMP :: How To Change Existing Values Of Color And Alpha

Dec 4, 2013

I have a plain rectangle with overall c09300c0 RGBA levels.I want to change the alpha channel value from c0 (193) to some other value, for the whole image at once. Or some other color channel.

How can I change the absolute value of a channel ? The color menu has only relative adjustments.

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GIMP :: Black Alpha Destroys Color Information

Mar 24, 2011

I have a texture for an object that will be rendered. The RGB for the texture contains diffuse color, and the Alpha channel contains a special parameter for the shader. The value for the parameter is 0 for 99% of the pixels.

In my XCF I have diffuse color on one layer, and the special parameter on another layer (as a greyscale).

So I copy the diffuse layer and call the copy Final. Then I create a layer mask on the parameter layer using the greyscale value. I copy the layer mask from the param layer to the Final layer, and then I apply the layer mask to Final, which should simply write the mask to alpha.

I look at the channels window to be sure, and alpha is written correctly, BUT everywhere that alpha is black THE OTHER THREE CHANNELS ARE ALSO BLACK! I can't fix this! What do I do? I even tried exporting to see if it carries through to the output image, and it does!

What's more, I tried to trick it by putting a very low value (like 1/2) in the pixels that are supposed to be 0 in alpha, and then I get an even weirder effect, wherein most of the color is kept, but some pixels color information is trashed anyway. Is there an export mode which will tell GIMP not to trash the color information on fully transparent pixels? Or better yet, can I tell it that alpha is not transparency?

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GIMP :: Changing Background Of JPG Image Using Color To Alpha

Sep 21, 2013

First time using GIMP. Following the directions here: [URL] ......

Using, "Color to Alpha," I tried to select the background of my .jpg image. The background is white, the picture (logo) portion is silver. Because of the closeness in color, when I select white, the software selects the entire image to become alpha (transparent).

When I select the color of the picture, silver, I am able to select just the logo portion. How can I take the logo portion, which is now converted to transparent, and give it a black or transparent background, and then return the logo back to its former color silver. The logo is perfect, it is just that I recently switched my site from a white header to a black header and the image has a white background, so that does not look good.

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GIMP :: Change All Pixels Not The Background To One Color

Oct 25, 2012

I have an image with an transparent background. I want to change all pixels that are not the background to one color. How do I do this? I can't select the pixels, they as arbitrariliy distibuted. I've played with threshold, but that's not working either. I tried Image-->Mode -> Indexed and then Use black and white palette, but that doesn't work either. I thought i would convert all non-transparent values to black, but instead its picking some threshold and making some black and others transparent. Example file attached.

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GIMP :: Controlling Color Of Transparent Pixels?

Jun 30, 2012

How can I control the color of transparent pixels?

I save my image in RGBA (Windows bitmap). The RGB value of the completely transparent areas always turn completely black, and I want to control the color myself.

It may seem pointless, as the color is transparent, but I am using the image elsewhere (for creating mipmaps) where there is interpolation between pixels. Interpolating between 0 and 1 in opacity gives 50%, but the RGB part of the interpolation will mix with black, giving a dark halo.

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GIMP :: Eyedropper Tool In For Instance Color To Alpha Dialogue

Nov 26, 2013

I'm on MacOS 10.9 (Mavericks). Using GIMP 2.8.8 (lisanet edition).

GIMP has been installed for many years on my computers, but first since it runs natively (without x11 or xQuartz) have I finally and entirely switched to GIMP for my raster graphic work.

I really like GIMP and I'm working on expanding my knowledge and respect this excellent programme very much. There are of course a couple of oddities when you are used to Photoshop (until 3 months ago). I'm getting there. Though one issue sticks out:

The use of the eyedropper tool for example in the Color to Alpha Dialogue. First of all I'm aware about the difference between the Color Picker (set colour from image pixels) in the toolbox and the eyedropper. I'm writing here about the latter. It simply doesn't work at all. When I open Color to Alpha... and then click on the color field (by default it's white #ffffff) the Color to Alpha Color Picker opens. When I select here the Eyedropper tool (Click the eyedropper, then select a color anywhere on your screen to select that color.) the following scenario happens: the cursor doesn't indicate a particular function (stays as standard pointer) - when clicking anywhere on my screen both dialogues, Color to Alpha and Color to Alpha Color Picker disappear (respectively they slip behind the main GIMP interface). I can't select any color! And when I manage to get the two dialogue windows back into focus, I have to wait a certain amount of time before any pressing of OK or Cancel shows any response.

Sometimes a random color gets selected but this is beyond my influence.

I guess it's a weak spot of the new native GIMP without any X11 wrapping. The windows managements has several weaknesses (i.e. GIMP/Hide). I also thought that it might be caused by the Single-Window Mode. But even without that the problem remains. All in all it's a very important function and without it the workflow involved gets very tiresome.

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GIMP :: Using Select Color Tool On Pixels With Transparency

Mar 28, 2012

I was using but I've found it too limited. The GIMP has much more power and I can do a lot more with it, but I've found a few things I can't figure out how to do.

For example, when I use the Eyedropper tool () to choose a color, GIMP doesn't seem to include any transparency in the selection:   

The Colorpicker just chooses the color at 100% opacity. Is there any way to change this so that my new foreground color includes the transparency level?

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GIMP :: Define Alpha Channel Color - Making Image Transparent

Apr 20, 2012

There seems to be tons of threads on how to make a transparent image, but I haven't been able to fine one to do one specific thing.

How do I set the alpha channel to be black? I want to have a black background on a png file, but I need the black to be transparent to things behind it on a webpage.

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GIMP :: Find All Pixels In Image With Exact / Specific Color?

Apr 7, 2012

How can I find all pixels in an image with an exact, specific color? So far, I've only managed to find the pixels matching a pixel I click on; but I wish to find pixels matching a specific color value!

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GIMP :: Color After Bucket Fill Is Not Solid / Some Pixels Remain Translucent

Mar 31, 2012

step 1) I remove the background of my image with the color to alpha method, isolating the part of the image i want.

step 2) I then use color select tool to select all the transparent area that was left behind from step 1.

step 3) I create a new layer.

step 4) Then I use the bucket fill tool to fill in the area on the 2nd layer that was selected in step 2.

This is where I run into trouble. On some pixels where the color filling meets dotted line area (made by color select tool) the color comes out translucent. I don't want this to happen. I want it to be solid ff00ff (color hex) without the random reductions in opacity.

I'm working with sprites and the emulator i use has ff00ff as transparent. I'm getting random pink color coming out of the edges of my sprites. These little specks of pink should not be appearing in game because it is supposed to be read as transparent. i suspect that these specks coming out are related to these translucent hiccups made in gimp.

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GIMP :: Unchecking Save Color Values From Transparent Pixels Not Fully Working?

Feb 12, 2013

I opened a transparent PNG and exported the PNG to another file and unchecked 'save color values from transparent pixels' but about 20% of the color values in transparent pixels STILL remain in the picture when viewed in other programs that show those pixels!!! Gimp is NOT removing ALL color values in transparent pixels!

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GIMP :: Adjust Clone Tool At 1080 Pixels Vertical And About 20 Pixels Wide

Oct 15, 2012

2 days on GIMP. I need to adjust the clone tool so it's 1080 pixels vertical and about 20 pixels wide. I googled and searched, but I can't seem to find the right phrasing.

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Photoshop :: Alpha Levels Of Pixels In Separate Layer From PNG Image

May 27, 2008

I have a PNG image and like to edit the alpha mask. As there's no separate alpha layer inside the PNG image, but all pixels have a certain alpha value, I'd like to extract that with Photoshop. How can I do that?

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GIMP :: 2.8 - Animated GIF Leaves Black Lines

Jun 29, 2013

i made a animated Gif (Gimp 2.8) but there is something wrong.

i made an escalator with 2 persons on it, they move up the stairs in 12 steps.i made 12 different .XCF's for every step one.

Before converting to animated gif i make the XCF's 1 layer each.when i use the option FILTER > ANIMATION > OPTIMIZE (difference)the animated gif leaves black lines when the persons move (see picture attachment) the export file is very small so that's ok

When i use FILE > EXPORT > (=export as a animated gif) with the option delete previous frame, then the animated Gif looks fine. but the size is 5x bigger than when converting the first option ( i understand why)

how get rid of the black lines ??

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GIMP :: Making Realistic Leaves In Trees And Bushes

Sep 22, 2011

My first real bump on the road is making realistic leaves on trees and bushes. I do not mean really realistic, but more cartoon style but good enough that it looks good. To give a idea of what I mean, look here.

When I try this I try with a paintbrush, but with a larger circle brush the result is to smooth and with a 1px brush it is to small?

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GIMP :: How To Create A Mask That Leaves Detail Of The Hair Of Subject

Mar 15, 2011

Ive been looking through various tutorials on how to create a mask that leaves the detail of the hair of the subject in

It seems all the tutorials I have looked at choose a subject with jet black hair, invert it, and hey presto, job done

Unfortunately, all my kids have got fair hair, and no matter what I try, find it almost indistinguishable from the background

How to do this, cos im losing my mind trying to paint strands of hair in and having the result look like Ive cut the image out of a magazine with a pair of left handed scissors (im right handed!)

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GIMP :: Fill Tool Leaves Rough Unfilled Edges

Jun 27, 2011

Basically whilst using a tablet to draw the outline, i want to fill in the space with a colour. however, this leaves a pixellated edge around the fill, resulting in the piece looking far from perfect. how can i get around this without having to hand fill each individual pixel? is there any way to turn the sensitivity on my tablet off on the tool so that i just draw thick black lines instead of ones that get lighter around the edges?

i have included an example.

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Photoshop :: Change Color Of All Pixels Of Given Color

Dec 7, 2007

Is there a way in photoshop to take all pixels of a certain color code, and change only those pixels to a different color?

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GIMP :: How To Add Alpha Channel To 24 Bit PNG

Aug 12, 2013

I have a 24bit PNG image to be used as a texture in my little game. I want to blend this texture with other colors which require it to have an extra alpha channel. I did some search online and tried some methods including add another layer and add transparency to the image, but neither worked(after I exported the image to png and reopened it, it still only contains 24 bits for every pixel).

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GIMP :: 2.6 - How To Add Alpha Channel

Jul 17, 2013

I'm using 2.6. How do I add an Alpha Channel?

I can't find it in the selections.

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GIMP :: How To Import Alpha Textures

Apr 19, 2011

How to do the steps described in the article "How do I Import Alpha Textures?" (

[URL].... butwith GIMP?

Is special, how can I create an explicit alpha channel that I can manipulate?

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